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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Elderly hypocrisy + 3 more

Elderly hypocrisy


Sadguru Baba has given every reply and all the answers, including when one should leave their post. Baba wants all to attain the stance of supreme fulfillment. So He has clearly stated that in the mid to later years, one should step aside from the bulk of their worldly duties and focus the mind inwards, ensconcing oneself in Parama Purusa. This applies especially to those holding key posts.

Bad for both parties

When a person's physical stamina is waning and their cognitive abilities are decreasing, they should give up the post. If one continues to hold onto that social position into their later years, it is neither good for society nor for one's psycho-spiritual development. That is why Baba says that when one is old, has less energy, and is unable to function properly, one should give up the post and let those who are younger and have ample energy take up the work. Society should not suffer due to one's greediness for the post.

Holding a significant post comes with many responsibilities. If due to old age and feebleness, one cannot attend to those duties properly, they should pass on their worldly responsibilities and titles to their juniors. Those juniors will attend to that work with greater vigour and speed, and society will be benefited. Side by side those senior in years can devote more time to spiritual practice. This is the basic approach and this tenet applies to all Ananda Margiis, both Wts and family margiis.

Dirty history: sycophants kept PP on post to wield power

That does not mean that aged persons cannot do any work at all. There are many types of sevas; surely one can serve in some capacity. But that post might have fewer demands. The main idea is that society should not suffer because of one's compromised abilities and greediness to hold the post. The goal should not be to have a royal funeral in one’s own honour. Rather, one should cultivate the desire to attain Parama Purusa. That should be the aim: To become one with Him.

Who can deny the fact that tremendous physical stamina and sharp cognitive skills are instrumental for carrying out the duties of key posts. If one's physical and psychic faculties are waning, they will not be able to properly execute the important work associated with key positions. In that case, those sitting in the chair should give up the post. It is just like if a world renowned surgeon is aged and their hand is shaking and they cannot recall the next step of the surgical procedure, then who is going to be interested in being operated on by that surgeon. In that case, the surgeon should immediately step down. Same was the case with the first Purodha Pramukha Dada Shraddhananda. He became aged and had dementia and sycophants kept him in the post to wield that power themselves. That caused all sorts of problems.

Similarly if a world renowned, aged pilot is losing his vision and suffering from Parkinson's disease, then who is going to want to fly with such a pilot. No one. Because that pilot can no longer carry out their designated duties. Unfortunately, due to reasons best known to them, some of our senior purodha members do not recall or pay heed to Baba's special teaching that when one is elderly and can no longer do that work then they should leave the post.

For the benefit of all, here below is the (a) translation, (b) transcription, and (c) link to the audio file of this rare excerpt of this never-before-published discourse of 11 June 1979 (Kolkata).

Rudrananda is most devious

Baba: “Prepare your juniors and give up your post immediately”

On this point Rudrananda is most devious. He tells all that he left the post, but the fact is that he kidnapped AMPS and is sitting above PP and controlling all.

Note: The following is an English summary / near literal translation of an excerpt from Baba’s original discourses about leaving one's post.

In the past, after attaining 50+ years of age, the people used to go to the jungle. While living there, they would engage only in the study of the scriptures (svadhyaya), discussion on dharma (dharmashastra), bhajan, kiirtan, sadhana, and puja etc.

But these days, even after people cross 80 years of age, still they do not like to leave their leadership post of minister etc. Instead they proclaim that, 'I want to have a state funeral. If I leave the post then how can I get that. It will be impossible'.

[Then Baba began joking that...] Even the dead body in the cremation ground does not like to leave the post.

(Note: Here dead body means those who are fragile yet still holding the post. They are like dead bodies of the cemetery.)

You all should never do like this. When you see that you have become aged, then give your post to your juniors. At any cost you must not clutch onto your post forever.

(Then Baba was again making jokes and then He asked one Dada, 'Would you like to clutch onto your post forever?' Then everyone started laughing and that Dada replied, 'No, Baba.')

Prepare your juniors and give up your post immediately.

The above is an English summary / near-literal translation of an excerpt from Baba's original discourse. A transcription of the original Bengali is below.


In His above discourse, Baba is giving the guideline that one should not hold onto the post as one crosses into old age when they can no longer do the work. Ultimately, this human life is a spiritual journey, and one should do sadhana regularly from their very childhood up through their early adulthood and mid-life. And later on, when aged, they should devote maximum time towards sadhana, and perform whatever little service one can do according to one’s physical, psychic, and spiritual capacity. And they should pass on their organisational responsibilities to younger people who have ample energy to execute the work.

Baba is clearly giving the hint that post-holders like PP Dada and GS Dada etc should no longer be holding onto their organisational position into the twilight of their lives. Rather, as they have become aged, they should relieve themselves of their duties and dedicate more time to sadhana and some social service. And they should hand over their organisational posts to their juniors. Up till 1990, Baba was cycling more and more young faces into Centre. Now is the time to turn things around and pay heed to Baba's call.

In Him

~ In-depth study ~

Nowadays, degraded people are holding key posts until the day they die, regardless of whether they can do the job properly or not.  They plan to keep the post forever and ever, up till their very expiration, regardless of their mental state etc. The proper system is that when aged one should hand over their post, or taken a lesser position. Due to their lust for power etc, top Dadas are holding onto their post into the very later years of their lives when they have clearly lost command of their physical and mental faculties.

Baba's guideline: original Bengali + English summary

(Note: English readers should be aware that the following has been written in Roman Sanskrit, so various letters are pronounced differently from the English alphabet. Please reference the Roman Sanskrit alphabet page from a recently printed edition of one of our AM books.)

~ Baba’s never-before-published discourse of 11 June 1979 (Kolkata) given in Bengali. ~

Baba: “Panca's hoye gele. Aba'r jungle cale ja'be, keval sha'stra carca', dharma carca', sa'dhana, bhajan.”

English summary: In the past, after attaining 50+ years of age, the people used to go to the jungle. While living there, they would engage only in the study of the scriptures (svadhyaya), discussion on dharma (dharmashastra), bhajan, kiirtan, sadhana, and puja etc.

Baba: "Painca'sordhve vanam vrajah"

English summary: After attaining 50+ years of age, the people used to go to the jungle.

Baba: "Ekhanto assii vatsar hoye ja'va'r pare mantritva cha'r'ate ca'y na'. Bole a'mito state funeral nebo. A'ge mantritva cha'r'ale to sa'ma'n...hobe na'.

English summary: But these days, even after people cross 80 years of age, still they do not like to leave their leadership post of minister etc. Instead they proclaim that, 'I want to have a state funeral. If I leave the post then how can I get that. It will be impossible'.

[Then Baba began joking that...]

Baba: "To ekhan ei rakamer...Ghat'er mar'a' tabuo post cha'r'e na'."

English summary: Even the dead body in the cremation ground does not like to leave the post.

Baba: "Tomara' kintu ei samasta karabe na'. Jei dekhale bayas hoye geche, apane junior ke diye post cher'e debe, sange sange post cher'e debe. Kono vya'pa're post a'nkar'e tha'kibe na'."

English summary: You all should never do like this. When you see that you have become aged, then give your post to your juniors. At any cost you must not clutch onto your post forever.

(Then Baba was again making jokes and then He asked one Dada, 'Would you like to clutch onto your post forever?'. Then everyone started laughing and that Dada replied, 'No, Baba.')

Baba: "Loka taerii kare post cher'e da'o."

English summary: Prepare your juniors and give up your post immediately.

Listen to sound file

Unfortunately, this teaching is not well-known in Ananda Marga as certain personnel never even attempted to publish this very discourse. Now forty years have passed since this discourse was first given, and still this unique pravacan has not been published or printed in any language.

Kindly click below if you wish to listen to the section from Baba's original Bengali discourse where He says that aged people should step down from their post and allow their juniors to carry on with the work.

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Way to form world government

Prout philosophy states, "Divergent national interests and popular scepticism may stand in the way of the formation of a world government. To allay baseless fears from the minds of the people, this task should be carried out step by step. Obstacles will have to be negotiated with an open mind, and the world government will have to be strengthened gradually, not suddenly. For example, to run the world government, two houses may be maintained for an indefinite period. The lower house will be composed of representatives from various parts [countries] of the world, elected on the basis of population. The members of the upper house will be elected country-wise. This will provide opportunities to those countries which cannot send even a single representative to the lower house due to their small population, because they will be able to express their opinions before the people of the world by sending their representatives to the upper house. The upper house will not adopt any bill unless it has been passed by the lower house, but the upper house will reserve the right to reject the decisions of the lower house." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #19

== Section: News ==

Due to embezzlement DMS committee member resigns

- Mumbai (Sun 30 Sep 2018)


Please find below screenshot of CP Arun ji's statement in WhatsApp group. Some top greedy WTs (Satyashrayananda and Pranaveshananda) have arrived in Mumbai to takeover the DMS committee. Due to the greedy attitude of a few top WT, CP Arun ji resigned from Mumbai DMS Committee. 

in Him,
Rani Kapre

== Section: Important Teaching ==

What happens to those who do for ego satisfaction

Those intellectuals and scholars who think about themselves become narrow-minded and degraded. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for them to reach Parama Purusa. Instead their mind becomes smaller. In their next birth they will not even get human life because their mind is lowly. That is the terrible danger of thinking about oneself: One becomes an animal or even a lower creature like a plant or an inanimate object. That is what is explained here below.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "You see, preya or káma remains busy with finite units only, and thus, the ego, who is the enjoyer of such fragmentary units, must be the small ego. It is impossible to develop such an ego which remains always absorbed in these units. Even people of wisdom, of high social status – even so-called intellectual and accomplished scientists and philosophers who are always concerned with earning high respect for themselves or saving their own prestige – even they pursue sensuous or fragmentary objects for the gratification of their egos. Perhaps they deliberately refuse to realize that these petty objectives of their egos will infuse their minds with meanness, as a result of which all their egoistic respect, prestige and status will ultimately be pulverized into dust." (1)

When a person does "service" for their own self-satisfaction that is not real service. Rather their ego is involved and instead of helping others they are ruining themselves by becoming more narrow-minded. That is Baba's warning.

The answer, as Ananda Marga ideology guides us, is to ideate on the Supreme and do thinking that you are serving Him. Then one's service will be true service and the one doing the service will develop a magnanimous and selfless outlook, by His grace.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Supreme Benevolence and Mundane Pleasure

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest