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Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Silent action & thugs + 4 more


Silent action & thugs


When those who looted and usurped power do not allow for peaceful yet meaningful protest like silent action or the signing of petitions etc, then that opens the door for terrible disasters. That is what happened in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha after 1990. Those oppressed and exploited workers had no avenue to express their grievances and in result tensions mounted, fights broke out in Ananda Nagar, Wts were harmed and killed, and the entire organisation became fractured. That all could have been avoided if avenues like silent action were honoured and welcomed with a pure heart. Silent action itself is part of our system of checks and balances to ensure all have a voice and the organisation is run in a proper manner. What is silent action?

Preventive measure that ensures honesty

Ananda Marga ideology states, "If the conduct of senior persons, or táttvikas or ácárya/ás or avadhút/ikás, goes against the Sixteen Points, then you should take silent action. What is silent action? Suppose there is an ácárya/á who delivers sermons about the do's and don'ts, and issues different decrees. But suppose he or she does something which merits criticism by can take silent action against the party." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "What is silent action? Suppose there is a complaint against an ácárya/á and you know for sure that it is valid. The Acárya Board may take two months, four months, or a year to make a decision about this ácárya/á. But why should you wait that long for the decision? Under such circumstances you should take silent action – that is, do not accept the person's ácárya-ship. It is a question of human rights..." (2)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "You take silent action against the offending ácárya/á. And what will be the nature of this silent action? You will disavow the person as an ácárya/á; you will not accept the person as an ácárya/á. I [[vest]] this authority in you. I will never seek any explanation from you as to why you have disavowed the person. Human beings will win honour if they exhibit exemplary conduct." (3)

So silent action is a preventive measure that ensures misdeeds do not mushroom into systemic problems. It is a tool to clean the organisation. Naturally, if that cleaning tool, i.e. silent action is not allowed, then the organisational body will become stained. It quickly turns into a lose-lose situation where step by step disaster results. That is verily what we have witnessed since 1990.

Know your rights: apply silent action

Baba has given a beautiful system for managing the situation if somebody is not following the code of conduct, i.e. teachings of bhagavata dharma Ananda Marga. Most often this happens when various acaryas or senior workers are involved in negative dealings and their subordinates are feeling extremely uncomfortable seeing those wrongs and injustices. So in such a delicate situation Baba has given a special tool to apply the needed psychic pressure and thus resolve the matter. In His dharmic teachings on 15 October 1978, Baba has graciously given one special pathway to execute this in one unique discourse, 'Silent Action'.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Here I have to say a special thing. If the conduct of senior persons, or táttvikas or ácárya/ás or avadhút/ikás, goes against the Sixteen Points, then you should take silent action. What is silent action? Suppose there is an ácárya/á who delivers sermons about the dos and don'ts, and issues different decrees. But suppose he or she does something which merits criticism by can take silent action against the should take silent action – that is, do not accept the person's ácárya-ship." (4)

So the method of pointing out by taking silent action is part and parcel of our comprehensive self-cleaning system, our built-in system of checks and balances, whereby our Ananda Marga society will become more refined, better and better.

in Him,

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are that eternal and most loving 

"Je gán ámáy shunie chile, táki bholá jáy kono jiivane..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4502)

Parama Purusa, the song which You made me listen to -- Your most divine and heart-rending melody -- inundated me in bhakti. How can I ever forget that in this life. It is Your grace. That tune was most beautiful and melodious. You are my most dear and present in each and every pulsation of my blood - my life-force. You have blessed me.
My Supreme Entity Baba, all the time - in the rising and setting of the sun - You are always along with me and saturate the seven layers of my mind with Your divine bliss. I do sastaunga pranam to You with my body, mind, soul, and heart - with my entire existence.  
Baba, You are that eternal and most loving Entity. You were, are, and will remain in each and every molecule of this vast universe, throughout all the lokas including the spiritual world. In 6th lesson of sadhana, with the highest bhakit known as ra'ga'tmika', everyone dances encircling You.   
Baba, Parama Purusa, You have drenched my whole existence with Your infinite krpa’ and bliss. How can I ever forget that. You are so gracious, the karuna' personified and the embodiment of love...
Note for Prabhat Samgiita #4502:
[1] Ra'ga'tmika': Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Ra'ga'tmika' bhakti is the highest stage of pure devotion. In this type of devotion the ideation is, 'I love Parama Purus'a because it makes Him happy. I meditate on Him thinking that my meditation will bring joy to Him. This is my sole intention.' This is ra'ga'tmika' bhakti." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 10, Vaedhii Bhakti and Shuddhá Bhakti

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Baba is talking about 16 Points

Ananda Marga Shabda Cayanika states, “The common people, let alone the master artists, know that sound is not emitted if the strings are loosened too much and the soft and delicate strings snap if they are tightened too much. Human life is also like this. If one practises too much austerity (in some cases, if one makes a parade of austerity), tender human sensitivities snap and break into smithereens’ the soft, delicate parts of the mind get charred and petrified. On the other hand, if life is made akin to a loose string, the nobler yearnings of life will never be fulfilled. In other words, that kind of life degenerates into the life of an animal characterized only by bathing, eating and sleeping. Hence one must never allow the string of life to be loose. But also the string of life should not be left to snap due to excessive strain. The ideal course of life is neither left-oriented nor right-oriented. This kind of life will be conspicuous by the absence of strife, mayhem or horror of the leftists and of toleration of injustices by the rightists in their loose, careless and sloppy life. It is this ideal course that will usher in a life worth yearning for a super-human existence, divinely exquisite and shining brightly on the banner of gold.” (1) 

Note: In the above quote Baba is explaining how Ananda Marga is the middle path. The rule of Ananda Marga is neither the lazy way of praying to nature or idol worship like the loose path, nor is it the path of extreme penance like standing on one leg for 20 years or sitting on lit fire like avidya tantrikas. Ananda Marga is the ideal path. We follow 16 Points very strictly. 

One should know that Ananda Marga is the middle path. Strictly following 16 points is the middle path. In His above teaching, Baba is referring to (a) avidya tantrikas who are very extreme in their penance and (b) idol worshippers. The middle point is Ananda Marga. Sadhakas should be very strict in 16 points. That is what is being taught in the above guideline.

1. Shabda Cayanika - 8, Invention of Various Musical Instruments

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Purchasing capacity is the key

Prout philosophy states, “According to PROUT, increases in per capita income are not a sufficiently reliable and scientific index to determine the standard and progress of a particular socio-economic unit. Rather, this approach is misleading and deceitful, because it refers to a simple mathematical calculation of total national income divided by total population. This does not give the correct picture of the standard of living of the people of a particular socio-economic unit as the wealth disparity in society is concealed. Per capita income shows the mean and not the variation of income distribution. If inflation is also considered, the reliability of per capita income is further reduced."

"Purchasing capacity, on the other hand, is the real index of how people's economic needs can be met by their income. All PROUT's plans and programmes in the socio-economic sphere should be aimed at increasing the purchasing capacity of the people. PROUT stresses increasing purchasing capacity and not per capita income."

"Per capita income is not a proper indication of the increase in the standard of living of the people because while people may have very high incomes they may not be able to purchase the necessities of life. If the per capita income is low and people have great purchasing capacity they are much better off. So, purchasing capacity and not per capita income is the true measure of economic prosperity. Everyone's requirements should be within their pecuniary periphery or purchasing capacity." (1)

1. Proutist Economics, Questions and Answers on Economics – Excerpt A

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Key factor in tandava: remaining off the ground

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Tandava: As long as a dancer remains above the ground, he derives much benefit; when he touches the ground, then those benefits are assimilated by the body. That is why in the tandava dance there is much jumping, because jumping requires the practitioner to remain off the ground for a fairly long period of time." (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva – the Focal Point of Everything (Discourse 3)

== Section 4: Links ==