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Saturday, July 23, 2022

Cure: caste & race + 2 more


Cure: caste & race

Some people think that the problem of caste/race can be tackled by (i) waging a war against those in the exploiter caste/race and (ii) simultaneously providing special benefits to those in the exploited caste/race, in the form of reservations and affirmative actions.

Wrong solutions to the exploitation in the society

These two aforementioned approaches are wrong and go against PROUT. The reason is that they both inherently acknowledge the very existence of caste/race. Whereas unfortunately, recognizing caste/race is in itself the mistake, which results in a divided human society. Humans have evolved from apes and apes do not have caste or race. As descendents of apes, therefore, humans also do not have caste or race. Stratification of society based on caste (in India) and race (outside India) has been falsely imposed throughout the world to perpetuate exploitation.
The question is, how to rid the society of these false divisions based on caste and race? The Proutist solution of eliminating documentation of caste/race is the correct approach; why this is so is explained below.

Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar’s working style & AMPS

There is a tremendous number of examples available within AMPS and in Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar’s own style of working and His writings to prove that documentation based on caste/race is not to be encouraged.

How skin colour becomes black or white

Ananda Marga ideology guides us,
   “Human beings, since their advent onto this earth, found themselves confronted with these types of conflicting natural environments. They had to fight tooth and nail against those particular adverse circumstances to preserve their existence, and that process brought about marked changes in their outward physical structures.”
   “The greater the heat of the sun, the greater the amount of ultraviolet rays in the sunlight. A study of geography tells us why there are differences in the degree of heat of the sun’s rays. Where the sun’s rays fall on earth obliquely, there is less heat of the sun, and where the sun’s rays fall straight on the earth, the heat is greater. In very hot countries white-skinned people find it very hard to live, because their skin, having less of the chemical substance called melanin, is unable to stand much heat. Body skin with a great quantity of melanin in it turns jet black, and obviously a lesser quantity of melanin makes one’s skin white.”
   “If ever white people are forced for some reason to live long in a hot climate, their colour turns brown. In 1939-40, when British soldiers came to India for war purposes, their colour became brown due to the great heat. Naturally, as the skin of these soldiers had to adjust with the hot climate of India, there were some necessary changes in their skin to effect acclimatisation.”
   “In hot countries the irises of people’s eyes are generally black, because more melanin is required to protect the eyeball from the scorching rays of the sun.” (1)

Revolutionary marriages

The system of Ananda Marga is to follow revolutionary marriage (RM). If a so-called Brahmin marries a so-called Dalit then the children of such a family will not have any caste. Marriages within a single caste, i.e. same-caste marriages, which are traditional in the dogmatic Hindu religion, are a way to continue the caste system by formally documenting caste information in each marriage. Similarly, if a fair-skinned Caucasian marries a dark-skinned Negroid or a yellow-skinned Mongoloid, then the offspring will have a mixed skin color making it impossible to identify these children as matching the characteristics of any individual so-called race. In a generation or two the relics of caste/race will be lost in oblivion. Ananda Marga, using Revolutionary Marriage (RM), has permanently erased such marriage-based caste/race documentation.
Even a founding member of AM Shri Ramtanuk jii was strongly punished by Baba for holding caste-based sentiments when he got his child married within his own caste. For years following Ramtanuk jii’s child’s same-caste marriage, Baba stopped talking to Ramtanuk jii for committing this mistake. This is a living example that Baba treats all humans as one & condemns caste and race dogma.

Test of candidates for Family Acaryaship

In the pre-1990 era, all the candidates for Family Acaryaship were tested to check if they had any caste sentiment. Just before the formal examination of Acarya, the candidates were asked certain specific questions to check if they still had caste sentiments deep within them despite all their AM training. These questions would be asked in casual settings like while walking, eating, etc. Typical questions would include, “How can Kayasthas-- members of a particular caste that the candidate might likely be attached to-- be encouraged to join AM?” The candidate would unwittingly lay out a plan for Kayasthas to join AM. The right answer for such a question should of course be that there are no castes and thus there should not be special caste-based programs. However, those candidates who still believed in the caste system would provide a caste-based program. Such candidates invariably failed. Again, this is a living demonstration of the importance of giving-up all caste/race related sentiments to progress in one’s spiritual life.

No questions about caste/race in AM functions like DMS

It is well known that in any AM functions no questions about one’s caste/race are asked. This system was set-up for the simple reason that AM does not subscribe to the idea of documenting anyone’s so-called caste/race. Thus, caste/race documentation is not followed in AM.

“Revolutionary marriage is the solution”

One of the important solutions provided by Ananda Marga philosophy to the problem of casteism is the system of revolutionary marriage (RM). Maintaining a so-called “pure” blood-line by have same-caste/race marriages divides the society into groups and breeds animosity leading to a fragmented social fabric. According to Ananda Marga philosophy, revolutionary marriage is one of the main solutions to tackle this problem and form a strong unified society, as the RM system obliterates the distinctions between people by mixing all the blood together. 

Here is a rough translation Baba’s guideline from 14 Jan 1984 Patna:

More and more people should adopt revolutionary marriage. The strong boys and girls and their guardians should quash the notion of caste/race and thereby form a strong society. And we have to propagate the ideals of Ananda Marga in all the corners of the world. For that we need more whole time workers. Some of you can become whole time workers while others can adopt revolutionary marriage to strengthen the society. (Rough English Translation ends)

According to Prout caste/race is not to be documented

Prout does not support any differentiation amongst human beings based on caste/race as Prout is based on neohumanism.

Evidence based on Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar’s writings
In a number of places, the propounder of Prout, Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar, says that caste is a false social order and is an outdated and dogmatic institution. The caste system must be wiped out immediately. To do so the first step, indeed, is to remove caste documentation and all mention of caste from the records. One can either be a spiritualist or a dogmatic individual but not both. One who maintains or supports maintaining caste related information cannot be a spiritualist. According to Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar, everyone should adopt a uniform title namely Deva so that in all the records, name based markers for one’s caste would be eliminated.
Prout philosophy guides us, “Casteism is a burden on the Hindu society. All the year round they preach casteism but on the polling days they decry it. This is wholly undesirable. It is better to avoid all titles. Titles signify the caste. If casteism is to be wiped out, it is incumbent to discard the titles. It is commendable if everyone adopts uniformity on title – Deva. Persons using a particular word more often will influence their minds with the meaning of that word. People are reluctant to use the word dása because this word signifies slavery. Whenever the so-called low caste people catch an opportunity, they declare themselves as belonging to the so-called elevated caste, etc. It is an ideal to become deva and for this reason Deva title should be adopted.” (2)

Those who follow caste/race don't believe in one Supreme Father

AM ideology teaches us that a father cannot have children of more than one race, and Parama Purusa is everyone’s father. As all are the children of one supreme Father, all are of the same race, the same ‘caste’, the same ‘ja’ti’.


Recognizing caste/race is in itself the mistake, which results in a human society divided based on caste/race. Humans have evolved from apes and apes do not have caste or race. Thus humans, the descendents of apes, also do not have caste or race. Stratification of society based on caste (in India) and race (outside India) has been falsely imposed throughout the world to perpetuate exploitation.

The Proutist solution to the evils of casteism and racism is to be achieved through the elimination of all documentation of caste and race. This elimination of caste and race documentation is in turn realized through (i) revolutionary marriages and (ii) abolishing caste/race specific titles in people’s names.

At His Lotus Feet,

Shrii P. R. Sarkar says, “It is better to avoid all titles. Titles signify the caste. If casteism is to be wiped out, it is incumbent to discard the titles.” (3)

All belong to the human race

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, ”In Ananda Marga the first step that a person takes is to forget one’s race or sect and to no longer identify oneself with one’s race, caste or sect, whether it was superior or inferior. In social functions based on racial considerations, racial prejudices figure very prominently. In our collective functions, members of all races, castes or creeds take part as equals. The caste, race or nation is often the main consideration in arranging marriages. In our Márga, there is no such consideration. These petty differences between human beings are not given any importance. Humanity as a whole is considered as one family belonging to the race of human race. In such a society, injustice due either to economic background, sex or racial considerations will be unknown.” (4)

In-depth learning

The Proutist solution to the evils of casteism and racism is to be achieved through the elimination of all documentation of caste and race. This elimination of caste and race documentation is in turn realized through (i) revolutionary marriages and (ii) abolishing caste/race specific titles in people’s names (see note 1 for a link to a detailed earlier posting on this topic). However, some confused people mistakenly believe that those belonging to a so-called superior caste or race, who exploit the people belonging to a so-called inferior caste or race, are themselves the root cause of the evils of casteism and racism.

In this post, caste and race are treated as similar in the sense that they are both the cause of false divisions in human society.

Note: Although, caste and race are different constructs in a literal sense but in the context of splitting human society both play a similar role. In India, caste is inherited from father to children. In western countries, often skin color is used as a marker of one’s race and inherited biologically. Both aforementioned constructs split the society into a hierarchy of superior and inferior caste/race. People do not mix/inter-marry across the caste/race in order to maintain “purity.” People at every level exploit their inferior caste/race while themselves get exploited by their superior caste/race. The exploitation is evidently all-pervasive in the society. Hence, in this posting, caste and race are all treated as similar.

1. Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 1, A Few Problems Solved Part 2
2. Táttvika Diipiká (Paiṋcama Parva), Ánanda Púrńimá 1957
3. Táttvika Diipiká (Paiṋcama Parva), Ánanda Púrńimá 1957
4. Tattvika Praveshika, Social Psychology

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Correct explanation of surrender

Some think surrender means doing nothing and depending on God. How far is this correct?

Answer: It is not correct. In the following teaching Baba has given the explanation.

   "Párthasárathi says, Má karmaphalaheturbhúmá te saungostvakarmańi [“You must not do actions that will bind you, but you must not be averse to action, either”]. Do your duty, your karma. Now, is this karma in conformity with prapatti or is it antagonistic to prapatti? The teachings of Vraja Krśńa are clearly consistent with prapatti. His existence, His actions, the music of His flute, the way in which He attracts people and gives them shelter – all these are in perfect harmony with prapatti, because an individual feels free after surrendering everything to the Macrocosmic Entity. Here Párthasárathi says, “Do your karma, for you have an inalienable right to your karma.” Karma is defined as Karma Brahmeti karma bahu kurviita – “You are human. Simply look upon karma as a veritable expression of Brahma [Supreme Entity] and do as much karma as you can.”
   "Is this in agreement with prapatti or at variance with prapatti? It seems to be opposed to prapatti but in actuality it is not. If we go deeper into the subject, we see that this quinquelemental body, this body of flesh and bones, this mind made of ectoplasmic stuff, this reflecting plate that acts as the witnessing entity (known as átman or puruśa in philosophy) – all these have their origin in Parama Puruśa. It is the Cosmic desire that is the source of the creation of the human body, mind and soul. If we utilize this body, mind and jiivátmá [soul, self, unit consciousness], we are only following the path of prapatti. That is, we are utilizing the things given to us by Parama Puruśa. All these things, the body, mind and self, are His gifts. Had He willed otherwise, they would not have existed. Without Cosmic desire, nothing can exist, nothing can move, not even a blade of grass. So in accordance with the spirit of prapatti, that the body is a machine, we can say that He has been kind enough to provide the body and mind, to be utilized for work only. Hence I follow the spirit of prapatti in using them."
   "In the beginning, karma seemed to be against prapatti, but karma is not antithetical to prapatti. It is definitely in conformity with prapatti. So a boy or a girl who does work is surely following the path of prapatti. Even if there is any room for indolence while enjoying the flute of Vraja Krśńa, there is not the least room for inaction in the clarion call of the karma yoga of Párthasárathi Krśńa." (1)

1. Namami Krsnasundaram, Krśńa and Prapattiváda – 2 (Discourse 5)

== Section 3: Links ==

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