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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Baba’s unique way + 3 more

Baba’s unique way


Sadguru Baba’s demonstrations are the practical side of Ananda Marga philosophy. Without that tangible expression, doubters and skeptics would think that Ananda Marga philosophy is merely intellectual extravaganza. In their heart of hearts, those intellectuals and materialists do not truly accept spirituality. So without a practical display, they would not be convinced.

Indeed, those materialists think that it is a random fluke that they have come on this earth, and that one day they will just vanish into the oblivion. So Baba had to give a lot of demonstrations to practically teach people about (a) samskara theory, (b) past lives and reincarnation, (c) sadhana realisation and samadhi etc. To prove the reality and veracity of all these sublime topics and abstruse subjects, Baba performed innumerable demonstrations. Otherwise, those with lower sadhana could never believe that samadhi really exists; discourses alone would not convince them. Moreover, many could not actually believe that Parama Purusa is everywhere and witnesses everything. For this reason, Baba gave so many demonstrations.

Most margiis realise in their own personal, practical life that the Creator of this entire universe cares for them individually, one on one. And most sadhakas understand that He is loving, sees everything small or big that a person thinks and does, and helps in all kinds of ways.

Why most demonstrations were not documented

Verily, Baba presented a plethora of demonstrations on every facet of Ananda Marga philosophy. Unfortunately, the details and documentation of most of those experiences have already been lost. Those days He was doing demonstrations so regularly that they became commonplace, whereby people did not feel the need to document those incredible events.

It is just like how at the time of a severe flood people do not think to store water to use during a drought. Likewise, those living on the equator do not keep a photo of the sun on their wall, while those living on the north or south pole dream about the sun during the winter months. So the sheer number and frequency of Baba’s demonstrations is the reason why sadhakas were reticent or lax in documenting them those days.

Top of all, the main reason Baba performed demonstrations was to show the practical side of Ananda Marga philosophy.

The microvita demonstration

In reporting, there was one incident that I remember clearly. Baba was doing a demonstration in Tiljala about negative microvita and its effect on the human body.

In this demonstration, in order to help and cure sadhaka C, Baba withdrew the capacity of Brother C’s hands and feet. Those organs gradually stopped working. Brother C’s body became progressively stiffer and stiffer until finally his body was completely non-functional. In that condition, Brother C was carefully placed in a supine position in the demonstration room.

Then in His divine liila, Baba told those in attendance, “Because of his negative samskara, he has to face the situation. Ask him what he wants now.”

Quickly, the margiis inquired with Brother C.

Brother C kept quiet; he did not know how to reply.

Then Baba ordered, “Ask him if he wants his strength to be returned?”

All those present quickly turned to Brother C and posed the question.

Then Brother C replied, “Yes, Baba.”

Baba lovingly ordered, “Ask him why he wants his strength back.”

Again the Dadas and margiis looked to Brother C and asked him. The sadhaka kept quiet. So everyone became anxious and wondered what to do next. The situation was very dramatic and tense.

Baba remained His usual Self, in a state of complete equipoise - the personification of sweetness and love. Such is the way of His liila.

Baba inquired, “What is his reply. Tell me.”

Brother C’s promise to Guru

The bhaktas present in the room were in a fix about what to say. They could see that Brother C was unable to move his hands and feet, but they did not know how to reply. And all the while Brother C was not answering.

Baba then told, “If his strength is returned then what will he do. If he promises to serve society with his physical body, then in that case he can have his strength back. Otherwise, let him remain as is and face his samskara.”

Baba graciously told, “Ask him.”

By this point, the situation had become ever more intense. Everyone turned to Brother C and asked him the question. Immediately, the sadhaka promised, “Baba please grace me and give me my strength back so that I may dedicate myself to the cause of serving suffering humanity.”

Then in His divine liila, Baba touched the tip of His own stick and told GS Dada, “Now go and use this stick to touch him.”

GS Dada promptly took Baba’s stick and touched disciple C with it. Immediately, Brother C got his strength back. That was the culmination of the demonstration. Later on, Brother C realised that his stomach disease had been cured.

By Baba’s grace, ever since then, with his disease-free body, Brother C has been vigorously active in social service work.

Why sadhaka C was chosen for this demonstration

Sadhaka C had some bad samskaras from his past life, and, in facing those samskaras, he had developed a terrible stomach disease. That is why ever-gracious Baba chose Brother C for the demonstration on negative microvita.

Not only that, it was also explained that because of Brother C’s negative samskara, he was going to face a serious accident in the very near future. But, in the liila of this microvita demonstration, i.e. by Baba’s unfathomable grace, this sadhaka’s samskara was removed, and he was saved from the present and impending disaster.

Conclusion: three points

By this above demonstration, a few points are very clear:
1. Negative microvita causes disease.
2. Positive microvita cures disease.
3. Every Ananda Margii must utilise their body to serve humanity.

In Him,
Sarvadhii Deva

~ In-depth study ~

Parama Purusa does not have occult powers

By seeing or hearing about the above demonstration, some may wonder if this is Baba’s use of occult powers. But occult power means that which is acquired through the practice of cult. No one can lay claim that as the Parama Purusa He uses “occult power”. Because being the Parama Purusa He does not get that power through the practice of cult. Rather, that power which He uniquely has is His own, original, inherent quality.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The majority of people today do not know the technique of using microvita. The Universal Entity, sitting in one place, has been using microvita to accelerate the spiritual growth of individuals in different celestial bodies in different ways. Only that Supreme Entity who is conversant with these techniques and can teach them to individual spiritual aspirants is the Supreme Guru. He keeps all within His contact, and with the help of microvita, elevates all spiritually.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Living beings, through their own individual efforts, can achieve only a little progress in the carbonic world, but in the non-carbonic world only the grace of the Supreme Guru can lead them towards the supreme goal.” (2)

Must not run after occult powers

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Hence the spiritual aspirant must not run after these inconsequential occult powers, although while prasticing spiritual cult they may develop. You must not forget that all your achievements must maintain adjustment with the main propensities of the mind, and in the process of adjustment, all these eight types of occult powers present themselves to the spiritual aspirant.” (3)

Occult powers are dust of the earth

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “While practising spiritual cult, it should be remembered that spiritual aspirants must not practise in order to acquire these occult powers. The goal of spiritual practice is to realize the Supreme Entity. To search for any other thing is wrong. Occult powers are just like the dust on the roadside. The attraction for Parama Puruśa is the most valuable object – all else is only the dust of the earth.” (4)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 8, The Neo-Ethics of Multi-Lateral Salvation
2. A Few Problems Solved - 8, The Neo-Ethics of Multi-Lateral Salvation
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Cult, Inference and Propensity
4. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Cult, Inference and Propensity

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Your expansive love & compassion

“Kon ajáná áloke álokita kare dile, priyatama bolo more…” (Prabhat Samgiita #1847)


O’ my Dearest Lord, please tell me, by which unknown effulgence have You illuminated everything here? How have You infused Your divine light all around? When You came to my home, it was a great surprise - I could not believe it. My eyes could not accept what they were seeing even after gazing directly upon You.

At that time, You brought the nectar of the triloka (three worlds) with You and filled all the dreariness and emptiness with Your resplendent colour and sweet vibration. With Your infinite joy and invisible touch, You spread Your blissful Self everywhere, filling every morsel of this universe with Your expansive love and compassion.

O’ the Effulgent Entity, the wheels of Your chariot guide me perfectly along on my path unto divinity. By Your grace, I am never alone; I always feel Your presence. You are the supreme embodiment of hundreds of thousands of golden, shining lamps. You are just like the eternal luminescence glowing unceasingly on the lampstand of my ideation.

Baba, You have graciously lit the inner core of my heart and made me Yours...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Dog food

~ English Summary ~

(a) Donkey food (Gardabha'nna) is that food purchased with ill-begotten money or sinfully earned money.

(b) If someone feeds you with deep love, respect, and affection and that feeling is conveyed through their expression, talk and conduct, and by feeding you they feel blissful ("Toma'ke kha'iae a'nandit hobe") and very content, and if you do not eat then they will feel pain, in this situation whatever food you eat in their house-- even if it is just boiled grass-- will be treated as priityanna (proper & sentient food). Any meal or food not prepared under such ideal conditions is donkey food.

(c) So if food is not given with that heart-felt feeling and if one's own life is not in danger due to starvation, in that condition then any food offered is donkey food, Gardabha'nna. So one must not eat that food. (English Summary Shabda Cayanika - 20, p.163-64 [Bangla])

Note: In western society that food which is not fit for human consumption is typically labeled as 'dog food'. And a similar idea Baba has conveyed above by the term donkey food - "Gardabha'nna". 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Three points for welfare of society

Prout philosophy states, “For the all-round welfare and development of human beings, society needs to follow some fundamental socio-political principles. Without the firm foundation of such principles, disunity, injustice and exploitation will flourish. To avoid this and to safeguard the interests of all people, the leaders of society must ensure that cardinal socio-political principles are strictly followed. Otherwise, individual and collective progress can never be achieved.”

“There are three cardinal socio-political principles which should never be violated. First, people should not be retrenched from their occupations unless alternative employment has been arranged for them. Secondly, people should not be forcibly converted from one religion to another. Thirdly, no mother tongue should be suppressed. Occupation, spiritual practice and mother tongue are very important to human beings. If the sentiments associated with them are hurt, human beings will be deeply affected. So, you should never violate these cardinal socio-political principles.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Most effective type of disciplinary code

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Still, a controller is necessary in the physical sphere, highly necessary, because in this physical sphere, those of animal nature seize the morsels of food from others’ mouths like mad dogs. In this material sphere, living beings in human form, driven by dogmas, dash the only children of widows to the ground. In this material sphere, demons greedy for wealth starve the simple, innocent and disunited people to death, bit by bit. In this material sphere, the mighty rip out the tongues of the weak and silence their voices forever; they deprive them of the opportunity to express their inner urges. Thus there is a great necessity of a strict disciplinary code for this physical world. It is not necessary for this code of discipline to be always in the form of a book. Rather, a benevolent person of spirited intellect can work more effectively than a book in this regard." (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Gay homosexual: fatuous philosophies can wreak havoc

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Generally people use the empty words of philosophy like tinsel to cover their internal blackness of character. Some of this tinsel is golden, some silver, some of a variety of colours. At first, people who have lost their way, or strayed from the path, are attracted by these bright colours, like those deceived by a mirage. Later on they lose everything, and their knees broken, they fall and meet their deaths in the scorching heat of frustration. Sometimes, before their deaths, they are able to recognize the illusion of the mirage, but in most cases they are unable to discover it before they breathe their last. The lethal nature of these defective philosophies remains unknown to them forever. In the psychic world, the implementation of these fatuous philosophies can wreak havoc." (1)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc 14

== Section 4: Links ==

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