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Monday, August 31, 2020

Ignorance of some Wts + 4 more


Ignorance of some Wts


It is time to apply the litmus test to see if we and those around us are doing namaskar properly or not.

If you, me, or anyone walks into a room and waits for others to do namaskar, it means they do not know the meaning of this salutation. Because if in their heart and mind anyone understands that namaskar is a salutation to the Supreme, they will be vigilant and ready to quickly do namaskar to anyone they see. Forgetting this point, one will think, "I am a man of respect; let others salute me first." In that case, one will not do namaskar first. That means they have misunderstood the entire essence of namaskar. In such situations, they are merely demonstrating their own disillusionment or ignorance.

You may have seen such situations. If you walk down the hallways these days in Ranchi or Tiljala, so many “big” Dadas never do namaskar to their junior workers. Rather, such Dadas expect that all should respectfully do namaskar to them and in response they may casually wave or nod their head.

When any high posted Dada does like this, then they have degraded themselves by forgetting the divine truth that namaskar is being done to the Supreme, not to them. But instead such Dadas are puffing up their own ego and vanity thinking that the namaskar salutation is a reflection of one's own greatness or social standing. That is the degree of their misunderstanding.

Then if one tours any overseas sector, often we find that those who have become family acaryas fall into this same awful predicament. With their new found title, those family acaryas think all should honour them by doing namaskar first. Again, this is nothing but proof of their own ignorance. Ultimately, whether acarya or not, any arrogant person is prone to degrading themselves in this way by thinking that namaskar is being done to them.

So we should all think, review the situation, and make sure that we are not falling into this trap, nor allowing others to do so. We should know that when doing namaskar we are offering our salutations to the Supreme.

Wrongly think that namaskar is being done to them

At the same time, problems rarely exist in isolation. Most often two people are involved in any wrongdoing. This is the case with the misunderstanding about namaskar - as well. Up till now, we have been primarily discussing the ignorance of the person who is receiving the namaskar salutation. They wrongly think that namaskar is being done to them.

The other side of the scenario is the person who is actually doing namaskar. The proper spirit should be that we are paying our salutations to the Supreme One.

But it sometimes happens - either to us or others - that we are thinking that an important person has entered the room so we should quickly go and do namaskar. Or we may think that, “The person before me is so great that I must be extra careful to show him my respect by doing namaskar very slowly.” Or anytime the thought infests our mind that the salutation within namaskar is being done to the person in front of us, and not Parama Purusa, then the person doing namaskar has also fallen into dogma. That is a sign of one's own ignorance.

Whenever a so-called great person walks into any room waiting for others to do namaskar to them and whenever a person sees a so-called great person and thinks, “I must honour them by doing namaskar”, then in that moment, both parties involved are 100% ignorant. Both are misusing and misunderstanding the namaskar salutation and degrading themselves.

One other scenario is if an aged, or senior, or so-called respected person sees a 5-year-old boy, then they may think, "Why should I do namaskar to this small child." This is also a diseased outlook. We should always remember that Parama Purusa is timeless and ageless and whatever form is standing before us, He resides within all. No one should fall into ignorance by failing to do namaskar in such circumstances.


Parama Purusa has blessed us with one very special type of salutation to recognise His presence in all circumstances and interactions. This is a spiritual boon. So we should always watch ourselves to ensure we are following the word and spirit of His namaskar guidelines. Failing that - should we become at all ignorant in this regard - then that will only lead to our degradation.

Remembering Him is the path of vidya and elevation and forgetting Him is the path of avidya and degradation. When doing or receiving namaskar, we must always bear in mind salutations are being done to Him, and not any unit being.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Why namaskar mudra

Ananda Marga ideology states, "What is our style of extending goodwill? We do, Namaska'r. That is, “I pay respect to the Supreme Entity residing within you.” You should remember this. “I concentrate all the good feelings of my mind here in the trikut'i [between the eyebrows].”

“In your mind there are so many propensities. Propensities are called vrtti in Sanskrit. So there are so many vrttis, so many propensities..."

"So many thoughts are in your mind. But you should concentrate all your thoughts at a particular point, here – that is, with all the strength and goodwill of your mind you are doing this – you are touching these two palms here [trikut'i]. That is, you are concentrating all your goodwill here, because you are paying respect to Parama Purus'a residing within this body...[pointing to different people]. First do this."

"And not only mental concentration, you are human beings, you have got so many sentiments also. Human sentiment, you know? When you feel much joy you burst into tears, when much sorrow you burst into tears. These are sentiments. And human beings are guided by sentiment, more by sentiment than by logic, you must not forget it – more by sentiment than by logic. So your sentiment is also there, so with all the concentration of your mind and with all the sweetness of your sentiment, from the very core of your heart, you are paying respect to Parama Purus'a residing within human structure. So you do this [palms together at mid-point of chest], and say, Namaska'r."

"I think you have understood it? A very sweet idea. So it is my opinion, my desire, that human society [be] one, indivisible; it is an expressed form, a sweet expression, of Parama Purus'a, to whom you should always pay respect by doing namaska'r." (1)

When namaskar & when namaste

One other dogma floating around the fake and new-age yoga community in the west and in India also is the use of namaste. This is a bit of a separate topic, but in general one should understand that namaskar is to be used with human beings and namaste is only to be used when honouring Parama Purusa directly, not seeing Parama Purusa in the form of some unit being. Our Marga should not fall prey to this dogma. There is an important distinction which can be discussed in greater length. Suffice to say here that we should pay heed to Baba's below guideline.

Ananda Marga ideoloyg says, "The generally-accepted rule is that one should do namaska'ra to a human being or a god or goddess, but one should do namaste or namastubhyam only to Parama Purus'a, not to any other entity." (2)

Role of mudra in namaskar salutation

Baba has also detailed another important quality of the namaskar salutation by clearly telling the importance of the mudra. Sometimes people fail to bring their thumbs to the trikuti point or their palms to their heart. But Baba has given a pointed explanation about this. In brief, bringing the palms to the triktui point helps focus the mind and honour Parama Purusa and when bringing the palms to the heart we offer all our feelings unto Him.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Parama Puruśa within Everyone
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, The Intuitional Science of Tantra

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Please come in Your attractive way

"Tumi nandan-manthan candan sa'r a'j eso prabhu ghare a'ma'r..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4394)


Baba, O’ Parama Purusa, You are the most endearing and charming Entity and as sweet as the essence of nectar. Please come to my home today. I have decorated my entire house for Your reception - for the occasion of Your august arrival. I have opened all the doors and windows of the abode of my heart, along with the thousand petals of the white lotus. I have decorated with mango branchlets, with leaves over the pitcher. All done with the hope that You will come in a gracious mood.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, I do not know the protocol for welcoming You, nor how to receive You in a grand way. You are anadi, beginningless, so Your lineage is not known to me. I never heard of Your gotra. And there are no particular scriptures, rituals, or dos and don'ts for chanting Your name, and calling You. So with my ista mantra I am calling You with tears in my eyes.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, I came to know that You are vast. Your idol cannot be made and You do not have an abode in any tiirtha. I never heard of any pilgrim that You like. So It is useless to search for You in the various holy lands. For all these reasons, I have created the atma'-tiirtha: Your seat in my soul. In that very divine temple, my mind is dancing, overwhelmed in the bliss of having You. Baba, please come in an attractive and exquisite way. Kindly come in my heart, I have been waiting for You since ages...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Dire weakness of democracy

Prout philosophy states, “There are occasions when majority decisions do not create unity in society because people are more or less divided on an issue. In such circumstances, the leaders should be very cautious when making their decisions, and take special care to safeguard the interests of everybody. In particular, they should select a course of action which does not harm the sentiments of any group. For example, suppose there are seven brothers in a joint family, and these brothers are divided on an issue. Four brothers may be on one side and three brothers on another. If the head of the family takes a decision based on the wishes of the majority, the family will be divided into two groups. Therefore, a decision should be taken which safeguards the interests of all the brothers.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Humans have made their own death bed

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Due to the foolishness of human beings many creatures and objects will not survive the period fixed for them by nature. Prior to their stipulated period of longevity they will be swallowed up by eternity. Human beings due to their utmost folly have annihilated numerous objects and thus prepared their own funeral pyre. Such folly on the part of human beings is unbearable. Human beings must be cautious from now on. They must restructure their thoughts, plans and activities in accordance with the dictates of ecology. There is no alternative.” (1)

1. Neo-humanism in a Nutshell - 2, How Cruel Human Beings Are! – Excerpt B

== Section == 

দোষগুলো দ্রুত সরে যায় | বিশেষ করে আলস্য আর দীর্ঘসূত্রতা“এই ছ’টা দোষ সম্বন্ধে অনেকই অনেক ভেবেছেন | তা, এর জন্যে যে তান্ত্রিক সাধনা-পদ্ধতি শিব আবিষ্কার করেছিলেন, এর জন্য তাণ্ডব নৃত্যের প্রবর্তন শিব করেছিলেন, কারণ তাণ্ডব নৃত্যতে কি হয় ? এই দোষগুলো দ্রুত সরে যায় | বিশেষ করে আলস্য আর দীর্ঘসূত্রতা, খুৰ তাড়া-তাড়ি সরে যায় | তাই মানব জীবনে তাণ্ডবের প্রয়োজনীয়তা অত্যন্ত অধিক |” (1)

1. MGD, 3 January 1982 Ananda Nagar

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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Most don't know + 2 more

Most don’t know


Nowadays, within the general society, there is a basic misunderstanding and confusion about religion. Most think that religions themselves are ok - even good, and those who practice the religion in a loose way are also fine. According to the general populace, the problem only lies with those followers who strictly and blindly adhere to the tenets of a given religion.

To emphasize their point, regular citizens rightly label such strict adherents of religion as 'fundamentalists', 'radicals', and 'extremists' etc. But in their blindness they speak benignly or even appreciatively about normal members of the church or attendees of the temple etc. So the common people feel that only the radical fundamentalists are bad-- not the religion itself or standard attendees. As Ananda Margiis, though, we can easily see the defects of such an approach.

Following to any degree is negative

Without any ambiguity Sadguru Baba fully warns us about the defective nature and harmful effect of all the religions, as they are all rooted in dogma.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "On the basis of religion human beings group together and indulge in internecine feuds. Such religions are responsible for spilling the blood of innocent men and women. I don't want to single out any religion as most do not follow the path of logic. Instead they prefer to inject a certain type of cheap sentiment into the human mind to cripple the intellect and impair rational judgement." (1)

When religion itself is harmful, dogmatic and negative - then everyone associated with that religion is also of that mold. When religion itself is 100% negative then following it a little is also negative. Following it partially cannot yield any good results. It is just like if someone smokes 3 cigarettes or drinks half a bottle of whiskey - both those actions are harmful. So we cannot appreciate those actions simply because they did not smoke the whole pack of cigarettes or just because they did not drink the entire bottle of alcohol. That would be senseless. But unfortunately, with regards to religion, the common public fails to understand this simple equation.

Some in AMPS fall into this similar pattern

Tragically, some in our AMPS are also confused about this point of religion. There are a few so-called Wts who openly support going to church etc. And they admire how the church guides the people etc. And there are some so-called margiis who still attend "confession" with the Catholic church or consult other religious professionals etc. To the degree anyone does like this is the same degree to which they do not understand Ananda Marga teachings.

Even worse, a few so-called margiis in AMPS are so confused that they think that strict adherence to Ananda Marga ideology is also like some negative fundamentalists. This is the skewed viewpoint of a few so-called margiis. Due to their crude mind they react if someone is beautifully following all Baba's teachings.

Here the point is that strictly following dharma has not a single negative effect - rather it is all positive. Because adhering to dharmic, neo-humanistic principles will bring more and more sunshine onto this earth. So we should be strict in following dharma and not pay attention to any confused persons in our AMPS who might wrongly pass out their accusations. To obliterate any confusion about this, here following are Baba's dharmic words.

Spiritual fanaticism not religious fanaticism

Ananda Marga ideology states, "जानते हो हर कर्म के लिए एक ज़िद की ज़रूरत होती है | अच्छे कर्म के लिए भी, ख़राब के लिए भी | ख़राब कर्म के लिए जिन के मन ज़िद रहता है, वे दुनिया के लिए भयङ्कर मनुष्य बन जाते हैं, terror बन जाते हैं | ठीक वैसा ही अच्छे कर्म के लिए ज़िद है, वे दुनिया के सम्पद बन जाते हैं | उनकी तरक्की कोई रोक नहीं सकता है | तो, परमपुरुष की प्राप्ति के लिए भी, इसी तरह का एक ज़िद रहना चाहिए—”मैं अवश्य पाऊँगा, पा कर रहूँगा”—काम हो जाएगा | तो, यह ज़िद, ज़िद चाहिए | तो, यह एक प्रकार का spiritual fanaticism, not religious fanaticism | Religious fanaticism ख़राब है, group बनता है | Spiritual fanaticism---“आदर्श के लिए मैं सब कुछ करूँगा—जीना, मरना, मेरे लिए समान है | मेरे लिए सबसे क़ीमती चीज़ है आदर्श |” तो, यही याद रखोगे कि  इस तरह की एक ज़िद की ज़रूरत है|” (2) (General Darshan, 30 December 1970 Patna)

Here is the overall gist, or English summary, of the above Hindi teaching:
Every work needs determination, not only good works but bad also. Those who are determined in doing bad work become dangerous and create terror for the world. In contrast, those who are dogged in doing good work become treasures for the world; no one can prevent their progress. Hence, there should also be a resoluteness to attain Parama Purusa: "I will get Him, certainly I will get Him," like this you will get success. So, one should have this type of determination, this is a type of spiritual fanaticism, not religious fanaticism. Religious fanaticism is bad as it leads to the formation of groups. Spiritual fanaticism (teaches), "I will do everything for the sake of ideology. Whether I live or to die for my ideology, it is the same to me. The most precious thing for me is my ideology." So, remember, only this type of determination is necessary.

Why moderation is harmful in AM

Suppose a surgeon is not strict in following the codes of conduct and protocol for medical procedures. That surgeon is not fanatical - i.e. he is not strict but rather sloppy in his medical procedures. Then will you like to go to him for open heart surgery? No, never. Because you want a doctor who is fanatical in his medical work - very accurate and strict. That is the reason for fanaticism in Ananda Marga also: because Ananda Marga is rational. The followers of Ananda Marga are very strict in rational ideas then they, as well as the society at large, will be greatly benefited.

Fanaticism in religion is deadly, but fanaticism in dharma is very good. In religion, moderation is less poisonous  otherwise one will end up harming or even slaughtering others in the name of their dogmatic teaching. That is why moderation is needed in religion, but moderation is harmful on the path of dharma i.e. Ananda Marga.


Think of it this way: If one is fanatical about taking a walk every day, or not smoking, or following a sentient diet, or exercising regularly, then that is very good. Because all those practices are healthy and beneficial. The basic rule is that fanaticism is good if the endeavor is just and noble. So when everything in our Ananda Marga is dharmic and righteous, then being fanatical about Ananda Marga practices is very beneficial.

Only by being ultra-strict in following bhagavad dharma can we bring relief and justice in society. The stricter the better - there is nothing to be lost in being more vigilant. Only there is something to be gained. The more strict we are in helping the needy or eliminating exploitation, the greater the result. There is no drawback by being fanatical in following the dharma of Ananda Marga. It will make the society pure and the sadhaka divine.

In Him

Pointing out religious loopholes

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Read any so-called religious book: one will seldom find anything resembling tolerance of the religious beliefs of others...If necessary, different views can be compared and presented in philosophical books. The philosophical and psychological loopholes in an argument may be pointed out without being disrespectful.” (3)

~ In-depth study ~

Here Baba is giving the answer in black and white, AM is the true solution.

Baba says, "A'nanda Ma'rga is that path of progress, and that is why A'nanda Ma'rga is the only alternative for the preservation of human existence and civilization." (4)

Baba says, "Ananda Marga alone is dharma and all the rest are sectisms." (5)

Thus AM and dharma are one. And here following is Baba's mandate that dharma should always be followed:

Sutra 2-7: Tasmaddharmah Sada'ka'ryah
Meaning: Dharma should always be practiced

So when AM is dharma and when dharma should always be followed, then in all situations we should always follow the dharma of our Marga-- without exception.

Here Baba exposes again one of the central flaws of religion.

Baba says, "Religion cannot bring peace to humanity." (6)

Partially infected existence accepted as healthy

Around the world, people are mostly only concerned about those religious extremists and fundamentalists. And they think that those who mildly follow the teachings of the church / mosque / temple are good, pious people who are doing fine in life. So somehow despite all the negative aspects and bloody events associated with religious life, religion itself still has a respectable name amongst the common people. And general members of the temple or church or mosque can proudly speak of their overall association with their religion. And people will respect them for that. And not just common followers, but various high-ranking political leaders speak openly about their religious ties and they are honoured for that by the voting public.

The general public is only scared or concerned about the radical followers. They do not like those extremists, but everyone else has their approval. This then is the fool-hardy approach going on these days.

Here below, Baba points out the harmful effect of religious dogma.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Do you see how dangerous religious dogma was, and how dangerous it still is today? If you analyze each and every aspect of life which has been infected by religious dogma, you will find that the advocates of dogma are always motivated by the psychology of exploitation." (7)

There is no redeeming quality of these dogmatic religions. Their teachings are illogical; their approach is combative; and in their cruel way they divide the humanity. So from top to bottom the religions spell disaster for humanity.

Defective approaches of religion

Here are more instances where Baba harshly condemns the dogmatic approaches of the various religions.

Baba says, Those who incite that "'Your God is the only God. You are His blessed sons and daughters, and others will burn in hellfire'. By these sermons unity among humans can never be achieved".  (8)

Baba says, "Those who impatiently preach to their followers, "Our God is the only God -- others are false", encourage communal differences directly and indirectly. Such defective teachings, such baneful exhortations, have caused many bloody battles in the name of religion. Even today we find a reoccurrence of this distressing situation. The self motivated and wicked intellect of a handful of religious leaders is at the root of these abominable incidents." (9)

Baba says, "The scriptures of other communities proclaim that only the followers of their religion are the favourite children of God and others are damned heathens. To kill them is not at all a sin, rather one will attain a permanent place in heaven after their death. Such scriptures are very detrimental to human society." (10)

And below Baba guides how the socio-economic aspect of AM-- i.e Prout-- is the most practical and only way to advance.

Baba says, "PROUT is the only panacea. There is no other solution." (11)

Two basic misconceptions

There are two basic reasons why the common masses are misunderstanding this issue about religion. First, they are unable to understand what religion really is. Somehow for them, consciously or unconsciously, they continue to think that religion still offers something good.

And the second reason the general citizens have gentle appreciation for religion is because they are completely unaware about bhagavata dharma. Living in that void, they think that the church / mosque / temples etc is the only way for people to become pious etc. Whereas if they had even a little feeling for, or understanding of, dharma, then they would discard religion in a second.

1. Prout in Nutshell - 7, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 3
2. General Darshan, 30 December 1970 Patna
3. Human Society - 1, Moralism
4. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 3, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Excerpt B
5. Subhasita Samgraha -1, The Call of the Supreme
6. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 3, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Excerpt B
7. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Religious Dogma – Excerpt B
8. Prout in a Nutshell - 14, The Ever-Expanding Domain of the Microcosm
9. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, Abhedajiṋána and Nirvikalpa Samádhi
10. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4, Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya
11. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Decentralized Economy – 2

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Your karuna everywhere

"Diip jvelecho álo d́helecho, tumi mukta tumi shuddha..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2673)


Parama Purusa, You have lit the lamp of bhakti, filled everything with Your exquisite refulgence, and illumined every iota of this cosmos. You are not bound, rather beyond the gunas - Gunatiita. You are ever-pure and have pulled me close to You and removed all my attachments. Rudra, You are apápaviddha - unaffected by action and reaction and beyond samskara. 

My Supreme Entity Baba, You cannot be realised by worldly knowledge nor by memorising or studying scriptures. With the strength of mundane intellect no person can get You. You can't be held on the basis of terrestrial power and prestige, or name and fame etc. Rather those who have social status are dry in spirituality. You can only be pulled near with the depths of bhakti. When bhaktas call You, You come running. With material gains - money, reputation etc - nobody can get You. My Lord, to whom You wish, You grace and come within their grasp. Then only do they realise You. Without Your krpa, nobody becomes emancipated. Mayatiita, You are Mayadhiisha - beyond the binding principle of maya.

Cosmic Entity, You are indescribable; it is not possible to express Your glory in words. And the unit being cannot reach You. When the mind comes to You, it loses its existence. Lokottara, You are beyond the bondage of the three gunas and various lokas. Time to time by taking advent, You come on this earth to shower Your unfathomable kindness and affection. With Your pure love You spread Your karuna everywhere. All-Pervading Entity, You have lit the lamp of bhakti in my heart.

Baba Your liila is unfathomable. I surrender at Your lotus feet...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #2673:

[1] Rudra: Ananda Marrga ideology states, "Why call the Supreme Being “Rudra”? The word Rudra in Sanskrit means “weeping.” But the Supreme Being not only makes all weep, He also makes them laugh! In both the circumstances, that is, of extreme pain and pleasure, there are tears in the eyes. In pain the tears come from the middle of the eyes, in pleasure they come from the corners of the eyes. A mother weeps when her daughter goes to her in-laws' house. She also weeps when her daughter returns from the house of her in-laws. In one case she weeps for pain, in another she weeps for joy."
   "If living beings were to live in one state always, there would be extreme monotony and no one would want to continue life. If in a drama we know the end in the very beginning, there would be no interest in the play. We need suspense, ups-and-downs and eleventh-hour surprises to keep life interesting. God, that is, Rudra, is a first-class dramatist. He keeps life floating within the two extremes of joy and pain; hence His liilá, His play, goes on." (1)

[2] Apápaviddha: Parama Purusa is beyond action and reaction. He is unassailed by action and reaction etc.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 25, Rudra

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