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Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Making lasting Ananda Margiis + 2 more


Making lasting Ananda Margiis


The various religions and spiritual groups use stories of greatness and mythical tales about their leader to attract new people. They recount how their prophet or saint healed the sick of incurable diseases, or made gold watches appear from thin air, or so many other grand tales they tell to lure new followers. In our Ananda Marga, our approach is entirely different. 

The specialty of our Ananda Marga is sadhana - direct, personal experience of Guru. Thus, on the practical side we teach and emphasize the importance of spiritual engagement - kiirtan, meditation etc. And on the theoretical side, when we do pracar with new people, we talk to them about our philosophy using logic and reasoning - encouraging the spirit of inquiry and rationality.

Whereas the religions only rely on blind, unquestioned acceptance of their beliefs and miracle stories about their saviour or leader to gain new followers.

Sadhana brings psychic strength & ideological commitment

If we also follow such an approach - and only tell stories of Baba's glory to new people - then they will think we are no different from those religions. Those new people will never truly understand Guru's greatness. No one can realise Baba as Parama Purusa through theoretical means alone, i.e. stories etc. Sadhana is needed. 

When anyone does sadhana sincerely they invariably gain their own experience and begin to realise who Baba is. With that experience, Ananda Marga philosophy will be more clear and convincing. And they will become a greater adherent of Ananda Marga ideals. They will not be swayed by naysayers or controversy, because they have their own internal link with Baba. They will be able to weather any storm.

Without sadhana, one will not even be interested in the teachings of Ananda Marga. Or, in their heart, they will never be truly convinced of those teachings and stories. Rather they will always remain in doubt and quandary.

Practical approach makes Ananda Marga unique

So sadhana is a must to become a firm adherent of the teachings of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, and feel a magnetic attraction towards Him. Deep within, by His grace, one will embrace Him as Parama Purusa. Then all those spiritual stories about Baba will be very inspiring and beautiful. So all kinds of Baba stories are highly beneficial for established sadhakas - but stories must not be our main pracar tool with new people. The practical approach of sadhana is the main thing. Then people will be able to come close and understand His divine teachings. And this is true for longtime sadhakas as well. 

Thus everyone in our Ananda Marga must challenge themselves to do more sadhana. And this is what makes our Ananda Marga unique. That makes one's link and relation with Him more close; plus that sadhaka will feel that Baba's each and every teaching is special and extraordinary. Without the practical and experiential approach of sadhana, there is no hope for becoming a true Ananda Margii and realising Baba as Parama Purusa. With sadhana He is within Your reach, whereas if one relies on stories and theoretical knowledge alone, He will remain out of their grasp.

When sadhana wanes

As we have seen, there are so many examples of people who entered onto the path of Ananda Marga but could not remain for the long haul. There were many aspects of our Ananda Marga way of life which they liked: retreats, Baba stories, vegetarian food, seminars, social service etc. But when challenges arose, due to a lack of sadhana, they did not have the mental strength to continue to forge ahead. Rather they gave up all that they were doing. There are so many examples of this. In this circumstance, everything was going fine until they encountered a problem which they did not expect. And that single problem knocked them from the path because they did not have the requisite sadhana - i.e. deep feeling of bhakti - to persevere and forge ahead. So they left and forgot everything they learned.

Another circumstance that arises is when a sadhaka has been continuing for years in a particular mode. They have been maintaining a degree of engagement and participation in all kinds of ideological activities and pursuits. Then that begins to wane little by little with seemingly no precipitating cause. Until finally they completely remove themselves and discontinue all those works. Then people wonder what happened - why did that person leave. The answer is that they stopped doing their sadhana.

So long as they were doing sadhana they could properly manage all kinds of dharmic words. That sadhana was their food or energy or propulsion for doing all sorts of things in a smooth and easy manner. But as soon as that sadhana stopped, they no longer had the inspiration and mental force to carry out those various works and projects. 

It is just like if everyday a person carries a 40kg box without any difficulty but then one day that individual is not given the requisite amount of food. Then for a day or so they will only carry a percentage of the weight they were carrying - say 15 or 20 kg. But as they are given less and less food - their capacity to carry anything will wane until finally one day they will completely desist from carrying anything at all. In this instance, the food was the energizing force for their physical involvement. 

Similarly, in the psychic and psycho-spiritual realm, sadhana is the propelling factor for enabling one to continue their journey forward on the path of Ananda Marga ideology. As soon as sadhana stops, everything else will come to a halt - regardless of how active they were. 


That is why if we want new people to continue along the path then they must be encouraged with sadhana - not just external stories or superficial praise. Their sadhana experience will make them a veritable soldier to overcome all kinds of obstacles and difficulties and reach the apex of human existence. And not just for new people, every single Ananda Margii must properly maintain their daily sadhana, otherwise they interest and adherence to dharmic pursuits will wane - whereby even a long-standing, committed sadhaka will become a shadow of their former self.

So on this point of sadhana, no one is immune - no one is impregnable. For proof, just take a look around. Every single Ananda Margii is aware of new people who could not stick to the path, as well as seasoned Wts who abruptly left without any notice. Verily, the attrition rate in our Ananda Marga is high. So many come and so many go - never to be seen or heard from again. Because tantra is the path of Sadguru’s divine ideology and that demands sadhana. That is the sole contributing factor for being an ideal Ananda Margii and progressing on the path towards Him, Parama Purusa.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “And what is the essence of spirituality? The “I” of “I know” – “I know that I exist” – that “I” of “I know” is the essence of spirituality. You know so many things, but you have to know yourself. When you know your self, that stage, that stance, is the supreme stance. And for that realization, to know your own “I”, is your sádhaná, is your spiritual practice.” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “With the strength derived from sádhaná the microcosms accelerate towards the Supreme Controller.” (2)

In Him, 

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, Longing for the Great
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 6, The Primordial Cause of Creation

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Gloat over their ancestors


Ananda Marga philosophy states, “With the noise of a bustling wind, people reminisce, “Oh, my grandfather accomplished this great feat… my aunt performed that marvellous work… our surname is Roychoudhury. For we were once great landlords…” Thus people always ruminate over their past and gloat over their ancestors, because they have no glorious present at all – everything is an empty void. When a community thus loses its inner wealth, then it tenaciously clings to the skeleton of its past and says, “I was this, I was that.” But they are unable to say, “I am this, I am that.” ... One must say, “Do not bother about what your ancestors have done. Why can’t you do...”” (1)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Táttvika, ácárya, purodhá and such terms represent one’s individual ability and are not hereditary.” (2)

Note: In His above teachings, Sadguru Baba is guiding us that in our AM way of life there is no scope to stand on the coattails of one’s ancestors. Doing nothing in the present moment and gloating about past glories is not our way. Moreover, in AMPS we do not hand the post from one generation to the next on a hereditary basis. So if one’s father was a family acarya, that same title, post, glory, and respect is not automatically bestowed upon the son or daughter. In our Ananda Marga, everything is earned based on one’s conduct, not one’s birth. 

The various dogmatic religions and racist approaches pass down their titles and supremacy in a very nasty way from one generation to the next. Verily, they use the   inherently exploitative tactic of one’s birth to suppress and denigrate others. This occurs with so-called whites exploiting so-called blacks, and so-called brahmins exploiting so-called shudras. Casteism and racism are based on this horrific edict ordained by sub-humans. 

Birth of new nasty dogma: AMPS India

Sadly, now this same disease is rearing its ugly head in our AMPS. A few are claiming that, “Since my uncle / great-grandfather / father was a family acarya, then I am of a special birth and fit to rule over AMPS.” And others say, “My family has been in AMPS for generations, and both my grandfather and my father were family acaryas etc, so on that basis I should also be granted a great seat in AMPS.” They think AMPS belongs to them due to their ancestry, and everyone else is a guest. Even though they themselves have not done anything in this life, they feel being the grandson of a family acarya is enough for all of AMPS to fall at their feet. This type of senseless, empty banter is crowding the airwaves on some forums. 

Those who are true Ananda Margiis understand well that in our AM way of life, no positions of power are granted on a hereditary basis. All are the sweet children of Parama Purusa, and one is only able to lead our AM society by their sadhana, service, sacrifice and dharmic conduct. 

In Him, 

1. A Few Problems Solved - 5, On Festivals
2. Caryacarya Part 1, Táttvika, Ácárya/á, Purodhá and Their Concerned Boards

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Dogma of groupifying people

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Ananda Margiis have no caste or gotra. I have said before also that the division of humanity into Káshyapagotra, Bharadvájagotra, etc., is nonsensical. This is just to mislead people. If we look back in [anthropology] we will see that the forefathers of the present-day humans were apes or ape-men. So if people are very particular about their gotras, I will say to their faces, “Boys and girls! You belong to the ape gotra.”"
   "We have all descended from our common ancestors, the apes. The same is true in relation to the castes. [One might try to argue that] the forefathers of the Bráhmańas were the ape-Bráhmańas and the forefathers of the Kśatriyas were the ape-Kśatriyas; but that just isn’t so. As apes do not have any particular caste, the present-day caste differences are all hypocrisy and maliciousness. You should remove even the least vestige of these nonsensical notions. You must not give credence to such things." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, Bhaerava and Bhaeravii

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Recipe for mental balance

Here Baba supplies us with the special formula for keeping mental balance and not succumbing to any type of superiority complex.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "People must always bear in mind that 'Whatever I have acquired is all by the grace of Parama Purus'a. If He decides that I should not possess wealth [or any other quality etc], He will take it away at any moment He wishes.' So no one should feel pride about anything under any circumstances." (1)

Note: By seeing everything as Baba's fathomless grace then we will not get puffed up with vanity and instead will be able to maintain mental balance at all times.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 16, “Mucyate Bhavabandhanát”

== Section 4: Links ==