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Friday, March 29, 2024

All types come in AM + 3 more

All types come in AM


On the path of Ananda Marga, there are three types of sadhakas: pashvacariis, viiracariis, and divyacariis. Pashvacariis are less active margiis; viiracariis are mediocre sadhakas; and, those who are very strict and never compromise on points of dharma are divyacariis. And within each of these three grades, there are further gradations.

There will always be a mixture and multitude of various grades of sadhakas. New people are always coming into human life and entering onto the path of pashvacara. After many lives and with God's grace, they will one day become viiracariis. Depending on a sadhaka's inherent inclinations, one will pursue the path differently, on a particular grade.

People have come into AMPS for different reasons

After all, we have to remember that people have entered into Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha for a vast array of reasons. Some have come because they wanted to travel overseas; some have come because they could not get a job in the private sector; some have come to escape their jail sentences; some have come to find a wife or husband; some have come to get away from their wife or husband; some have come to do karma yoga; some have come to get a high post; some have come to be regarded as a so-called high yogi based on their own hypocrisy; some have come to fulfill His mission (A'tma moks'a'rtham' jagaddhita'ya ca); and, some have come to please Him.

And still others were “born into” Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. Since their birth they have been attending Ananda Marga functions. By this way, they become accustomed to Ananda Marga as a way of life, and as they grew they have held fond memories and a very sympathetic feeling toward Ananda Marga.

Various grades of sadhakas

So people enter into Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha from all kinds of backgrounds and interests. Not only that, once in AMPS, people behave differently. Some are very vigilant in attending all organisational activities, and some come once or twice a year for big feasts and social programs. Some are very strict in sadhana, and some less so. There are gradations, yet all are Ananda Margiis. The common thread being that all hold Baba dearly as their Ista. All are our brothers and sisters, so we should embrace all, and help everyone become successful in their human life. Indeed, there are various grades, and we appreciate everyone.

In addition, Baba has given various trades and departments to appeal to the various mental colours of this grand humanity. Those with political interest can work in Prout. Those with more physical stamina might get involved in VSS and engage by doing guard duty or PT parade etc. Those wishing to do dharma pracar will be active in SDM and HPMG (Hari Parimańd́ala Gośt́hi), and those wanting to educate and serve will be in ERAWS. And there are other departments as well ranging from the Farm department to Industry to AMURT - and, in many cases, our sister organisations in WWD. For instance, there is Girls Prout, Amurt-L, GV (Girls Volunteers) and various departments. There is vast scope for engagement, depending on one's mental tendency and proclivity.

At the same time, we know that every Ananda Margii should be ready to do everything and engage in all the sevas. This quality one gains by following 16 Points. Ultimately, sadvipras will have all the qualities; they will have all mental attributions and be well-versed in all forms of seva, from physical to spiritual etc. Upon entering onto the path of Ananda Marga one may not be like this, but gradually over time one grows in this way, by His grace.


As there are various grades of sadhakas in our Ananda Marga way of life, people do sadhana for various reasons. Some do sadhana to impress others; some do sadhana as a requirement so that they can take their meal; some only do sadhana in public; some engage less in their sadhana program; some do sadhana for mental peace; some do sadhana for self-realisation; and, some do sadhana to serve and please Him. So there are various grades of sadhakas in our Marga.

Furthermore, some like to sing kiirtan thinking that they are becoming clean and pure, and some sing in hopes of becoming a force in this universe, and some like to sing for the sole reason of loving and pleasing Parama Purusa. Some bhaktas do not feel comfortable relying on their own unit ego. They do not like to think that, “I am doing everything”, because they know that unit beings cannot do anything, Parama Purusa does everything. It all depends on one's quality of mind as Baba has created something for everyone.

Yet all along, the unifying point - regardless of one's mental colour - is that they hold Baba as their Ista. This is the binding property. And that is why all are Ananda Margiis, just of various grades.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Same universal family

Baba has designed this Ananda Marga for everyone - and verily all must come under the banner of AM. For this reason Baba has given diverse ways of explaining AM practices and AM ideology. Because everyone belongs in Ananda Marga.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Remember, until every person in the universe accepts the Ananda Marga ideology, you have no opportunity to rest." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Now, these created beings, they being the progeny of the same father, are members of the same Universal Family. We must not forget this supreme fact." (2)

Those meditating upon Him with undivided attention

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “I have been saying for a long time that human society is a singular entity, that human society is indivisible. Human beings, because of their petty interests, prefer to remain oblivious to this truth. But one should remember that to forget altogether and to remain forgetful are not the same. So many near and dear ones, so many kith and kin, whom you had loved so dearly in the past are no longer in the world. Have you forgotten them? No, you have not. You remain forgetful of them." (3)

Ananda Vanii says, "All the beings of this universe are the kith and kin of one another. No one is despicable. All are equally respectable and entitled to equal love and affection. No problem is to be ignored as an individual or group affair. Every problem is to be considered as the collective problem of universal humanity and is to be resolved collectively and resolved it must be. Let it be the vocal panorama of the newer world of today – the continuous musical notes behind the movement of Neohumanism." (4)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Parama Puruśa looks deep into the inner thoughts and feelings of human beings. He is omniscient, forever watching throughout the creation those who are meditating upon Him with undivided attention, and those who have been patiently waiting with an unwavering mind to realize Him. These are expressions of those with an integral outlook. Only such people, irrespective of caste, colour, creed, community, national or geographical barrier, etc. can look upon each and every human being as their own kith and kin. They are free of all discrimination. They even treat the animals and plants as being intimately related to themselves." (5)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Those who want to promote the welfare of all human beings, remaining above all sorts of parochial sentiments, have no alternative but to embrace universalism with their heart and soul – there is no other way. As universalism is totally devoid of any characteristic of ism, it is not proper to depict universalism as an ism. If everyone is looked upon as one's own, no one remains beyond the periphery of one's kith and kin. Naturally, then, there is no scope for violence, envy, narrowness, etc." (6)

"Progeny of Parama Puruśa"

Ananda Marga ideology states, "I have also said that sins are just like the dust that settles on our clothes. By shaking the clothing, the dust will vanish. This simple action can be done by everyone. Ananda Marga has clarified that human beings are the progeny of Parama Puruśa and are thus the objects of His love and affection. Whatever might be the nature of the sins they commit, they will never be deprived of His affection. Parama Puruśa may scold them, but He can never hate them. He will simply shake the dust off their clothes and take them onto His lap. So the most important thing is complete surrender. People should always remember that they are the progeny of Parama Puruśa. That is enough." (7)

Ananda Marga is a man-making mission

Ananda Marga ideology states, “It is not proper for one particular class to dominate society. If one class is dominant, it will surely continue to exploit the other classes. Hence Ananda Marga wants a society without divisions or discrimination, where everyone will be entitled to equal opportunities and equal rights." (8)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Remember, Ananda Marga is a man-making mission. Both quantity and quality are important. Everyone should be free to join Ananda Marga, to take part in social functions, etc., but only those established in Yama and Niyama may be given any position to work in society." (9)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Social philosophy of Ananda Marga advocates the development of the integrated personality of the individual, and also the establishment of world fraternity, inculcating in human psychology a Cosmic sentiment. The Marga advocates progressive utilization of mundane and supramundane factors of the Cosmos. The society needs a stir for life, vigour and progress, and for this Ananda Marga advocates the Progressive Utilization Theory (Prout), meaning thereby progressive utilization of all factors. Those who support this principle may be termed “Proutists”.” (10)

1. Caryacarya - 2, Miscellaneous, Point #6
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, The Causal Matrix
3. A few Problems Solved - 3, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 3
4. Ananda Vanii #58
5. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, Integral and Non-Integral Outlook
6. Problems of the Day, Point #18
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, A Few of Tantra's Special Characteristics
8. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Evolution of Society
9. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, The Conduct of an Ácárya
10. Idea & Ideology, The Cosmic Brotherhood

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Where those answers came from

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The remedies for illnesses or answers to questions that a person receives at the shrine of different gods and goddesses is not due to the greatness of those gods and goddesses. As a result of sincere longing a state of one-pointedness arises in the mind and if, at that time, that person falls into deep sleep because of physical tiredness then the answers to his or her questions may descend from the unconscious mind into the subconscious mind. There the person receives the answers to his or her questions about illness or other questions according to his or her mental conceptions and beliefs. The person thinks that he or she has perhaps received these answers due to the grace of such-and-such god or goddess. Actually, thanks to the grace of the Supreme Consciousness, his or her unconscious mind is the hidden repository of infinite knowledge. Due to one-pointedness, the person has been able to temporarily submerge part of his mind within the boundaries of that profound knowledge.” (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 2, Indukamala to Iyatta (Discourse 7))

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Oppose injustice or just keep busy in mundane work

Please pay attention to the yellow highlighted words. In this below quote, Baba is warning us that top capitalists are mercilessly exploiting people in various ways. Those aware of this fact have the duty to tell others by word of mouth, writing letters, sending emails, printing newspapers, and writing essays or books, etc. There are all kinds of ways to educate society.

So long as the common mass is not aware about how they are getting exploited, they will never be able to recover. That is why our duty is to make them aware. If we ignore this and go on building roads and schools, and do and not tell about exploitation that will be a serious blunder. It is similar to a being busy in constructive works like furnishing a house, when that house itself is on fire. In that case decorating and furnishing that house will be foolish. Rather, when the house is burning there is just one thing to do - make a hue and cry and inform everyone.

Similarly in our Marga - when various types of exploitation are going on - then being busy in constructing buildings and roads is not enough. A hue and cry is needed. In that case, one should write letters or inform others about the injustices and exploitation in any of the various aforesaid ways.

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Make people aware of how capitalists, in their singular or collective roles, exploit society and create unhealthy, artificial demands which not only poison the mind but encourage dangerous habits detrimental to psychic sanctity and expansion. The first and foremost duty of psycho-economics is to wage a tireless fight against all degenerating and dehumanizing economic trends in society.”
   “The second branch of psycho-economy develops and enhances the psychic pabula of the individual and collective minds. This branch is virtually unknown today, but it will become an extremely important branch of economics in the future. It will ensure equilibrium and equipoise in all levels of the economy. It will find new and creative solutions to economic problems to nurture the maximum utilization of psychic and spiritual potentialities. Psycho-economics will add to the glaring glamour of economics.” (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Quadri-Dimensional Economy

== Section 3: Links ==