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Friday, June 14, 2019

Sign of cowards


Sign of cowards


Baba says, “All Ananda Margis, when they see other Margis acting against the principles of Yama and Niyama, must make them shun this habit either by sweet or harsh words.” (1)

So long as the common sadhakas are not aware about how they are getting exploited, they will never be able to recover. That is why our duty is to make them aware. If we ignore this and go on building roads and schools, and do and not talk about the rampant exploitation that will be a serious blunder. It is similar to being busy in constructive works like furnishing a house, when that house itself is on fire. In that case, decorating and furnishing that house will be foolish. Rather, when the house is burning there is just one thing to do - make a hue and cry and inform everyone.

In our AMPS - when various types of exploitation are going on - then just being busy in constructing buildings and roads is not enough. A hue and cry is needed. In that case, one should write letters or inform others about the injustices and exploitation in any of the various aforesaid ways.

Baba’s order

Baba says, "All Ananda Margis, when they see other Margis acting against the principles of Yama and Niyama, must make them shun this habit either by sweet or harsh words or by dealing even more strictly. Thus they will have to make the society strong. Henceforth I direct every Ananda Margi to keep strict vigilance on other Ananda Margi to make them practise the principles of Yama and Niyama." (2)

If one mother’s precious child is suddenly diagnosed with cancer, that mother will contact every doctor imaginable to find a cure for her young son. She will call numerous specialists to get appointments, second opinions, and evaluations. She will do whatever it takes to see her child well again—no matter the cost.

The mother does this because she has deep concern and love for the welfare of her child. So when her son falls into problem then immediately she brings the matter to the attention of top oncologists.

Here the point is that when everything is OK, then one does not go all around town telling everyone that life is proceeding as normal. But when a problem comes, then that is the time that those who care step into action to save the situation. They will alert one and all about correcting the issue and they will raise the matter with everyone. And that is what this concerned mother is doing. Because she is the one who has the most love for her child, so when her child has been diagnosed with cancer then she networks and talks to everyone in hopes of curing her young son. The mother's singular aim is to save her child—that is her benevolent desire. There is no second aim. The sole intention is to bring her son back to health.

Baba says, "Those who are truly good people will move bravely forward and provide inspiration and strength to those mute masses to fight against all kinds of obstacles, and give a clarion call to them to march ahead." (3)

When: what to do & not to do

We all know our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha is filled with so many good people and so many excellent projects. We know that and we expect it to be that way. When something is awry then the need of the hour is to first point out that defect. Those who seek the welfare of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha will always do like this. They point out the problem with the intention of solving it. They will not keep quiet. Rather they will fill the air with reports about all those problems until those matters are known to one and all. By that way, the problems can be identified and fixed—permanently.

At present there are numerous grave issues halting and undermining the progress of our AMPS. In that case, the order of the day is to bring those harmful defects to the fore and get them solved. For this, awareness is needed. The problems need to be brought out in the open, not remain hidden behind closed doors.

Thus when anyone accuses someone of being an enemy of AMPS for pointing out the defects, we can understand that those accusations are misdirected. Because those whistle-blowers are pointing out the defects to rectifying the situation. Their heart and mind are aimed toward helping our AMPS. Such persons love Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha and want to see it shine and sparkle and not be bogged down in problem and difficulty.

Baba says “In .. [bad] times those who worry about what others will say or think, or worry about being criticized, and due to this fear hide behind closed doors thinking that if they take action their good name will be tarnished, such people are not true human beings. They are beggars, begging for reputation. They have no manliness; they have lost the courage to move ahead.” (4)


Here Baba guides us that those who stand tall in the face of against injustice and uphold the tenets of dharma are the true bhaktas.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "By observing people's conduct one will easily notice those who are absorbed in divine love...Those who have attained Iishvaraprema can never and will never exploit others. They will raise their voice against all sorts of tyranny, injustice, and exploitation. Those who do not possess that kind of honest courage to oppose all wrongs are nothing but fakes—they are never genuine [bhaktas]." (5)

in Him,
(Geoffrey Hindes)
  • A link to a Baba audio file related with this topic has been appended below.

~ In-depth study ~

Baba says goody-goody nature are not good people

Here below are some of Baba's special teachings about the importance of identifying and correcting problems in AMPS.

Everyone has the right to point out the problems:

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "From the social or human viewpoint, everybody has the right to correct the behaviour of everyone else. This is the birthright of every human being. No scholar can dispute the right of people to correct the shortcomings of those with whom they come in contact. The recognition of this right is indispensable for the health of society. " (6)

Silent goody-goodies are of no use truly good people awaken the people about injustices:

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "We cannot call people “good” if they cannot lead people of all walks of life towards welfare. We can call them “goody-goodies” but not good people. Those who are truly good people will move bravely forward and provide inspiration and strength to those mute masses to fight against all kinds of obstacles, and give a clarion call to them to march ahead." (7)

Tolerating misdeeds is "very bad"

Baba says, "Intelligent people should no longer remain silent...They must not act like goody-goodies, seeing evil but continuing to tolerate it. This is very bad." (8)

To make society strong every margii must point out the problems:

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "All Ananda Margis, when they see other Margis acting against the principles of Yama and Niyama, must make them shun this habit either by sweet or harsh words or by dealing even more strictly. Thus they will have to make the society strong. Henceforth I direct every Ananda Margi to keep strict vigilance on other Ananda Margi to make them practise the principles of Yama and Niyama." (9)

Baba says meek people are not the well-wishers of society

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The characteristic of good people is to fight against injustice, to firmly adhere to truth and righteousness, to protect the helpless and fight against all evil persons. Those who are merely simple and are of a meek and goody-goody nature are not good people." (10)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "By observing people's conduct one will easily notice those who are absorbed in divine love...Those who have attained Iishvaraprema can never and will never exploit others. They will raise their voice against all sorts of tyranny, injustice, and exploitation. Those who do not possess that kind of honest courage to oppose all wrongs are nothing but fakes—they are never genuine [bhaktas]." (11)
Wage an endless fight against dogma

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "I have already said that Ananda Marga is the first movement aimed at liberating spirituality from the unwholesome influences from dogma. Hence you must not in any way encourage dogma. Rather, you should carry on an endless fight against dogma. And while fighting against dogma, you will realize the actual truth, and when you will come in contact with truth, you will be established in real spirituality...human beings have got to be established in human excellence and carry on a ceaseless struggle against dogma." (12)
The coward thinks, "If I take action my good name will be tarnished"

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “According to our philosophy, when consciousness arises in individual life then a person begins to move in accordance with certain instructions, certain guidance. In collective life as well, when this stage comes, those who are well advanced, who understand better, who are more courageous, more firmly established in morality, who are truly righteous, they have to take the lead, to assume the mantle of leadership.”

“In such [bad] times those who worry about what others will say or think, or worry about being criticized, and due to this fear hide behind closed doors thinking that if they take action their good name will be tarnished, such people are not true human beings. They are beggars, begging for reputation. They have no manliness; they have lost the courage to move ahead. At that time those who come forward and say – “Let’s go. I’m with you. If trouble comes, let it come. I’ll take it on my shoulders” – such people I have given the name sadvipra.” (13)

“Give up the rubbish of the past. It can only harm you”

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “This is the way it has been and the way it will always be. However, in collective life at the critical juncture between one great age and another, in this transitional stage of great change, when it becomes impossible for the common man or even ordinary sadvipras to take up the leadership, then Parama Puruśa through his special grace arranges that leadership. At this time on the earth humanity is witnessing such a yuga sandhi. On one side there is the rubbish heap of the past and people are clinging to that rubbish heap because they have not yet been shown the way out. And on the other side, there is the call of the new. Under such conditions what will that Mahásambhúti do who gave guidance to the human race in the past? With courage he will call to human beings and declare: “Give up the rubbish of the past. It can only harm you and lead you to your death. Move ahead. Answer the call of the new. I am with you. There is no reason to be afraid.” (14)


1. A Guide to Human Conduct, How to Live in the Society
2. A Guide to Human Conduct, How to Live in the Society
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 22, Serve the Supreme by Kiirtana
4. Ánanda Vacanámrtam - 9, The Significance of The Word “Yuga”
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The True Nature of Bhakti
6. Human Society - 1, Justice
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 22, Serve the Supreme by Kiirtana
8. Liberation of Intellect: Neo-Humanism, Disc: 2
9. A Guide to Human Conduct, How to Live in the Society
10. A Few Problems Solved-5, Shrávańii Púrńimá
11. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The True Nature of Bhakti
12. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Various Forms of Exploitation
13. Ánanda Vacanámrtam - 9, The Significance of The Word “Yuga”
14. Ánanda Vacanámrtam - 9, The Significance of The Word “Yuga”

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Comment ==

Re: Spiritual surrender


When one does sincere sadhana, one's mental plate gets cleaner and still more refined. According to the degree of cleanliness - i.e. degree of purification - the Cosmic Consciousness is reflected in unit mind. If it is above the normal reflection of the Supreme Entity, then one feels affection and love toward Parama Purusa. Gradually the degree of clarity goes on increasing, as does one’s love for the Supreme. When the mind is completely pure, one cannot remain separate and that jiiva becomes one with Parama Purusa.

Even if there is just a bit above average clarity, one feels prema towards Parama Purusa, and feels in their inner heart more and more faith. Then, in that case, one likes to give everything. The sadhaka does not like to ask anything from Parama Purusa. Rather, one just depends upon Him fully. That is the true surrender. In contrast, various types of imposed surrender fall by the wayside when a serious problem arises.

Sincere sadhana is the key

Think of it in this way: When one does sadhana sincerely then some small, minute part of the mind becomes fully purified and charged with the vibration of the Supreme Consciousness. And because that part of mind is still within the sphere of the unit mind,  the spiritual quality of the entire unit mind increases. And in every sitting of sincere sadhana, that unit mind gets more and more charged, by His grace.

For this reason, the sadhaka’s mind becomes more attracted towards Parama Purusa. And this happens in every session of sadhana. By this way, gradually, the quality of mind gets more and more imbibed with Cosmic ideation. Verily, the attraction towards Him grows and mounts. In the culmination, the sadhaka achieves a certain state where he wants to give everything to Him. That is called spiritual surrender.

Works in opposite direction also

Here is a crude, mundane example to make the matter clear. When anyone is allured with the opposite sex, they want to give everything to that person who is the object of their infatuation. The main difference being that worldly attractions are are momentary, whereas spiritual attainments are eternal.

And the same mechanism is at play with regards to degeneration in the face of bad company. The first day of some degrading talk / thinking, or doing negative deeds, the whole mind degenerates to a small degree. By adding a small amount of contaminated water, the entire container of clean water becomes contaminated. Ultimately over repeated exposure to such thinking, that very unit mind becomes fully degenerated into the mind of a hardened criminal. So the mind is very malleable - like water. You can make it cleaner and more pure, or you can make it dirty and and more filthy until it becomes like mud.


The formula - as you think so you shall become - works in either of the two directions: elevation and degeneration.

In Him,

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Spiritual surrender

== Section 2: Links ==
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