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Thursday, August 22, 2019

Photos of the deceased: proper / improper + 3 more


Photos of the deceased: proper / improper


In some places, when any person dies then often they show a photo of the lifeless body. Suppose the person was a banker or a lawyer, or a common poor or rich person etc, then when announcing that person’s death, a photo of the corpse is presented. This is the common trend in some places. And this approach has been adopted by various other countries as well. But such an approach contravenes the spirit of satya. Because that photo will unnerve and shock those who see it; furthermore, it is a disrespectful way to present the deceased.

It is commonly understood that satya is not merely limited to what we speak, but covers all forms of communication. So when a person dies, and an announcement is given of their death, then one should not present an image of the lifeless body. That is both jarring and harmful to the mourning family members and concerned people, and it is an injustice to the deceased. If one wishes to share a photo, then it should be of photo of that person when they were full of vigour.


Here the point is that we should present the deceased in a favourable manner, one which honestly depicts them in good health and full of zeal etc. When we use those types of positive images, then that is in accordance with the spirit of satya. Whereas, presenting a photo of the person three minutes or three days after they died is clearly against the spirit of satya. The operating factor is that we always have to consider what effect our words and actions will have on others. The basic approach is to select photos of the deceased that show them in a positive light.

In Him,

Ripple effect

There is also this aspect. If we show a photo of the deceased in any public announcement etc, then those viewers will be violating the code of cakuna samvaro. Because we are exposing them to unfavourable images that have an adverse effect on the mind.

Cakkhuná saḿvaro sádhu, sádhu sotena saḿvaro;
Ghánena saḿvaro sádhu, sádhu jihbáya saḿvaro;
Káyena saḿvaro sádhu, sádhu vácáya saḿvaro;
Manasá saḿvaro sádhu, sádhu sabbattha saḿvaro.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Think once before you speak. If you have the eyes to see, cast a quick glance before you look at anything, otherwise, do not look at all, because whatever you see will influence the mind. Don’t listen to anything which is not worth hearing. Only listen to that which purifies and elevates the mind.” Human beings should control their organs in this way.” (1)

Which photo to select

So if the person was a banker, then a photo of that person can be displayed where he is in the prime of his life and seated at a desk or in an important meeting. And if the person was a lawyer, then the photo might be of him walking up the steps into the courthouse. Alternatively, if the deceased was a committed family man, then it would be appropriate to select a photo of them with their children. And if the person was an Ananda Margi, then we should show a photo of them seated in sadhana, or dancing kiirtana, or doing service work, or taking part in a spiritual conference etc. The photo can be any positive image of their personal, professional, or spiritual life.

This relative reality is full of gains and losses, joys and sorrows, successes and disappointments. As we navigate through the world, it is our duty as sadhakas to adhere to the code of satya and ensure our expression embodies the spirit of benevolence.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Satya implies proper action of mind and the right use of words with the spirit of welfare.” (2)

As sadhakas, we have to be wary of this on all fronts. We always have to consider how our words and actions affect others.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, An Exemplary Life
2. A Guide to Human Conduct, Satya

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I only revere & follow Baba

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart.

"Dharmo a'ma'ri sa'thii, dharmo a'ma'ri pra'n'..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1103)


Dharma is my eternal companion; dharma is my very life force. I only revere and follow Parama Purusa; my existence is due to His blessing. He alone has blessed me with human life. He alone has granted me my existence. It is His affection.

Since the first dawn of my life, when my mind came into being, Parama Purusa has been with me each and every step. In my every breath, He is watching, guiding, and protecting me. And only He will remain along with me until the final moment of my life, i.e. moksa. I always follow His path, and His teachings, never forgetting His blessing.

O' inhabitants of the three worlds, wherever you may be, go on singing and dancing, immersed in His divine name. Remain ensconced in His ideation, i.e. shravana, manana, nididyasana and in His sweet flow; and go on singing His blissful songs, i.e. singing His glory, that will open the door of moksa..

Baba, You are my eternal companion. You are always with me…

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #1103:

Throughout the vast gift of Prabhat Samgiita, in most songs the bhakta and Parama Purusa are communicating with one another. In some of the songs the style of conversation is direct while others are indirect. When the style of expression is indirect, confused people sometimes think that the sadhaka is having a conversation with another sadhaka. That is not at all the case. Rather, the bhakta is communicating with Parama Purusa - using indirect language.

In the above song, in the first two stanzas the sadhaka is talking to Parama Purusa. The sadhaka is expressing his feelings and referring to Parama Purusa in an indirect manner - using the term He or Parama Purusa, not You etc. It is just like a child talking to its mother and calling the mother as “she”, not you. Yet all along the sadhaka is only talking to Parama Purusa. No one else is there listening.  It is only in the third stanza, the sadhaka is addressing all of creation, with the knowledge that Parama Purusa is also listening.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Jinanis adopt falsehood than concede defeat

Here is an English summary of Baba’s Hindi teaching:

There is one defect in jinanis. Two jinanis cannot agree on any point. Among them, many jinanis believe that agreeing means accepting one’s defeat. Indeed there are some godly qualities in jinanis. Such as they can speak in flowery language. Or that with their grandiloquence they can prove day as night, and night as day. If in the daytime one jinani tells to anyone that it is night, or if during the night they tell that it is day, and if the next person does not accept what the jinani is telling, then the jinani will use their logic and reasoning to prove that person as a top-grade fool. And he (the jinani) will make it look like the next person could not understand this one simple thing. Because of this, in the scriptures is it said, ‘Mathitva…’ Meaning: if an unfathomable amount of milk is turned into butter and whey, then jinanis argue and quarrel about the whey and in so doing the butter gets rotten and destroyed. (1)

1. English summary of Varna Victira (H), p. 49-50

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #1103: I only revere & follow Baba
2. Posting: Photos of the deceased: proper / improper

3. IT: 
Jinanis adopt falsehood than concede defeat