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Monday, August 26, 2019

Women's exploitation + 3 more


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Women’s exploitation


It is extremely dangerous to place your  trust in materialistic-minded people, whether they be greedy bankers, greedy businessmen, or greedy surgeons.

Follow-up: scandal of poisonous implants

It was recently reported that 50,000 women in Europe received wrongful treatment in their cosmetic surgery, and now they are finding that over 400,000 were affected around the world. A company known as PIP (Poly Implant Prothese) knowingly used a low-grade industrial silicone gel, originally manufactured for use in mattresses, in place of specialist medical materials. And they intentionally hid this fact from the public. Sadly those women have that poisonous substance in their bodies and have to have it removed or suffer the consequences, i.e. sickness, disease and death. Now, five years later, they have issued a follow-up study how those women have suffered terribly.

This was a vast scandal with many countries involved. The France-based company, PIP, shipped their defective products all over. In addition to the estimated 400,000 cases, thousands more in so-called developing countries may be silently suffering, as in those areas such cases often go unreported.

It is absolutely tragic that these women were misled and harmed. From the getgo, the owner of PIP, Mr Mas, did not have an iota of sympathy for those who were harmed. That is yet another grotesque aspect to this scandal.

Knowing the deeper cause

As margiis and Proutists, we should examine the deeper reason behind this fraud. Essentially, in capitalism, matter is the goal. People have to earn money at any cost. And one can become ultra-rich quickly by deceptive means. That is what happened in this instance. PIP chose material that was for industrial use and put that in the human body in order to increase their profits, and now innocent people are suffering and dying. This is the horror of the materialistic outlook inherent in capitalism.

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar has given the solution to all such problems. In capitalism, the motive is profit, i.e. to make as much money as possible regardless of the consequences. The answer then lies in the service oriented approach of a Proutistic economy.

Prout philosophy says, "In the capitalist structure, industry or production is governed by the profit motive, but in the Proutistic structure production will be governed by the motive of consumption." (1)

Here consumption means producing goods in an honest and cooperative manner that serves the public, not enticing people to purchase what they do not need just to earn a profit - which is what capitalism fosters.

Prout philosophy says, "Most countries in the world have adopted economic systems which are profit oriented – that is, production is undertaken for profit. Producers give first preference to those items which bring maximum profit, so everywhere there is keen competition regarding the production of the most profitable goods...To increase the standard of living of the people, a new system of production will have to be introduced. Consumption, not profit, should be the underlying motive in the field of production." (2)

A new outlook

To come out of this capitalistic nightmare, a new outlook is needed. That is Baba's expressed guideline. It should be taught: O' human being - the entire humanity is your family, this entire universe in your homeland, and this entire creation is the manifestation of Parama Purusa. A person should serve others and do business with this motive.

In stark contrast, with the profit motive cheating and deception are rampant. When the motive is service - and one looks upon all as their brother and sister - then there is no scope for cheating. A person cannot think in that way. For instance, when a mother cares for her baby then she never thinks to deceive her defenseless baby. Rather her sole motive is service, i.e. the welfare of the baby. And in a Proutistic economy, that same type of benevolence is the guiding factor.

Analogy: horses and grass

But today's capitalistic businessmen think the best time to approach the public is when they are helpless. Then those innocent people are at their mercy. Such is the business motive of capitalists.

If any sincere person asks, “Why are you taking advantage of us for you own gain”, then the capitalist will reply, “What is wrong, countless people are already wasting their money on so many types of activities. So then what is wrong if I profit off of them. After all their duty is to spend and my duty is to maximize my profits.”

Here is a similar case: One businessman was selling petrol in black market. He said, “Look, my situation is like a horse and my customers are grass. If a horse does not graze on the grass it will die. The horse lives off of the grass. So the way I am profiting from my customers is proper.” This is the type of wolf psychology that dominates capitalists.

Such is their bogus justification and selfish avenue for becoming fatter and fatter and cheating the starving public.


The teachings of Prout offer a unique and rational response to the current trend of selfish, capitalist exploitation. We should preach and teach the word of Prout and change the motive to that of service and consumption. So long as capitalism is in vogue, tragedies like the horrific PIP scandal will continue to unfold. Plus there are many other deceptive methods and scandals that go unreported. For this reason, because of the profit motive, humans are suspicious of one another - and the situation is getting worse. The solution lies with neo-humanism and Prout. Our duty is to propagate these ideals and relieve humanity from unnecessary suffering.


Related point: First in order to exploit the innocent public, greedy capitalists used their propaganda machinery to impose an inferiority complex upon women regarding their body. With their media, capitalists propagated that many women’s bodies are not up to the mark. By this way women were exploited emotionally and an inferiority complex was injected. In response, some psychically affected women got caught in the trap of such capitalists and opted to operate on their body to suit the their demands. On this front, women were pressured and forced to get operated on unnecessarily. By this way, greedy capitalists, in cahoots with cosmetic surgeons, exploited women and cheated them into getting surgery that was not even needed. In the second stage those same women were exploited by the use of faulty materials. So they were exploited on two fronts.

Note: This posting and the new article appended below are related with a horrific scandal. This problem pertains to us all as capitalism is in vogue and we should know how to protect ourselves and the greater humanity and pave the way for Prout.

The fight for women poisoned by breast implants
Note: This posting and the new article appended below are related with a horrific scandal. This problem pertains to us all as capitalism is in vogue and we should know how to protect ourselves and  the greater humanity and pave the way for Prout.

The fight for women poisoned by breast implants

Five years after PIP silicone was declared dangerous, victims have been awarded a payout. But, say campaigners, it does not cover their costs so far – let alone compensate for their suffering

Courtesy of The Guardian ~
In 2012, the lives of almost 50,000 British women were changed forever. They had undergon breast augmentation, but were fitted with faulty French implants. 
The scandal broke in June that year, after a UK report found that the implants – made by the firm Poly Implant Prothèse (PIP) – had double the rupture rate of other implants. They were also found to be made of the sort of silicone used in mattresses. It is estimated that more than 400,000 women were affected around the world. 
Five years on, following a lengthy trial, the German cosmetic-surgery certification agency, TÜV Rheinland, has been ordered to pay out €60m (£54.2m) to 20,000 victims from Europe for medical negligence. However, that payout only amounts to €3,000 each and doesn’t even cover the cost of the initial surgery, for which most women would have paid upwards of £4,000. And many of the women have had to battle long-lasting health problems caused by the implants, which has led to further costs. 
One of these women is Samantha Turner, 33, from Somerset, who had her implants fitted when she was 25. She has had to undergo five additional operations because of health complications. “The poison that was put into my body has wreaked havoc. I was feeling sick and in pain, yet no one could identify what was wrong with me,” she says.
Silicone from the ruptured implants leaked into her lymph nodes, causing a cancer scare and leading her to have her lymph nodes removed. It left her with a blood clot and permanent nerve-damage in her left arm – severely impacting her ability to work and look after her two young children. 
Michele Nethercott, 33, from Brighton, underwent breast augmentation surgery when she was 20 years old. She was never told by her clinic that she had been given the toxic implants; she had to find out herself. 
The implants are still inside her. The NHS won’t remove them unless there are obvious signs of rupture, and she cannot afford to get them taken out and replaced privately, which would cost about £8,000. 
“I sometimes want to cut my chest open to remove these ticking time bombs, but then anxiety sinks in about what I will look like without them,” she says. “I only had them done after being left lopsided after breastfeeding my eldest. Before my surgery, I hated how I looked – I didn’t have a life and couldn’t go out.” 
Turner claims the issue has been brushed under the carpet due to the cosmetic nature of the scandal. “It feels like, because we are women and we’ve done something to our bodies to make us feel more confident, it’s getting brushed to one side – like it’s our fault for getting it done in the first place. But these clinics were inserting medical devices into women that were substandard and faulty,” she says. 
A growing sense of injustice has led many of the women fitted with PIP implants to mobilise, forming groups online. The biggest of these, Opic, has more than 1,000 members on Facebook and, for many, has been a source of stability and support, as well as friendship. The groups have also provided a rallying point for those driving the legal case against TÜV Rheinland – with many of the women in the Opic group saying they have had to rely on each other “to get things done” and stay informed. 
Despite the recent ruling in their favour, the women are still awaiting their payout. They will also have to file new a lawsuit and start from scratch if they want more compensation. 
“If it hadn’t been for the group, I wouldn’t have known they were putting a legal case together,” says Gayle, 47, from Huddersfield. “It has been the group that has kept me up to date rather than anyone else. It is comforting to know you’re not alone.”
“There was a point when I was on it every day, getting support and advice from others,” says Turner. “It has been a great help.” 
That said, many of the women are looking forward to the day when they won’t have to use the groups. After years of waiting, many of them no longer care about receiving compensation and are sceptical that the money will surface. PIP’s founder, Jean-Claude Mas, was forced to apologise by his lawyers after being found guilty of aggravated fraud for hiding the substandard nature of the material used in the implants and sentenced to four years in jail. But none of the cosmetic surgery clinics have ever publicly apologised for using the implants. 
“Of course it would be nice if they could compensate me for what I paid initially, the other operations I had to have and the mental anguish,” Turner says. “But, ultimately, what I want is to get recognition from society that says: ‘Yes, you have been part of one of the world’s biggest medical scandals.’” (Courtesy of the The Guardian)

1. Prout in a Nutshell, part 15, Talks on Prout
2. Prout in a Nutshell, part 21, Decentralized Economy – 1

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are my soul

"Tomáke bhálobesechi, tumi shudhu mane ácho..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2562)


My Parama Purusa, only You are in my mind. I love You. You alone are mine; my Adored, You are my Polestar and the only moon in my mental sky - mental plate. In my life, whatever I do is done in service to You.

Parama Purusa, except You, everything else in this entire universe is temporary. All come for a short time and vanish into thin air, into oblivion. Only You are beginningless and endless and remain permanently - eternally. In this tribhuvan, there is no one who is immortal. Everyone comes and goes and gets lost in the oblivion. But, You are ever-present, reside eternally, and never undergo any change.

Divine Entity, nothing lasts forever in this world. As the day ends, night falls and the light of day gets engulfed by the darkness. Similarly, the blackness of the night vanishes with the advent of the brilliant new dawn. Everything in this world is changing, transient. But the constant pouring of Your divine refulgence continues on and on - it has no limit and knows no end.

Parama Purusa You are always residing in my mind; You only are my Plestar, my Goal, my everything...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #2562:

Tribhuvan / triloka: The prefix "Tri" means 'three' and the term "bhuvan" means 'world'. And here Ananda Marga ideology further clarifies what He exactly means by tribhuvan, or the three worlds:

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Tribhuvana means the expressed world, the psychic world and the astral world or, you may say, Causal World." (1)

This following section about triloka is from general darshan of 16 July 1980 in Patna. The two excerpts cited below define what the three lokas are and where they exist.

What are the three lokas

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The Supreme cognitive faculty is the subjectivity. And the second compartment of His Cosmic Mind takes the form of this moving world, of this animated or inanimated world. Everything resides, everything is created, everything is maintained, everything is nourished, and everything undergoes final metamorphosis within the vast objectivated mind, that is within the second mental counterpart of the Supreme Entity...”

“Now, what's the meaning of triloka, tribhuvana ? You have got a physical body made of so many elements, so many compounds. And we say it is [the] quinquelemental universe, composed of five fundamental factors...”

“And you exist in this realm of physicalities. This is one bhuvana. And, the subtler portion of the physical structure of living beings, when that subtler portion gets powdered down, is metamorphosed into ectoplasm, it becomes the mind. You have got a mind. And as all of you know, you are not the mind. You are the owner of the mind. So, your second existence is the mental world. Second world...”

“Your "I" is concentrated round your ego. And that pinnacled ego touches the astral stratum. So, that astral stratum is the third world. One physical world, another mental world, and another that subtle astral world. So, there are three worlds.” (2)

Where three lokas exist

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Both for microcosm and Macrocosm. In case of Macrocosm, all these three worlds lie within the second compartment of the [Cosmic] mind. First compartment is the cognitive mind. And second compartment is the "done mind", objectivated mind, mind that can be seen, that can be realized, that can be enjoyed singularly. So, these are the three bhuvanas, three worlds.” (3)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 2, The Role of the Cognitive Faculty
2. 16 July 1980 in Patna
3. 16 July 1980 in Patna

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Only degradation awaits them

   Ananda Marga ideology states, "All people should have proper knowledge and understanding of what is shreya and what is preya, what is vidyá and what is avidyá, for lack of this knowledge causes their downfall, and with its help, they progress onwards through proper sádhaná. Behind human desires the sweetly benevolent inspiration that the soul imparts, leads human beings to consciousness, not crudeness. That is why the wise try to develop their wisdom and intelligence more and more. No one wants to remain a fool: not even a simpleton wants to be called an idiot. To acquire true wisdom, judgement is necessary and judgment involves discrimination. The proper applications of this discriminating judgement is wisdom. This is why the discriminating people take Brahma, the ultimate stage of their consciousness, as their objective."
   "But the ignorant or foolish ones who do not utilize their discriminating judgement but are tempted on to the path of materialistic sádhaná for their temporary enjoyment, eventually become crude themselves. The Yama said, “Allured by the paraphernalia of enjoyment these fools do not understand nor do they want to understand, the Supreme Entity. They cannot even imagine a subtler world beyond this material quinquelemental world and so they totally deny it. Those who take the crude as their objective, have to come again and again into this material world in crude forms to enjoy and endure the crude. Trudging along a dark path they are gradually transformed into matter. Thus, they come under my sway again and again, for it is impossible for them to redeem themselves from the cycle of birth and death." (1)

Note: In the present world, countless innocent people in the so-called advanced societies - and wherever materialism reigns - suffer terribly from this above described ailment. It is our duty to save them from their complete destruction and demise.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Supreme Benevolence and Mundane Pleasure

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Krpa is a special type of help

Ananda Marga ideology states, "What is Krpá? In Saḿskrta, the root verb is “kr”. “Kr” means to help one in one’s progress even when one does not deserve it. So if one deserves it, that is, if one has the qualification to get oneself fully developed and fully exalted, then in that case there is no necessity of krpá, there is no necessity of help from Táraka Brahma. But when one does not deserve it, when one has not got the qualification for development, and still one is helped, that sort of help is called “krpa”." (1)

Ananda Marga philsophy states, "A spiritual aspirant should not do spiritual practices to become omniscient. Rather, a spiritual aspirant is to perform spiritual practices to satisfy Parama Puruśa in the form of Parama Guru. That is why it has been rightly said: Guru krpá hi kevalam [“The grace of the Guru is everything”]." (2)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 2, Guru Krpáhi Kevalam
2. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Women's exploitation
2. PS #2562: You are my soul
3. IT: Only degradation awaits them
4. Links