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Sunday, January 13, 2019

How to grow bhakti + 3 more


How to grow bhakti


The key question arises, “Why is it that some aspirants lack bhakti?” Here we have to remember that the requisite ingredient for having bhakti is having a personal relation with Parama Purusa. That means seeing Him in form and having a loving link with Him, thinking that, “He is my Father, I am His child and fostering a personal relation. In contrast, bhakti does not grow if one thinks that Parama Purusa is formless, or that He is just a Controlling point, or if one has a vague notion of Him as a Nucleus, or as energy, or effulgence. One cannot have a loving relation with air, water, waves, magnetism, gravity, or electricity etc. If one thinks that Parama Purusa is some impersonal, faceless entity then love for Him will never grow.

One cannot have bhakti towards something that is formless. Bhakti itself means having love and affection for Parama Purusa in His personal form. And without bhakti, without love for God, no matter how much sadhana one does or how often one practices asanas etc, they will never feel quenched or satiated inside. Their heart will always be like a dry, sandstorm - parched and thirsty.

Whereas if one has even the small beginnings of a personal relation with Him, then the situation is the polar opposite. In that case, the aspiration will certainly have an intimate, loving link with Him in His form - either today or in the near future. Baba has said this in so many discourses. It is just like if you have very arable land, good seeds, and plenty of sunshine, but if there is no water then nothing will grow. Water is the requisite factor. Similarly, in spiritual life, bhakti is everything and bhakti depends upon one’s relation with a personal God, imbibed with the idea that “He is my Father, and I am His child”, or one may adopt any other type of relation.

Ananda Marga ideology, “In the realm of devotion He is purely a personal Entity. He is mine, He is my Father, He is my closest relative. He is my bigger self. He is not a second entity; that is, the relationship is purely a personal one. There cannot be any love with an impersonal entity. One cannot be in love with an impersonal entity. Love requires a personal entity.” (1)

In Him

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 12, A Purely Personal Entity

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Come in my abode 

"Tumi eso, tumi eso a'ma'r ghare..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3190)


Parama Purusa, please come in my abode, my heart and mind. I am waiting ceaselessly for You; the lamp of hope is burning non-stop for You in the core of my being.

Divine Entity, You are always so gracious. You come to me in my dreams. Even when awake, I continue thinking about You. Baba, You are my everything, Your love is engraved and carved in every pore of my existence - in all my thoughts and works.

Baba, O' Parama Purusa, I always remember You; even by mistake I cannot forget You. You reside deep within, in a very intimate way. You saturate and fill my whole universe with the sweetness of Your love.

Baba, please shower Your causeless grace on everyone and come in my mental abode; You are my everything...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #3190:

[1] "You come to me in my dreams. Even when awake, I continue thinking about You": Regarding mundane dreams what one thinks about during the day comes in their dreams at night. Spiritual dreams are different. When an aspirant's mind becomes involved in crude mundane things, then Parama Purusa graces that sadhaka. He appears in his dream; it is His special blessing to bring the aspirant back onto the spiritual path. During such dreams, Parama Purusa infuses the sadhaka's mind with spiritual bliss. Then, even after rising, that spiritual vibration continues to resonate in the mind of the sadhaka, by His grace. That is what is described in this song.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Psyche of exploited people

Following is a concentrated review which gives a picture of the present-day exploitation that is going on across the planet. It is obvious, both in the European Union and the US, that technologically advanced areas / countries are exploiting the “backwards” provinces or “backwards” countries. That is why downtrodden areas (province or country) are frustrated and depressed. Because they see what the wealthy exploiters are doing.

Take the case of the US. The eastern and western coasts of the US are extremely rich while the rural middle part the country is comparatively poor and depressed. In the economic arena, the coastal cities are the victors and the rural areas are the losers. This same formula works in India or any so-called developing or developed country. That is why many wish to leave the European Union, and that is why the economic situation of those in the central, rural areas of the US are in terrible despair. This is a world-wide phenomena. Please pay special attention to the yellow highlighted lines below.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Motivated by socio-sentiment, one social group tries to forcibly dominate another group, with the intention that “We will utilize the exploited group or their land” – here the group is more important than the land – “as a source of raw materials. The finished products will be manufactured within our area, and then we will utilize the exploited country as the market for our goods.””

“What can the financially-handicapped groups do in this situation? They are forced to enslave themselves to the powerful countries or groups because of their fear complex born of their impotence or poverty. And what is the outcome of such slavery?”

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In the next phase, the exploited painfully find themselves reduced to the position of suppliers of raw materials and purchasers of finished products. They are economically ruined. Such things happen as a result of both psycho-economic exploitation and politico-economic exploitation. Intelligent people should analyse this carefully.”

“When this exploitation is perpetrated by the application of brute force, it is politico-economic exploitation; but when it is done not through brute force but through the application of cunning intellectual strategy, it is primarily psycho-economic exploitation”

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Now, whatever may be the nature of this psycho-economic or politico-economic exploitation, its inevitable outcome is that the exploiters not only exploit the people directly or indirectly, but also govern them. This makes the exploitation easier for the rulers.” (1)

1. The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism, Disc: 7

== Section 4: Links ==

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Other topics of interest
More important letters

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #3190: Come in my abode
2. Posting: How to grow bhakti
3. IT: Psyche of exploited people
4. Links