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Sunday, July 1, 2018

Carcinogenic style of cooking + 3 more


Carcinogenic style of cooking


As Ananda Margiis, we do not eat indiscriminately. We are careful about the foods that go into our body, i.e. what to eat and what not to eat. As we know, Sadguru Baba's teaching is that food not good for the body and mind is tamasik.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Támasika áhára: All kinds of foods which are harmful to either the body or mind and may or may not be harmful to the other are called támasika." (1)

Ingredients are sentient but food is tamasik

Unfortunately, nowadays, due to the method of preparation and technological developments, there are many foods that seem to be sentient but are tamasik. All the ingredients are sentient but the style of preparation itself makes that food harmful to the body. The following research work details how many plant-based foods that are pan-fried or deep-fried in oil cause cancer in the body. In the heating process, a toxic, cancer-causing agent - known as acrylamide - is created.

Basically, this carcinogenic toxin (i.e. acrylamide) is the result of combining carbohydrate or starchy foods with oil and high heat. So this triangle of variables - (a) carbohydrate, (b) oil, and (c) high heat - is dangerous to health. It is tamasik and dangerous to the body; it is cancer-forming.

Most snack foods (chips etc), roasted nuts, toasted breads, all deep fried foods, and oven-roasted foods fall in this category. Countless company produced foods are carcinogenic category. Those foods look like they are sentient by the ingredients list, but they are actually tamasik. See link below for a full list. In addition, many foods cooked at gatherings, festivals, and melas - and even in our own homes - are also made in this way. They are tamasik as they contain cancer-causing agents.

Some Ananda Margiis creating this toxic chemical

In certain countries of the world the general cooking style creates this very toxic effect. For instance, in places like India, it is common to take a ladle of oil and put it in a pan along with spices like ginger, cumin, coriander, chili etc. And they bring this up to a high degree of heat. Then those fried spices and the oil are placed in a cooked pot of pulses (beans.) And other times the oil and spices are fried along with starchy vegetables like potato etc. Both of these approaches yield cancer causing toxins, i.e. acrylamide. So that food is very harmful to the body and verily tamasik. Everyone should beware because this happens at some of our Ananda Marga functions as well as in the general society.

Regardless of one's geographical area, if one does like this then it is carcinogenic. In other areas of the world where people have easy-access to an oven, they often roast vegetables, breads, potatoes etc with oil. This roasting process also yields the carcinogenic property, acrylamide. These oven-roasted foods are also tamasik as they are extremely harmful to the body.

Is your style of cooking carcinogenic?

As Ananda Margiis, there may be some or many of us preparing foods that give rise to this toxic chemical. Many have learned the Indian style of frying vegetables and breads as well like lucci, paratha. And then many in overseas areas may roast starchy vegetables or carbohydrates on a regular basis. All such approaches are cancer-causing and indeed tamasik as they are harmful to the body.

So we have to be careful. Because even though all the ingredients are sentient, the mix of oil and carbohydrate (rice, potato, noodles, bread etc) with high heat makes that food toxic and carcinogenic, and hence tamasik as well.

To be very clear about this please read these following sections about fried-food preparation. If you are doing any of these below processes then that food is going to be carcinogenic.

What are fried foods

Frying is the cooking of food in fat. This takes several forms, from deep-frying, where the food is completely immersed in hot oil, to sautéing where food is cooked in a frying pan where there is only a thin coating of oil. Frying is the fastest way to cook, as it is the most efficient way to transfer heat into the food. Despite using liquid oil, frying is considered to be a dry cooking method as water is not used in the cooking process and ideally the cooking oil will not be absorbed by the food, thus no moisture is added by cooking. This manner of cooking is tamasik as it is carcinogenic and harmful to the body.

What are pan fried or sauteed foods

Pan frying is a form of frying characterized by the use of minimal cooking oil or fat (compared to shallow frying or deep frying); typically using just enough oil to lubricate the pan (although, in the case of a greasy food such as bacon, no oil or fats may be needed). As a form of frying, pan frying relies on oil as the heat transfer medium and on correct temperature and time to retain the moisture in the food. Because of the partial coverage, the food must be flipped at least once to cook both sides. Those who cook foods in this way should understand that this style of preparation is tamasik, as it yields the cancer-causing toxin acrylamide.

What is shallow frying

Shallow frying is an oil-based cooking technique. It is typically used to prepare fried foods such as fritters. Shallow frying can also be used to cook vegetables. Shallow-fried foods are often battered. It is a high-heat process, promoting browning and, in some cases, a Maillard reaction. Since the food is only partly submerged, it must be turned over partway through the cooking process. Some cooks recommend cooking the "presentation" side of the food first, since this side will be better browned. This type of frying also makes food tamasik.

What is deep frying

Deep frying is a cooking method in which food is submerged in hot fat e.g. oil. This is normally performed with a deep fryer or chip pan; industrially, a pressure fryer or vacuum fryer may be used.
Deep frying is classified as a dry cooking method because no water is used. Due to the high temperature involved and the high heat conduction of oil, it cooks food extremely quickly.

Overheating or over-using the frying oil leads to formation of rancid-tasting products of oxidation, polymerization, and other deleterious, unintended or even toxic compounds such as acrylamide (from starchy foods).

Deep fried foods are all tamasik as the oil and heat and starchy food substance gives rise to the cancer-causing toxin acrylamide. Yet, deep-fried food is readily found in most parts of the globe. So we should be careful and strict not to give way to this tamasik style of eating.

Easy simple solutions: steam or boil food

As big a problem as it may seem, there is a clear-cut solution. And verily, human ingenuity will certainly give rise to many new ways of preparing foods in the future. For the present moment, some excellent and safe methods are to boil or steam your food, or simply eat it raw. If oil is used, then put a small amount on your food after it has already been cooked. Do not heat the oil. These are some very easy and simple solutions to this pervasive issue.

We should all bear in mind that cancer is a deadly disease. We should strictly avoid those foods which are carcinogenic, i.e. cancer causing. That means all kinds of fried and roasted foods should be avoided as they are tamasik. Many die of cancer each year so we should take utmost care to avoid foods that contain this toxic chemical - acrylamide.


As Ananda Margiis, we should be pioneers in the field of health and well-being. Yoga is at the pinnacle of human health. As disciples of Sadguru Baba, we have been blessed with all the best life practices for physical, mental, and spiritual progress. So we should be keenly aware about this pitfall of company foods and home frying etc. That means understanding how acrylamide is formed and avoiding those foods and cooking style that produce it.

in Him,
Lambodar Rao

~ In-depth study ~

Here below is the news article followed by a link to many of the popular foods that contain the tamasik, cancer-causing toxin known as acrylamide.

Food & Drug Administration (FDA):
Avoid acrylamide in fried foods due to cancer risk

By: Michelle Castillo - November 18, 2013
Courtesy of: CBS News

The Food and Drug Administration is warning people to cut down on acrylamide, a chemical linked to cancer that can form in plant-based, starchy foods when they are cooked in high-temperatures like when baking or frying.

Foods that contain acrylamide include French fries, coffees, crackers, toasted breads and dried fruits, according to the FDA.

The chemical is created from sugars and an amino acid that is normally found in food. The Grocery Manufactures Association explains that acrylamide is mostly found in plant products that have the "browning Maillard reaction," meaning the food gets a different flavor, texture or color when heat is applied. Typically the browner the item when cooked, the more acrylamide the food item contains.

The Grocery Manufactures Association adds that acrylamide has been found in the human diet ever since people cooked via baking, grilling, roasting, toasting and frying food items. It can be found in 40 percent of the calories consumed in the average American diet, the FDA pointed out.

Scientists only discovered the compound in 2002, so research on the chemical is relatively new. Acrylamide has been linked to higher rates of cancer in animals, leading health officials to believe that it may be a carcinogen for humans as well.

Boiling or steaming food does not form acrylamide, so when possible, heating your food with those methods may be ideal.

Since frying causes the chemical to form, it is best to follow manufacturers' recommendations on time and temperature when making fried foods. Do not overcook or overcrisp the items.

When making potato products, cook them to a golden yellow color rather than a brown color. Potatoes should also not be stored in the refrigerator, which can increase the amount of acrylamide that forms when the item is cooked. Potatoes should be kept in a dark, cool place like a closet or pantry, the FDA says.

Bread should be toasted to a light brown color instead of a dark brown color, and very brown areas should not be eaten.

The FDA also recommends eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fat-free or low-fat milk items. Lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs and nuts are also recommended.

When choosing other foods, it's always best to go with foods low in saturated fats and trans fats, which can raise "bad" LDL cholesterol and lower "good" HDL cholesterol, as well as increase your risk for a heart attack. Eating items low in cholesterol, sodium and added sugars is also a plus.

©2013 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

List of foods

Here is an extensive list of prepared foods that contain the toxic, cancer-causing chemical acrylamide.

1. Caryacarya-3, Procedure for Eating

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Close with the resonance of omkara

"Gáner tarii bhásiye dilum surer ságare..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0753)


Baba, by Your grace I am floating the boat of the song in the ocean of the tune. I am doing my sadhana and am ensconced in Brahmabhava. It is Your krpa. Today I feel that no one is alien; all are my close. Everybody is mine.

Up till now I could not get that Parama Purusa who expresses Himself, always and everywhere, in various colours and forms. This morning that very Supreme Entity came close with the resonance of omkara. He came before me and allowed me to hold Him.

The song of omkara could not be practiced up till now; I could not play it with the strings of my viina. Yet this very day that same melody has told me, "I am living alone in a charming world of cosmic maya. Don't You recognise?”...

About Prabhat Samgiita #0753:

[1] Omnkara: In this below quote, Baba is describing how a sadhaka gets pulled headlong towards Him once they hear that divine sound, onmkara. It is all due to the grace of the Supreme.

Ananda Marga philsoophy says, "The spiritual aspirant hears the various sounds of onm'ka'ra or pran'ava At various stages, during deep sa'dhana', during sweet sa'dhana'. The sound is called muraliidhvani. The sa'dhaka becomes mad because of this sound and goes deeper and attains Ra'dha' bha'va more and more, and rushes headlong forward....At that time one does not think at all about what people will say. One knows only that 'I and my Is't'a exist'." (1)

1. Discourses Krsna & The Giita, 15 January 1980, Kolkata

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Hurting religious sentiments vs rational discussion

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "You should be careful not to hurt the religious sentiments of others, even if in the future most people become A'nanda Ma'rgiis. Deities should be preserved in museums, and temples should be restored to maintain the cultural and historical heritage of the country." (1)

Note: In the past and nowadays also, during communal riots vandals attacked and destroyed temples, mosques, and synagogues etc. This type of thing was common in India during the Muslim invasion. And most parts of the globe have witnessed this. People senselessly destroy the symbols and structures of other religions.

Some years ago, the Taliban blew up the biggest Buddha carving in the world which had been made into a mountainside in Afghanistan. Recently in Syria, terrorists have been doing doing the same thing, i.e. desecrating and destroying religious treasures and shrines. Such types of hate crimes occur both on the collective level and also in individual life. If someone hates another religion they will destroy those religious artifacts etc. They break the neck or nose of various statues, or crush them into dust - thereby hurting the religious sentiments of others. This type of senseless and destructive behaviour is not acceptable. Ananda Marga philosophy does not support this in any way.

Naive people get confused

At the same time, no one should think that open, rational discussions about religious beliefs is not allowed. Unfortunately some naive people get confused and think that genuine ideological discussion between the religions is also forbidden. But that is not true. Respectful logical discussion aimed at pointing out the loopholes is appropriate. That has nothing to do with hurting the religious sentiments of others.

For instance, one can openly discuss religious dogmas like casteism, heaven and hell, or namaz etc. Such topics can be examined morally and philosophically - and discussed. It only crosses the line when one openly abuses the peoples of that religion by taunting them that, "Your forefathers were stupid for worshiping the sun, moon, monkey, cross, crescent moon etc." That contravenes our code or ethic.

As Ananda Margiis, we should not suppress or eliminate the various legacies and traditions of different peoples and communities. All should be honoured and respected and taught the ways of neo-humanism. At the same time we should bear in mind that an open, respectful, rational discussion about religious tenets is encouraged.

1. Prout Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #0753: Close with the resonance of omkara
2. Posting: Carcinogenic style of cooking
IT: Hurting religious sentiments vs rational discussion
4. Links