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Friday, June 29, 2018

Sin of Savitananda + 3 more


Sin of Savitananda

Note: A basic ingredient to understand this letter is bhakti. Devoid of bhakti this difficult letter will be unintelligible.


Bhagavan is only comprised of six attributions - which any human can attain - while Parama Purusa is so much more than that.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “The combination of all these six attributes [aeshvarya, viirya, yasha, shrii, jiṋána and vaerágya] is called bhaga, and he who is the owner of this bhaga, that is, he who is owner of these six attributes, is called bhagaván. By sádhaná an ordinary man can become bhagaván – after acquiring bhaga, these six attributes.” (1)

Taraka Brahma is above bhagavan

As we know, there are many bhagavans and it is explained in Ananda Marga philosophy that by their sadhana Buddha, Mahaviira, and Shankaracarya became bhagavan. Yet Bhagavan Buddha, Bhagavan Mahaviira, and Bhagavan Shankaracarya are not Mahasambhuti. Nor are they Parama Purusa. Bhagavan is anyone in human form who, by their sadhana and penance, gains those six attributions. They are: aeshvarya, viiryam, yasha, shrii, jina'nam, and vaera'gya.

Parama Purusa is far, far above that bhagavan

Baba is Parama Purusa not just bhagavan. For instance, when an ordinary sadhaka proceeds and reaches a higher stage, then he becomes iishvara. And when he does more sadhana and reaches the next higher stage he becomes bhagavan. And when bhagavan reaches the next higher stage he becomes one with Parama Purusa. So here is the key point to understand. At one time there may be thousands of bhagavans on this planet, or any planet, or throughout the universe etc, but regardless of the circumstances Parama Purusa cannot be two. Because He is the Supreme Controller. So it is obvious that bhagavan is lower.
  • sadhaka → iishvara; iishvara → bhagvan; bhagavan → (merges in) Parama Purusa
Baba is Parama Purusa and far superior than bhagavan. Throughout Ananda Marga literature, Parama Purusa is the main term used to refer to the Supreme Consciousness. Here the foundational attribution of Parama Purusa is the witness-ship of everyone and everything across all time and space. He is there covert in each and every entity - everywhere. And in so many discourses of Ananda Marga philosophy it is explained that Parama Purusa is the Supreme Witnessing Entity. By His own will He takes human form to liberate others.

In Him,
Arthur Bloom

Bhagaván is lower than Parama Puruśa

Ananda Marga ideology states, “All the qualities that are present in Saguńa Brahma or Iishvara (Qualified Consciousness) are of course also present in Parama Puruśa, with some other qualities as well. So we see that Parama Puruśa is both Iishvara and Bhagaván, and something more than that.” (2)

भगवान से बड़े परमपुरुष

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, ““अब देखो, कहा गया था पहले कि ईश्वर, भगवान, परमपुरुष ये सब हैं, इसमें ईश्वर में जो गुण हैं, परमपुरुष में उतने तो अवश्य ही हैं; भगवान में जो गुण हैं, परमपुरुष में तो उतना तो अवश्य ही हैं, मगर उसके अतिरिक्त भी हैं | तो, परमपुरुष, ईश्वर भी हैं, भगवान भी हैं, और उसके अतिरिक्त और भी कुछ हैं |” (3) [S10-06 (incomplete)DMC 27 November 1971 Nagpur]

~ In-depth study ~

Baba is Parama Purusa not just bhagavan. Some get confused and think that bhagavan, Parama Purusa, Mahasambhuti, and Taraka Brahma are one and the same. When talking about Ananda Marga philosophy it is important to understand the profound nuances and differences between these terms. And if one is writing an essay or publishing a book then one should be very careful to be philosophically accurate. And verily, every sadhaka should at least know these fundamental concepts and understand how Ananda Marga philosophy uses these terms. For propagating Ananda Marga philosophy, doing pracara, and helping others onto the path of spirituality this basic knowledge is highly necessary.

The Supreme Consciousness is one singular Divine Entity - which we refer to as Parama Purusa. Then in His role as Taraka Brahma He is the tangential point of Saguna Brahma and Nirguna Brahma, and when that Entity known as Taraka Brahma wishes to come in human form He is Mahasambhuti. In a nutshell, that is the relationship between Parama Purusa, Mahasambhuti, Taraka Brahma. Baba is that  Taraka Brahma. Yet all three appellations refer to the same singular Supreme Entity, Parama Purusa. In stark contrast, the terms Bhagavan and Iishvara are completely different. This creation is thought-projection of Parama Purusa - He creates this in His mind. In contrast, bhagavan is not the Creator of this universe but rather is one of the created beings.

Parama Purusa is the Creator of this universe, and Bhagavan is not. Baba is Parama Purusa not just bhagavan.

Any person who does sadhana can become a bhagavan. For instance Shankaracarya and Buddha did like this. They had to do sadhana and undergo all sorts of penance in order to achieve their status of bhagavan. In contrast Parama Purusa is Parama Purusa; He is the Creator of this universe. He does not need to do any sadhana. So it is obvious that bhagavan is inferior to Parama Purusa. Parama Purusa is the Supreme Witnessing Entity. He is beyond all the bondages.  So it is clear that bhagavan is beneath Parama Purusa.
  • sadhaka → iishvara; iishvara → bhagvan; bhagavan → (merges in) Parama Purusa
Baba is Parama Purusa, calling Him as bhagavan is sin. This sin has been committed by Margii N and Dada Savita’nanda, or Savitananda.

Who did this sin

The person who wrote the grossly misleading book "Bhagavan Anandamurti" is Narada Muni of our SUVA sector. He is the one whose faulty writing undermines and limits Baba's Supreme status, thereby exposing brother N's lower level of bhakti and poor philosophical understanding. Indeed, this book reveals brother N's overall psychic standard. Shockingly in the many years since it was first published he has never corrected or rectified this gigantic problem.

In a similar vein, Dada Savitananda has written a book in Hindi titled “Baba Bhagavan.” That is also sinful. He should have titled it as “Taraka Brahma Baba” or “Parama Purusa Baba”. As we know Dada Savitananda and Narada are both human beings so if we write that Dada S and Narada Muni are animals then that is denigrating to them. In that same way all know that Baba is Taraka Brahma and Parama Purusa so calling Him as bhagavan is denigrating His stature. It is so simple to understand. Of course I am not going to denigrate Dada Savitananda and Narada by calling them as animal. Although certainly Dada Savitananda and Narada denigrated Baba and that is most unfortunate, shocking, and sinful.

Most probably they committed this sin due to their sheer and utter lack of understanding of Ananda Marga philosophy. Various types of margiis and Wts have written about Baba with different motives. Some wrote with pure bhakti to glorify Baba and others wrote Baba stories as a means to boost their own image as being a great sage. If you read their books carefully, you will see that both Narada Muni and Dada Savitananda fall in this second group, i.e. this group of hypocrites that aim to glorify themselves.

Bhagavan is not Taraka Brahma

In a discourse from the book Namami Krsnasundaram, it is clearly explained that bhaga means the combination of six attributions: aeshvarya, viirya, yasha, shrii, jina'nam, and vaera'gya. So first that discourse illustrates what is meant by the term bhagavan - i.e. anyone who achieves the aforementioned six qualities. Then in a grand comparison, it gives an example how Taraka Brahma Parama Purusa is much more than this.

Suffice to say here that this type of divine guarantee of freeing one from sin cannot be given by those who are merely bhagavan. Such a proclamation guaranteeing the liberation of one's sins can only be given by the Parama Purusa Himself.

Only Parama Purusa can free you of sin

Here Ananda Marga philosophy is announcing the fact that Parama Purusa is not just a bhagavan. Because only the singular entity Parama Purusa can save people from their sins. No bhagavan can do that. Please read below.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Only Parama Purus'a can assure jiivas so unequivocally. This goes to show beyond any shadow of a doubt that He is not bhagava'na, but the veritable manifestation of divinity." (4)

Taraka Brahma is Supreme

Taraka Brahma is greater than all those other lesser entities like bhagavan.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "A Maha'kaola is one who makes others kaola by his infallible spiritual guidance. But Ta'raka Brahma is a different Entity, a unique Entity for He is the spiritual preceptor, social preceptor, Kaola, and Maha'kaola, all in one. He is also something more: He acts as a compass in every stratum of society." (5)

As His disciples we are to propagate His divine stature and greatness.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings - That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidya (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamurtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty." (6)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Only Parama Purus'a can assure jiivas so unequivocally. This goes to show beyond any shadow of a doubt that He is not bhagava'na, but the veritable manifestation of divinity. He cannot be compared to either khan'da'vata'ra, am'sha'vata'ra or kala'vata'ra. They may be bhagava'na due to their possession of the six qualities, but none among them is the Supreme Entity." (7)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “The combination of all these six attributes [aeshvarya, viirya, yasha, shrii, jiṋána and vaerágya] is called bhaga, and he who is the owner of this bhaga, that is, he who is owner of these six attributes, is called bhagaván. By sádhaná an ordinary man can become bhagaván – after acquiring bhaga, these six attributes.” (8)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The word bhaga plus the suffix matup gives us bhagavata; and the first person singular form of bhagavata is bhagaván. What does the word bhaga mean?”
Aeshvaryaiṋca samagraiṋca viiryaiṋca yashasah shriyah;
Jiṋána vaerágyayoshca tu śańńáḿ bhaga iti smrtam.
[Bhaga is a collection of six attributes: aeshvarya, viirya, yasha, shrii, jiṋána and vaerágya.]

The word bhaga implies six divine powers or abilities, or a collection of six kinds of Tantric powers or manifestations.“ (9)

Parama Purusa is Mayadhiisha, i.e. the Controller of maya, not mayadhiish, i.e. bound my maya. Only Parama Purusa lords over maya, while all those various bhagavans are firmly under maya's rule and control. So the infinite glory of Parama Purusa towers far above the position of bhagavan.

He is beyond comparison

Here it should be understood that Baba is Parama Purusa; He is the Taraka Brahma. His infinite Personality is infinite and beyond comparison. So why should one belittle Him by labeling Him as being just a bhagavan. When in clear-cut language Ananda Marga philosophy explains that His qualities go far beyond that of only bhagavan. Being the Parama Purusa certainly He possesses those few attributes of the limited stance of bhagavan, but He also has much more than that. So no one can say that He is just a bhagavan.

Indeed the limited nature of the term bhagavan is insufficient to encapsulate all of Baba's greatness. It falls far short of the mark. The bhagavan term utterly fails to represent Baba.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Those accepting Me as their final refuge, I will free from the bondage of sin. Their future is certainly glorious. No one need worry about their past. It is senseless to worry about atonement for past misdeeds...." (10)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 34, Blind Mind and Conscience
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Parama Puruśa and His Creation
3. S10-06 (incomplete) DMC 27 November 1971 Nagpur
4. Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Pariprashna (Discourse 24)
5. Namami Krsnasundaram, 'Vraja Krśńa and Sáḿkhya Philosophy
6. Caryacarya - 2, Sadhana, Point #1a
7. Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Pariprashna (Discourse 24)
8. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 34, Blind Mind and Conscience
9. Discourses on Krśńa and the Giitá, Svadharma and Paradharma – 2
10. Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Pariprashna (Discourse 24)

Savitananda, Saviitananda, Sawitananda, Sawiitananda, Narad Muni, Narada Muni, Narada Munii, Paul Alister, Mr Alister

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Baba: make my heart full of bhakti

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart.

"Ámár jiivane ámár paráńe, nrityer táler eso go, tumi..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0313)


O’ Parama Purusa, please come in my life and in my heart with the tempo of dance. Leading the path of materialism, my life is full of sadness. Kindly manifest Yourself in my existence and fill my heart with joy, happiness, and bliss. O’ Supreme Entity, Baba, affectionately flash Your world-captivating, mind-intoxicating, heart-satiating, and charming smile, so I can forget everything and become ensconced in Brahma bhava.

O’ Parama Purusa, You are the touchstone. By Your wish, please transform my black, crude, aspiritual life into gold, full of bhakti. Be gracious and remove all my bad samskaras and make my being pure.

O’ Parama Purusa, Baba, I request You to flood my stagnant dirty pond with the flow of a distant, divine fountain. My mind is filled with a narrow, limited outlook - isms and dogmas; O’ Lord, please drench me with universalism and neo-humanism. By showering the spiritual flood of refulgence and eradicating all the dark miseries, dye my mind in Your exquisite, crimson radiance. Baba, inundate my heart with parabhakti - highest yearning for You.

Drowning in materialism, my life has lost all its charm; it is full of misery and sadness. Please come in my existence and make my life meaningful…

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Ananda Marga ideology is on numerous planets

This is a brief English summary of the below Hindi teaching:
You should depend on the force of spirituality. That is what an intelligent person should do. And since the beginning that is what we have done. The “nucleus” [of Ananda Marga] is a small town and that nucleus remains the same, but the circumference is no longer limited to Jamalpur; it has spread not only across the entire globe but throughout various planets. And it is spreading more and more. Now remember that this Ananda Marga was made not by one or two but by thousands of righteous persons. From this DMC I [Baba] am bestowing Ananda Marga to the common people.
The above is a brief English summary of Baba’s below Hindi teaching.

Here is the Hindi “as-is” transcription:

Ananda Marga ideology states, “तुम उस पर निर्भरशील बनो | वही तो बुद्धिमान का काम होगा | और, हम लोग शुरुआत से वही किए थे | इसलिए जहाँ एक छोटे-से शहर में [आनन्दमार्ग का ] छोटा-सा एक ‘nucleus’ था, वह nucleus तो उतना ही रह गया | मगर दायरा अब छोटा-सा शहर नहीं; समूचा दुनिया और सिर्फ़ यह नहीं, अब तो यह ग्रह-ग्रहान्तर में भी फैल गया है | फैल रहा है | फैलता जाएगा |”
[मार्गियों की गूँज  "बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !"]
“अब केवल याद रखोगे कि यह जो आनन्दमार्ग, यह साधु-बुद्धि सम्पन्न, एक-दो नहीं, हज़ार-हज़ार मनुष्यों ने बनाया है | हम इस महाचक्र में आनन्दमार्ग को जनता के पास समर्पित कर दिए |” (1)

1. Spiritual Truth Surpasses Everything, V7-14 (E), MGD 3 January 1979 Patna

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #0313: Baba: make my heart full of bhakti
2. Posting: Sin of Savitananda
IT: Ananda Marga ideology is on numerous planets
4. Links