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Monday, March 26, 2018

Download unique & monumental book on AMPS history (1968 - 73) + 2 more


Download unique & monumental book
on AMPS history (1968 - 73)


This wonderful book, The Flame That Burns Upward, traces the very crucial and tough period in AMPS from 1968 through 1973, including various false court cases.

In addition to detailing the key events from this 5-year period, the book places the teachings of Sadguru Baba against the greater historical and philosophical landscape of religious movements, and demonstrates how Ananda Marga ideology is bhagavad dharma.

All in all, this is an unparalleled account that every Ananda Margii should read and have in their library. Please download this text as it is a very valuable, historical document.
in Him,
AM Universal Moderators

This book was donated by the ​great bhakta and sadvipra​ Shrii Shrish Chandra Jaiswal of Buxar, Bihar,​ India. All credit goes to him for donating his valuable copy. Later on, it was scanned and uploaded by dedicated volunteers. Thanks to all parties involved, including those downloading it for the present and future generations.

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Blaming God is sin

  Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Human beings fail to realize that it is quite natural for the reactions of past actions to be expressed in this life. Since they cannot see the original actions, they blame God for their fate."
  "Some people who spend their whole lives engaged in virtuous deeds suffer tremendously as a result of previous original actions. For the same reason, some people who performed wicked actions in a past life enjoy abundant pleasure in this life."
  “Since they cannot see the original actions, they blame God for their fate." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, The Science of Action

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings

Other topics of interest

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Making child sadvipra + 2 more


Making child sadvipra


Some organised religions - Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc - preach and teach their kids their doctrine from a very early age by enrolling them in daily or weekly religious education schools and programs. They understand well that what a child sees and experiences in those younger years (from 0 - 12) will stick with them their entire life.

Christians put their kids in Sunday school, Jews have Hebrew school, the Muslims put even their 2 year olds in madarsa (Islamic faith schools). In that way, they are able to indoctrinate their children into their dogmatic faith at a very young age. Our Marga is the voice of bhagavata dharma, even then we are struggling to bring our children and youths onto the spiritual path of tantra.

So while the various religions are very effective in passing their dogma onto their children, yet we are not able to instill the ways of bhagavata dharma within our own youths.

Why children may miss out on this opportunity

So it is really a question of parenting and schooling for all children. If from a very young age they are guided in a particular direction they will have those experiences and ideals for life. Children remember and learn so much in those early moments. Now I really wish I always kept my oldest with me nearby when doing sadhana. I did that with my youngest but not my older one.

Drawing children into the Marga lies almost cent-per-cent with the families and then with the schools later on. So each and every family must be very disciplined in Sixteen Points while raising their children. This will have a direct relationships in developing their children into strong Ananda Margiis.

These days many Christian families are less strict than before, and the degree to which they are remiss is the degree to which the church loses followers in that area. This has happened to a large extent in Europe. In contrast, to the degree that parents are strict in their households - as is the case with many Muslim families - is the degree to which their children get fully indoctrinated into that approach.

As parents in the Marga we should clearly understand this issue and put it into practice. Because unlike the dogmatic religions, we have all the wonders of the universe to share with our children. Our Ananda Marga is the path of dharma. Yet without our prompting and clear-cut approach, our children will continue to miss out on this opportunity. And this is an injustice to them - and it is not the way we are to raise our children in service to Guru Dev.

Ananda Marga is not just an extracurricular activity

Part of the problem that can happen is that we may feel that Ananda Marga is something viewed as an extracurricular - and not the essential building block of life. There is so much to do as parents that one can get caught up just following the basic worldly checklist without putting proper emphasis on Ananda Marga. When in fact it is the spirituality of Ananda Marga that is the essence of life - not all that other stuff.

We missed this lesson with our oldest child and instead got caught up in general societal values; in result our son did not develop into a sadhaka. In our own way we paid attention to his physical and mental development, yet never inculcated the spiritual side into his daily life, neither as an infant, nor as a toddler or young boy. And now the sad reality is that this is not part of his life.

I would not raise this point if I did not see this happening with other margii families. Many of the parents in my circle of communication are in the midst of similar circumstances - they openly say so.

I suppose the main thing is not to rely on the idea that somehow magically our children will walk into the door of Ananda Marga at the age of 18, when up until that time Ananda Marga has not been a major factor in their lives.

Practical points to to bring into child's practice

Here is a short list of things we can do as parents to ensure our children grow to be strong sadhakas and active Ananda Margiis.
1. Create a community of friends by having our margii children play with other margii children;
2. Bring children to DC and organise a children's dharmacakra;
3. Have them in the room with you when you do your personal sadhana;
4. Sing kiirtan & bhajans with them throughout the day;
5. Tell them Baba stories before bed;
6. Inculcate a spiritual outlook in life;
7. We must remember that our kids see what we do and follow accordingly;
8. if child gets raised in Ananda Marga then they will think Ananda Marga is their home and they will follow the basic do's and don'ts their entire life.
Finally, may we all remember that we cannot teach someone about the danger of drowning after he has already drowned. Similarly, we must not passively watch our children grow thinking that they will automatically make it into Ananda Marga. We must be vigilant to guide them every step of the way - the moment they emerge from the womb - and even before then.

Way to inculcate spiritual values within our children on a daily basis

Baba says, "The main point is this: for want of a little care, children are deprived of the opportunity to become complete human beings, even though they have a human structure." (1)

Thus to bring our children onto the path of Ananda Marga we cannot merely passively wait for that magic day to happen as if they will realise it with their own rational approach. Rather we have to be assertive and inculcate spiritual values within our children on a daily basis. If we fail to do that our children may even grow to hate Ananda Marga. That is what happened with my first born and I feel the fault is entirely mine - not my son's.

The problem has escalated to such a degree that he does not merely passively oppose Ananda Marga, but actively by eating meat, smoking, drinking alcohol and speaking badly about Ananda Marga. In India there is a saying that I have heard, "Those who kept their babies away and did not bring them to DMC etc , then those children got lost, never made it into Ananda Marga." This happened with many margii families within in India and the essence of that problem has occurred with many families outside India, including my own.

The point is that we must bring our young ones into the fold by including them in all Marga activities and building a strong social network for them. By Baba's grace we did this with our youngest and it worked out very nicely.

in Him,
(Sarah Darrow)

~ In-depth study ~

Parenting is big responsibility

Baba tell us that forming children into proper human beings is a big job. The most difficult task is to make children into proper human beings.

To do that we must follow the example of the great mother  Madalasa who taught her children from their very infancy about, "Why you have come into this world and what is your goal."

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "“Dear son, although you are but a child in a small human frame, you are the veritable expression of the Supreme Consciousness. You are an ever-holy, ever-enlightened entity. As long as you think that you are only a small child, you are spiritually ignorant, but when you realize that you are a part of that Supreme Entity, you become that Supreme Entity, you become spotless (nirainjano’si).”...“My dear child, there is no black spot in your mind. You are spotless. You are unassailed by any kind of sin.” Sam'sa'ra ma'ya' parivarpito’si: “You are beyond the spell of the illusory ma'ya' of this mundane world. You are the embodiment of the pure and unblemished self.”...“This is how Mada'lasa' teaches her son.” (2)

Dharma will be in their bloodstream

We must teach our children about Ananda Marga from a very early age. When we go to our Marga functions then all families should bring their children. If we instill the values of Ananda Marga early then they will embrace it as their own and feel linked. Then even if those children want to give it up and walk away, they will not be able to do it. Because our Ananda Marga way of life will be in their bloodstream. In contrast, if we keep our children separate then they be lost in the sea of materialism and dogma.

Baba says, "Children will become assets of society in the future to the extent that their parents or guardians discharge their duties properly." (3)

Story: Man softly pinched his mother's ear

Once there was a man who was about to be hung for the many crimes he committed. Before the hanging, he was granted one last wish and he requested to talk to his mother. When his mother arrived he asked her if he could whisper something in her ear. She said, "Why of course my son" and and leaned towards him. Then the man softly pinched his mother's ear.

The mother felt some pain and asked, "Why did you do that?"

The son replied, "Because you are the cause of my imminent death. All those years when I was a young boy stealing and thieving you never disciplined me nor told me that what I was doing was wrong. Because I did not get that important teaching, I grew up to be a criminal. And now today I am going to be hung."

Here the whole point is that as parents we have a huge effect on what our children become in life. It is our duty to do right by them and bring them along the path of dharma, otherwise they will meet all kinds of troubles and even blame us for their problems - and rightly so.

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The mental outlook of children has already been moulded in a particular fashion by the influence of their family environment before they start school. No matter what or how much they learn at school, it is extremely difficult for them to free themselves from the influence of their family. Drawing on what they have learned in the family, the immature minds of children begin to learn about the world and understand it, and to receive ideas and master language so that they can express those ideas. Unhesitatingly they adopt their elders’ way of looking at the world. Hence the primary responsibility for acquainting children with the world lies with their parents or guardians. Children will become assets of society in the future to the extent that their parents or guardians discharge their duties properly."
   "I have no hesitation in saying that today’s adults have not yet developed a scientific method of training children’s minds. Even most so-called educated and refined people, let alone average adults, are either ignorant about or indifferent to the education of their children. Their ignorance may be pardoned, but how can we forgive their indifference? The family into which a child has been born will naturally have to bear the primary responsibility for the physical, mental and spiritual development of that child." (4)

1. Human Society - 1, Education
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The Place of Women in the Spiritual World
3. Human Society - 1, Education
4. Human Society - 1, Education

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Age of neo-humansim has come

"E gán thámibe ná,e dábi damibe ná'..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4795)


By His auspicious blessing, this song of neo-humanism will not stop. The demand of establishing one human society will not be compromised. We are the followers of Parama Purusa; He is our Destination. We will march forward on that very effulgent path which Parama Purusa has shown us. In the mundane world we will take help of Prout. And we will establish one human society by His krpa’. The song of neo-humanism will not stop; it will go on and on. 

Since ages we have tolerated immense exploitation, injustices, humiliation, and the falsehood of various isms. Now, enough is enough. We can't tolerate it anymore. We will not allow this hell to continue any longer. Moralists of the world are getting united to raise those demons to the ground - to pulverize them. Till today, the demons have been intimidating and overpowering the moralists. Now, the righteous people are ready to destroy those devils.

In the eastern horizon the dawn is fast approaching and the cimmerian darkness of misery is fast fading away. After long reproaches, humiliation, and sufferings, ultimately the effulgent bliss is showering; we cannot bear any delay. We have to welcome the new era of sadvipra samaj. We all living beings are kith and kin, our Father is Parama Purusa and we belong to one family. The property of the universe is our collective property. Human society is one and  indivisible. This song of neo-humanism  will not stop by His grace. Parama Purusa Baba is with us...

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This email contains three sections:
1. PS #4795: Age of neo-humansim has come
2. Posting: Making child sadvipra
3. Links

Friday, March 23, 2018

Baba’s unique audio on margii rights: download


Baba’s unique audio on margii rights: download


The sound file (MGD 06 Feb 1982, Kolkata, NP) is in Bangla so here below in yellow highlight is a short English summary of Baba’s audio. If you want to go into greater detail, then you may get it translated word for word from the original Bangla sound file.

Our Ananda Marga society is a composition of family people and Wts. This society can only move smoothly when both parties know each other’s rights and responsibilities, and work in coordinated cooperation for each other’s forward movement. But unfortunately that is missing in practical life nowadays in AMPS. One party is exploiting and demeaning the other. That has created a toxic environment. That is why the progress of AMPS is faltering.

We share this audio with the sole purpose to make both parties understand their duties and responsibility as given by Sadguru. This sound file will serve as a helpful reminder. Everyone knows that Wts and family people are like two wheels of the same cart. This is the time to remind ourselves of Guru’s teachings, follow His guideline, and march on the path of service to humanity and enlightenment.

Here is the sound file:
In Him,
Vyankatesh Reddy

Family people are not second-grade citizens

Here is the English summary:
Spiritually oriented family life is natural life. Some religions propagate that until you give up family and follow monkhood you will not get salvation. That means in the spiritual world the first-class citizens are those so-called monks. And the second-class citizens are those people leading family life. Do you understand their hypocrisy? They forget those first-grade citizens are the sons and daughters of 2nd-class citizens. Am I right or not? All of You tell, what do you think?


Yes, those first-class citizens are whose children? They are the children of second-grade citizens. The father of every monk is a family person.


Huh, what do you think - am I right? So criticizing family people means criticizing their own parents.


There will not be such hypocrisy in Ananda Marga

Am I correct? There will not be such hypocrisy in Ananda Marga. In Ananda Marga, family life is very natural. And the work of the sannyasi is to help family people so that they move on the path of dharma in a proper way. It is the duty of monks to help family people, and not just criticize and demean them. They should help them so that they can move on the path of dharma in a proper way. (1)

1. English summary of MGD 06 Feb 1982, Kolkata, NP

== Section 2: Links ==

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Other topics of interest

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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Overload + 2 more




Who does not know, Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments book states, “Dyspepsia originates from unbalanced food habits. Eating when one is not hungry or only half hungry is harmful in this disease. So is eating rich food for days together, using intoxicants, eating tasty food out of greed alone, not taking rest after the meal before running off to the office, or taking a bellyful of food (according to the scriptures, it is desirable to fill the stomach halfway with food, one quarter with water, and to keep one quarter empty for free movement of air); refraining from doing physical labour and, over and above this, doing strenuous mental work or indulging in sex, is also harmful in this disease.” (1)

Overeating is a common phenomenon amongst greedy people during feasts and festivals around the globe. People even consciously say to themselves, "Today I am not going to overeat at such-and-such feast", but still they do it, due to greed. When people eat something that they feel is tasty and delicious, then they are prone to overeating. The problem is pervasive within the community of greedy-eaters.

Modern medical science and our Ananda Marga philosophy both state that overeating invites various diseases and decreases the lifespan. That is why in family life and the general society, people try to control their eating. This issue of over-eating is a big problem at present. Now is the time steps must be made for educating the people, curtailing the problem, and preventing it from occurring in the future.

How primitive humans used to chew cud

Those primitive humans had little security in life. They lived moment to moment - captive to the weather and harsh ways of nature - never knowing when they would be able to find food again. Life was unsettled. So when the opportunity came to eat, they would purposely eat extra food and store excess food in the appendix and then regurgitate that food later when they would feel hungry. Indeed nature supplied them with "a second stomach" and with their mental force they could regurgitate that food.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Human beings used to have an appendix to their intestines for accumulated or excess food. As it was needed this food would stimulate salivation in the mouth and be fully eaten and digested. The proper eating and digesting of the surplus food in the appendix is called romanthana in Sanskrit and ja'bar ka't'a' in Bengali. In good English we call it "rumination" and in spoken English "chewing the cud"...As the certainty of food supplies gradually increased, the need for a corporal appendix to the intestines lessened. Eventually there was even not the slightest need for it. Today a small vestige of it remains in the human body although it is no longer used in times of distress. Human beings have lost the capacity to ruminate." (2)

For thousands of years then those primitive humans followed this path:
Uncertainty about future food -> when getting excess food then eat extra (more than what can fit in the stomach) -> store excess food in the appendix -> hunger comes -> regurgitate food from the appendix -> chew and swallow that regurgitated food -> fully digest that food in the stomach.
That was a central pattern of life. It was how those early human beings survived. Most herbivore animals still do this type of thing.

So this manner of eating is an old human trait yet completely different from the overeating that takes place nowadays which is a result of human greed. Actually in the days of old, it was out of necessity and the excess food was stored. It was not overeating per se; it did not all go into the stomach. Today however, all the food we eat does go into the stomach. In that case it most definitely is overeating based on greed. Nobody gives way to overeating when they do not like the taste of something. However, if they think something is sumptuous then driven by greed they will overeat, distend their belly, and harm the body.

Modernity & human appendix

Nowadays, in many lands, people's lives are more settled. This applies to food as well. People have kitchens, a stock of food, and cooking facilities etc. In brief, we are able to plan our meals - we usually know exactly when we are going to eat next. Because of all these modern developments, we have lost the power of regurgitation. Our bodies can no longer do that. That is what Baba has explained.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "As the certainty of food supplies gradually increased, the need for a corporal appendix to the intestines lessened. Eventually there was even not the slightest need for it. Today a small vestige of it remains in the human body although it is no longer used in times of distress. Human beings have lost the capacity to ruminate." (3)

Due to a distinct lack of use, slowly over time, the appendix has become very small. And now if food gets in the appendix, it is a serious problem. One will be rushed to the hospital for an operation to have it removed. Thus even though our bodies have changed a lot, still there is a prevalent desire to eat to excess; but, it is based on greed not biological need.

Infinite longing should not be channelised towards food

As sadhakas we know that human longing is infinite and must be directed to the Supreme. When this is not done and one focuses their infinite longing towards physical pabulum - like food - then the result is overeating. Some may even eat themselves into their own grave.

The chief reason why people overeat is that human desire is infinite. And when that desire gets directed towards physical desires like food, then people attempt to satiate their inherent infinite longing with their appetite. But that equation is doomed to fail. One's innate infinite longing can never be satiated by food. Limited worldly allurements cannot truly satisfy one's infinite longing.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The animality in human beings gives them a leaning towards animal life or physical enjoyment. They, under its influence, look to eating, drinking and gratification of other physical desires. They are attracted towards these and run after them under the influence of their animality but these do not provide happiness as their longing for it is infinite." (4)

So one key factor in overeating nowadays is the misdirection of mind towards physical desires like food. When one's infinite mental longing is goaded towards one's dinner plate they are bound to overeat. Through sadhana, one's desire is directed towards the Supreme and that is the only way to satisfy one's inherent mental longing.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The mind of a non-sádhaka is guided by extroversial propensities. As the sádhaka’s goal is Parama Puruśa he will have to invariably direct the mind towards Parama Puruśa." (5)

People also overeat due to mental stress, depression, and other factors related with psychic diseases. We should pay heed to Baba's below mandates.

Baba's recipe for healthy eating

As we all know, in His Yogic Treatments book, so many diseases, illnesses, and ailments are due to overeating. Here is Baba's recipe for healthy eating habits.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "For proper digestion, fill the stomach halfway with food, one quarter with water, and leave one quarter full of air." (6)

To do this, one should stop eating when one still feels a little hungry; in the next few minutes a natural feeling of satiation will come. If however, one eats till they are full, then that constitutes overeating and within a short time after completing their meal they will feel bloated, heavy, lethargic, and uncomfortable.

It is a very fine line between proper eating and overeating. The best way to get success is to eat slowly, take limited portions, and be mindful to stop eating when one is still a little hungry. If done regularly, this will become your habit. If one is not taking 1/2 belly, then that is overeating. And if one is strict and eats only half-full, then that is proper.

Another thing to keep in mind is that when eating roti or other dry foods (chips, roasted grains and potatoes) and breads, then it is imperative to drink lots of water in regulated quantities 1/2 hr after eating. Because the body will need a lot of water to digest dry foods. Whereas a soupy meal is comparatively easy to digest.

Also be aware that for good digestion, the right nostril should be dominant. Just before taking food, while eating, and up to an hour after food. This alone will help eliminate so many stomach diseases. If anyone does not know how to change he nostrils then write me back.

Voracious eaters suffer

In His discourses on the Seven Secrets of Success, Baba discusses point #6, known has pramita'ha'ra. This is an essential aspect of human health and is directly related with our food intake.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us,“Pramitáhárah: to maintain the physical body, you require physical food, air, water, light. But physical food is not simply for the physical body. It has got its effect on the spiritual body. The cells of your physical body are created from the cells that you receive from your physical food, and your psychic body is also influenced by these cells. So while taking food, you should be very careful. You should always try to take sentient food, and on rare occasions you may take mutative food. You should never take static food. Not only that, but your diet should be balanced. You must not take too much or too little. The food should be substantial. When it is balanced or measured, and, at the same time, substantial, that type of food is called Pramitáhára in Sanskrit. The sixth factor is Pramitáhárah. The sixth requisite factor is balanced and substantial, sentient food. A voracious man can’t attain success. A voracious man always suffers from so many stomach diseases. So, you should neither encourage voracity, nor should you undergo fasting for a long period of time. I have prescribed that our monks should undergo fasting four days per month, two Ekádashiis, one Amávasyá, and one Púrńimá, and Grhiis, non-monks or family men are to undergo two fasts in a month, two Ekádashiis in a month. Fasting is also included in the scope of Pramitáhára because it gives rest to the digestive organs and frees the body from so many ailments. So the sixth requisite factor is Pramitáhára.” (7)

As sadhakas, we are to take Baba's teaching to heart. we should take proper effort to ensure that we do not fall prey to greedy overeating.


Baba has given us with the ability to overcome all kinds of complexes and bad habits. That is the life of a sadhaka - to struggle and surge ahead.

We should make the body and mind sound by proper life habits and not fall prey to material indulgences and excesses - like overeating due to greed. The latter happens primarily when the mind is weak and engrossed in worldly desires. By following the ways of pramita'ha'ra, then we will have succeeded in overcoming this greed - i.e. overeating.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Food should be substantial, though moderate in quantity. This is pramita'ha'ra." (9)

Ultimately, the mind must be goaded towards the Divine Entity Parama Purusa as that is the only way to satiate human longing.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The Cosmic Entity alone is infinite and eternal. It alone is limitless. And the eternal longing of human beings for happiness can only be satiated by realization of the Infinite. The ephemeral nature of worldly possessions, power and position can only lead one to the conclusion that none of the things of the finite and limited world can set at rest the everlasting urge for happiness. Their acquisition merely gives rise to further longing. Only realization of the Infinite can do it. The Infinite can be only one, and that is the Cosmic Entity. Hence it is only the Cosmic Entity that can provide everlasting happiness." (10)

In the above teachings Baba says that one should not try and satiate oneself by food. Food will never give you eternal satiation. The final conclusion is that overeating is very bad - it will not give you permanent happiness; it will only lead to poor health and mental anguish.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Do’s and don’ts: before eating

The following are Baba's guidelines from Carycarya:
"Before eating do vya'paka shaoca properly with cold water. In an extremely cold climate use lukewarm water. The system is: Wash the arms, the face, the legs, the neck and the genital organs. Then, keeping the eyes wide open, hold a mouthful of water and gently splash the eyes a minimum of twelve times."

"Before sitting down for a meal, invite whatever persons are present around you and share your food with them. If they do not want to share, enquire whether they have enough food with them or not."

"At the time of eating find a comfortable sitting position. It is better to eat in company than to eat alone. Do not sit down to eat if you are in an angry mood or in a debased frame of mind."

"If several people are eating together from the same plate, make sure that sick persons do not take part. Otherwise healthy persons may become infected. There is no harm, however, in eating together from the same
plate if there is no contagious disease among the participants. Rather, this is a nice thing to see."

"It is good to take food when the main flow of breath is through the right nostril. Even after meal, it is good if the flow of breath is mainly through the right nostril and continues for some time, because
that is the time when the digestive glands start secreting a sufficient quantity of fluids to help digestion."

"Eating when one is not hungry or only half-hungry is very harmful to the health. So is eating rich food for days together or over-eating tasty and sumptuous food out of greed, or not taking rest after the meal before running off to the office, or filling the stomach with food. All these habits are harmful to the health."

"(For proper digestion, fill the stomach halfway with food, one quarter with water, and leave one quarter full of air.)"

"After finishing the evening meal take a short walk. This is very beneficial to health." (8)

Old habits

Here are habits that stem from when we were monkeys.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Some of the old habits still continue. Humans today fight among themselves in the same manner as monkeys do. While fighting a person cries, “Um, um” – this is a monkeys’ habit. Sometimes people not only cry like this but bite with their teeth. This is also an old habit of monkeys. Monkeys live in trees...while fighting on the branch of a tree monkeys have to catch hold of the branch strongly with their hands, so that they do not fall down and die. Human beings fight in a similar manner. They also grin and grimace. This is an old habit of monkeys." (11)

1. Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies, Dyspepsia
2. Varn'a Vijia'na, p.285
3. Varn'a Vijia'na, Emanation (Discourse 20)
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 1, The Dharma of Human Beings
5. Tattav Kaoumudii - 3, Rágánugá and Rágátmiká Samádhi
6. Caryacarya - 3, Procedure for Eating
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, Seven Secrets
8. Caryacarya - 3, Procedure for Eating
9. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, The Dialogues of Shiva and Párvatii – 3
10. Prout in a Nutshell - 1, The Dharma of Human Beings
11. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, The Psycho-Spiritual Evolution of Humans

== Section 2: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest

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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Way to identify, isolate, & kill


Way to identify, isolate, & kill


In christian churches the word dogma is used in a good sense, and so is in muslim religion. But in AM dogma has a very negative meaning. Why is it so?

What is dogma?

Baba has given strict definition of dogma. We  need to understand that first. Any type of philosophy or thought beyond which no questions can be asked or no reasoning is possible is termed as dogma. Something which is said as an order and no questions can be asked on it, can be said as dogma.  When the order comes from the highest religious leader, people often say not to ask questions on it or analyze it further with reasoning.  That means people draw a line on a thought process and suggest no reasoning is possible beyond that line. Such faulty thoughts are dogmas.

Where dogmas are found?

Dogmas are found in many religious spheres as well as in other spheres.

#1: For example, communist philosophy is a dogma. In communist countries one cannot question communist philosophy. Students will read about communist philosophy and when they find loopholes in it then also they cannot speak about it. Because it is told in those countries that one cannot speak against communist philosophy. So this is a dogma.

#2: Another example is in Iran, one cannot speak against the Ayatollah. Whatever orders come from the Ayatollah, it is beyond any reasoning. Why is it so? Each order should be analyzed carefully, subject to questioning. When orders are made and asked they are beyond questioning, then they are dogmas.

#3: Suppose someone says that we should walk on one leg on Tuesdays. When another person asks why, then the answer is given that God will be happy. Why God will not be happy on other days when we walk on one leg, or why God will not be happy if we walk on both legs? Then the simple answer we get is that our ancestors used to do so we will continue to do so, and we should not ask more questions. When such questions cannot be answered, then they are dogmas.

These are just three examples. But in realities there are thousands of such situations where we are asked not to raise questions on a philosophy.

Dogma in materialism and science

In materialism also there is dogma. For example, materialists do not go beyond matter. They do everything for sensual pleasure. But they do not go beyond matter or even think beyond it. Pleasures derived from taste, touch, smell etc. are the only things materialists look for and do not even question about their validity or reasoning.

Science is not also free from dogma. Science assumes a hypothesis and then researchers try to proof the hypothesis for a very long period of time. Often the outcome results in hypothesis being faulty. One example is in the US a number of researchers were trying to prove that human beings with black skin are inferior, and they are not humans, but rather are beings who are in between species of monkey and human beings. Such hypothesis itself is dogma. A number of such faulty hypothesis can be found in science.

Why do dogmas happen? Because there are some people who have vested interests. Such people can be leaders of society, bankers, materialists, scientists, etc. Since they have vested interests, they try to propagate false ideas among people and try to pay money to others to prove the dogma to be correct. Another example is that in materialistic sphere, economists say that trickle down effect is good for the economy. The argument they make is that if money goes to the wealthy then then they will spend it and money slowly will come to the poor or will be distributed. Trickle down economics does not work and people know that. Still they propagate others to do research to investigate and prove it. So dogma does not happen only in spiritual sphere or in religious realm, dogma is present in many other spheres.

Caged intellect needs freedom

Baba says that buddhi (intellect) should not be bound. Buddhi should be given freedom. Baba gave a pravacan in 1979/80 in Patna, on “buddhi ki mukti”. People were surprised then as to what it means mukti of buddhi. They were aware about the mukti of atman, but people did not know “buddhi ki mukti”. When Baba explained in detail, people came to understand what it means by “buddhi ki mukti”. People never thought that buddhi is restricted.

In reality, the society is such that buddhi is always restricted by imposing so many dogmas in the name of religions, dharma, beliefs, etc. Baba says it is very hard for the society to move forward when buddhi is not liberated and not allowed to think freely. For example, if one goes to North Korea, then people not allowed to think beyond communism. Same is the case in Cuba. In these countries one cannot speak out against their so called leaders, so it is dogma. When people are not allowed to think beyond dogmas, then the false beliefs will continue to exist in the society. So there are certain people whose interests are embedded and they propagate dogma.

In Ananda Marga those things are termed as dogma where people are said not to utilize mind and think logically, and accept things blindly. In Ananda Marga there are not such things. But recently there are dogmas in AMPS. For example, mahaprayan is a dogma. The do’s and don'ts of Purodha Pramukh contains dogmas (PP dada does not need so say Param Piita Baba ki Jai; PP dada does not need to go to paincjanya; PP dada does not does not need to join mass kiirtan; PP dada does not does not need to go to dharmacakra). When such questions are asked, then there are no answers. PP is also disciple of Guru, and should go to dharmacakra. Baba says even a king should go to dharmacakra. Dharmacakra is for all, including PP. So PP not going to dharmacakra is a dogma, because this is beyond logic.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “You are to attend Dharmacakra weekly. These are all codes of discipline as prescribed by Bhágavata Dharma. You must follow these codes. There cannot be any concession in this respect, rather concession is dangerous…One may be a king or may be a very poor man, but the code of dharma is equally applicable to all. In this matter, nobody can claim any special concession or favour.” (1)

So dogma is found in many spheres: political, social, science, religious institutions. Many say that dogma is found only in religion, but according to AM philosophy, dogma is found in many spheres and one should not accept dogma when reasoning and logical thinking is not encouraged. One should logically think before accepting anything. Not only look for a proof, but also think in mind whether it is correct and what is wrong, because everything can not be proved scientifically. But using mind one can decide what is correct and what is wrong. But one should always stay away from dogma.


Although Baba has given Ananda Marga philosophy free of dogma but already so many dogmas have been implanted by greedy Wts. Yet the common people are not even aware about this. It has been clearly delineated how you can recognise dogma. And after recognising it then it should be isolated just like how in the lab infectious germs are isolated, and then they are systematically destroyed. Similarly, dogma should be systematically destroyed. Baba has given the slogan, “Dogma no more, dogma no more.”

In Him,

1. Subhasita Samgraha – 24, Jaeva Dharma and Bhágavata Dharma

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