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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Way to identify, isolate, & kill


Way to identify, isolate, & kill


In christian churches the word dogma is used in a good sense, and so is in muslim religion. But in AM dogma has a very negative meaning. Why is it so?

What is dogma?

Baba has given strict definition of dogma. We  need to understand that first. Any type of philosophy or thought beyond which no questions can be asked or no reasoning is possible is termed as dogma. Something which is said as an order and no questions can be asked on it, can be said as dogma.  When the order comes from the highest religious leader, people often say not to ask questions on it or analyze it further with reasoning.  That means people draw a line on a thought process and suggest no reasoning is possible beyond that line. Such faulty thoughts are dogmas.

Where dogmas are found?

Dogmas are found in many religious spheres as well as in other spheres.

#1: For example, communist philosophy is a dogma. In communist countries one cannot question communist philosophy. Students will read about communist philosophy and when they find loopholes in it then also they cannot speak about it. Because it is told in those countries that one cannot speak against communist philosophy. So this is a dogma.

#2: Another example is in Iran, one cannot speak against the Ayatollah. Whatever orders come from the Ayatollah, it is beyond any reasoning. Why is it so? Each order should be analyzed carefully, subject to questioning. When orders are made and asked they are beyond questioning, then they are dogmas.

#3: Suppose someone says that we should walk on one leg on Tuesdays. When another person asks why, then the answer is given that God will be happy. Why God will not be happy on other days when we walk on one leg, or why God will not be happy if we walk on both legs? Then the simple answer we get is that our ancestors used to do so we will continue to do so, and we should not ask more questions. When such questions cannot be answered, then they are dogmas.

These are just three examples. But in realities there are thousands of such situations where we are asked not to raise questions on a philosophy.

Dogma in materialism and science

In materialism also there is dogma. For example, materialists do not go beyond matter. They do everything for sensual pleasure. But they do not go beyond matter or even think beyond it. Pleasures derived from taste, touch, smell etc. are the only things materialists look for and do not even question about their validity or reasoning.

Science is not also free from dogma. Science assumes a hypothesis and then researchers try to proof the hypothesis for a very long period of time. Often the outcome results in hypothesis being faulty. One example is in the US a number of researchers were trying to prove that human beings with black skin are inferior, and they are not humans, but rather are beings who are in between species of monkey and human beings. Such hypothesis itself is dogma. A number of such faulty hypothesis can be found in science.

Why do dogmas happen? Because there are some people who have vested interests. Such people can be leaders of society, bankers, materialists, scientists, etc. Since they have vested interests, they try to propagate false ideas among people and try to pay money to others to prove the dogma to be correct. Another example is that in materialistic sphere, economists say that trickle down effect is good for the economy. The argument they make is that if money goes to the wealthy then then they will spend it and money slowly will come to the poor or will be distributed. Trickle down economics does not work and people know that. Still they propagate others to do research to investigate and prove it. So dogma does not happen only in spiritual sphere or in religious realm, dogma is present in many other spheres.

Caged intellect needs freedom

Baba says that buddhi (intellect) should not be bound. Buddhi should be given freedom. Baba gave a pravacan in 1979/80 in Patna, on “buddhi ki mukti”. People were surprised then as to what it means mukti of buddhi. They were aware about the mukti of atman, but people did not know “buddhi ki mukti”. When Baba explained in detail, people came to understand what it means by “buddhi ki mukti”. People never thought that buddhi is restricted.

In reality, the society is such that buddhi is always restricted by imposing so many dogmas in the name of religions, dharma, beliefs, etc. Baba says it is very hard for the society to move forward when buddhi is not liberated and not allowed to think freely. For example, if one goes to North Korea, then people not allowed to think beyond communism. Same is the case in Cuba. In these countries one cannot speak out against their so called leaders, so it is dogma. When people are not allowed to think beyond dogmas, then the false beliefs will continue to exist in the society. So there are certain people whose interests are embedded and they propagate dogma.

In Ananda Marga those things are termed as dogma where people are said not to utilize mind and think logically, and accept things blindly. In Ananda Marga there are not such things. But recently there are dogmas in AMPS. For example, mahaprayan is a dogma. The do’s and don'ts of Purodha Pramukh contains dogmas (PP dada does not need so say Param Piita Baba ki Jai; PP dada does not need to go to paincjanya; PP dada does not does not need to join mass kiirtan; PP dada does not does not need to go to dharmacakra). When such questions are asked, then there are no answers. PP is also disciple of Guru, and should go to dharmacakra. Baba says even a king should go to dharmacakra. Dharmacakra is for all, including PP. So PP not going to dharmacakra is a dogma, because this is beyond logic.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “You are to attend Dharmacakra weekly. These are all codes of discipline as prescribed by Bhágavata Dharma. You must follow these codes. There cannot be any concession in this respect, rather concession is dangerous…One may be a king or may be a very poor man, but the code of dharma is equally applicable to all. In this matter, nobody can claim any special concession or favour.” (1)

So dogma is found in many spheres: political, social, science, religious institutions. Many say that dogma is found only in religion, but according to AM philosophy, dogma is found in many spheres and one should not accept dogma when reasoning and logical thinking is not encouraged. One should logically think before accepting anything. Not only look for a proof, but also think in mind whether it is correct and what is wrong, because everything can not be proved scientifically. But using mind one can decide what is correct and what is wrong. But one should always stay away from dogma.


Although Baba has given Ananda Marga philosophy free of dogma but already so many dogmas have been implanted by greedy Wts. Yet the common people are not even aware about this. It has been clearly delineated how you can recognise dogma. And after recognising it then it should be isolated just like how in the lab infectious germs are isolated, and then they are systematically destroyed. Similarly, dogma should be systematically destroyed. Baba has given the slogan, “Dogma no more, dogma no more.”

In Him,

1. Subhasita Samgraha – 24, Jaeva Dharma and Bhágavata Dharma

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