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Saturday, January 27, 2024

Significance of this festival + 5 more

Significance of this festival 


In addition to the historical and festival aspect (see link below), Niilakantha Divas has another angle as well. Baba has not only given a spiritual philosophy but social teachings also: Prout and neo-humanism. While propagating Ananda Marga social philosophy, anti-social elements will try and obstruct your path. And if you persevere they will try to harass and kill you. This has always happened across human history in the struggle for dharma. Whenever good people have tried to do something meaningful they always faced staunch opposition. But no matter how mighty the opposition is they will be defeated and destroyed. And ultimately dharma will be victorious.

Cowards compromise with sin & give up ideals

When Mahasambhuti comes in human form He teaches everything, small and big, for the upliftment of society. Good people want to make the society better but usually they do not want to fight. That is why many become goody-goodies, i.e. coward like an earthworm. They compromise with sin and give up their own ideals. Sadguru Baba’s example is completely different. He gave Ananda Marga philosophy, Prout, and neo-humanism; and, when He sought to establish those teachings, demons in human form forcibly tried to stop Him in hideous ways. They put Baba in jail and poisoned Him in an attempt to kill Him. But Baba never compromised on His ideal. 

Ultimately He came out victorious and Ananda Marga philosophy was established. Those demons accepted their defeat and no longer opposed Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. By His actions, Baba is teaching us that a person should do and die for their ideals. No matter how mighty the opposition is they will be defeated and destroyed. And ultimately dharma will be victorious.

Fake or true margiis / wts

In examining the history of AMPS, one can easily understand who is a real dharmika and who is fake. Just one needs to see that person’s conduct and evaluate how far they cowed down to sin and to what degree they fought or are fighting for their ideal. One should always remember that true margiis and moralists are always in an extreme minority. But they are the real flagbearers, vanguards, and sadvipras. Those who compromise with sin are like earthworms. 

Opportunity did not end in 1990

Also bear in mind that this opportunity did not end in 1990. This fight between virtue and vice will go on forever in various fields. Yesterday it was, today it is unfolding, and tomorrow it will continue - and far into the future. So at present, look around you and see who is a coward and who is a real Ananda Margii. Everyone should become real by fighting against the sinners and establishing Ananda Marga ideology which Baba has given in black and white. Niilakantha Divas gives this supreme message.

Ananda Vanii guides us, “Today all over the world, a grim fight has started between the evil forces and the benevolent forces. Only those who possess the moral courage to fight against the evil forces, can give a soothing touch to the struggle-torn earth with the balm of peace. Remember you are spiritual aspirants. Hence you alone shall have to undertake the mighty task of saving the earth.” (1)

Ananda Vanii states, “History bears testimony that whenever a person states the absolute truth in any sphere of life, whether it be spiritual, social, economic or otherwise; sought clarification of doubts or protested against injustice and wrongs, the evil forces forthwith plotted against the person, administered poison, slandered and assaulted that person with rage, misused authority and mercilessly dealt blow after blow; but the blows boomeranged and ultimately the evil forces were annihilated by those very blows. Remember, by an unalterable decree of history, the evil forces are destined to meet their final doom.” (2)

In Him,

The occasion of Niilkantha Divas is observed every year on February 12th. 

1. Ananda Vanii #27
2. Ananda Vanii #41

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Unforgettable spring season

“Mańir dyutite phúler hásite, ese chile mor madhuvane, bhúle jáoá kon phálgune…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0561)


O’ my Dearmost, You came in my madhuvan - You came in the inner recesses of my heart - shining like pearls and with Your soft smile that is just like a bunch of fragrant flowers. This was one incredible moment during that auspicious and unforgettable spring season. I cannot ever forget it. After relinquishing everything, giving up hearth and home, and only ideating on You, For ages upon ages, I had been counting the days, waiting for You.

Since that blissful encounter and unbelievable occasion, so many southern breezes have passed, and the sandalwood tree has exuded and leaked so much of its sap and intoxicating fragrance and heavenly nectar. Countless morning stars have faded away, and so many days have gone by in my listlessness and melancholic longing for You. Alas, so many wonderful opportunities for a tender, loving rendezvous washed away in vain as You did not come.

O’ Parama Purusa, in Your absence the sweetness of the mind has been lost; my mental river of bhakti has dried up. Relying exclusively on Your unending mercy, the viina of my mind tearfully beseeches You, “O’ Prabhu, due to Your own sweet grace and infinite kindness, please come to me”...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #0561: 

(1) Madhuvan: 
This is the special grove or orchards where lovers meet and where bhaktas go to be with their Lord. 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Do you know this answer?

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who believe in the equal distribution of the world’s wealth, naively underestimate the power of moha vrtti. The human mind can be sublimated only by spiritual ideation, not by any high-sounding philosophy. This utopian idea has proved ineffective in the past and in the present and will continue to prove so in the future." (1) 

They missed the point about infatuation vrtii

Answer: In His above teaching, Baba is indirectly referring to communist leaders. They underestimated moha vrtii with regards to the people’s attachment for their land or wealth. Those communist leaders were fascinated with their own philosophy and could not understand that the common folk would not like giving up their land or wealth. So when their land or wealth was taken from them, the farming suffered. Not enough food was produced; and the end result was widespread starvation and strife. The root cause of the problem was that those communists failed to take into consideration moha vrtti. Forcibly taking the people’s land or wealth set off this entire negative chain of events. 


1. Ananda Marga Philosophy - 8, The Acoustic Roots of the Indo-Aryan Alphabet

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Gay life & AM: mutually exclusive

More and more in the west the gay movement is rampant. That is why this following teaching is very important. There is no room for confusion about the stand of Ananda Marga on this issue.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Love and passion are mutually antagonistic tendencies. The attachment for a finite thing is an expression of extroverted energy, whereas the attraction for the Infinite is an expression of the introverted energy. That is why these two can never co-exist. Therefore the aspirant has to skillfully to transform passion into love." (1)

Ananda Marga is the path of introversial movement towards the Supreme Entity; it is not the path of sensuality and lust. These two opposites cannot co-exist. They are mutually exclusive. Either one may goad their mind towards Parama Purusa, or they may indulge in animal propensities. There is no scope to do both.

That is why there is no option for leading a gay / homosexual lifestyle in Ananda Marga teachings. Because a gay lifestyle is based on the baser propensities - sex for sex sake. Every dedicated Ananda Margii will easily grasp this point - it is just a matter of simple mathematics. Whereas, it is far more difficult for those goaded by those lower propensities to understand.  That is why it is said that until the mind reaches a particular level, one cannot assimilate the teachings of Ananda Marga ideology. Ananda Marga is for standard human beings not those with an animal mind and a human body.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Bhaktitattva

== Section: Topic ==

Bank manager more fortunate than Dada?

~ Below is courtesy of WhatsApp Forums ~

~ Above is courtesy of WhatsApp Forums ~

== Section: Important Teaching ==

The selfish man is the eater, the others are his food

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "What a dangerous outlook! What a rosy philosophy of capitalism! God save humanity from such perverted philosophy. Man’s desire for worldly pleasure does not cease until he finds a really great ideal. His hunger is insatiable. The wolf in him seems to say over and over again, “I am hungry, I am hungry.” His mouth is agape all the time and the fools of the earth, resigned to their belief in predestination, are swallowed by it. These wolves eat up their flesh and blood and cast away their insipid bones. Are we to support this wolfish philosophy? The dirty-clothed laborers, their faces lined with hard labor and fatigue, are not human beings in the eyes of those who have Mammon by their side. The characteristic of a vested interest is that it has no other thought but itself. The selfish man is the eater, the others are his food. His needs are never-ending." (1)

Depriving someone of this right is gross selfishness

Ananda Marga philosophy says,  "Out of his salary the poor man has to pay his house rent, support his family, educate his children, provide milk for his baby, marry his daughters. Are those necessities only for the people of the upper classes? Are these not the minimum necessities of life? Yes, but these thoughts of the poor are no concern of the rich! Such thinking involves some sacrifice, does it not? From where would objects of luxury for the rich come, if hunger were not the hard task-master of the poor? Let the daughters of the poor collect cow-dung forever and their sons be slaves in the households of the rich. What a fine arrangement! The high hopes of the poor?–pooh! pooh!! Aren’t they all moonshine?"

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us,   "No two things in the world are alike. So I do not suggest recasting everything into one mold. Still, for humanism and justice, equitable distribution of the resources of the universe is indispensable; co-ownership of the world’s resources is the birthright of every individual. Even a small attempt at depriving someone of this right is gross selfishness. Except when a special favor becomes necessary to give certain individuals impetus and inspiration, all persons must be given equal rights and opportunities in all spheres. Every individual must have equal rights regarding food, clothing, housing, medical aid and education — those things that are absolutely  necessary for existence." (1)

1. Human Society Part 1, Social Justice

== Section 4: Links ==