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Friday, November 10, 2023

Secret to learning + 4 more


Secret to learning


A person may be a thief and a confirmed sinner, but that person may also be an excellent planner and organiser. They may have a great talent to prepare for a given task. In that case, as sadhakas, one should have the broadness of mind to see that goodness within that thief and learn from their unique talent. By that way, one can progress. That can only happen, however, if a person is able to utilize all. If we just think that person is a thief - a bad man - then we will never be able to learn anything from him.

To learn anything, one must utilize all. Even a confirmed criminal has some bright spots. As sadhakas, this is our approach. In that way we can learn from everyone. That is Baba's special guideline about utilizing everyone’s potentiality. Whereas if one looks at that same thief and just thinks he is a useless sinner who has no redeeming qualities, then one will not be able to learn from him.

Here the point is not whether the thief should be absolved of their crimes. The operative factor is how we view that person. If we utilize everyone’s inherent abilities, then we can find whatever goodness they invariably possess and learn from them. Because, after all, everyone has at least some good qualities. No one is 100% bad. Understanding this, we can learn from their good characteristics. The basic spirit of utilizing all is to be able to learn something from everyone. That is Baba's special message and explanation.

Every interaction = opportunity to learn

And it is like that with so many people and things. Everyone and everything has its positive aspect and to overlook that good quality is to miss out on an opportunity to learn. A person may be a drunkard but side by side they have great knowledge of computers. In that case one should not just tag them as a drunkard and walk away; one should also be able to learn from their technical abilities as well. But this can only happen when utilizing everyone’s potentialities, i.e. taking note of their finer qualities.

Each and every interaction in life presents us with such an opportunity. Indeed, if we think more deeply, we can come up with innumerable examples of how we can learn from those who are seemingly full of unfavourable characteristics. Because certainly they also have some good qualities. By recognizing everyone’s potential, we will be able to find and learn from their positive attributions.

Examples how to use utilize all

The above situation of utilizing all is akin to the work of homeopathic researchers. When they see a poisonous snake they do not just think that it is dangerous and deadly and should therefore be discarded; those researchers see that snake in a benevolent light - i.e. they utilize its inherent quality. And by that practical outlook they are able to use the poison from that snake to make a medicine. Because one inherent quality of that poisonous snake is its medicinal properties.

Here is another scenario. In a prison, one of the inmates was a convicted murderer. Yet at the same time he was a very talented musician and guitar player. So the prison officials used to allow him to perform weekly concerts for the inmates; plus he would give guitar lessons. So those officials were utilizing all. They recognised that inmate's musical abilities and allowed him to share that gift with others, so people could be benefited and taught by that murderer.

Similarly, when watching a spider, one should not just think this is a dirty insect. Rather one should take note how the spider works hard and never gets frustrated. The spider spins its web; the wind blows and destroys it; again the spider spins its web. That spider never gets frustrated or perturbed. Always it returns to its endeavour and works assiduously. It is wrong to discard that spider as being dirty, poisonous, or grotesque. As sadhakas we should emulate the working style of that spider. That is what it means to utilize all: To appreciate and incorporate the good qualities of each and every being. Then one can learn from that spider.


We should see every occasion as an opportunity to learn, then we will truly embody Baba's grand teaching of utilizing all.

at His lotus feet,

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Festival of light

"A'loker utsava eso sabe..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2218)


I am inviting all for this grand occasion of light festival. O' my brothers and sisters of universal humanity, come one, come all to this auspicious celebration of illumination. By His grace, we will be awakening all with His divine effulgence. On this joyous ceremony of effulgence, let us all work collectively. By His krpa, we will bring heaven on this dusty earth.

No one is distant: All belong to one unified family; all are my own. In the absence of this eternal veracity - unaware of this ideological understanding - even close relations go distant and far away, and try to destroy each other. Let human beings know who they are; they should know they have come from the Supreme Entity. They are the special children of God. All are kith and kin. On this grand festival, by His blessing I am preparing and arranging everything so that everyone will know their origin and that they are the progeny of that singular, all-pervading Cosmic Entity.

My Parama Purusa, thinking of You, I will not lag behind - not even for one second - and will never look back. I will keep my eyes fixed on the Supreme Goal, and not allow even a single individual to fall back or be forgotten. This is my sadhana. My duty is to move everyone in unison, i.e. the entire humanity. This spiritual refulgence will destroy all accumulated dirt and stains of dogma. We will enlighten the whole cosmos, by Your mercy.

Baba, with Your causeless blessing, the impossible becomes possible. You are my Goal; You are my everything...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

World is ephemeral

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Numerous rich and beautiful cities of the historic past are now buried under the earth. Many splendid palaces and mansions, many churches, temples, mosques and synagogues, and many pyramids have been reduced to rubble. With the constant change in the flow of time, how many major changes have occurred in the universe? Similarly, with the change in time and space, people also change. A small two year old child becomes a smart and active twenty-five year old youth. And the same energetic youth becomes an infirm, inactive old person in due course. Thus, nothing in this universe is permanent. Many gigantic animals of the past have become totally extinct from the surface of the earth. Royal pomp and opulence, the pride of power, the vast knowledge of mighty scholars have become things of the past, thrown into the dustbin of history. Many objects emerged in the past, remained on earth for a short time, and then disappeared according to the inexorable law of nature."
"The only eternal truth is Parama Purus'a. He is Ana'di, beginningless, endless, all-pervasive; an entity beyond the scope of time, place and person. He is the only eternal, undecaying, imperishable, immutable entity. He is the Supreme Source from which the inanimate, plant and animal worlds have emerged. He is the starting point and the culminating point of everything. Hence, wise people should utilise their physical, psychic and spiritual power to realise that supreme omnitelepathic entity, to become one with Him." (1)

Note: Please read Baba's above teaching again carefully. It explains everything.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Even cows, dogs, tigers & bears: sadhana

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “All beings are made of the same consciousness. So although we may find ourselves at different stages of psychic elevation, a Bráhmańa and a Kśatriya, an Indian and an Englishman, a sweeper and a scavenger, a Zulu and a Maori, and even a tiny ant, are all linked by the bonds of fraternity. If we remember this fact, if we work for the well-being of all, then undeveloped human beings will be able to develop their spiritual potentiality when they come in contact with us. Even cows, dogs, tigers and bears who come in close contact with us will develop psychic wealth and gradually acquire spiritual treasures.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life in a Nutshell Part 8, Sadhana

== Section 3: Links ==

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