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Sunday, October 8, 2017

False history removal? + 2 more

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False history removal?


Across the planet, false accounts of history are being propagated and depicted. In this letter, we are investigating the fallacious history related with India and the US.

In India, wherever you go you will find statues of MK Gandhi. Gandhi has been declared the “Father of the nation” and there is a national holiday in his honour. Gandhi is projected as a great hero, but the fact is something completely different. He divided India into three parts. In that pre-Independence era, Indians trusted Gandhi yet he betrayed them. In result, millions became refugees and tens of hundreds of thousands were maimed and killed. Countless lives were utterly destroyed. About MK Gandhi, Prout philosophy says something very important. Kindly review the following teachings.

(A) About MK Gandhi

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Who are responsible for the distress of these millions of refugees? Those demons in human framework, whom those poor fellows trusted; to give ovations to whom those people rushed to meetings with thousands of garlands; for whose satisfaction people used to don special kinds of caps to cover up their sins.” (1)

(B) About congress party followers

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Once I asked a certain gentleman, “Why do you put on such a cap? Is it because the white cap goes nicely with your black hair?” He replied, “No, not for that purpose really. I am using the cap not to cover my sins, but to cover my baldness.” Some people wear caps to conceal their baldness, and some to show allegiance to their political bosses.” (2)

(C) About MK Gandhi & similar demons in human framework

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “But meanwhile the refugees roam about hither and thither, and today the number of refugees is not only thousands but many millions in various parts of the globe. And for their precarious existence, for the ignoble deaths of those millions of wretched people, only a handful of people – demons in human framework – are really responsible. They come to the world and leave it in great ruins. During their lifetime, they fully utilize all the mass media. The common people become confused and cannot think beyond that which the mass media tell them. It is a general weakness of common people that they are inclined to believe whatever is printed in books and journals.” (3)

 (D) About MK Gandhi, Columbus  and similar others caused genocide

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those demons in human form do not think that after their demise a real evaluation of their ideals and actions will take place. Only then do people realize, “My God, what a great mistake I made! I worshipped a monkey taking it to be a god! What a great misfortune I have brought upon myself! But now the situation is beyond repair.” The people become divided, the state becomes divided, psychic barriers are erected between groups of people – the collective progress of humanity is totally impaired. These types of people, I have said, and again I repeat, you will encounter in different fields of life. Some are inclined to believe that these types of people are found only in the political field, but this is not the case: they are in every field, especially in the fields of so many schools of philosophical thought. They have a heinous tendency to demolish the positions of their opponents” (4)

My personal account: myths about Columbus

The second case is with Christopher Columbus. Wherever the British were ruling and colonising etc, they were propagating a false history about Columbus. Even after independence in India, I remember during the 1950s when I was in primary school how I used to read that Columbus discovered America and that prior to his arrival nobody was living there. The whole American continent was empty. Later on I came to know that that was completely false. Millions upon millions of  indigenous people were living on the American land mass, and earlier there was a full-fledged Mayan civilisation.

Still bogus history is being taught

Not only in the past but today also, all kinds of false histories are being taught around the globe. The truth of the matter is that Columbus and Vasco da Gama etc were looters and invaders, but during our childhood in India we learned that they were great heroes and who courageously discovered new lands, that were previously uninhabited. That is the kind of indoctrination that was going on in India.

In a more recent case, in Bihar India, just a few years back, kids were taught that Lalu Yadav was a great hero, i.e. a star politician and the saviour of Bihar. When in reality Lalu Yadav was a thief, convicted by the court. Similarly, in the deep south of the US, still today many have been indoctrinated into the Christian theological proposition that this entire creation was made in six days. Children are not given proper knowledge about scientific theory of evolution. In many places they are taught that Darwin’s theory of evolution and the Christian theory of creation should be given equal importance.

Now let’s come to the current topic. In the USA, Columbus Day is before us. The public standard is rising and people are demanding a properly rendered  historical account of Columbus’s actions. For that reason they are protesting in the following ways.

Someone took an ax to the Christopher Columbus statue in Detroit

~ Courtesy of The Washington Post ~
Columbus Day: An American holiday for some, a puzzling example of twisted (and flatly wrong) history for others.
Whether or not you’ve had to work on the holiday, chances are you’ve seen a lot of questions about why Columbus Day is still a Federal holiday, and why it won’t go away.
Over in Detroit, someone was apparently done talking and decided to take matters into their own hands. The Christopher Columbus statue near City Hall was vandalized by someone who planted an ax right in the middle of Columbus’s head (with tape) and splashed the statue with red paint, according the Detroit Free Press’s Daniel Bethencourt.
The Free Press said the incident was reported around 2:30 p.m. Monday. The statue was first dedicated in 1910 to honor the city’s Italians, and it was restored and relocated in 1988:
The plaque also reads that Columbus is a “great son of Italy” who “discovered America.”
Many argue that he [Columbus] should probably be better known for infecting indigenous people (who were here first, by the way) with a host of diseases in the places where he did land. (Courtesy of The Washington Post)
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The annals of human history should show which communities brought about which amount of progress and prosperity in which area of social life and in which part of the world – only such significant events are worthy of being recorded. History should also maintain special records of the trials and tribula tions which confronted human beings, how those trials and tribulations were overcome, how human beings tackled the numerous obstacles to effect greater social development, and so on. Only such history would I call the complete history or complete cultural history of the human race.” (5)


When Indians learn the real history that MK Gandhi was the cause behind the tragedy of millions of refugees and countless deaths, they may also deface and remove Gandhi’s statues. That was the case in Europe as the masses have torn down statues of Stalin and Lenin etc; and in the US and central America the same has been done with statues of Columbus.

The goal of Proutists is that an accurate depiction of history should be rendered, regardless of how bitter and unwelcome it is. People should learn from the mistakes and blunders of their ancestors.

If falsehoods and propaganda are preached in the name of history then the same ghastly incidents will be repeated and the people will suffer. That is why history should be a depiction of the facts, not just fiction as has been happening all these years.

It is good that the whole globe is getting awakened by the vibration created by Mahasambhuti Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. A new era - a new dawn - is on our doorstep.

Devabrat & Pramita Devii
(David Sullivan & Pramita)

Most genuine margiis and Wts know that much false history has been propagated in AMPS since 1990. Negative people have been projected as the vanguards, i.e. as holy and divine beings; all the while, great margiis and wts were projected in a very negative way. With each and every passing moment, we are missing the opportunity. We should fix this history otherwise it will be lost forever.

~ In-depth study ~

Note: As Proutists, we want people to understand the truth about those exploiters of old. Everyday citizens should not be duped by false tales and altered historical records.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “I suggest that in the writing of history there should be a radical change. The history written so far is a history of kings and monarchs. It should be thoroughly overhauled and completely rewritten – rewritten in the interest of humanity and the universal well-being of the human race. If the chronicles of history merely describe who succeeded to the throne and when, who plundered the neighbouring countries or kingdom, and who became a minister, they will be of no importance whatsoever, nor, indeed, of any interest to the common masses. If human beings are to profit from the study of the annals of history, they must reflect the weal and the woe, the hopes and aspirations of the masses.” (6)

Here below is another statue of Christopher Columbus. See how the awakened masses defaced the statue and poured red paint all over Columbus’s head and arms etc. They are making the statement that Columbus has blood on his hands for his ruthless and savage treatment of the local populations.

Note: This year, the national holiday of Columbus Day is observed on Monday, October 9 in the US.

Here in are some graphic accounts of Columbus's dealings and tactics.

Ears and nose cut off

~ Courtesy of Wikipedia ~

According to the report, Columbus once punished a man found guilty of stealing corn by having his ears and nose cut off and then selling him into slavery. Testimony recorded in the report claims that Columbus congratulated his brother Bartolomeo on "defending the family" when the latter ordered a woman paraded naked through the streets and then had her tongue cut out for suggesting that Columbus was of lowly birth. The document also describes how Columbus put down native unrest and revolt; he first ordered a brutal crackdown in which many natives were killed and then paraded their dismembered bodies through the streets in an attempt to discourage further rebellion. "Columbus's government was characterised by a form of tyranny," Consuelo Varela, a Spanish historian who has seen the document, told journalists. "Even those who loved him had to admit the atrocities that had taken place." Because of their gross mismanagement of governance, Columbus and his brothers were arrested and imprisoned upon their return to Spain from the third voyage. They lingered in jail for six weeks before busy King Ferdinand ordered their release. (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

Decapitate them or cut them in half with a single blow

~ Courtesy of Wikipedia ~

Columbus's soldiers killed and enslaved with impunity at every landing. When Columbus fell ill in 1495, "what little restraint he had maintained over his men disappeared as he went through a lengthy period of recuperation. The troops went wild, stealing, killing, raping, and torturing natives, trying to force them to divulge the whereabouts of the imagined treasure-houses of gold." According to Las Casas, 50,000 natives perished during this period. Upon his recovery, Columbus organized his troops' efforts, forming a squadron of several hundred heavily armed men and more than twenty attack dogs. The men tore across the land, killing thousands of sick and unarmed natives. Soldiers would use their captives for sword practice, attempting to decapitate them or cut them in half with a single blow.

The historian Howard Zinn writes that Columbus spearheaded a massive slave trade; in 1495 his men captured in a single raid 1500 Arawak men, women, and children. When he shipped five hundred of the slaves to Spain, 40 percent died en route. Historian James W. Loewen asserts that "Columbus not only sent the first slaves across the Atlantic, he probably sent more slaves – about five thousand – than any other individual... other nations rushed to emulate Columbus."

Las Casas writes that when slaves held in captivity began to die at high rates, Columbus switched to a different system of forced labor: he ordered all natives over the age of thirteen to collect a specified amount (one hawk's bell full) of gold powder every three months. Natives who brought the amount were given a copper token to hang around their necks, and those found without tokens had their hands amputated and were left to bleed to death.

The Arawaks attempted to fight back against Columbus's men but lacked their armor, guns, swords, and horses. When taken prisoner, they were hanged or burned to death. Desperation led to mass suicides and infanticide among the natives. In just two years under Columbus's governorship more than half of the 250,000 Arawaks in Haiti were dead. (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

1. Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism, An Ideology for a New Generation (Discourse 10)
2. Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism, An Ideology for a New Generation (Discourse 10)
3. Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism, An Ideology for a New Generation (Discourse 10)
4. Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism, An Ideology for a New Generation (Discourse 10)
5. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Let History Be Rewritten
6. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Let History Be Rewritten

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

In the evening on the sandy shore

"Sandhya' bela'y ba'luka' bela'y bose bose bha'vi tava katha'..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2671)


O' Parama Purusa, in the evening on the sandy shore, I was sitting contemplating Your grandeur and glory. O' my Lord, what an amazing image You have made by manifesting this panoramic universe. By Your grace all this was coming in my psyche during my sadhana. Baba, You are that infinite, Supreme One.

O' Parama Purusa, everything is residing within Your mind; You are the Creator of everything. In this vast cosmos, In You mind You are imagining so many shooting stars that are racing across the sky, as well as so many mountains that are crumbling to the ground. Every single expression is part and parcel of Your grand mantel display. There are innumerable galaxies floating in space all by themselves - singing the tales of Your magnificence. You are the Supreme Progenitor. Everything is happening within Your mental plate - within Your Cosmic Citta [1]. Whatever occurs in this material world is Your thought projection. What You imagine is reality for us. O' Baba, You are the Maker as well as that Witnessing Entity [2]. Everything is residing within Your vast psychic arena.

O' Parama Purusa, You think about one and all. You care for and nurture each and every entity. No matter how big or small, large or tiny, You look upon all with equal love and affection [3]. Everyone and everything is significant for You. You think about those huge, mammoth  elephants which demonstrate their power by forcefully stomping through the wild jungles, and You listen to the little stories of the those tiny honey bees that gently hover and buzz around the delicate flowers. You look after every being. For You, all have equal importance and great significance. Baba, with Your causeless compassion You look after humans, animals, plants, and the various inanimate objects. You are that Benevolent Witnessing Entity and everything is unfolding within Your mind.

Baba, in my dhya'na when I see You then I feel so close and loving. I go on thinking about Your magnanimity and vastness, as Controller of this entire, vast universe...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #2671:

[1] Cosmic Citta: This entire universe is His thought projection.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "We may say that universe is the manifestation of the Cosmic Citta, born out of psychic vibrations. All the tanma'tras of sound, touch, form, taste and smell that are composed of different kinds of vibrational currents resulting from the gradually crudifying expressions of the Cosmic Consciousness under the influence of the static principle of Prakrti. They are the analytic expressions of those universal rhythms or vibrations. Thus the visible world is created through the gradual crudifications of His thought-projection. The thought-waves, metamorphosing from subtle to the crude manifestations and then, on their way back to their nuclear origin from the crude to the subtle, assuming the mentally developed human form, are indeed guiding the thought-wave cycles towards their ultimate fulfillment. Since the world is His thought-projection, it may be said that this visible world is only His act of thinking and abides only in His imagination. Due to the vibration of Cosmic Citta these variegated forms have blossomed forth through newer and newer thoughts, forms and waves, following one another in succession." (1)

[2] Supreme Witnessing Entity: The Divine Entity that bear witness to everything in this entire cosmos.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "He is witnessing everyone and everything. Whatever is being created is a different stage of creation. He is the subject and all other entities are His objects. He is the Witnessing Entity because He is the Supreme controller." (2)

[3] Equal Love and Affection for All: Parama Purusa looks upon all with equal love and affection.
Sama plus'in'a' sa'ma mashakena
Sama na'gena sama ebhistribhih lakaeh
Ananda Marga ideology states, "He looks upon a tiny white ant with as much love and affection as on a mosquito. Nor does He think of a large mammoth more than other entities, for a mammoth has a mind just as an ant has. So He thinks equally of all: He thinks of a white ant or a mosquito with the same seriousness as of a mammoth or an elephant, and He attaches same importance to each individual creature as to all the three worlds." (3)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour
2. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 10, Cognitive Faculty and the Supreme Desideratum
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Macropsychic Conation and Micropsychic Longings

== Section 3: Links ==
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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: False history removal?
2. PS #2671: In the evening on the sandy shore
3. Links

Danger keeping NM bosom friend

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Danger keeping NM bosom friend


Often parents, out of concern, keep a strict vigil on the company their children keep. They feel that their children can get negatively affected by keeping a wrong company. While correct in thinking so parents often, quite ironically, tend to ignore the application of the same principle of staying away from the bad company on themselves. The common argument that is presented is that they are grown up adults and know very well what not to learn. They say that even in the company of a bad person they can refrain from picking bad habits and will learn only good habits. Let us take an example. Say Dr. A is a professor in a University and is concerned and teaches his son B that he should always stay in the company of good people. A, however, takes a walk with his colleague X who is an alcoholic. When A’s father tells him that A should not hang out with X then A says, “...but father, I am a professor and a grown-up man and I know what not to learn from X and what to.” Does A also need to follow the principle of satsaunga (good company) in his life as much as he wants B to?

There is a great emphasis on Satsaunga (good company) in Ananda Marga teachings. Although the effect of sanga (company) is more pronounced during the childhood it is applicable for all ages.

Village simpleton becomes fashionista in the city

To see how sanga affects a person, consider the case of a simple villager who has, in the name of belongings, just a pair of loincloths and a bicycle and he is happy with those items. When he comes to a city and sees other people in branded clothing and shoes he develops a desire to acquire the same. While in the village he did not have a need for any items of clothing beyond his loincloth but the company of city-people created a need for fashionable clothing. Likewise, he was happy with his bicycle in his village but when he sees the large cars of city-people that very bicycle begin appearing outdated. This is the effect of sanga or company. Thus, due to the company, the village person begin behaving like a city person.

Psychic influence of sanga

Influence of company takes place at both physical and psychic level. The viral influence of Hollywood fashion is an example of how sanga works at the psychic level. Although, those people who do not go to Hollywood physically if their mind’s Abhoga (mental food) is Hollywood then they get affected by the trends in the Hollywood.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “The cruder the vibrator we get, the cruder the Prakrti tries to make it. Actually Prakrti tries to make that her own but this makes the object still cruder. So gradually it becomes crude from the subtle. Behind this a principle works – “Abhoga Samsargat Praptiresana”. You must remember it. When near an object of enjoyment (Abhoga) another object reaches, a desire is begotten to get that object. For instance a man when in town has dress, living as per the dress and living of the urban people and when in a village he has as per the villagers. This is effected because of his desire begotten out of his association with people in town and villages respectively. When some persons take tea, there you also get the desire to take the same.” (1)

Even animals and humans affect each other via company/sanga

Chimpanzees that stay with human scientists have an improved vocabulary compared to the ones that live in the wilderness due to human company. Those cows that have never seen the city and have been on farms all their lives get stressed when they first time see the roads and blaring vehicles. While the stray cows in cities easily maneuver through the roads. One can see such cows roaming freely on roads in India. They can do so because of human sanga.

Humans also get affected by animals’ company. If a person has a pet dog and that person is not having Brahma bha’va towards the dog, i.e. the person does not consider the dog as a manifestation of Brahma but an ordinary dog then the person will definitely get affected by the dog’s company. If the person spends long hours with the dog then his behavior will get affected by the dog’s behavior.

Thus, a mind gets colored by another mind in whose company/sanga it comes as long as the mind is not ensconced in Brahma. This is a natural law. What to speak of one human affecting other even animals affect humans.

Why always keep satsaunga (good company)

As far as possible one should only keep good company or satsaunga regardless of one’s physical age. If we allow our minds to be in the company of bad people then undoubtedly our minds will get affected by the bad habits of the people in whose contact we come. It may not be possible to keep 24/7 company of maha’purus’as as they may not be available in abundance. One should attempt to maximize satsaunga (good company) however.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Humans should always be careful about the company they keep. What is the result of keeping good company? By spending time with good persons, a deep impression is imprinted on the mind, causing the desire to be good to rise in the mind. If, on the other hand, one chooses to associate with a drunkard, a thought will eventually come in the mind, “What is the harm if I drink a little wine?” And if one associates with thieves, one will think, “What is the harm if I steal something?” To give an example, suppose a person is standing beside a tea stall. There the smell of the tea wafts to the person’s nose. The person will then say, “Give me a cup, too.” In this incident, the smell of the tea affects the mind. If that person had not remained near the tea stall, the smell would not have reached the nose and perhaps that person would not have taken tea for two or three days. This is the influence that association has on the mind.” (2)

Dealing with bad people

If all spend time with only good people the who will spend time with bad people and correct them? Who will reform bad people? Here the operating factor is the relative nature of one’s goodness. If one is a sa’dhu’ then one can come in contact with the bad people and without himself getting affected can provide satsaunga (good company) to the bad people and rectify them. However, for someone who is not a sa’dhu’ there is a risk that that person will get affected by the presence of bad people.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “What is durjana? Durjana means “he who depraves the mind of others”. Now here durjana is a relative term. A man, Mr. X, may be treated as durjana for Mr. Y, but may not be treated as durjana for Mr. Z. Suppose in Mr. X the good portion, the merit portion, is ten degrees, and the bad portion, the demerit portion, is twelve degrees. Then the resultant is two degrees in favour of demerit: ten degrees merit and twelve degrees demerit, so the resultant goes in favour of demerit. Two degrees demerit is the resultant. Now another man’s merit portion is fifteen degrees, and demerit portion ten degrees. So the resultant five degrees goes in favour of merit. So he has five degrees of merit, and the first man has two degrees of demerit. So when that five-degree merit man comes in contact with that two-degree demerit man, the resultant will go in favour of that five-degree merit man. So that bad man will be modified, rectified. He will become good on coming in contact with that five-degree merit man. So for that five-degree merit man, that two-degree demerit man is not a durjana, because the latter cannot deprave him. But for a man who has just one degree of merit, that two-degree demerit man may deprave him – so for him that two-degree demerit man is a durjana.” (3)

Spending time with durjana - Seva’ for sa’dhu’ and satsaunga (good company) for durjana

If a sa’dhu’ spends time with a durjana to rectify him then the sa’dhu’ is performing a seva’ and the durjana is receiving satsaunga. This way, there is no downfall of sa’dhu’ while the durjana is elevating. On the other hand, a common person whose merit is comparable with the durjana then that durjana will be a kusanga for the common person. This kind of association has only one result and that is the downfall of the common person.


Often, grownup people think that they will not get affected by the bad habits of the people who they come in contact with. Although, the influence of company is more pronounced in one’s childhood the influence is still there, and quite significant, in one’s adulthood. In fact, what to speak of humans affecting each other even animals affect and get affected by humans via the company. One should always attempt to have good company. The only time one should get in contact with bad people is when they need to be rectified.

That is why we see that in various discourses Baba stresses that committed sadhakas should always be busy in shravan, manan, and nididhyásana. That way they will busy engaged in and get the company of Sadguru. Sadguru is not just an imaginary, utopian, or some far-fetched Entity. He is hiding in the heart, and one’s only duty is to pay attention to Him by the aforesaid spiritual efforts. By the company of Sadguru, life will be full of bliss. And whatever work one does will be successful. Such sadhakas are an asset to the society. By their presence itself society at-large is greatly benefited. Those bhaktas get direct energy from Taraka Brahma. An ordinary sadhaka with a little effort can realise this. The central idea is that by various ways one should try to gain the company of Sadguru Baba. That is the best company.

In Him,

Note: You may have figured out that the full title is: Danger keeping non-margii bosom friend

~ In-depth study ~

Gets degenerated in an evil environment

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “While moving along mundane mental paths, the human mind is influenced by many kinds of susceptibilities which are based on mundane activities. Under these circumstances there is a need, on the one hand, for purity of thought, and on the other, for satsauṋga [associating with good people]. The same person who is elevated in the company of good people, gets degenerated in an evil environment. This is a tested truth. So in human life there is as much need of satsauṋga as there is the need to shun evil company. Therefore, it is necessary to look for satsauṋga and avoid asatsauṋga [associating with bad people].” (4)

Even a saintly person will go astray after a few days

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who are born with fairly healthy bodies and minds, who do not lack knowledge of morality or live an undisciplined social life, or who have not become dishonest as a result of circumstantial pressure, often unwittingly take to the path of dishonesty because they keep bad company. Perhaps as many as ninety-nine per cent of people talk about themselves in the following way: “I do not need to bother about the company I keep, as long as I am good myself. I can remain good in all types of company. I am old enough to understand the difference between good and bad.” In other words, such people do not like to think, or rather feel piqued at the thought, that somebody should try to dissuade them from keeping bad company. Especially if a less-educated person advises a more highly-educated person to avoid bad company, that person will do it all the more. In society people who regard themselves as superior in status, wealth or education generally believe that it is entirely unwarranted for others to give them advice. That is why an educated but wayward son often disregards the good advice of his parents." (5)

"The natural characteristics of the human mind, however, tell a different story than what that ninety-nine percent think. A person of any age between seven and seventy is invariably influenced by the company he or she keeps. In other words, where goodness is predominant, bad people will slowly but surely become good, and where the opposite is the case, good people will become bad. Even a saintly person will go astray after a few days of close association with bad people." (5)

By keeping bad company people become debauched, slanderers & thieves

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Suppose a teetotaller mixes regularly with a group of alcoholics. The frequent anti-teetotaller gibes and the positive portrayals of the wondrous virtues of wine by the alcoholics will one day tempt the teetotaller to taste a little wine. His or her drinking friends will say, “We don’t want you to become drunk. But what’s the harm if you just taste a little! This surely won’t make you a bad person! What a moralist you are! Oh friend, to be such a moralist in the world today is ridiculous!” So one day the teetotaller tastes wine and this becomes the cause of his or her downfall. But on the day the unsuspecting teetotaller took wine, he or she did not realize that from that very day wine would become the cause of his or her degeneration." (5)

Children will also tend to become depraved if

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Similarly, by keeping bad company people become debauched, slanderers and thieves. Men or women who have to do little or no household work, who fail to cultivate high ideals in life, who are unable to evolve a spiritual outlook, or who do not have to work hard for a living, generally develop an extremely critical nature. By constantly associating with such people, those who possess high ideals or a diligent nature will gradually begin to spend their leisure time in slanderous gossip. If the parents or older members of a family are quarrelsome, the children will also become quarrelsome due to constant association. Similarly, if the women of a family have a highly critical nature, the children will invariably become critical because they will learn how to criticize from their elders. Children will also tend to become depraved if they associate too closely with older children in schools or colleges. When they stay among children their own age, however, they generally play in an innocent, joyous way. Childhood companions should be selected with great care, but young children are incapable of doing this. The base propensities which lie dormant in everyone are easily stimulated by constant association with bad people. Through the united efforts of parents, people living in the locality and educators, it may be possible to save children from bad company.” (5)

(1) Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 20, Astitva and Shivatva
(2) Discourses on Tantra Volume Two, Keeping Good Company
(3) Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 31, Sinners and Their Rectification
(4) Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru
(5) Human Society Part 1, Justice

== Section 2: Links ==

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©2017 Ananda Marga Universal Forum. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga Universal Forum content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga Universal Forum or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga Universal Forum shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga Universal Forum content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga Universal Forum.