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Friday, October 27, 2023

How to heighten bhakti + 3 more

How to heighten bhakti


Suppose a beggar arrives at Tom’s door. Upon seeing this ravenous beggar, Tom feeds the beggar a variety of tasty and sumptuous dishes until the hungry beggar has eaten up to his heart’s content. On the one side, Tom fed the beggar out of a sense of duty and wants nothing in return. And on the other hand, the beggar feels gratitude and thinks that he was fed due to Tom’s kindness and generosity. In that case, naturally the beggar will develop a sweet feeling in his heart for Tom - even though Tom does not desire any recognition or praise etc. And the beggar may even walk around town recounting how Tom lovingly prepared so many tasty dishes to fully satisfy his hunger. In this way, that beggar will sing Tom’s good deeds. And he will automatically feel a close connection with Tom, even though Tom does not desire any recognition or praise etc.

In contrast, if the beggar feels that he got that tasty food only because of his own efforts of walking many miles to Tom’s residence, then he will not feel an iota of gratitude toward Tom. Rather he will contemptuously recount that, “Tom did not provide me with the food that I really wanted.” The beggar will complain that, “For dessert Tom only gave me 1 KG of rasagolla and I wanted 2 KG.” In this way, the beggar will remain completely dissatisfied and furious with Tom. Yet, Tom fed the beggar out of a sense of duty and wanted nothing in return.

In reality, Tom gave the very food that he himself was going to eat, and he gave the sweets that he usually reserves for special guests. But if in the street someone tells that beggar that, “Tom fed you well”, the beggar will be dissatisfied thinking that, “I should have gotten more.” In that case, the beggar will not have any sweet feeling towards Tom. The relation between them will seem cold and distant. The beggar might even feel angry and inimical towards Tom. Yet all along, Tom fed the beggar out of a sense of duty and did not wish to receive anything in return.

Dry sadhaka vs bhaktas

Likewise, with Parama Purusa, each and every sadhaka should cultivate the idea that all the joys and smiles in life are due to His supreme grace. And verily this is the grand reality. Parama Purusa really does do everything. It is all due to His grace as He is the Supreme Controller of this vast universe.

Believing everything to be a result of His cosmic grace is not just one’s own mental fabrication or imagination, this is the grand truth of this created universe: He is the Doer and all credit goes to Him. By realising this truth, that sadhaka will feel more love and affection for Parama Purusa and have a deep sense of gratitude towards Him. In that case, a close and intimate relation will surely blossom between the bhakta and Parama Purusa. Then the bhakta will feel His grace, always.

In contrast, if out of one’s own vanity any dry sadhaka fails to recognise this divine truth, then in their own mental laboratory they will build up their own superiority complex and think that all good things are due to their own greatness. Because of this vain and self-centered approach, such dry sadhakas remain far away from Parama Purusa and they cannot make that sweet relation with Him. Step by step, this feeling of isolation permeates every aspect of their life until finally their whole existence is characterised by woe and frustration. Such dry sadhakas never feel His grace.

Human desire & longing

Ultimately human beings want someone who is very close - someone who will be their grand companion in life. Human beings want that type of intimate relation and eternal Friend. And such a companion, such a relation, such a Friend, can only be Parama Purusa – not any human being.

So if in their life anyone has been blessed to have that type of close link with Parama Purusa, there will always be a sweet flow of love and bhakti. And they will always feel happy, content, and internally satisfied because their life is drenched in His love. They feel His grace working each and every moment.

Unfortunate umbrella of vanity

But if due to their own unit ego and vanity anyone is unable to cultivate a sweet feeling with that most loving Entity, then that dry sadhaka will always feel sad, lonely, and depressed. Their life will always feel empty. And the root cause behind it all is that unfortunate umbrella of vanity. Here below Baba describes this situation.

   Ananda Marga ideology says, “He has got equal love for each and every creature of this universe, for all animate and inanimate objects. His krpa’ and His compassion is being equally showered upon each and every individual, upon each and every object. He bestows His compassion equally on each and every object. Equally on pa’piis [sinners] and pun’yava’nas [the virtuous].”
    “But common people do not feel it, they do not feel that they are getting His krpa’. Why do they not feel it? That krpa’, that water of compassion, is being showered on each and every creature equally, but ordinary people do not feel that they are being drenched by those sacred waters. Why? Because they are holding the umbrella of vanity over their heads, that’s why they are not being drenched.”
   Ananda Marga ideology says, “And what is sa’dhana’? You will have to remove that umbrella from above your head and get yourself drenched by the sacred water. You will have to remove that umbrella of vanity…and get yourself drenched by that water; and then you will feel that you are being graced by Him. This is what is called krpa’. Krpa’ is there, but you will have to come to feel it by your sa’dhana’. And when you will remove that umbrella, you will get proper direction, and then you will be guided by hla’dinii shakti, by Ra’dhika’ shakti. Here you will come in contact with His nu’pura dhvani [Divine Sound].” (1)

As Baba guides us in His above teaching, the bhakti cult of sadhana enables one to feel the sweet presence of His divine grace. Because when one does sadhana then naturally the mind becomes soft, serene, and peaceful. And in that way, the sadhaka instinctively feels that everything is due to the grace of Parama Purusa.

However, without that inner feeling, such dry sadhakas develop a gross superiority complex and suffer from vanity. In that unfortunate instance, they harbour the idea that they themselves are the only doer in this universe. They give all credit to themselves, instead of Parama Purusa. And that is the umbrella of vanity. Then one cannot feel His grace, even though it is showering down constantly.


These days the common people do not know how to think or use their minds. The masses are just self-engrossed, thinking only about themselves. They have no greater outlook than their own indulgence and pleasures. In that condition, the periphery of their mind decreases—making people more narrow-minded and selfish.

The operative rule is—'As you think so shall you become'. So by thinking about the unit self, then the dimension of one's mind gets smaller and smaller.

By holding the umbrella of vanity over their head, these dry sadhakas  remain far from the charming and loving presence of Parama Purusa. They do not feel the continuous flow of His sweet grace. This is their unfortunate state – all because of the umbrella of vanity.

In Him,
Chandra Deva

~ In-depth study ~

“I did this, I did that”

Here Baba describes how vanity affects people.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “‘I did this, I did that – I built this road when I was a minister I constructed this bridge when I was in the Public Works Department’ – this is how people become mad for their little ‘I’.” (2)

When people suffer from this type of vanity it is impossible to develop an intimate and sweet relation with Parama Purusa. When they get any success then they proudly think that they are doing everything and that Parama Purusa is not doing anything. And if anything bad occurs then those same dry sadhakas vehemently blame Parama Purusa for causing such a disaster. By this type of demented outlook, ultimately such dry sadhakas create an inimical relation with Parama Purusa. And any balanced person can see how vanity is a huge hindrance on the path of spirituality.

The umbrella of vanity

Here Baba explains more how due to their vanity dry sadhakas feel that only others get His divine grace – but not themselves.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Now, you can say, ‘This gentleman has got the grace of the Supreme and I do not get the grace. What am I to do?’ No, He is omnipotent, omniscient, and all-loving. His grace is for all without any exception. But because of your individual vanity, you do not realize it. Suppose there is a heavy rain of His grace. If you hold an umbrella of vanity over your head, you will not get drenched with the rain. So, if you remove the umbrella of vanity from your head, you will be  drenched with His grace.” (3)

The only solution for dry sadhakas is to remove their unfortunate umbrella then only will they get relief and mental peace – otherwise their life will pass in frustration.

Who else is your genuine friend

As sadhakas, the main thing in life is to cultivate a sweet and intimate relation with Parama Purusa. Because only He is our eternal Friend who remains along with us forever and ever; only He is that all-powerful Entity of this grand universe who can save us from all kinds of troubles and difficulties; only He is that Bliss Personified Entity who can fill our hearts with unending love and compassion.

So when Parama Purusa alone is that Divine One, naturally then it is most advantageous and very intelligent to nurture an intimate relation with Him. In Baba’s below mentioned guideline, He uniquely shows us how in our day to day existence we can establish such a loving and intimate link with Parama Purusa – one that will grow and flourish, by His grace.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “He constantly showers His grace without reservation even on those persons who make no effort for salvation and who gradually degrade themselves. Even though you calumniate Brahma and deny His existence, yet He will not be displeased with you. He will not thrust you on the path of destruction. His imposing countenance of forgiveness will for ever remain, and He will forever go on directing you to the ways of salvation. Who else is your genuine friend and compassionate companion?” (4)

Chief difference between bhaktas & dry sadhakas

Doing anything in this universe takes energy; and that energy comes from Him. All are aware that the bhakti scriptures of A’nanda Ma’rga proclaim that everything happens due to the supreme grace of Parama Purusa. There is not a single event, or day to day occurrence, that transpires in this vast expressed universe that is not the direct result of His divine grace – His krpa’.

Gurukrpa’ hi kevalam
“The Guru’s grace is everything.”

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “This alone is the supreme truth. This is the be-all and end-all of life.” (5)

Baba’s grace is everything. All good things in life and all positive results are due to His causeless grace. And verily the bhakta feels in his heart that Parama Purusa is gracious and doing everything - bhaktas give credit to Parama Purusa and that brings more feelings of closeness and bhakti. Whereas, dry sadhaka feel that they themselves are doing everything. And that is the chief difference between the bhaktas and Dry sadhaka. Dry sadhaka give all credit to themselves and that creates separation and the feeling of vanity, i.e. the umbrella of vanity. That is why those dry sadhaka do not feel graced.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam – 33, ‘Brahmacakra’
2. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle
3. 17 August 1979 DMC, Taipei
4. Subhasita Samgraha – 1, ‘Brahma Krpa Hi Kevalam’
5. A Few Problems Solved - 8, The Neo-Ethics of Multi-Lateral Salvation

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Divine tune & sweet melody

"Ga'nera jharn'a' boye ja'y, bela' abela' na'hi ma'ne..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4868)


Baba, the grand fountain of songs is flowing eternally, completely independent of the normal cycle of time. These blissful songs float according to their own schedule and routine - not caring about day or night, summer or winter. The divine tune and sweet melody of Your musical compositions are dancing on the jagged path. They lead one towards that vast Cosmic Ocean of refulgence, the Supreme Entity...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Blindness of capitalism

Prout philosophy states, “Society will have to encourage the individual search for absolute freedom because the psychic and spiritual realms are unlimited, and possession in these spheres does not hinder the progress of others. But unrestricted freedom to acquire wealth in the physical sphere has every possibility of permitting a few people to roll in luxury while hampering the all-round growth of the majority, because physical resources are limited. Individual liberty in the physical sphere must not be allowed to hamper the development of the complete human personality, and at the same time it must not be so drastically curtailed that the all-round growth of society is impeded.”

“Freedom is a right of every human being. To encourage comprehensive, unbarred human expression in the different spheres of social life a congenial socio-economic environment has to be created, because as such an environment does not exist today.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Socio-Economic Groupifications

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Mountain wrongly named

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Mt. Everest, of the Himalayan range is the highest mountain in the world. This fact was established by Ra'dha'nath Sikadar. Most probably he named the peak after his supervising officer, the Surveyor General of that time, Mr. Everest." (1)

Note 1: Baba is revealing the reality that Ra'dha'nath Sikadar of India first established the truth that Everest is the highest peak in the world. Hence credit should be given to Ra'dha'nath Sikadar, not Mr. Everest. But Mr. Everest took the credit and kept it in his own name. Otherwise the name would be Mt. Ra'dha'nath.

Note 2: Generally speaking, people are not aware how this illustrious mountain of the Himalayan range was named. In particular, why was a European given for this peak when other Himalayan peaks are named in Sanskrit - like Mt. Kaela'sh.

Note 3: During the British rule of India, the 'Surveyor General' post was occupied by Mr. Everest.

1. Varn'a Vicitra, Sanskrit Grammar Book, last discourse part 1

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Unity: how it can be achieved in AMPS


Ananda Marga philosophy says, "How far is the unification of all religions possible?"

"Ans.: – To seek infinite bliss is the only dharma of humanity. Humanity has but one dharma. Thus, the question of the unification of religions does not arise. The apparent dissimilarity between various religions arising due to differences in their ritualistic practices is not a spiritual difference. Whenever rituals dominate and efforts to attain bliss are feeble, whatever that may be, it is not spirituality." (1)

Mixing the various religious dogmas

According to the above guideline, the only way to create ek manav samaj (one human society) is to rid society from all such dogmas and build a neo-humanistic social order based on the pure spiritual ideals of Ananda Marga. However, in the general society, the prevailing confusion is that if we mix the rituals of various religions like Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and people follow the religions accordingly then society will be harmonious. In many countries there are religious places where all kinds of believers attend and practice their dogma. The organisers think by this way there will be unity in the society. But according to the above teaching there will not be harmony. Only they can create a pseudo type of harmony by superficially following their religious edicts. But the moment they become strict in their religious dogma a fight will break out.

For instance, religion A preaches, “My religion [religion A] is the real thing and others are heathens, so you can forcibly convert them or even kill them.” And in response, religion B preaches “This religion [ i.e. religion B] is the real thing and others are heathens, so you can forcibly convert them or even kill them.” So if both religions A & B think like this and believe only their religion is great, then they can never unite. As long as their religious feeling is superficial then they can sit in one room, but the day they become strong adherents of their religion they cannot bear seeing each other. So humans cannot be united on the point of religion.

AMPS must be dogma-free

Sincere margiis want to unite various factions of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. However, unity cannot be achieved by mixing various group agendas and dogmas. Please again see Guru’s above teaching highlighted in yellow. The summary is that the first work is to remove all factional dogma from our landscape. No group agenda can be in vogue. For example, so long as mahaprayan (MPD) and Jamalpur holy land dogma exist there cannot be unity. To unite and move together all dogma must be removed, including the dogma of geo-socio sentiment etc.

The idea and reality of ek manav samaj can only be achieved by creating one human society based on the universal, dharmic teachings of neo-humanism and Ananda Marga ideology. In that endeavour there is no scope or question of creating organisational or social unity by merging the various sects, or the dogmas of the different groups of AMPS, or compromising with their dogmas. That will never bring harmony, inside or outside the organisation.

in Him,

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell Part 3, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Excerpt B, question #49

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Question: Which religion is Baba referring to?

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In places where, for whatever reason, intellectual clashes among the vipras were not very intense, their philosophy was very simple. They would say to the people directly, "I am the angel or incarnation of God. The things I have said are not the words of a human being but the words of God," or "I have received the divine revelation that you will eat this and not that, worship in this way and not that, and offer this to God. If you obey my commandments God will bless you and you will go to heaven; otherwise you will be burnt to death in the fire of hell." The people were fooled this easily.”

“The vipras used to tempt people with an imaginary heaven and inject in them the fear of an imaginary hell. In this way they would accomplish their objectives; their exploitation would proceed smoothly; and moreover the fear they aroused in people's minds would turn those people into fanatics.”

“It is noticeable that in the fanatical religious communities that we see in the world today, there is very little intellectual clash among the vipras. However, whenever fanatical religious communities made systems of social rules and regulations – in other words, whenever they made some effort to build a social structure – their social systems would be stronger than those of societies which followed a subtle philosophical theory or those of kśatriya societies.”  (1)


In His above teaching, Sadguru Baba is talking about the semitic religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

1. Human Society - 2, The Vipra Age

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Matter of great regret: Artists goaded towards sensuality

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Here it must be noted that artists must seek to exhibit to people the simple form of truth, sweetened with the sweetness of their hearts. But it is a matter of great regret that a class of modern artists, in the realms of poetry, novels, cinema, drama, etc., employ all their artistic talents for the sole purpose of kindling people’s crude sensuality, instead of portraying human propensities with the idealistic outlook of a true artist – what to speak of portraying their subtle human feelings. Without supporting conservatism, I would say that this class of artists is truly a blot on society." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved -1, The Practice of Art & Literature

== Section 3: Links ==

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