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Sunday, March 24, 2024

Pranks & depravity + 3 more

Pranks & depravity


There are numerous occasions and dealings in materialistic communities that are founded upon degrading tendencies of mind. For instance, Halloween is based on injecting a fear complex wherein little children may even suffer their whole life - scared to death of imaginary ghosts. And the daily grind of capitalism itself encourages greed, sensuality, and selfishness. Likewise, on April Fools’ Day, the aim is to trick or deceive someone so they feel embarrassed, nervous, or ridiculed etc.

The end result is the loss of trust in society whereby people harbor tremendous suspicions towards one another - even between best friends, or husband and wife. This casts a long shadow on humanity because distrust, doubt, fear, and anxiety become dominant. And verily that is why we see so many psychic diseases wherever materialism thrives. In the end, people feel stressed, depressed, lonesome, and helpless.

In materialism: negative propensities flourish

That is why we can say that materialism is the polar opposite of tantra. Materialism stands for the injection of degrading propensities. Sadly, when the mind is overrun by degenerating thoughts then sadhana is not possible, as one will just dwell on those dark thoughts and degrade themselves further. Whereas tantra wholly encourages higher propensities and goads the mind towards Parama Purusa. In tantra, negative propensities do not get scope to grow as each and every engagement and practice in tantra aims at elevating the mind. By this way the mind is well-prepared to do sadhana and reach the Supreme rank.

As far as possible, as Ananda Margiis, we must always follow Sadguru Baba’s divine teachings and goad the mind towards higher pursuits - and never give way to materialistic traditions and daily rituals which erode the human psyche - both individually and collectively. What may seem like harmless and innocuous pranks and expressions etc often serve to undermine one’s well-being. Not only that, such types of pranks are against our sadhana oaths.

As materialism takes root around us, we should be even more vigilant to hold firm to the traditions of tantra and only encourage those elevating qualities of mind. By this way we will reach the Goal and help others progress as well.

Seeing John’s face sunk in woe

“Hey John, I need to talk to you about something personal. As you know your marriage with Betsy has been rocky of late, and our wives are best friends. Well, last night Betsy and Carol had a sit-down chat, and Betsy tells me that Carol is thinking of leaving you and ending the marriage - she will probably pack-up and leave by the end of the month. As a friend, I just felt I needed to tell you this.”

Hearing this, John becomes quite shocked and devastated. Seeing John’s face sunk in woe, an instant later Gary cries out, “April Fools!! I was just kidding - not to worry - Carol still loves you - she tells Betsy that the marriage has gotten much better - but you sure did get fooled!! I had you believing it all - you should have seen the look on your face!!”

Distrust, doubt, fear, & anxiety is outcome

So the above is yet another example of how the traditions and norms in a materialistic society degrade the mind. The entire premise of the pranks and practical jokes made on April Fools Day stem from a sadistic mentality (pishunatá) where one derives pleasure by seeing others suffer - even if it is their good friend.

Of course, those submerged in materialism will justify that, “It was all done in good fun” and “everyone got a good laugh out of it” etc, but the underlying tendency of mind is sadistic and cruel (kruratá).


Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us that our life is dear to us; similarly, the next person’s life is also dear to them. So, as far as possible we should help others, and not create problems in anyone else’s life. But unfortunately pranksters do the exact opposite of the aforesaid idea. Yet they themselves do not like to have pranks played on them; but, still they enjoy playing pranks and putting others in trouble. Those who have such a mentality cannot do sadhana. Human beings should realize their potentiality to provide relief to suffering people. That’s why they never play pranks on others.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “When human beings do sádhaná, the kulakuńd́alinii, an ideative entity, rises upward through the spine. It pierces through cakras one after the other, and simultaneously the thoughts or propensities controlled by their respective cakras are brought under control. As soon as the kulakuńd́alinii pierces the múládhára, svádhiśt́hána and mańipura cakras, it brings under control all the propensities up to and including those of the mańipura cakra. The mańipura is the controlling cakra of ten propensities – shyness, sadistic tendency, envy, staticity, melancholia, peevishness, yearning for acquisition, infatuation, hatred, fear. When after rising and rising the kulakuńd́alinii reaches the sahasrára, it becomes one with Paramashiva. This is the state of liberation.” (1)

We must discourage depraving ones

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Tendencies are of either a degenerating or an exalting nature, that is, they are either of a depraving or an elevating nature. We should encourage the elevating tendencies and discourage the depraving ones. In certain parts of this world, depraving tendencies such as pornography exist. Simply protesting will not stop these things: we will have to do something positive to check it. Such positive action will create a new stir in the human mind. Pornography and other depraving tendencies will be completely discouraged and checked. That will be our course of action. We have to create new literature, new books, new music, new songs… We have to chalk out a programme and act accordingly.” (2)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “In Ananda Marga Sadhana, the method of withdrawing the mind from degrading tendencies, and absorbing oneself in the colour of the Great, is called Pratyáhára Yoga (the yoga of withdrawal) or Varńárghyadána (the offering of colours). All people have a particular attraction for one or another object or activity and as soon as they become attracted to an object, then their minds become coloured with the colour of that object. You can withdraw your mind from the colour of that object and dye yourself in His colour by offering Him the captivating colour of the object that has attracted you: this is the real Pratyáhára Yoga.” (3)

1. Discourses on Krsna and the Giita, The Meaning of “Krśńa” in Rája Yoga
2. A Few Problems Solved - 8, The Rule of Rationality
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You love unconditionally

"Toma'r katha' a'mi bha'vi ba're ba're..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0270)


Baba, Parama Purusa, You are everything for me, my most intimate One. I think about You always - how You love me and care for me - in good times and bad, always. In my life, You shower Your grace and save me in each and every situation. I reflect upon Your immense love and affection again and again. My Lord, You are the only one who truly nurtures me. Besides You, no one watches over me the way You do. You love unconditionally; no one else can compare with that. Worldly attraction is based on selfishness; it is for one's own happiness, not for the sake of someone else's welfare. Whereas Your kindness is boundless, selfless, and pure, without any expectation of anything in return. I incessantly recall Your infinite compassion and cannot ever forget You.

Baba, when the long night finally ends and the early glow of the crimson dawn begins, I feel Your touch and nectar in that light. No matter how difficult the challenge or big the obstacle, invariably You are there to guide me, give me hope, and solve each and every problem that comes in my life. You are the solution and by Your supreme benevolence I feel Your sensitive touch; that is the soothing balm in my journey. I think about You always, how You love me so much, and cannot ever forget You.

Baba My Dearmost, when in dark times, the evening sun is waving and calling and wants to tell me that I am never alone. When any crisis is about to occur, then by Your mercy I always remember that You are there to support me. Whether in dusk or light, happiness or sorrow, no matter what the circumstance, when any struggle arises I invariably sense Your concern and know You are there to care for me. You have bestowed upon me a deep sense of surrender. I unfailingly feel that You are with me and will resolve any point of contention I encounter. You are my Eternal Companion and I remain forever under Your shelter.

Baba, I think about You unfailingly and how You love me so much. I cannot ever forget You…

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Consequences of sleep & flatulence

Ananda Marga ideology states, “In sleep if the flatulent gas moves upwards on account of stomach trouble or if there is some nervous disturbance, the brain and the sub-conscious mind will become agitated. Our previously imagined or felt objects reappear in our subconscious mind in a disjointed form. This we call a dream. Obviously such a dream is of no consequence. Not only that, the story formed therein will not be well-knit as it consists of merely the re-appearance of the objects, stored in the different parts of the brain. There is yet another type of dream. The Atimánas kośa (supramental mind) is the store-house of all knowledge. At times a premonition of a coming be great happiness or sorrow, which only the omniscient causal frame can visualize, is created during deep slumber in the subconscious mind of an individual, who is deeply concerned with that particular happiness or sorrow. Such dreams do not take place very often. Nevertheless such a dream does carry the prognosis of a true event.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 2, The Intuitional Science of the Vedas – 4

== Section: Important Teaching ==
About the ball

In the following quote Baba reveals the history of the "ball" which is nowadays commonly used in innumerable games and sports. The ball is originally invented in India. The following Baba's teaching reveals this fact.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The meaning of the root verb kand is 'to wallow'. We get the word kanduka (ball) by adding 'uk' to 'kand' or adding 'u' + 'ka' to kand. Its etymological meaning is 'that which rolls'; colloquially it refers to 'ball'-- a ball rolls. It should be remembered that the kanduka (ball) originated in this country. Originally, balls used to be made from cloth, but since cloth balls did not last very long people in ancient Bengal started making balls from the shoots of young bamboo." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 3, Kakubh to Kavaśńa (Discourse 17)

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

बाबा! तुम मेरे जीवन में तुम दिव्य प्रेम की फल्गु-धारा बहाते रहते हो

प्रभात संगीत 327 सौम्य शान्त  चेतनानन्द, चरण... दाओ गो आमाय...


हे परमपुरुष बाबा! तुम सदा शान्त और आनन्द हो ! तुम  शुद्धचेतन , प्रेमस्वरूप! हो, तुम कृपा कर अपने चरण कमलों में मेरा समर्पण स्वीकार करो और मुझे आशीष  दो ।  हे मेरे प्रभु! तुम हतास की आशा  हो, व्यथित हृदय के लिये प्रेम हो, आश्रयविहीन भटकने वालों के तुम्हीं अंतिम आश्रय हो।

बाबा! तुम सभी लोकों  में प्रारंभ से अंत तक रहते हो, और मेरे जीवन में तुम दिव्य प्रेम की फल्गु-धारा बहाते रहते हो । तुम्हारी असीम करुणा लगातार सभी दिशाओं में बहती जा रही है। तुम सबके अति  प्रिय हो, और सबके सर्वाधिक पूज्य हो। तुम मनुष्यों की विद्या और बुद्धि से परे हो। हे मेरे प्रभु! तुम अपने चरण कमलों में मेरा समर्पण स्वीकार करो.

हे मेरे प्रभु, बाबा! मेरी पैदाइस इस सीमित जगत में, तथा मैं हूँ भी  इस सीमित जगत में, परन्तु तुम तो सीमा से परे हो, और मैं सीमा से परे अनंत सत्ता को सोच भी नहीं सकता। जब मैं तुम्हारा चिंतन करता हॅूं तो मेरा मन तुम्हीं में मिलने लगता है, खो जाता है । हे मेरे प्रभु! तुम अपने चरण कमलों में मेरा समर्पण स्वीकार करो.

हे मेरे प्रभु, बाबा! मेरे मन की मंजूषा , मधुर केवड़े के पराग के सामान है। मेरा मन सबकुछ मधुरता लेकर, तुम्हारी ओर दौड़ रहा है। बाबा!  हे मेरे प्रभु! तुम अपने चरण कमलों में मेरा समर्पण स्वीकार करो, और मुझे आश्रय दो। 

== Section 4: Links ==