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Saturday, March 16, 2019

Islam exploits women


Islam exploits women


Ananda Marga ideology guide us, “There are some people who have the opinion that men are especially favoured by Parama Puruśa and that women are not; or that one man is equal to three women. This is dogma. These absurd ideas all originated in dogma. Any intelligent person can easily understand that these propositions are totally hollow and irrational. “The intellect of one man is equal to the intellect of three women” – it is a ridiculous statement. In reality, there may be some cases in which the intellect of one man may be equal only to that of two women. But then there may be other cases where the intellect of one woman may be equal to the intellect of twenty men. Such intelligent women can be found in the world. Or if we speak only of physical weight, then we may find some woman who weighs more than two men. Theoretical statements should not be accepted here.” (1)

This following comment is somewhat related with the above issue.

Imagine women beaten by bats

Imagine a world where women are being beaten by bats or stoned to death at a moment's notice.
~ Courtesy of Amazon(dot)com ~
Let's face it. Very few non-Muslims have read the Quran. We're told in the West that Islam means peace. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who grew up in Somalia, Saudi Arabia and Kenya within the Muslim faith, begs to differ. It means, she says, surrender. Surrender to the will of Allah. In reality, she says, it means submission - submission to willful ignorance and untold suffering of muslims everywhere the religion is practiced.

Ayaan did her best to become a good submissive muslim, but she refused to shut down her mind. She refused to submit her faculty of reason - the very thing that makes us human - to the written words of the Quran and the trap of ignorance and destruction that she argues is the inevitable result.

She eventually stretched thin the chains of tribe and family and escaped to Holland, where she applied for and received refugee status. She educated herself, became a voice against the suffering of muslim women, and was elected to the Dutch parliament. Her courage and fire to help women escape the brutality imposed on them by Islamic tradition backed by the words of Allah forced her into years of hiding and security protection against threats on her life. The threats were real. When film-maker Theo van Gogh was murdered while riding his bicycle in the middle of the day, a note was found on his body, affixed with a knife, threatening her life, in the name of, and in honour of, Allah and Islam.

While reading this book, I couldn't but think of Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange. But imagine that instead of living in a world of brutally sadistic and violent thugs and gangs that you may encounter if you are at the wrong place at the wrong time, that those sadistic thugs are your mother, father, brother, neighbours, teachers, and Imams. Imagine a world where being beaten by bats or stoned to death at a moment's notice and where you were supposed to submit and accept your beating was the norm. Imagine that to be a woman and to speak out against this outrageous behaviour is to commit a crime against Allah and the will of the Prophet Muhammad, dead for 1,500 years, to be avenged by the devout. This is a world where individual rights, reason, and justice are forbidden. All there is is the Quran, and if you are female, the assurance of a lifetime of submission, pain, suffering, and violence.

That is the story that Ayaan Hirsi Ali tells. It's her story as she lived it. It is the story, she says, of hundreds of millions of Muslim women, not only in Africa, but even in Holland and other Western countries.

Having suffered, escaped, and lifted herself out of the mental and cultural trap imposed by tribal culture, Ayaan describes her mission and responsibility as follows:

"Perhaps I could start by telling people that values matter. The values of my parents' world generate and preserve poverty and tyranny, for example, in their oppression of women. A clear look at this would be tremendously beneficial. In simple terms, for those of us who were brought up with Islam, if we face up to the terrible reality we are in, we can change our destiny."

This is change we can all help bring about by reading this book and supporting Ayaan in her fight to end the brutality of Islam through reason and the injection of human values into the interpretation of the Quran. What Islam desperately needs is a cultural renaissance and a recognition of the concept of individual rights. If you are a lover of personal freedom and political liberty, and thereby a foe of human slavery and totalitarian brutality, Ayaan Hursi Ali's fight is a fight worth fighting. (Courtesy of Amazon(dot)com)
On Him,
(Ramadan Ali)

Islam says: ‘In religion, there is no place for the intellect’

Below is English translation of the discourse about Islam which TP deleted from NHNS.

(Note: The following section, highlighted in yellow, is an English summary of the missing section of "Liberation of Intellect" [Patna, 26th January 1980]. This section on women has been deleted by our Tiljala Publications (TP) department, and it continues to be missing from our English AM books even today.)
There are also a few "great personalities" (maha'purus') - we call them "great personalities" because it would not be proper to use any other term - who say that in the social sphere one woman does not hold the value of an entire man. Rather, three women equal one man. What an absurd notion! Those who are the followers of such "great personalities", their own intellectual growth will be impeded. They will not be able to tolerate even, any rational ideas. They will keep away from and fear all rational ideas which bring the natural growth and development of mind. In this very way, dogma has captured their minds.

Some people also say that-- ‘In religion, there is no place for the intellect’. That is, where people are not intelligent, where they are not rational, where they are fools, in that very state they are liable to get caught in the clutches of religion.

The subject of today's discourse is, “The liberation of intellect”. Indeed, we have to utilize our intellect in all spheres of life. And because of this, we want to increase our intellect as much as possible. Further we know that, according to the law of nature, human intellect will go on increasing. And, dogmas will continue to hinder this mental progress for many more years to come. I will say this to you all that you have understood well what is dogma, and what is not. And I will also say, that wherever you see dogma creating a hindrance to the growth of your intellect, there you should courageously go on crushing the dogmas and moving ahead!

Here ends the English summary of the missing section of "Liberation of Intellect" (Patna, 26th January 1980). This important section on women has been deleted by our Tiljala Publishers, and it is still missing from our English AM books today. Again, the above is an informal translation of what Bábá has said in His original Hindi discourse.

Islam: तीन औरत समान एक पुरुष | अद्भुत logic |

Below is the original Hindi of the discourse about Islam which TP deleted from NHNS. Here follows the As-Is original Hindi of the yellow passage given above.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "दो चार महापुरुष भी तो ऐसे थे, (हम तो महापुरुष कहते हैं क्योंकि और शब्द का व्यवहार करना, उचित नहीं होगा) कहते थे, कि---"एक औरत एक पूरा मनुष्य नहीं है | तीन औरत समान एक पुरुष |" अद्भुत logic ! और जो लोग उनको मानेंगे, उनकी बुद्धि पर अवरोध डाला जाएगा | वे दूसरे किसी प्रकार का विचार,  वे बर्दाश्त तक नहीं कर सकेंगे | जिस विचार से मन का स्वाभाविक विकाश होगा, बुद्धि का स्वाभाविक विकाश होगा, उस विचार से वे दूर रहेंगे, विचार से डरेंगे | Dogma उनको इस तरह से जकड़ लिया है |"

"कुछ लोग तो ऐसा भी कहेंगे कि---"मज़हब में अक़्ल का दख़ल नहीं है" | अर्थात्‌ जहाँ अक़्ल नहीं है, जहाँ मनुष्य अक़्ल मन्द नहीं है, जहाँ मनुष्य विचारशील नहीं हैं---वे मज़हब के चङ्गुल में फँसेंगे |"

"आज का आलोच्य विषय है---"बुद्धि की मुक्ति" | जीवन के हर पहलू में हमें बुद्धि से काम लेना पड़ता है | और हम अधिक से अधिक बुद्धि चाहते हैं, चाहेंगे | और हम जानते हैं, प्राकृतिक विकाश के अनुसार मनुष्य की बुद्धि बढ़ती रहेगी | और इस बुद्धि के परिवर्त्तन में और भी कई सालों तक ये जो dogmas हैं, बाधा डालती रहेंगी | हम तुम लोगों से यही कहेंगे, कि तुम लोगों में यहाँ तक बुद्धि तो आ गई है कि कौन dogma है, और कौन dogma नहीं है | यह समझाने की बुद्धि तुम में आ गई है | हम यहीं कहेंगे कि जहाँ देखोगे---तुम्हारी बुद्धि के विकाश में dogma बाधा डाल रही है, वहाँ हिम्मत के साथ dogma को चूर-चूर कर आगे बढ़ते रहो |" (2) (As-Is version, "Liberation of Intellect", Patna, 26th January 1980. Original Hindi.)

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 15, “Buddha o Aśt́áḿga Márga”
2. As-Is version, "Liberation of Intellect", Patna, 26th January 1980. Original Hindi.

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