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Saturday, March 16, 2019

Silly call + 3 more


Silly call


In our Ananda Marga society, we should always be vigilant to use our Saḿskrta names and give our children a Saḿskrta name that carries deep spiritual meaning.

Poor parenting: improper naming of the child

There is a dirty trend to name children after famous athletes, politicians, movie stars etc, but those parents forget that the child may be on this earth for 100 to 135 years and so often that famous athlete or movie star becomes degraded and that name ends up in ignominy. For instance, an actor might get caught up in a drug or prostitution scandal. In India, there was a time when many were even naming their child Saddam Hussein etc.

Another dirty trend these days comes from Hollywood stars. They are giving their children very odd names like "Apple", or "Spice", or "Saturday", or "Peanut Butter" etc. They are selecting bizarre mundane words as names for their kids; and, now the common people have also adopted a similar approach.

Then there are those who - with good intentions - give their kids names that have a negative connotation. For instance when infant mortality is a distinct threat then certain illiterate villagers give their child a name with a negative meaning so the demons will not be attracted to take the child away. This is their dogmatic and superstitious approach. And if the child survives then it must live the entire life with that name. And in the west - with all good intentions - some kids are given names that also refer to a reproductive organ. But one should not live a life in this way.

As you can see, mass education is needed about naming children. The names given to children are meaningful on many levels including spiritual. The name has a vibration and meaning in and of itself, and that affects the child. So when names are such an essential element of our life as sadhakas, we should take the opportunity to ensure that all - both inside and outside Ananda Marga - understand the value of giving sentient, spiritual names to their children.

Examples of bad Saḿskrta names

At the same time we must be aware that not every Saḿskrta name is appropriate, as they do not carry a spiritual meaning. To ensure proper Saḿskrta names are given, Baba has detailed names that are of spiritual value. Every acarya has this list / booklet. Those are the names that are to be used in our Ananda Marga at the time of initiation. But it does not always happen like that.

Certainly, a large majority of the names in Saḿskrta are appropriate for use in Ananda Marga. Such Saḿskrta names directly refer to Parama Purusa or one of His divine qualities, or some other aspect of spirituality. There are tens of of thousands of names of this nature. However, there are also many Saḿskrta names that fail to reach our standard for naming in Ananda Marga. Names like Brinjal (eggplant) as well as other Saḿskrta names meaning rice, chili, and other food items are not our ideal. Yet these Saḿskrta names are used in the general society and, on occasion, also sneak into our Ananda Marga.

Plus various names such as the highly popular surname Singha, meaning lion, are based on the animals. Yet we know that according to the cycle of brahmacakra, human life is the veritable movement away from our baser animalistic vrittis towards our inherent sublime nature, i.e. life divine. So there is no value - rather it is detrimental - to have a Saḿskrta name that refers to an animal. This is also a point of caution.

Finally, there are some Saḿskrta names for boys like Kat’u (bitter), Kalmas’a (dirty) Kapat’ii (hypocrite) that are not up to the proper standard. Similarly, there some girls names like Mithya’ (false), Asmita’ (false ego)  and Savita (father) that are also inappropriate. Another phenomenon, in India, they have begun giving Saḿskrta names that are actually verbs or adjectives, not nouns. One such name is “Chalati” which is a verb meaning "to go". People choose such names because they feel they are unique. That is also the new and dirty trend.

Bad trend: non-spiritual nicknames

Another key facet of this discussion is the use of nicknames. All too often family members or close friends give nicknames to their close people. Normally these nicknames are given when people are very young, such as when we are 4 or 5 years old, or during student life. You have all heard them. Names like Pinky, Rinky, Tee-tee, Lulu, Bessy, Beansie etc. Often these names rhyme with one’s legal or formal name or are given for just some silly reason, albeit with good intention.

Actually, when I was in India, I was surprised to see how each family member often has a non-spiritual nickname which all the other family members call them. In that way, they pass the bulk of the life being called a name that has virtually no sense and zero spiritual import. Wherever we live, we should all be wary and conscious of the use of nicknames - they should not replace our given Saḿskrta name.

Baba has also described that in India nearly 90% of the population has been given Saḿskrta names - including Muslims and Christians living in India. Baba has told that in general Saḿskrta names are sonorous and ear-pleasing. As Ananda Margiis, we are to help ensure those Saḿskrta names carry a proper spiritual meaning and that the family members actually use that name and not some mundane nickname.

Why Deva not Kumar as 2nd name

Finally, there are two other common words to discuss associated with naming. The first is Kumar and the second is Deva. At present, many in Ananda Marga attach Kumar to their name. Names like Krsna Kumar, Jayanta Kumar, Chandranath Kumar are quite common etc. Yet Kumar (kaoma'ra) refers to that state of life when one is immature.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Childhood, or kaoma'ra." (1)

In those early years of life, children needlessly break and destroy their toys for no apparent reason and constantly switch from one task to the next, unable to concentrate on anything for any period of time. That is what kaomara means: the life of a child when all kinds of silly or senseless things are done.

Here the intent is not to criticise children - they have their natural dharma. Childhood is part of the growing process. Only the point is that we should not attach that idea or identity with our Saḿskrta name by adding the suffix Kumar. That is not our Ananda Marga system - that is some folk manner from the traditions of old. If one wishes to append any word to our Saḿskrta name then that name should be Deva.

Here the intent is not to criticise children - they have their natural dharma. Childhood is part of the growing process. Only the point is that we should not attach that idea or identity with our Saḿskrta name by adding the suffix Kumar. That is not our Ananda Marga system - that is some folk manner from the traditions of old. The only term to append to our Saḿskrta name is Deva.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Now, the word “deva” comes from the root word “div”. “Div” means “a divine existence”. So “deva” means “a divine existence”." (2)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "The word deva should be suffixed to the name. Every person is at liberty to use his/her own surname, but the more the usage of deva as a title, the better it is." (3)

So we should link our Saḿskrta names with Deva, not Kumar.

Why shyness to use Saḿskrta names in the west

Baba tells that those not established on the path of spirituality are shy to practice in front of others.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Those who are reared in the cradle of materialistic ideologies, feel shy or ashamed at first to sit in meditation in the presence of others." (4)

Those who lack a deeper sense of deep spiritual feeling feel shy to present themselves as an Ananda Margiis, and most of the time they do not like to tell or use their own Saḿskrta name - or the Saḿskrta names of others. They suffer from a distinct weakness of the mind and lack of proper moral strength. That is why we say that they are half-margiis. We should help instill within them the requisite strength, courage, and confidence to use their Saḿskrta name.

Why always use proper Saḿskrta names

When a proper Saḿskrta name is given that that brings all kinds of beauty in life: Both to the individual and the society. It reminds us of the eternal presence of Parama Purusa and keeps us ever-focused on the divine nature of human life. When we seek names for our own children we should keep in mind all of the above. Then their names will serve them well for their entire life. Bhaktas can easily understand these points - others may not.

We should be vigilant to ensure that only proper Saḿskrta names are used in our units and that we use these Saḿskrta names in all circumstances and conditions. Those who are unable to practice this approach are just half-margiis.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "If Sam'skrta is used human unity will be encouraged and human beings will move closer together." (5)

In Him,
Prakash Deva
(Paul Marshall)

~ In-depth study ~

Names & half-margiis

When Baba held DMC in our Berlin Sector, then Baba is emphasizing the importance of Saḿskrta names. Time and again He beautifully explained the meaning of various names and on multiple occasions Baba also corrected the then PA Dada Ramanandaji's pronunciation of Saḿskrta / Samskrta  names, or even changed the name itself to one having a spiritual meaning.

Story how Baba blesses

During one DMC we held our usual kaoshikii and tandava contests and when Dada Ramananda ji called out the names of those involved then he announced the name of one sister - Ama'vati.

Immediately Baba pointed out that this name meant 'darkness' or 'new moon'. Then and there, in front of one and all, Baba lovingly told that her name should be Jyotismati, meaning 'divine effulgence'. In that special way our sister took on this new name - one with a truly spiritual meaning.

Certainly this was Baba's blessing upon that sister and the society. The overall idea is that Baba gives great emphasis on the proper use of Saḿskrta names, both with respect to pronunciation and meaning.

Spiritual reminders

A name then is not just a word per se. It is an important reminder to both the named and the person addressing that individual that we live in a God-centered universe. This helps spiritualise one's daily life experience and reminds us of our Goal. Thus, not any name will do - names should be given based on this spiritual ideal.

Note 1: Around the world there are social clubs called, “The Lions Club” etc. But this is not appropriate. We should not associate human beings or groups of human beings with animals. That is not a dignified approach. Names and references to human beings should always carry a spiritual meaning.

Note 2: We should ensure that our Saḿskrta names are of proper meaning. If you have any question, the best option is to simply go online and see what the meaning is. There are numerous Saḿskrta websites that may be useful. Then another option is to consult your local acarya about the meaning of the name.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Jaeva Dharma and Bhágavata Dharma
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Saḿgacchadhvaḿ
3. Caryacarya - 1, The Process of initiation
4. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Supreme Benevolence and Mundane Pleasure
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 17, The Significance of Language

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

This beautiful evening

"E shárad sandhyá náce madhu chandá, ceye áche tomári páne..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3340)


Parama Purusa, by having You close, this beautiful evening of sha’rad is dancing in ecstasy and looking towards You. In the sweet fragrance of the shepha'lii flowers, and with the adornment of beautiful white clouds, who knows what this evening wants to express - what heartfelt, loving feeling it wants to communicate to You.

Supreme Entity, who can say when the first sunrise happened; nor can anybody guess when the last sunset will occur. But this beautiful evening of pre-winter season understands the tale that: Baba, You know everything; You are always attracting everyone, and keeping one and all safe under Your shelter.

Baba, I have only one longing in my heart: Please grant me me unflinching, unconditional divine love, i.e parabhakti. With that strength and by Your krpa, I can get salvation, i.e. permanent oneness with the Supreme. In the brilliant, red, colourful evening, which is saturated with the love and aroma of the shepha'lii flower, while prostrating at Your lotus feet, I request You to kindly shower Your karuna' and grant me parabhakti.

Baba, in this spiritually intoxicating pre-winter evening, please saturate my heart with the highest bhakti and ultimately grant me moksa. I surrender everything at Your lotus feet...

Notes For Prabhat Samgiita #3340:

[1] Sha’rad: The term sha'rad means autumn season, also known as fall in some countries, and in other places it is called pre-winter.

[2] Parabhakti: Par means divine; and apara means worldly. The feminine is para and when combined with bhakti, it is parabhakti. That is the highest bhakti. In that blessed state, bhaktas want to do each and everything for Parama Purusa and give Him pleasure. In return, they do not want anything. Those sadhakas who got Parama Purusa, by His grace, have gotten everything. This is the highest type of bhakti where one wants only Parama Purusa and does not want anything from Him, whereas aparabhakti is when one asks the Lord for mundane gains.

   Baba says, "When one wants Parama Purus'a from Parama Purus'a,then that bhakti is para'bhakti..."
  "And what is para'bhakti? 'O Parama Purus'a, You know whether I am Your devotee or not. It is You who are to judge whether I am Your devotee or not -- but I want You...I want You. And why do I want You? Because I want to serve You'."
   "And when asked by Parama Purus'a, 'O my boy, why do You want to serve Me?"...The reply should be, 'By serving You I want to give You pleasure. That's why I want to serve You. I don't want to enjoy pleasure'." 
   "This is the highest phase of para'bhakti." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “When people beseech the Lord to fulfil all their selfish desires, this is called aparábhakti. “Oh Lord, I am your devotee, help me to pass my examination… Oh Lord, my daughter has attained marriageable age – help me to find a worthy suitor… Let the bridegroom be ideal, let me not spend much on the wedding…” This type of showy devotion that simply asks for mundane objects, is no devotion at all, because it demands everything except Parama Puruśa. Such devotees never say, “Oh Lord, be mine… I want You and only You.” They always say, “I want this, I want that.” In fact this is no devotion at all. When one asks only for Parama Puruśa, this is the true devotion, parábhakti.” (2)

[3] Shepha'lii: The night-blooming jasmine flower (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis) (Night-flowering Jasmine) is a species of Nyctanthes, native to South Asia and Southeast Asia. This flower blossoms in the night and then falls just prior to morning.

[4] Karun'a': In the final stanza, the term karuna has been used. This is when one harbours a deep sense of empathy, is pained by another's suffering, and feels, "I should help them.” For example, suppose a beggar is wallowing in misery. By seeing his wretched condition, you felt, "I should help him and remove his agony.” This heartfelt feeling is the expression of karuna'.

Similarly, suppose a bhakta is suffering and unable to progress in the physical, psychic, or spiritual realms for any reason. In such circumstances, Parama Purusa cannot bear to watch that sadhaka suffer. He feels He must rescue them immediately. With His deep empathy and mercy, Parama Purusa removes their agony, so that once again that bhakta can progress in all realms of life. This entire liila is called His karun'a'.

Difference Between krpa' & karun'a'

In the case of karun'a', Parama Purusa is moved by a bhakta's suffering and comes forward to save that bhakta. Whereas with krpa' (grace), the bhakta is not suffering but even then Parama Purusa is bestowing His blessing.

It is just like if a beggar is sick and suffering half-naked in the freezing cold. If with great empathy a passerby selflessly helps that beggar without expecting anything in return, that is karuna’. Because the passerby is moved and motivated into action by seeing the beggar's suffering. In contrast, if a student is not sick, and that person just wishes to give the student a gift, then that krpa’.

When out of empathy Parama Purusa lovingly comes to the aid of the suffering bhakta to relieve them of their spiritual strife, that is the karuna of Parama Purusa; and, if that same bhakta is not suffering in the spiritual realm, yet Baba still bestows His blessing to enhance their bhakti, that is His krpa’ on the bhakta.

* In 1990 this song was sung before Baba at a spiritual program during the Victory Day celebrations.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 24,Bhakti, Mukti and Parama Puruśa
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Quiz: Who makes this type of claim

Kindly read the below quote from Baba's teachings. At the end of the quote a question has been posed. If your answer to the question is correct then it means you read Baba's books carefully; and, if your answer is wrong or you do not know the answer, then it signifies that you need to pay more attention when reading Guru's teachings. After all, if sadhakas are not diligent in studying Baba's books then who is going to read them - non-margiis?

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Those who profess a faith claiming to be the last word from the last prophet follow an incorrect line. Prout [Progressive Utilization Theory] philosophy is ahead of such philosophies and faiths. As is stated in its fifth principle, it is a philosophy which not only sets its goal as the ultimate subjectivity (Brahma, who is unchangeable and eternal), but also adopts the objective course of adjustment according to time, space and person.” (1)

Question: Who is Baba referring to in the yellow highlighted section?

(For the answer scroll down below the links section at the very bottom of this email.)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, Sálokya, Sámiipya, Sáyujya, Sárúpya, Sárśt́hi

In the above quiz, in the yellow highlighted section Sadguru Baba is talking about - the Semitic religions. They preach this type of dogma.

== Section 3: Links ==
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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Silly call
2. PS #3340: The beautiful evening
3. Links