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Thursday, October 12, 2023

Do not wait for great events + 3 more

Do not wait for great events


In the Hindi edition of Ananda Vacanamrtam part 32 (p.86-7), Baba guides us about this common mentality. Here is the English summary of that passage. 

Many persons think, “I will do something great when the fight for dharma and adharma begins like the Mahabharata.” But in their regular, day to day life, these same persons do not place any emphasis on dharmic pursuits. They just think, “When the Mahabharat types of battles occur, then I will support dharma. Till that time, when involved in simple things in day to day life, then I need not take trouble.” (English summary)

Sadguru Baba’s warning and teaching is that if one does not follow dharma all the time then one can never follow dharma.

Just two main events for most folks

Baba guides us that in the lives of most human beings, such great battles of dharma never happen. Most never get the opportunity to participate in that type of grand event. Rather, in their life, only 2 major events happen. One is the moment of their birth, and the other is the time of their death. Beyond that, not much else happens.

And during those two important junctures of birth and death, it is hard to perform great deeds. Namely, at the time of one's birth, one is just a baby and incapable of doing anything. And, at the time of death, one is essentially unconscious so they can't do anything. The essence of Baba's teaching is that we human beings should follow the principle of dharma all the time - at every opportunity, small or big.

Effect of enemy microvita

Baba says that on the point of dharma one should not try to find some excuse why not to follow; rather, the mentality should be to follow and adhere to all of the rules very strictly. This should be our approach - otherwise the effects are disastrous.

Ananda Marga philosophy states: "If human beings do not keep company with virtuous people or study elevating books, and if their minds are not saturated with love for the Supreme Entity, then this category of enemy microvita will infest their minds. Ultimately, the structure of those minds will be crudified, and through dogma they reach the nadir point of crudification." (1)

 Baba guides us that even in our jokes and humour one should not move a single step away from the path of dharma.

Tasmaddharmah Sadakaryah
Meaning: "Dharma should always be practiced." (2)

Guidelines of dharma will naturally arise 

Now, at this present moment, is the delicate time when some are getting confused about what to do and what not to do. They are misled by one or another wicked or degraded person etc, and in that way they stray far from the path. We should strive hard to follow Baba's above teaching: Moment to moment in our day to day life we have to follow dharma. Then only will the mind be serene and pure. Then one's inner vivek (conscience) will develop whereby one will understand with pristine clarity what is to be done in each and every circumstance.

Otherwise, people get confused again and become permanently caught up in negative dealings. One or another wicked sub-faction will try to convince them that their way is best. To avoid that poor outcome, one must adhere to dharma in all regards, on all the points, always - including the simple things. In all spheres, dharma should be upheld. Only then will the proper guideline always get reflected in the mind, in which case one will never go astray.

Whom to support? What to do? What not to do? The answers to these queries do not come until one follows dharma strictly in daily life. That means following 16 Points and all related conduct rules and dharma shastra etc. When one does that, then the direct guidelines of dharma will naturally arise from within. And the right answer will always be found. By Baba's grace, those adherents of dharma never get misled or defeated. In one's practical life one should follow dharma always.


Baba guides us that even in our jokes and humour one should not move a single step away from the path of dharma.

In Him,

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Marching ahead is Jiivan Dharma (the characteristic wont of life). And to march ahead, carrying all, viewing the world humanity as an integral entity, is the principal aspect of Jiivan Dharma. Resolve courageously to observe this Jiivan Dharma. Remember: 'Yato Dharmah tato istah, yato istah tato jayah.' "Where there is Dharma, there is Ista (Baba) and where there is Ista, there is Victory”." (3)

Eternal teachings on dharma

Here following are a few more of Baba's divine guidelines about dharma:

(A) Ananda Marga ideology says, "Only dharma accompanies you even after death. None but dharma is suhrd (Eternal Friend)."

'Eka eva suhrd dharma nidhane api anuyati yah'

"Dharma alone is suhrd and remains with one till the end." (4)

(B) Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Dharma raks'ati raks'itah-- one who protects dharma is protected by dharma. Dharma saves the dha'rmika, the upholder of dharma, in the material sphere, in the subtle sphere and in the casual sphere. When dharma saves people in the material sphere, they experience it before their very eyes, they hear it with their ears, they feel it with the tenderness of touch. When dharma helps them in the causal sphere, they experience it by loving Parama Purusa with all the sweetness of their hearts. This feeling has no external expression. When dharma saves people in the subtle sphere, they experience it through deep reflection." (5)

(C) Here Baba reveals how dharma works secretly.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "With the increasing development of the power of reflection, dharmik people realize that dharma is always with them in a very subtle way. They further realize that their dharma and their beloved Parama Purusa are one and inseparable."

'Dharmasya su'ks' ma' gatih'

 Meaning: "The ways of dharma are very subtle." (6)

(D) Here Baba guides us that dharma is the essence of life.

'Dhriyate dharma itya'huh sa eva paramam' prabhu'

Meaning: "Dharma is that which sustains."

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The seed of humanity cannot sprout and flourish unless it is planted in the soil of dharma. To diverge from the path of dharma means to rush headlong towards total annihilation. In all one's actions one should keep Parama Purus'a as the goal, and be well established in dharma." (7)

1. Microvita in a Nutshell, Crude and Subtle Microvita
2. Ananda Sutram, 2 - 7
3. Ananda Vanii #43
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, Bandhu, Suhrd, Mitram and Sakhá
5. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Shivokti 11
6. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 1 (continued) (Discourse 11)
7. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 8, The Acoustic Roots of the Indo-Aryan Alphabet

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Most charming music & melodies

Note: When Parama Purusa is sitting next to the bhakta there is no use to use O’ when addressing Him. 

"Túmi esecho mádhuri jhariyecho, nandan loker ánanda enecho..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3388)


My Parama Purusa, You have come, showered supreme sweetness, inundated all with bhakti, and brought endless bliss from Your divine realm. You have filled the mind, which was previously engulfed in cimmerian darkness and dogma, with the breeze of spiritual bliss and bhakti and all things that are benevolent and good.

Parama Purusa Baba, who can sing about Your infinite qualities and grandeur - no one can. With Your form and affection, everyone gets satiated. Your loving blessing removes all suffering. You have satisfied their mental longing with the most charming music and melodies.

Baba, the Great Ocean of bliss, You are vast, infinite, and not contained by any boundaries. You have no shore. In Your endless imagination, we are just bubbles. You make everyone dance with rhythm and song carrying the vibration of nectar.

Baba, You have come and inundated this earth with bhakti..

== Section: News of 2018 ==

Brave Wt


Kindly see below: Ac Krpamaya Brc dared to go to Kolkata Airport in saffron dress and fly in his full Wt uniform dress. Please read his inspiring message. 

in Him, 

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Margiis tyrannised by hooligans of AMPS



The answer is very simple. Release the recordings. Why won't they do it? There is no reason not to make the recordings public. I am sure we would all be happy to pay for them. Release them so we can be blessed with Sadguru's voice and exactly what He said. Whatever recordings exist, release them. Why should they remain in a vault and nobody hear them? 

On the other hand, what is anyone doing to keep Guru's pratikrti and video out of the social media? Nothing. The recordings should be made public and the pictures and video should be made private. I grant you the recordings should be somewhat private, not scattered across the net. But they also should not be in a vault where no one can hear them.

at His lotus feet,

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Margiis tyrannised by hooligans of AMPS

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Cause & solution of brain drain

Prout philosophy guides us, "If the common people and the meritorious people are treated as the same, the capable people will not be encouraged to develop their higher potentiality. This is the reason why the brain drain is happening in India. When talented people leave India, they leave it for good. Providing special amenities for those with special capabilities will stop the brain drain."

"PROUT's approach is to guarantee the minimum requirements for all, guarantee maximum amenities for all and guarantee special amenities for people with special capabilities. This approach will ensure ever increasing acceleration in the socio-economic sphere. The question of retardation does not arise; even the question of maintaining speed does not arise. There must be acceleration."

Prout philosophy states, "Acceleration is the spirit of life, the spirit of existence, the spirit of the existential faculty. One may not be a genius, one may simply be a member of the ordinary public, and not properly accepted or respected by all, but even then one will get the minimum requirements and maximum amenities in an ever increasing manner according to the environmental conditions concerned, according to the demands of the day."

"So what is the significance of this new approach?"
"1) Minimum requirements are to be guaranteed to all."
"2) Special amenities are to be guaranteed to capable people. Special amenities are for people of special calibre as per the environmental condition of the particular age." (1)

1. Prout Nutshell - 17, Minimum Requirements and Maximum Amenities

== Section 3: Links ==

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