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Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Four qualities + 3 more

Four qualities


Ananda Marga is a man-making mission, i.e. the complete development of the human personality.

The four qualities needed to be sadvipra

Baba guides us that every Ananda Margii must develop 4 aspects of their human personality to become an ideal human being. Those 4 qualities of mind are: shúdra, kśatriya, vipra, and vaeshya. By cultivating each of these qualities of mind, one becomes a sadvipra - otherwise not. If one is missing or deficient in any of these aspects they are not a sadvipra. Here it should be emphasized that shúdra, kśatriya, vipra, and vaeshya does not refer to a particular caste, but rather mental colour of the person.

  Ananda Marga philosophy says “Ananda Marga breaks all these classes, not by calling them bad, but by making all the members of Ananda Marga practise and develop the qualities of all these classes. For instance, the developed mind required by vipras is necessary for every member of Ananda Marga. Even if one is a shúdra or a vaeshya, or a member of any other class, every person, after joining the Ananda Marga, has to work to have a developed and strong mind. Every person has to work to build a strong and healthy body. Every person has to work for a living. This has been given so much importance in the Ananda Marga that it is laid down that the work of a sweeper – the lowest form of work – is far more respectable than depending upon others for one’s daily needs.”  
   “Not only has earning money and having a balanced and dependable economic life been given importance, but even the lowest of all these classes, in whom people usually do not see any good, has been given equal importance. Every member of the Ananda Marga has to serve others physically. This is the work of the shúdras, or the workers.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy says  “Followers of the Ananda Marga cannot develop themselves completely unless they can also perform this work efficiently. In short, all the requirements of the four classes have to be mastered by each individual in Ananda Marga.”  (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy says  “It is not only the mastery of these trades which is necessary, the regular practice of these trades is an essential duty of every member of Ananda Marga. Every individual thus becomes universally fit.” (3)

According to Sadguru Baba, if anyone is missing any of the four characteristics they are not an ideal Ananda Margii; then they are not a sadvipra. So every Ananda Margii should be aware of this fact and always strive to develop and perfect these four aspects of human qualities.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The learned and the statesmen combined together and formed the class of vipras. Similarly, the strong and the brave formed what is called the kśatriyas. The vaeshyas and the shúdras were formed in a similar way. Ananda Marga breaks all these classes, not by calling them bad, but by making all the members of Ananda Marga practise and develop the qualities of all these classes." (4)

The qualities of all four classes must be present for one to be a true Ananda Margii, i.e. a sadvipra.

Sadvipra: How to cultivate the attributions of

#1: How to develop the quality of shudra

To cultivate the quality of a shudra one should attend to all their mundane duties in life. That means one should clean their own plate after they eat. If the jagrti is dirty, one should take up the job of sweeping the floor on some occasions etc. And if an elderly, weak, physically disabled, sick, or helpless person is unable to take care of their existence, then one should be ready and willing to render physical assistance. If one is unwilling to do this, or similar types of some small, ordinary, shudra jobs or duties on a daily basis, or if one feels that such works are beneath them, then they cannot be called a sadvipra. Because to be a sadvipra, one must be competent in all four qualities: shudra, kśatriya, vipra, vaeshya.

#2: How to develop the quality of ksatriya

To hone oneself as a kśatriya one should be courageous. A person should be ready to stand up to wrongdoers; a person should not shirk their duty in the face of enemy forces; and, one should be ready to engage in similar types of kśatriyan jobs and duties One should be ever-ready to remain firm on upholding Ananda Marga ideals. Those who are shy or timid in this regard lack the quality of a kśatriya. Those devoid of the requisite courage cannot be called a sadvipra. Because to be a sadvipra, one must be competent in all four qualities: shudra, kśatriya, vipra, vaeshya.

#3: How to develop the quality of vipra

To cultivate the attributions of a vipra one should understand Guru’s teachings in a clear manner and be able to explain them to others, and / or serve others by their intellect. So one should do svadhyaya on a regular basis, participate in study sessions on Ananda Marga teachings, and know the basics of our Ananda Marga way of life. Those who lack this philosophical or intellectual quality cannot be called a sadvipra. Because to be a sadvipra, one must be competent in all four qualities: shudra, kśatriya, vipra, vaeshya.

#4: How to develop the quality of vaeshya

To develop oneself as a vaeshya one should be able to keep their financial affairs in order. They should keep a verifiable account of their purchases, and know how to steer clear of debt etc. Those who can manage the financial aspect of their lives have the requisite quality of a vaeshya. If anyone is perpetually wallowing in debt, spending beyond their means, or engaging in an irresponsible manner with regards to money, then they cannot be considered as a sadvipra. Because to be a sadvipra, one must be competent in all four qualities: shudra, kśatriya, vipra, vaeshya.

Why only sadvipras can lead the society

Only sadvipras can properly guide the society because only sadvipras imbibe the qualities of all four classes. They look upon people - from all the classes - with the same equanimity of mind and justice. Whereas our human history is riddled with examples where vipras form laws in the favour of vipras, kśatriyas form laws in the favour of kśatriyas, vaeshyas form laws in the favour of vaeshyas. In all such cases, the dominant class exploits the other classes. Verily in His discourse - Ananda Marga A Revolution - Baba points out how every class exploits the others when given the opportunity to lead or rule.
Only sadvipras can do for the welfare of all, without exploiting anyone. Because all four classes are present within each and every sadvipra.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Shúdra, kśatriya, vipra, & vaeshya services

Anadna Marga ideology guides us, “To serve the world by the physical body, to make others happy by one’s own sacrifice, or to alleviate the afflictions of others, for example by example by nursing the patients, comes within the scope of Shúdrocita sevá.”
   “The services rendered by supplying food, money, etc. are termed Vaeshyocita sevá. Protecting others, even by risking one’s life is Kśatriyocita Sevá. Viprocita Sevá is to give expression of Adhyátma yajiṋa by imparting the spiritual knowledge you have gained. Instil in others the earnest desire to follow the path of virtue – only then will you justify your existence as a social creature.”
   “Shúdrocita sevá is the backbone of society. Those who undervalue Shúdrocita sevá cannot render Vaeshyocita sevá. In the same way, one has to become a Shúdra, in order to be eligible for rendering Vaeshyocita-sevá. Exactly in the same way, one has to become a Shúdra, a Vaeshya and a Kśatriya in order to be eligible to render Viprocita Sevá.” (5)

If one is well-versed in dharmashastra and knows all the philosophical teachings yet lacks courage then they are not a sadvipra because they have not developed themselves as a kśatriya. To overcome cowardliness, one must develop that kśatriyan quality of mind. Similarly, if one is very courageous but wholly unaware of Guru’s teaching and prone to falling into dogma, then they are not a sadvipra as they lack the quality of a vipra.

Beggar vs sadvipra

Ananda Marga ideology says, “According to our philosophy, when consciousness arises in individual life then a person begins to move in accordance with certain instructions, certain guidance. In collective life as well, when this stage comes, those who are well advanced, who understand better, who are more courageous, more firmly established in morality, who are truly righteous, they have to take the lead, to assume the mantle of leadership. In such times those who worry about what others will say or think, or worry about being criticized, and due to this fear hide behind closed doors thinking that if they take action their good name will be tarnished, such people are not true human beings. They are beggars, begging for reputation. They have no manliness; they have lost the courage to move ahead. At that time those who come forward and say – “Let’s go. I’m with you. If trouble comes, let it come. I’ll take it on my shoulders” – such people I have given the name sadvipra.” (6)

Call of Mahasambhuti

Ananda Marga ideology says, “This is the way it has been and the way it will always be. However, in collective life at the critical juncture between one great age and another, in this transitional stage of great change, when it becomes impossible for the common man or even ordinary sadvipras to take up the leadership, then Parama Puruśa through his special grace arranges that leadership. At this time on the earth humanity is witnessing such a yuga sandhi. On one side there is the rubbish heap of the past and people are clinging to that rubbish heap because they have not yet been shown the way out. And on the other side, there is the call of the new. Under such conditions what will that Mahásambhúti do who gave guidance to the human race in the past? With courage he will call to human beings and declare: “Give up the rubbish of the past. It can only harm you and lead you to your death. Move ahead. Answer the call of the new. I am with you. There is no reason to be afraid.” (7)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 12, Ananda Marga – A Revolution
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 12, Ananda Marga – A Revolution
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 12, Ananda Marga – A Revolution
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 12, Ananda Marga – A Revolution
5. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Yajiṋa and Karmaphala
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, The Significance of The Word “Yuga”
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, The Significance of The Word “Yuga”

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Blackness has vanished

"Nútan diner nútan súrya,púrva ákáshe ut́heche áj..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1308)


Parama Purusa, by Your grace, today the resplendent new sun of the glorious crimson dawn is rising up in the eastern horizon. The whole world is getting bathed in Your refulgence. Due to fear and shyness, the cimmerian darkness of the nil moon has disappeared and is hiding somewhere.

O' human being, throw away those old tattered ideas, staticity, and dogmas of the past like casteism, racism, nationalism, and materialism etc and embrace the illumination of the spectacular sunrise. The Supreme Entity with His exquisite brilliance has come to your doorstep - with grand form and colour, showering love on you.

O' human being, the creatures of blackness have vanished and gotten destroyed due to your well-organised movement and strong push. The Parama Purusa, who is the nucleus of this universe, is the greatest Entity of this vast cosmos. Ideate on Him, and go on doing His work, serving and pleasing Him…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Which language used in education

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “What does mother tongue mean? That language in which we can freely, smoothly and spontaneously express our ideas in an unobstructed environment, just as we feel loving closeness with our own mother while in conversation, is our mother tongue.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Students may feel inconvenience if the medium of instruction is English only or if the question papers are in English only.” (2)

Baba's teaching is that both one’s mother tongue and English (as the current international language) are important. But the general education curriculum should be presented in one's mother tongue. And in addition, English should be taught as a subject unto itself. English should not be the medium of education in countries where the people's mother tongue is not English. On this point, Germany is an excellent example. All education is in German medium. So subjects like engineering will always be taught in German. And in addition, there is an English class for the purpose of making people fluent in English. In this way, engineers in Germany do their work in German and converse in German, and yet are also fluent in English and fully capable of communicating with others in English should the need arise. In India, as well as all other countries of the world, this is how it should be done. The mother tongue has unique value in enabling someone to formulate and express their thoughts comfortably and facilely; its importance and vital role in education should always be recognized, and, at the same time, there should be an English class so the students can learn English.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, The Language Issue
2. To the Patriots

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita  ==

हेे परमपुरुष बाबा ! तुम्हारी बातों को सोचते-सोचते मेरे दिन बीत रहे हैं।

प्रभात संगीत 2264 तोमार कथाइ भाविते दिन चले जाय कतोना...


हेे परमपुरुष बाबा ! तुम्हारी कहानियों और किस्सों को सोचते विचारते मेरे दिन निकल रहे हैं। तुम्हारी कृपा से मेरा समय तुम्हारे कीर्तन, आसन ,साधना , स्वाध्याय और तुम्हारे चिन्तन में ही बीतता है। पूरा दिन यह सोचते हुए बीतता है कि तुम जरूर आओगे। इस प्रकार कई युग बाट जोहते बीत गए हैं। जब भी मैं तुम्हारा ध्यान करने बैठता हॅू तो तुम मेरे हृदय में नहीं आते। इससे मैं सोचने लगता हॅूं कि मैंने साधना ही नहीं की। तुम्हारे न आने से लगता है जैसे सभी दिन बेकार ही चले गए। इस कारण मैं सोचने लगता हॅूं कि मेरी साधना की गति उच्च स्तर की नहीं है। मेरे पास पराभक्ति नहीं है अन्यथा मेरे ध्यान में आकर तुम अवश्य  ही मुझे आशीष देते।

हे बाबा ! तुम्हारी कृपा से मैं अपने हृदय में यह अनुभव करता हॅूं कि तुम मुझे प्रेम करते हो। तुम्हारे लिए जिस प्रकार के विरह का कष्ट मैं अनुभव करता हूँ तुम  वह जानते हो। तुम्हारी दिव्य करुणा से मैं यह भी जानता हॅूं कि तुम हमेशा मेरे मन को अपने साथ रखते हो। बाबा ! मैं यह भी जानता हॅूं कि तुम मेरे बारे में सोचते हो और मेरी भलाई चाहते हो। इस सब के बाद भी मैं अब तक तुम्हें पा नहीं सका हूँ । इसी कारण मेरे हृदय में आध्यात्मिक चुभन का दर्द बना हुआ है। यह तभी दूर होगा जब तुम मिलोगे। हे मेरे प्रभु ! मैं उस शुभ दिन की बाट देख रहा हॅूं।

हे परमपुरुष बाबा ! कृपा कर मुझे अपनी पसन्द और इच्छा के अनुसार मोड़ लीजिए। इस प्रकार मैं तुम्हारे आदेशों का पालन करते हुए तुमको अच्छी तरह से अनुभव कर सकॅूंगा। बाबा ! मैं तुम्हें चाहता हॅूं और तुम मुझे चाहते हो इसलिए तुम वही करो जो तुम्हारी इच्छा है। मैं तो अब तुम्हारी इच्छा के अनुसार ही चलूँगा। अपनी मूर्खता से कभी कभी मुझे लगता है कि इस संसार के मित्र मेरे सच्चे साथी हैं और मुझे आवश्यकता पड़ने पर परलोक तक साथ देंगे। लेकिन , हे प्रभु ! मेरी आॅंखें खोल दीजिए और यह अनुभव करा दीजिए कि इस संसार में तुम्हारे अलावा मेरा कोई नहीं है। बाबा ! मुझे अपनी करुणा की कृपा वर्षा में डुबा दीजिए जिससे मैं अपने हृदय की गहराई में यह अनुभव करने लगॅूं कि केवल तुम ही मेरे अन्तिम आश्रय हो।

टिप्पणी (1)

1. Guru says that simple words should be used in a purport so all readers may understand (GD, Delhi, 26 Feb 1984). And that rule is being followed here.

==> Warning: Below section is for dedicated margiis only - sensitive info!!

== Section: News of 19 march 2018 ==

Three outrageous lies propagated in newspaper by three flunkies


H group stooges like Hariishananda, Ananda Danavrata, and Raganugananda held a press conference about Jamalpur DMS. They told that that his godhead and coward PP is the founder of AMPS and presiding over Jamalpur DMS. It is obvious that was a completely outrageous evil lie to say that  Vishvadevananda is the founder of AMPS. That was the first lie told by Hariishananda, Ananda Danavrata, and Raganugananda.

About three sycophants representing Rudrananda
  • Hariishananda is allegedly bisexual and has had all kinds of illicit relations with various genders. He is a veteran of sexual affairs and dirty relations for the last thirty years.
  • Ananda Danavrata is allegedly bisexual and absolutely infamous for both her heterosexual and lesbian relations with various Didis and her sweetheart Madhuvratananda. By sleeping with them she got promotion to the top post in WWD.
  • Raganugananda has the speciality and fascination in women affairs.
These three bootlickers are the crown jewels of ringleader Rudrananda.

And the goal behind their lies is to befool the public and earn donations from local shops, businesses and industries and save that money for their luxurious lifestyle.

Please see newspaper below

The below underlined red sections are the critical lies propagated by H group stooges, i.e. those whose images are below and whose names are discussed in prior paras. If the matter is not clear due to language issues please consult some translation company.  

The above underlined red sections are the critical lies propagated by H group stooges, i.e. those whose images are below and whose names are discussed in prior paras. If the matter is not clear due to language issues please consult some translation company. 

Lies propagated in newspaper by three flunkies (continued)

Their second lie was that 50,000 people from around the globe are going to attend Jamalpur DMS. But everyone knows that was false. That was the second lie told by Hariishananda, Ananda Danavrata, and Raganugananda.

Their third lie is attendees of the Jamalpur DMS will come from 150 countries, spanning the entire globe. That was the third lie told by Hariishananda, Ananda Danavrata, and Raganugananda.


Baba’s grand teaching is to propagate only satya.

You shall, preach only Satya. Explain to them whatever you have done with reasons thereof. Also, make it clear to them what you want to do and why you want to do. The result of this highly useful.” (1)

In Him,
Kra’ntika’rii Yadav

1. Táttvika Diipiká (Dvitiiya Parva)