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Sunday, October 21, 2018

Baba dedicates AMPS + Bad idea but fad... + 2 more


Bad idea but fad in AMPS


How to prevent Dadas in Centre from selling en masse our valued Ananda Marga properties? One common response being taken by some well-intentioned margiis and Wts is to simply register the land, buildings, jagrtis, and properties in the name of their local board, not Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. Out of the fear that Centre will sell everything, various units are making local land trusts etc in order to protect our Ananda Marga properties. In their own way they think this is a benign, harmless, and safe way to proceed.

Historical look at religious division

A look back at the history will tell us if this is an appropriate and effective strategy, or not. For instance, the Sikh religion was initially formed to protect and uphold the tenets of Hinduism, but today if you call a Sikh a Hindu they will react as they view themselves as being completely different from Hindus. And the same kind of separation and division happened many times over in Christianity. In response to the ruling priests an entirely new sect was formed. That is exemplified by the Catholics and Protestants etc, as well as with so many sects of Christianity. And with the religions of Buddhism and Hinduism, there are innumerable splinter groups that see themselves as completely distinct and separate from one another. They never act as a cohesive whole.

Here the point is that although it may seem like an easy answer to register Ananda Marga land in the name of a local board or governing body to protect that land from being sold by Centre, such an approach paints an ominous picture of the future. This will cause our Ananda Marga to separate and divide multi-fold over. The landscape will be dotted with separately owned properties. In the first generation when land is registered in the name of some board then those members may feel that this is really Ananda Marga property and just they are quick-fixing the problem - i.e. protecting the land on a temporary basis. But by the next generation and the one after, those board members and land managers will progressively view themselves as wholly distinct from Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. And that will create two horrible outcomes. Firstly, there will be the bifurcation and utter balkanisation of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS) into innumerable unrecognisable pieces; and secondly, those despotic rulers in AMPS will remain in power since there is no united front to oppose them.

Fierce competition between various jagrtis & landholdings

As Ananda Margiis, we should not walk in the footsteps of such a debacle with this land selling issue. Taking matters into our own hands and registering land parcels and jagrtis in the name of a local board opens up the floodgates of further and irreparable division. It is the path of disintegration. What to speak of ever coming together, those separate offices, properties, and jagrtis will be in fierce competition with one another for members, resources, and money. Over time, they will become more selfish and veritably inimical towards one another - as has happened in the various religions (Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism etc) and political states (i.e. India and Pakistan etc). And those splinter groups - i.e. separate landholders of former Ananda Marga properties - will never help one another in times of trouble. So this trend is 100% contrary to the unified way that Baba wants us to proceed.

Anti-exploitation movement needed

Baba’s guideline is to unite the moralists and launch an anti-exploitation movement. Those who want the welfare of our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha and the spread of Sadguru’s ideals of Ananda Marga have to work unitedly. That means organising as a cohesive body to oppose the wrongdoing in Centre, and not separately registering land parcels on a case by case basis. To the naive, it seems safe to (a) collect money, (b) purchase land, (c) make a jagrti, and (d) register it in the name of your local board or trust etc. But as explained above, that quick-fix will not do; rather it will backfire and bring about further division and disintegration of AMPS in the future and coming generations.

According to Sadguru Baba, we have to address the problem as a whole and raise the mass consciousness about this issue. Everyone should be made fully aware of the injustices going on in Centre and how they are abusing, misusing, and selling Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha properties. Then with our concerted effort and collective moral force we can easily overpower those wrongdoers and force them to mend their ways and repent, or scare them away entirely. Indeed they will flee. Immoralists can never keep their rule with the rise of a united, moral front.

We all know who the wrongdoers are. We know what the problem is. Now, instead of acting independently - distinct from one another - we have to generate a greater collective understanding and an organised approach in raising our ideological issues. With this united movement, we will easily achieve our dual goals of (a) rooting out the rotten apples in Centre, and (b) saving our Ananda Marga properties from being sold, and keeping them all under one roof.


Once again, Sadguru Baba warns us that our strength lies in our unity. So when the immoralists have an unholy alliance then the way to combat this is not by isolated cases of registering property in the name of local boards or trusts etc. Rather Baba guides us that this is the era of samgacchadhvam. That means we have to take a united response. That is the only way to defeat the immoralists - and save Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha properties. That is the essence of Baba’s key guideline in His discourse, “Your Mission.”

So we have to take a careful review of the situation. By examining the history there is much to be gleaned in this regard. There are so many instances where people fought back against the corrupt ruling central body on an individual basis, and each time it only led to further division, disintegration, and separation. And those ruling exploiters remained in power. We should not also fall prey to this negative and defective course of history.

In Him,

Strategy and temporary solution for present predicament

Some Wts and margiis think that, “If I register this property in the name of AMPS today then they will sell it. So I will keep it separate up to my death and then after my death it will be donated and this property will go to AMPS Ranchi or B group.” They dream that from the present moment up to their death the whole situation in the organisation will magically become ok. So the property they are saving now will one day be turned over to a pure AMPS. This is their basic outlook and strategy.

However, the mere passage of time will not make things ok. So in the present moment action should be taken. First of all one should fight to establish ideology. Registering the property separately and being busy in social service - ignoring the fight for ideology - will not serve the purpose. Because ultimately that property will go to AMPS and they will sell it. So the original purpose is defeated.

The only solution is to wage an ideological campaign and bring AMPS back onto the right path. If one wholly dedicates themselves to this endeavour then surely the ills in the organisation will be repaired. And any and all land donated in the future will be properly utilised for dharmic projects. It will not be sold.

~ In depth study ~

Duty of Margiis & true Wts

These days moral margiis and wts are completely disunited. In contrast, anti-social elements and characterless people are united and bound together by their unholy alliance. And because these negative parties are united they are creating terror amongst genuine wts and margiis. The solution is Baba’s slogan: the unity of moralists - i.e. margiis, wts, everyone. If moralists are united then immoralists will leave the stage and run away. The day is not far when such moralists wts and margiis will bring the golden age in AMPS.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Your duty will be to unite the moralists. Let there be two camps. Let there be an open fight. The moralists have been scattered for so long that they could not fight. The united strength of five moralists is much more than the united strength of a hundred immoralists because there is an unholy alliance amongst the latter. Meditation behind closed doors will not do. Gather strength by intuitional practices and unite yourselves against the immoralists.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “So your duty is three-fold. Your first duty is to observe morality and to do intuitional practices. Without this you cannot have mental determination. Your next duty is to unite the moralists of the world, otherwise Dharma will not endure. The exploited mass who do not observe Yama and Niyama – the cardinal moral principles – cannot fight against their own sense of frustration. It is therefore necessary to unite the moralists. This will be your real Dharma. You will become great by doing this, because ideation of the Great makes a person great. At the third stage, you will have to mercilessly fight against sin wherever it has taken root in this world. You will have to propagate this mission from door to door.” (2)

Ananda Vanii guides us, “The opportunists tried in the past, are trying at present and will try even in the future to fulfil their narrow desires by keeping the human race disunited. By severely reproaching this opportunistic craftiness through your noble deeds, you draw nigh the unknown strangers living far away and build a healthy world-based human family. Ignoring the brute forces, the sky-kissing arrogance, hypocrisy, immorality and glib outbursts of the conceited people, go ahead towards your cherished goal. The blessing of Parama Puruśa shall be with you alone.” (3)

Those registering AMPS properties in their own personal name while holding a central post in H or B group - as some so-called top Dadas have done - are stealing and embezzling from Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Your Mission
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Your Mission
3. Ananda Vanii #40

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

बाबा ने आनन्दमार्ग को, जनता को समर्पित किया 
Baba dedicates AMPS to the common people

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “देखो जी, उन्नीस सौ पचपन साल में मुंगेर ज़िले के एक छोटे-से शहर में जिस संस्था की पैदाइश हुई थी, उस वक्त हम कह सकते हैं—थी यह जमालपुरी संस्था । क्यों ? —न, एक ही शहर में वह सीमित थी । और तुम लोगों की ‘कृपा’ की बदौलत यह global संस्था बन गई है । …अब यह जमालपुरी संस्था नहीं रही । और, जमालपुर को globe के पास, विश्वब्रह्माण्ड के पास surrender करना पड़ा । देखो जी, आज कितने साल हो गए, nineteen sixty-six के बाद हम जमालपुर गए नहीं । कितने दिन हो गए जी ? बारह साल हो गए । और, लोग कहते थे—"वह आनन्दमार्ग, वही जमालपुर का ?" आजकल कोई नहीं कहते हैं । [हँसी] । …जहाँ एक छोटे-से शहर में, छोटा-सा एक nucleus था, वह nucleus तो उतना ही रह गया; मगर दायरा अब छोटा-सा शहर नहीं, समूचा दुनिया और सिर्फ़ यह नहीं, अब तो यह ग्रह-ग्रहान्तर में भी फैल गया है, फैल रहा है, फैलता जाएगा । [मार्गियों की गूँज "बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !"] अब केवल याद रखोगे कि यह जो आनन्दमार्ग, यह साधु-बुद्धि सम्पन्न एक-दो नहीं, हज़ार-हज़ार मनुष्यों ने बनाया है । हम इस महाचक्र में आनन्दमार्ग को जनता के पास समर्पित कर दिए । और, महाचक्र का विषय भी वैसा ही था । पहले हम intellectual विषय, ज्ञानात्मक विषय पर अधिक कहते थे । इस महाचक्र में हम तो एकदम देहाती आदमी बन गए । [हँसी] ।क्यों ? —न, धर्म सर्व-साधारण की चीज़ है । धर्म केवल ऊँचे दर्ज़े के दो-चार बाबू-साहबों के लिए नहीं है, धर्म सबके लिए है । आज से, आज से माने इस महाचक्र से धर्म सबकी चीज़ बन गई ।” [बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !]

कल्याणमस्तु” (1)

श्री श्री आनन्दमूर्ति

(1) आध्यात्मिक सत्य सर्वश्रेष्ठ; सबके ऊपर आध्यात्मिक सत्य, ३ जनवरी १९७९, प्रातःकालीन, पाटना, आ०व० ७-१४; Spiritual Truth Surpasses Everything, V7-14 (E), MGD 3 January 1979 Patna

== Section 3: Prabhat Samgiita ==

That Mahasambhuti 

PS Intro: In the following song the advent of Mahasambhuti is compared with a thunderbolt, and the world is represented as the land of clouds. Nirguna Brahma, playing the role of Taraka Brahma, took advent in the form of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. He came on this earth as Mahasamabhuti and nobody could understand Him. Those who came in close contact were wonderstruck and awed. And when He left His Mahasambhuti form then all sorts of questions arose about who He was.

“Megher deshe hat́hát ese, kon se taŕit khelegelo…” (Prabhat Samgiita #2677)


In the land of clouds, suddenly one amazing thunderbolt playfully appeared. That flash went away without mentioning Its name. In spite of coming in human form, It could not be held.

I could not get His whereabouts or know who He was. Nor did I ask Him directly about getting His introduction. Due to this amazing and wondrous phenomenon, I was not able to think properly. All these queries and thoughts arose in my mind later on, after He left.

After spiritually intoxicating my entire being, that thunderbolt disappeared. Yet, His cosmic liila of ‘His coming and going’ has remained in my mind ever since. I shall never forget it; that moment is permanently etched in my psyche. Even today His sweet memory is fresh in my soul...

== Section 4: News ==

Example of notorious wt


Here is one article in newspaper published by Divyacetanananda.

Margiis are telling that this is not Baba's pure article but changed... Also margiis are telling that the source of Baba's discourse (pravachan) should be written in the newspaper.....but it is missing. 👇👇
~ Below courtesy of WhatsApp Forums ~
[11/10, 10:22 PM] Jiitendra Kumar: You can directly talk to Dada Divyachetnanand jee for source....🙏
[12/10, 7:38 AM] ‪+91 97552 61423‬: यह प्रवचन सम्पूर्न रुप से बाबा का नही है किसी दादा ने बाबा के क ई प्रवचन को पढ कर साराशं मे अपनी भाषा मे लिखा है।
वह दादा आचार्य दिव्यचेतनानंद जी हो सकता है.कियो कि इस तरह का सामाचार प्रकासित करते.रहते है......
[12/10, 7:57 AM] Jiitendra Kumar: Dada🙏✅ शब्दों के इस्तेमाल से पता चल रहा है। लेकिन ये बहुत बड़ा blunder है, क्योकि नीचे signatory में बाबा का नाम दिया हुआहै।🙏
[12/10, 12:26 PM] Shripat Bonde: One must also give reference from where the subject matter is taken 
No body is authorised to add his views OR make changes in Baba's Aptya Vakya
How one dare to do so??.
[12/10, 12:28 PM] Bhupendra Ji: *Exactly*
[12/10, 12:59 PM] Jiitendra Kumar: 🙏✅100% correct.....No one should dare to manipulate Gurudev's statement i.e. Aapt Vakya......either he is holding post of PP or simple village margii.🙏
~ Above courtesy of WhatsApp Forums ~
Here is that Baba discourse printed in the newspaper recently by Divyacetanananda in that defective manner, i.e. incomplete / changed and without any citation.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How ghost is created

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In a dream, due to the dormant state of kámamaya kośa, the thought-vibrations of manomaya kośa appear real (this we call a dream when we wake up). When, due to extreme fear, stupefaction, crudity, or an excessive expression of any ripu or pásha, the kámamaya becomes temporarily suspended in the next higher kośa and the imagined objects appear real. This is also the case when a person sees various gods and goddesses. Psychologically, seeing a ghost, god or goddess is the same thing; none of them actually exist.”

“When hypnotized by someone, a person starts perceiving things as per the commands of the hypnotist. In this state, when the kámamaya is dormant a person feels that his/her imagined objects are real. Often, weak-minded people see ghosts, gods or goddesses of relatives. Such visions are auto- or outer-positive-hallucinations. Conversely, when people declare the absence of things which are actually present, it is called auto- or outer-negative-hallucination.”

“This clarifies that those who emphatically claim that they have seen ghosts are not wrong. It is due to the illusions of the negative or positive hallucinations that they see these things.”

1. Tattva Kaomudii -1, Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy

== Section 5: Links ==

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Other topics of interest

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This email contains five sections:
1. IT: Baba dedicates AMPS to the common people
2. PS #2677: That Mahasambhuti
3. Posting: Bad idea but fad in AMPS
4. Links