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Saturday, October 20, 2018

How some Dr.s cheat + 3 more


How some Dr.s cheat


In capitalism, the profit motive is reigning supreme in all realms of life, including in the field of medicine where greed and business-minded ventures have become more prevalent. That is why the once noble field of 'treating the sick' has turned into a profit-seeking, medical profession - where the allurement of the dollar is paramount.

Sadly, this has spelled disaster for patients throughout the globe. Due to financial pressures and greed, a growing number of doctors no longer focus on the needs of the patient, but rather on how their own medical business can be more profitable. This is in stark opposition to our Proutistic model which is geared towards serving others. The motive in Prout’s medical system is “for the welfare of the patient”, not “in order to make a profit.” Prout is based on service psychology. And we will discuss the ramifications of this in the field of medicine. First let us see how this profit motive manifests itself in today's medical field.

Unfortunately, there is a minority of good doctors and we appreciate their dedication and service. This following letter deals with bad doctors.

Profit-seeking doctors create chaos

Around the globe, the field of medicine has turned into a profit-making machine. And there are all kinds of tricks done in order to secure a greater margin of income.

(A) For example in various countries, where the number of doctors far surpasses the number of paying patients, doctors have a shortage of clients, i.e. the market is not big. In that case, doctors regularly perform operations and administer medicines that are not needed. Arm surgery or an open-heart operation will be performed solely for the doctor's wallet and not because that is in the patient's best interest. That is one of the horrors going on.

(B) Another ploy that is occurring is that quack doctors - those who are below average and cannot get patients - will give a commission to taxi cab drivers, rickshaw wallahs, and tour guides etc to bring patients to their office. When a person new in town gets sick or injured - whether they be a villager or an overseas tourist - then they will be led to this quack doctor. All because this doctor is paying locals to bring them patients.

(C) In some top capitalist countries, the scandals are occurring on a much larger level. Often times doctors themselves are just turned into laborers in the hands of hospital officials and business executives. That is one epidemic. The other is that doctors will order a myriad of expensive tests just to create a large bill, which will either go to the patient, insurance company, or both. And behind closed doors, pharmaceutical giants are giving pressure and incentives to doctors who prescribe their drugs. These are a few of the many ills occurring in the scandalous medical profession where capitalism is well-established.

(D) Side by side, medical researchers will not investigate cures to diseases that are less commonly known because there are less patients - i.e. less customers - suffering from that type of disease. Whereas, every pharmacy is inventing newer high blood pressure medicines because there is huge money to be made. So that which is needed is not done and that which is not needed is done. All because of the profit-motive way of doctoring. We see a variety of schemes by today's medical executives in order to maximise profits. And in all cases the one who suffers and pays the most is the patient.

Example: nasty doctors

Here below the Propounder of Prout, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, points out what injustices doctors do to their patients in order to bankroll their medical business.

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar says, "Of all the doctors you have come across, how many are idealistic and dutiful? If you visit a doctor, he will prescribe strong medicines for a light illness. This will inevitably be the case if he owns his own dispensary." (1)

Here the point is that in the present-day capitalist model, the doctor orders the medicine so that he can turn a profit. The well-being of the patient is not the priority. Under the banner of Prout, there will be a fundamental shift. A medical model based on service psychology puts the needs of the patient as the singular and sole priority. In that case, medicine will only be prescribed when that is best for the patient.

Prout philosophy states, "The welfare of the patient should be the main aim of the medical profession." (2)

Medical care: Prout policies

What are the types of changes we will see in the field of medicine. Here Baba gives a glimpse of what lies ahead and what we can expect to see with regards to the practice of medicine and health care.

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar says, "Doctors should start service cooperatives. These cooperatives may also be called physicians service cooperatives. Suppose a doctor is not able to open his own practice, he may form a service cooperative with five or ten other doctors. Such a cooperative is an intellectual service cooperative. Doctors who have less capital and cannot afford to establish their own practice can also work in this type of cooperative. Such a system will solve the unemployment problem of doctors. In addition, doctors can start research through these cooperatives." (3)

When doctors form cooperatives and are not at the mercy of the almighty dollar, then the field of medicine will embark into a new era. And not only doctors cooperatives, but there will be so many deep-seated changes that will spell the end to the present-day profit-oriented medical businesses and give rise to community oriented health-care services where the welfare of the patient is first and foremost.

And verily that is the main difference between Prout and capitalism - the seed outlook of life. Regardless of all the plans and programs, the basic vision of Prout and capitalism differs in their most fundamental appeal. Prout mandates that the need of the day should be addressed in order to serve the people, whereas capitalism dictates that business should be done where there is the opportunity to make a profit. And these are wholly oppositional outlooks.

That is why as the Proutistic model presents in the social life, there will be widespread changes quite quickly. And these will become apparent in the field of medicine and health care as well. The vision of Prout is on the way. And with it, today's profit oriented healthcare system will be revamped into a service-oriented approach that addresses the true needs of the people.

Prout philosophy states, "The medical profession as such has more to do with social service than with professionalism. Social service is the main aim of the medical cannot be categorized as a business under any circumstances." (4)


Nowadays, the modus operandi of the field of healthcare is to turn a profit. Money is the driving force behind so-called patient care, research, and numerous other aspects of the healthcare arena. Unfortunately, the biggest loser is the patient who is viewed as a pawn for making money. The current medical model puts the patient’s needs aside in favour of making a profit. The Proutistic model is a revolutionary shift where doctors are trained and supported in evaluating each patient as a human who needs help. In that case better medical care is given and the patient’s well-being, not the profit, is the focal point.

At present, medical services are run primarily by the profit motive. In a neo-humanistic society, the patient's medical care and service to patients will not be based on the business motive, rather the service motive. Nobody will be allowed to profit on the tragedy and suffering of a patient. Those who exploit the suffering patient and earn huge money are vultures. We should follow Prout and try to establish a society where medical care is given on a service motive and all medical requirements should be guaranteed for all. Nobody should think that they are dying due to lack of medical care. So service motive, not the profit motive, is the only way to care for patients.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Prout philosophy states, "No matter what country you belong to, tell me honestly, how many doctors can you really trust and respect? Among the doctors you know, you may believe in one or two at the most, but those who have won your faith may or may not command your respect. In other words, the doctors whom you believe in, who can cure a patient, are not accessible because they cost too much." (5)

Prout philosophy states, "Countless complaints can be made against doctors and the medical profession. Although it would take a lot of space to list them all, let me briefly mention a few: patients have to settle for adulterated medicines unless they bribe the pharmacist; sweepers, orderlies and nurses do not take proper care of a patient’s needs unless they are tipped; a patient writhing in pain may be rebuked instead of being given medicine; if one does not call the doctor at least once for a personal consultation so that that doctor can earn some extra money, one may be unable to secure a bed on one’s next visit to the hospital; a medicine that is supposedly out of stock in the hospital can be illegally purchased in a nearby shop at an exorbitant price; without bribing the doctor a sick patient will not be admitted to the hospital; during the compulsory medical examination for a new job, all the medical staff put out their hand for a bribe; the doctor in collusion with the optician fails many people in their eye tests so that they will have to buy glasses; hospital patients are served food which is cheaper and of poorer quality than what they are entitled to; milk and fruits reserved for patients are consumed by the hospital staff; spurious drugs and injections are administered to patients. Such grievances are endless. Some are extremely serious, involving accusations of such irresponsibility that it is difficult to believe that people actually have these experiences." (6)

Problem of surplus doctors

The below story shows what happens when there is a surplus of doctors in a given area or country. In that case, those doctors resort to certain strategies to boost their income. To resolve this problem, Baba has given a wonderful solution.

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar states, "Let me recount an incident that occurred several years ago. In 1940 I went to a homoeopathic pharmacy. With me was a boy of twelve or thirteen, the younger brother of an acquaintance. I had gone there for some medicine for the boy. The doctor took pains to examine the boy properly, then prescribed some medicine. He said, “Please return with his medical report on Saturday afternoon.” I replied, “Will Saturday morning not do? On Saturday afternoon I will be going out of town; I will be going home.” Further discussion revealed that we came from the same district and our homes came under the jurisdiction of adjacent police stations on opposite sides of a river. The doctor then asked me to return the medicine and said, “I am giving you another medicine.” When I asked why he said, “Both medicines are good, but I give the first medicine to people I do not know because it takes a little longer to cure the patient, hence I sell more medicine.”"
   “This incident is neither to the doctor’s credit nor to that of society. The doctor is losing his character due to poverty, caused in turn by a defective social system – isn’t this true?”
   Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar states, “Sociologists will agree that it is not desirable for those who are involved in saving lives to face financial difficulties. If in any country the people believe that they have more doctors than necessary, the study of medicine should be strictly supervised so that only competent and talented students have the opportunity to become doctors. That way, by reducing the number of unwanted doctors, those who enter the medical profession will be able to earn sufficient money with the cooperation of society and the state. In the absence of want, there is no risk of their losing their character.” (7)

1. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
2. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Questions and Answers [on Society] – 4
4. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
5. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
6. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
7. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Asking something mundane from Him is bad

"Tomár námer bheláy bhásie dilum práń...” (Prabhat Samgiita #0724)


O' Parama Purusa, I set my whole existence afloat on the raft of Your supreme name. I do not want anything from You. Desiring something mundane from You is like death itself. I do not know what I need or what will happen tomorrow in my life. That is why it is foolishness and deadly to ask for anything; it only invites danger. Whatever I truly require, You always provide for me. I set my everything afloat on the boat of Your auspicious name.

Baba, in Your beauty, melody, and sweet love, attuning my unit rhythm with Your cosmic rhythm, I will go on singing Your song. In my heart the resonance of Your tune will lead me along. I set my whole life afloat on the raft of Your supreme name.

Baba, You applied the collyrium of absolute knowledge unto my drowsy and tired eyes. With the strength of that unique blessing, I shall bathe in the nectar of salvation. I set my all afloat on the ship of Your eternal name.

Baba, with Your beautiful rhythms, songs, tunes, melodies, attraction, and with the pull of Your infinite love, my voyage advances towards the deep core my inner self. I set my whole existence afloat on the boat of Your name, in Your prema, and Your causeless grace…

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #0724:

[1] Making request is deadly: In the first stanza it is expressed that in when one must have faith and surrender in His name then life sails ahead smoothly. Because a person does not know their own needs. They do not know what is food for them. So best is to never ask anything from Parama Purusa. Rather, asking Him could be utterly disastrous – even deadly. Because already He has prepared the best path possible for you. And by asking, that can change the course of life. For instance, if one female asks for a handsome spouse, then that may be granted, yet that dashing spouse may become the cause of domestic violence and make life like living hell or even suicide. And here is on real incident. One drug addict prayed and beseeched to God again and again to please grant him illicit drugs, and reluctantly God approved that request. So that addict got those drugs and after a few days he died of an overdose.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Prayer is the act of asking for a favour with earnestness. It also means a solemn petition addressed to the Supreme Being for certain benefits. One prays to God for something which one does not possess or thinks one does not possess. One asks God for these favours with the faith that He alone can bestow everything and by His mere wish all wants can be satisfied. By prayer or by begging one wants to awaken His wish so that one may be granted the things one lacks. Does not one’s attempt to rouse the wish of God to fulfil these needs, upon careful and rational thinking, appear to be a reminder to God to give one something of which God has kept one deprived? It would otherwise not be necessary to remind Him in prayer of that thing or to try to arouse His wish to give. For instance, if one is in need of money, one would, with the faith that God alone can give, pray to Him for the favour of giving one money. Does not this request show God’s fault in keeping one in want of money, when He alone can give it? God alone is blamed for it, and by praying to Him for money one is precisely pointing out to Him His partiality in not giving one the money one needed. Therefore, prayer or asking for favours from God is only pointing out to the Sole Giver His mistakes in the distribution of His favours. It only presumes lack of impartiality in Him, and that is why He is blamed for making some very rich and others very poor. Praying to God for favours is only to bring to His notice the charge of partiality levelled against Him. When prayer leads to such a conclusion, it is only ignorance to ask for favours.” (1)

1. Ánanda Márga: Elementary Philosophy, How Should Human Beings Live In This World?

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to recognise demons
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “I have already said that the task of intellect is to properly utilize all the properties of the universe, of the expressed world. But there are some selfish people in the world who are not in favour of the maximum utilization of mundane wealth, because they fear the control of the developed intellect over the material forces; and selfish people do not like that. They do not want anyone except themselves or a handful of their own group to attain any progress. Rather they would be happy to see that the individual and collective progress of others gets jeopardized.” (1)
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Self-seeking people do not want the collective intellect of the human race to be utilized for the welfare of the entire human race; rather they, in the name of humanity, want to perpetuate divisive tendencies in society, because if they succeed in creating a rift in human society, that will pave the way for their personal benefit or self-aggrandizement. Thus they concoct various so-called scriptures and formulate all kinds of logic. They maintain to humanity that the different races in this world are not equal. Thus instead of considering the interests of the entire human society, they give preference to the interests of a particular community. This loud-mouthed propaganda in favour of a particular community, this parading of irrational logic, this sort of fallacious argument, all combine to stifle the spontaneous growth of human intellect. This sort of mentality is called dogma." (1)

Key quality of a righteous person

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “A person who wants to promote others’ welfare, a person who wants to serve the entire humanity, must keep away from dogma. In addition to that, he or she will have to staunchly resist dogma. It is not enough to keep away from something which is considered a veritable sin, it is not enough to lodge only verbal protest against sin – one will have to against it. This is the greatest criterion of a truly righteous person." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 4, The Liberation of Intellect

== Section: News (13 May 2017) ==

Ac. Mantracetananda: Calls for silent action against Rudrananda & his sycophants

Courtesy of WhatApp - STO Forum:  It is obvious that this below news is not original content by Ananda Marga Universal Forum.

STO आपसे अपील करता है यदि रुद्रानंद ग्रुप  के साथ नीरव व्यवस्था शुरू किया जाय। यदि ये लोग मिले, तो इन लोगो से बात चीत भी न किया जाय। यदि ये लोग घर में आये, तो उनसे साफ़ कह दिया जाय, कि या तो आप लोग सुधरो और बाबा के सिस्टम को मानो या फिर दुबारा इस घर में आने की हिम्मत न करना। 
जिस तरीके से बाबा ने जानते हुए भी कि यह CBI इनफॉर्मर है। फिर भी रुद्रानंद को एक्सपेल नहीं किया। बल्कि संस्था में ही रखा। और संस्था में रख कर रुद्रानंद को सुधारने का मौका  भी दिया। 
बाबा ने भारत के एक कोने में पोस्टिंग कर दी।

और सजा में अपने से भौतिक रूप में संपर्क समाप्त कर दिया। 

जैसे, अपने दर्शन, बातचीत पर, MG क्वार्टर , एव जिस मीटिंग में बाबा रहेंगे उसमे  उपस्थित होने से रुद्रानन्द को मन कर दिया।

और दूसरी तरफ सँस्था गत सम्बन्ध भी समाप्त कर दिए।

जैसे, VSS/ERAWS के केम्प में, सेमीनार, (केवल विलेज लेवल छोड़कर) और DMC में भी पास से दर्शन करने से मन कर दिया।

अपने एवम संस्था गत संबंधों से अपने शरीर छोड़ने तक बाबा ने रुद्रानंद को दी गई सजा से कोई समझौता नहीं किया।  रुद्रानंद को सुधरने का मौका अवश्य किया, पर संस्था से एक्सपेल (तलाक, तलाक, तलाक)  नही किया।

बाबा ने यह कर हम लोगो को "प्रशासन के आध्यात्मिक तरीके से संन्चालन करने की पद्वति" को उदहारण को दिखाते हुए यह सिद्ध कर दिया, कि आनन्द मार्ग एक "मेन मेकिंग मिशन"  है।

यदि बाबा, रुद्रानंद के तरीके से चलते , तो बाबा  रुद्रानंद को 1978 में ही नहीं 1965 में ही वर्कर की ट्रेनिंग में ही वाराणसी ट्रेनिंग में प्रवेश  नहीं देते।

अब आप यह कहेंगे कि 1965 का फिगर कहाँ से आ गया, 

एक एक्स वर्कर की स्टेटमेंट में आपको बता रहा हूँ, जो रुद्रानंद के साथ ट्रेनिंग कर रहा था।

जब रुद्रानंद ट्रेनिंग सेंटर में थे। उसी वक्त से अपना कार्य शुरू कर दिया था। रुद्रानंद ने यह कहा कि
 "मै CBI का आदमी हूं, और आनंदमार्ग को ध्वंस करने के लिए आया हूँ" 
जब रुद्रानंद ने इस प्रकार कहा तो उस एक्स वर्कर ने , उस वक्त के तत्कालीन GTS जो आचार्य प्रकाशानंद अवधूत थे, उनको कहा। तब तत्कालीन GTS ने इस चीज को महत्व नहीं दिया,  और कहा कि:-
" बाबा भगवान् है, अंतर्यामी है, कुछ नहीं होगा, बाबा सब ठीक कर लेंगे"

यदि कोई इस बात की इंकवारी करना चाहता हो , तो में उस को भी आपके सामने, समय आने पर पेश करूँगा।

उपरोक्क्त बातों से पता चलता है कि बाबा ने यह सिद्ध कर दिया कि:-

कि इस संस्था का फाउंडर स्वयं तारक ब्रह्म है। इस ब्रह्मांड में कोई भी शक्ति KGB या CBI या अन्य कोई एजेंसी, बाहर से तो क्या अपने आदमियों को आनंदमार्ग में अंदर रख कर भी संस्था का कुछ नहीं बिगाड़ सकती। 
बाबा ने यह भी कर के दिखाया कि हमारी संस्था उनको भी सुधारें का मौका देगी, जिस तरीके से रुद्रानंद को सुधरने का मौका दिया। 

बाबा ने तो हम लोगो को प्रशासन के  संचालन का  तरीका तो सीखा दिया। लेकिन दो लोगो ने संस्था से ज्यादा अपनी दोस्ती को महत्त्व दिया(जिस प्रकार महाभारत काल में भीष्म पितामह ने अपनी कसम(ओथ) को हस्तिनापुर से ज्यादा महत्व दिया था) और तत्कालीन श्रद्धेय पूरोधा प्रमुख को रुद्रानंद की सिफारिस कर जल्दी जल्दी विशेष योग के लेसन पुरे करवा कर पूरोधा बनवा दिया।  
उन दो सिफारिस करने वालो में से एक ने अचार्य निगमानंद अवधूत जी ने मुंबई के  एक बाबा भक्त मार्गी के सामने यह कहा कि:-
"मुझसे (N) अपनी जिंदगी की सबसे बड़ी भूल हुई कि मेने (N)
रुद्रानंद को सपोर्ट किया"
यदि आप चाहंगे तो आपके सामने समय आने पर पेश कर दूंगा। रुद्रानंद एक बार  नैरोबी सेक्टर के एक वर्कर को ( जिसने संस्था को दिखा दिया कि  राँची ग्रुप की राजनीति कितनी गन्दी है कि वर्कर को काम नहीं करने देती) साथ  ले कर गए थे। और उस नैरोबी के वर्कर सामने उस मुम्बई  के मार्गी ने साफ़ साफ़ रुद्रानंद से कहा कि यदि संस्था और बाबा के विरुद्ध यदि कुछ कहा           तो.............., तब रुद्रानंद उस वर्कर को साथ ले कर बाहर निकल गए।

STO आपके सामने इस लिए लिख रहा कि, 

बाबा किस तरीके से संस्था का संचालन करते थे। उसी तरीके से हम लोगो को संस्था का संचालन कड़ाने का प्रयास करना चाहिए। 
बाबा ने एक नए समाज का निर्माण "नव्य मानवता वाद"  के आधार पर "आनन्द मार्ग प्रचारक संघ" की स्थापना की है। जिसका आधार "मेंन मेकिंग मिशन" हे।  
हम सब लोग यह प्रयास करे कि यह "रुद्रानंद मेकिंग मिशन" संस्था न बन पाए,  बल्कि बाबा के अनुसार "मेंन मेकिंग मिशन" संस्था बन पाए। 

इस लिए अपनी मांगों में कभी यह नहीं कहा कि रुद्रानंद या उनके ग्रुप के (गुरु द्रोही कार्य करने पर भी) किसी व्यक्ति को एक्सपेल किया जाय, क्यों कि बाबा जब रुद्रानंद के गुरुद्रोही कार्य करने के बाद भी रुद्रानंद को सुधरने का मौका दे सकते हैं तो  आज भी संस्था को उनको सुधारने का मौका देना चाहिए। लेकिन बाबा के संचालन कड़ाने के तरीके से। 
रुद्रानंद को अपने स्वयं को विशेष योग की साधना के द्वारा  इस लायक  बना सके कि बाबा के सिस्टम के अनुसार संस्था का संचालन कर सके। तब तक के लिए रुद्रानंद को फिर बाबा के द्वारा फिक्स की हुई जगह "जरवा"  में भेज देना चाहिए। जब तक रुद्रानंद ,अपने को इस लायक नहीं बना लेते कि बाबा के सिस्टम के अनुसार संचालन कर सके, तब तक के लिए रुद्रानंद को संस्था की हर जिमेवारी से मुक्त कर देना चाहिए।इसीमे संस्था की भलाई है।
यह नियम सिर्फ रुद्रानंद के साथ साथ सभी लोगो पर लागू होता है।

STO किसी भी व्यक्ति का विरोध नहीं करता है। रूद्रानंद ग्रुप ने गलतियां की है , इसलिए रुद्रानंद ग्रुप का नाम ले कर विरोध कर रहा है।

यह STO  अल्पकालीन मूवमेन्ट नहीं है।  STO मूवमेन्ट हमेशा के लिए कार्य करता रहेगा। जब जब संस्था के सिस्टम की आड़ में कोई भी चाहे वह सन्यासी हो या ग्रही मार्गी  अपना सेल्फ इंटरेस्ट  रखना चाहेगा।  उसका STO हमेशा विरोध कर एक्सपोज़           करता रहेगा।
यदि STO के  सिधान्तो से किसी को बुरा भी लगे उसकी परवाह STO नहीं करेगा। हां इतना जरूर STO करेगा । कि यदि STO अपने सिधान्तो या बाबा के सिस्टम के विरुद्ध कोई कार्य करता है , तो हर गृही मार्गी या किसी भी सन्यासी को अधिकार होगा कि, STO को बाबा के सिस्टम के विरुद्ध जाने से रोक  सके, और STO को भी आनंद मार्ग समाज में STO की गलतियों को एक्सपोज़ कर सही रास्ते पर  ला सके।

Courtesy of WhatApp - STO Forum:  It is obvious that this above news is not original content by Ananda Marga Universal Forum.

== Section 3: Links ==

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For posting translation / जो अंग्रेजी नहीं जानते : 
Those who face difficulty in understanding English should copy sections of the post, paste them into Google translate, choose whatever language you like, and the post will be translated then and there into your selected language. In this way you will get some approximate idea of the subject discussed. Here is the link for Google translate:

This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: How some Dr.s cheat
2. PS #0724: Asking something mundane from Him is bad

3. Links