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Monday, November 20, 2023

No premature death + 3 more

No premature death


Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Even if an ant dies a premature death, it is bound to jeopardize the balance of the entire universe. ” (1)
The entire creation, including human beings, all are in the mind of Parama Purusa. Although human beings are His mental creation, He has additionally given them a limited degree of freedom. In this regard, their situation is like that of a caged bird. The bird cannot fly away, but it is free to walk or fly around the large enclosure. If the bird wants to sit quietly or walk around or fly it can do that. The condition of a human is like that of a bird living in a large cage.

Whatever an animal does Parama Purusa is responsible because those animals do not have free will. Cosmic Mind is responsible. Whereas, whatever humans do they are responsible for their actions. But overall without His wish human beings cannot do anything.

  • Humans do not take birth by their own volition, nor do human beings have any control regarding their death. On this point, they are bound, i.e. they have to die one day, against their wish. All this is controlled by Prakrti, and Prakrti is controlled by Parama Purusa. Everything happens according to the wish of Parama Purusa.
  • Human beings have some freedom within a particular domain; beyond that boundary they cannot go. But whatever limited degree of freedom Parama Purusa has given human beings, that freedom is also granted and controlled by Parama Purusa. Because while on the long journey of saincara and pratisaincara, gradually they reach the stage where they get their first human life. And that was His wish. If He had not desired it so, none of this would have happened. So the existence of human beings is His wish. Granting humans domain freedom and supplying them energy to act is also His wish. If a human does something bad, then surely that individual will be punished. And if he does good, he will be rewarded. But overall, this entire panorama of creation is controlled by Parama Purusa. So on the macroscale, Parama Purusa is doing everything.
  • Parama Purusa is the Supreme Controller.


Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Even if an ant dies a premature death, it is bound to jeopardize the balance of the entire universe.” (2)
So that ant and human beings are both in His mental arena. And whatever He thinks, both will do accordingly. There is no question of prematurely dying etc because everything is based on His thinking.
In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Why an ant cannot die prematurely
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Even if an ant dies a premature death, it is bound to jeopardize the balance of the entire universe. ” (3)
This vast creation is the thought projection of the Supreme Entity, God. Everything that we see and do not see of this expressed universe - the galaxies, stars, etc and the entire creation - exists because the Cosmic Entity is thinking in that way.
To make this more clear, you can imagine that if you close your eyes and start thinking about one elephant walking in the woods, that elephant is in your mind. It is your mental creation. As long as you think about that elephant, it will exist; and, when you stop thinking about it it will vanish from your mind.
In the case of the ant, that ant is in the mind of Parama Purusa. Parama Purusa is thinking about that ant. As long as He thinks about it, that ant will exist. The ant’s life will progress according to how Parama Purusa thinks about that ant. So it is up to His will. Whether Parama Purusa wants to keep that ant on this earth or withdraw that ant - it is His will. Because in the entire creation everything is dependent upon His wish, thinking, and thought.
There is no question of prematurely dying etc because everything is based on His thinking. That is why an ant cannot die prematurely.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Even if an ant dies a premature death, it is bound to jeopardize the balance of the entire universe. ” (4)

Indirectly related point
Human beings are also in His mind. They are His mental creation, but He has given them limited freedom. Their situation is like a caged bird. The bird cannot fly but it is free to walk or fly around the large enclosure. If the bird wants to sit quietly or walk around or fly it can do that.
Whatever an animal does Parama Purusa is responsible because those animals do not have free will. Cosmic Mind is responsible. Whereas, whatever humans do they are responsible for their actions. But ultimately without His wish human beings cannot do anything.
Remotely related teaching
Ananda Marga ideology states, “Devotees say that fate is simply the collection of unrequited saḿskáras. A person who performs an action has to undergo the reaction to that action. If his body is old, the reaction of that action may not be expressed in this lifetime. Only when the same person is reborn will his unserved saḿskáras be expressed. He cannot remember the action of his previous life because he has acquired a new brain. So he takes the expression of those saḿskaras to be his fate. In fact they are not his fate – they are merely the reactions of his previous actions of his previous life. The philosophers contend that astrologers are able to predict people’s future by preparing their horoscopes. They may be correct, for in this universe everything follows a particular rhythm. Nothing is isolated, everything is interconnected. Even a tiny ant does not die a premature death. If an ant does die prematurely, the entire universe becomes unbalanced and loses its rhythm. Everything in this universe, whether great or small, is a dignified member of the universal family. To enjoy equal importance; none should be slighted.” (5)
1. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Cult, Inference and Propensity
2. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Cult, Inference and Propensity
3. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Cult, Inference and Propensity
4. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Cult, Inference and Propensity
5. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Relativity and the Supreme Entity

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Wasted my time

"Sa'garebela'y gun'e baluka'y cale gelo mor..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4607)


There is one place that is called “darkland” (asuryá). It is so dark that even the sun cannot shine there. If anybody goes there they will not even be able to see their own hand. Another name of that land is the 7th hell, the darkest land. Those who lead a life based on materialism, and fail to do sadhana, end up there. That place is so dark, in whatever direction you look, it seems that only more and more darkness is oozing out from that place. Those who get human life but follow materialism meet such a fate. They are so degenerated that they commit unjust acts to justify those. This is all due to the darkness in their mind. 

O’ Parama Purusa, my entire day has passed on the shore by the sea counting the tiny grains of sand. I see now that the deep, dark night descends. You did not care to look at me. You did not forbid me from passing my time like this, nor did You tear me from the snares and bondages of my mundane attachments. Parama Purusa, I have spent my life submerged in petty gains and material indulgences and You did not prohibit me or dissuade me from these worldly allurements.

O’ my Lord, You are so gracious, You gave me immense wealth and blessed me with the intelligence to destroy my petty ego. You are so gracious, You gave me sufficient strength to serve the suffering and help those in need, even then my conscience did not awaken. Although You gave everything but because my mind did not develop in a spiritual manner, I have spent all my time counting the grains of sand. I could not ultise the strength which You have given me. And instead I just wasted my time sunk in my own selfish, petty desires.

O’ my Dearmost, now in the depths of this darkness, I roam this desolate beach in search of You. By Your grace, I am no longer interested in the oysters or the sand. My Lord, when will that resplendent, spiritual dawn arrive where I get that very Divine Entity to whom I belong. Parama Purusa, I belong to You, I want only You.

O’ my Divine Entity Baba, my whole life has passed - wasted in vain - collecting material, worldly achievements. At the end of the day, by Your grace, I realise that I should no longer waste my time. Baba, I want You and only You, the eternal and most loving One...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #4607:

[#1] The first stanza does not refer to a physical place but a layer of the mind. 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The seventh hell is rasátala, the very crudest of all stages of existence. Obviously in that state human beings are no longer human beings: their minds, their intellects are reduced to extreme crudity, a stage of no return.” (1)

[#2] Baba has introduced this song with an ancient vedic shloka. He has done this with a small number of songs in His Prabhat Samgiita collection and on some occasions the singers sing the shloka as well. Here is the shloka presented before Prabhat Samgita #4607.

Asu'rya'h na'ma te loka'h andhena tamasa'vrta'h;
Ta'm'ste pretya'bhigacchanti ye ke ca'tmahano jana'h

This shloka has also been explained in some of His discourses as well.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "A person who is moving away from Parama Purus'a is heading towards total annihilation, towards mahatii vinas't'i." (2)

The meaning or sense is that there is one hell or layer of darkness in the human mind, and if one gets stuck there they cannot understand the spiritual realm. Instead they think that mundane things are great. Such was the predicament of the bhakta in the above Prabhat Samgiita, until finally, by Baba's grace, the sadhaka's mind emerged from that darkness and longed for Him.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle
2. Namami Krsnasundaram, Vraja Krśńa and Vishiśt́ádvaetaváda (Discourse 15)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Special guideline for improving sadhana

Here is the English summary of Baba’s below Hindi teaching.
After involving in mundane works one is generally plunged in worldly thoughts. So then if one sits in sadhana, in the mind you will think that 'Tomorrow I will go to Arariya town. Indeed I have to go in the morning. I will have to catch the first bus'. You will sit in  sadhana and go on thinking like this. In this situation what should you do? Before sitting for sadhana you should do kiirtan-- either 2 min, or 5 min, or 10 min. So first one should do kiirtan. Because by doing kiirtan the mind will get elevated. After that immediately one should sit in sadhana. Then you will see that there will not be any worldly thoughts. Then sadhana will be proper...Do not worry you have learned sadhana and I am always ready to help and serve you.
Ananda Marga ideology states, ““अधिक दुनियावी चिन्तन के बाद जब साधना में बैठता है, उस वक्त होता है---बैठे हुए हैं, तो भी मन में सोच रहा है कि---'कल तो अररिया जाना है, morning में जाना है, first bus से जाना है' | साधना में बैठ गया, और यही सब सोच रहा है | तो, इसलिए क्या करना चाहिए, साधना में बैठने से पहले, दो मिनट हो, पाँच मिनट हो, दस मिनट हो, कसकर कीर्त्तन कर लो | कीर्त्तन करने से, कीर्त्तन के प्रभाव से मन ऊपर उठ जाएगा | उसके बाद फ़ौरन साधना में बैठ जाओ, देखोगे दुनियावी चिन्ताएँ नहीं रहेंगी |”

“तो, यह तो सब ठीक है | और {घबड़ाने की भी} घबड़ाने की कोई बात भी नहीं है | साधना तुम लोग सीख ही लिए हो | और, तुम लोग को help करने के लिए, सेवा करने के लिए, हम तो तैयार हैं |” (1) Átmatiirtha, V24 25(H), 22 Nov 71 Purnea, Bihar AV 24-25

Note: Every sincere Ananda Margii wants to do sadhana. Yet most of the time this aforesaid problem occurs. And our Guru understands this. That is why He has graciously given such a beautiful solution-- as mentioned above. I think many may be following His divine guideline; and for those who are not, they should do so from now onwards, i.e. sing kiirtan before doing sadhana.

1. Átmatiirtha, V24 25(H), 22 Nov 71 Purnea, Bihar AV 24-25

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