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Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Religion, refugee, & terror + 3 more

Religion, refugee, & terror


A long time back, thousands of years ago before the birth of Islam, in what is now known as Israel, there was a very large population of Jews. The population of that entire region was Jewish. Prior to that, pagans were living there, but the Jews destroyed those pagans. Today, pagans are an extreme minority, as most were forcibly converted to Judaism.
Then came the start of Christianity, and Christ was crucified by the Jews. The king crucified Christ. Gradually, Christianity flourished, mostly by brute force. Millions upon millions of Jews were forced to convert to Christianity. Sadguru Baba has documented this in His teachings. In the Middle East, the ancestors of all the Christians were either Jews or pagans in the past.
Then Islam came into being. It was very violent from the beginning. With the crusades, they forcibly converted people to Islam. The ancestors of those following Islam in the Middle East, were either Christian, Jewish, or Zoroastrian.
During these crusades, the vanquished males were killed while females were kept by Muslims as an xtra-wife to produce children. Those Jews and Zoroastrians who were well-to-do ran away and reached India to save their life. And still they are there. Islam either killed or forced the mass conversion of those who stayed behind. This is the very short factual history about what happened in the Middle East.
India & Kashmir terror

Now let us come to India and look into Kashmir. There were no Muslims in India before the Muslim invasion. After the invasion from the Middle East, those Muslims first captured Afghanistan which was a tantric country. They captured it by the sword. All the males were killed, and the females were retained to increase the Muslim population. Those who were weak surrendered and converted to Islam.
Gradually Muslims captured that portion of India that is nowadays known as Pakistan, and they forcibly converted those people. But they could not capture Kashmir. Kashmir remained a Hindu kingdom up through the British era. The Kashmiri king was a Hindu.
Captured the land by increasing birth rate

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, Kashmir was a key hub of tantric ideas / civilisation. Even today, so many tantric scriptures still exist in the local script of Kashmir. They have been preserved and are very old scripts. They were all tantrikas. Step by step, Islam forcibly converted the weak and downtrodden Hindus to Islam.
Since their inception, the modus operandi of Muslims, Christians, and Jews was to capture the land by increasing their own birth rate. But Christians and Jews are not following this strategy in some places, but they do in other places. Whereas Muslims do that everywhere.
In Kashmir also, the Muslims preached and imposed their numbers game and became a huge majority by their high birth rate. When they became a super majority they ousted and killed local people. By this way they captured the land of Kashmir.
In 1992, millions of Kashmiri Hindus were ousted, terrorised, and became refugees. Their hearth and home were looted, and to save their lives they ran away from Kashmir. Among them, thousands reached the US and were refugees. Most became refugees inside India.

Courtesy of Dr. Bisconti: “The exponential growth is taking place near border areas, indicating an illegal occupation pouring in from neighbouring Muslim countries. One must not forget that India lost both Pakistan and Bangladesh to a forced Muslim occupation, an enormous patch of homeland to give up to a foreign infiltration. Prior to that India lost Afghanistan. India has basically lost more than half of its country to Muslim occupation. The country is also losing Jammu and Kashmir to yet one more Muslim occupation where more Muslims constantly stream into the region and profess it to be ‘theirs’.” (Dr. Michael Bisconti, “Exponential Muslim Population Growth at Borders…) 

Impending issue
Watch out. Now in Israel-Palestine and Kashmir there is endless suffering. This is a complex and long history and to write all that Baba spoke on this subject will take too long. This is the lesson for Europe nowadays. In the near future in Europe, Muslims will outnumber locals and turn into the same issue Kashmir and other communities will be ousted from Europe. That can happen anywhere. In Kashmir you can see the example so watch out. 

Religion, refugee, & danger

In the various religions people are not allowed to use their brain. That is the most horrendous curse on human society. We are human because of our brain. Yet, followers are not allowed to use their brain under that rule of religion. In that situation it is very hard to convince those religious followers to give up their nasty belief.
Most religions converted other populations forcibly. Christians forcibly converted Jews; and, Muslims forcibly converted whoever got in their way. Now, in this day and age, Christians use other techniques like paying money and applying circumstantial pressure in various countries  to convert the population to Christianity. Wherever religious priests are powerful politically they employ other methods to convert the population. There were many reasons for demise of Buddhism across most parts of India. Shankaracharya defeated the Buddhist scholor Mandan Misshra in a debate, and after that most of the Indian population converted back to Hinduism from Buddhism and idol worship was brought with them. In the Vedas there is no idol worship.
Islamic terrorists are more brutal and do forced conversion. And all know that Ananda Marga philosophy is wholly against any type conversion. Those religions are themselves dogma, and Ananda Marga is not a religion.
Christianity is just as dangerous as as Islam
People are not allowed to use the brain under that rule of religion. In that situation it is very hard to convince religious followers to give up their dogmatic beliefs.  Due to the renaissance, some say that Christianity evolved. But that is not correct. Christianity never evolved. It was Christians who evolved. Religion never evolves. Religion is fixed, and that is why it becomes outdated. No religion updates their outdated scripture. The Bible is the same as it always was. The key point is that evolved people do not take their religious teachings literally. They do not follow it to the letter. Rather they gave up all those outdated religious edicts etc. That is why Christianity looks less dangerous in comparison to Islam.
But ultimately, as a religion, Christianity is just as dangerous as Islam. Look no further than the Rwanda genocide. Christian and Catholic priests were the cause. It is well-proven. So religion is like a snake. It can be beaten down for the time being, but it could always come back.
That said, Islam is in a different phase as it has yet to experience a renaissance. Christians evolved and gave up their dogma; whereas, educated Muslims do not like to give up their dogma. For example, no Islamic country nor any individual prominent Muslim condemned that 7th Oct 2023 genocide of Jews by Hamas.

Burning examples

That is why wherever religion becomes very strong it is deadly. And the worst outcome results when they outnumber the local population. If they become a super majority then get ready to be kicked out from your homeland. The history of Israel and Kashmir are the burning examples. So alertness is needed. Those living in France, Germany, and other countries around the globe where Muslim refugees are pouring in should be extremely alert.
Here the central idea is that in the various religions people are not allowed to use their brain. That is the most horrendous curse on our human society. We are human because of our brain. Yet, people are not allowed to use their brain under that rule of religion. In that situation it is very hard to convince religious followers to give up their treacherous and harmful beliefs.  

In Him,
Sahadeva (Shamshad Ahmed)
& Viplava

Two key points

Prout philosophy says, "The case of the Jews who expanded into Palestine is similar. Palestine originally belonged to the Jews and the Arabs drove them out." (1)

Prout is not against refugees, but refugees have their own drawback. As long as refugees are in the minority the situation is fine. However, when those refugees become the majority then problems arise. For details about this, please read discourse in Prout in a Nutshell - 19, “Talks on Bengal – Excerpt B” about Gorkhaland. 


The central idea is one. Regardless of the type of refugee, the end result is the same. In various places, due to man-made calamities (war etc) or natural calamities (drought etc) people go to a new land and ultimately occupy the place. This has happened across various lands and peoples throughout history. And when those fleeing trouble became a dominant force in their new land, they beat down and inflict harm on the local population. This has happened time and again. Intermediary measures are needed. Those refugees running from their home due to war or famine, or any other type of calamity, should be provided a place to live in a safe zone near, in or around their country where they are given shelter and food etc. And then they should be granted scope and protection to return back to their native place when there is a period of relative peace. And for lasting peace, all parties involved will have to give up their dogma and embrace the universal approach of neo-humanism.

Why Muslims kill others 

In the following teaching, Sadguru Baba is indirectly talking about Islam where music, dance, drama and all such forms of artistic expression are not allowed. Due to the prohibition of music etc, strict Islamic followers become severely psychically diseased and ultimately very brutal and cruel. They become absolutely ruthless. So, we should take a lesson from this and encourage aesthetic science wherever we get the opportunity. In result, the finer human senses of love and compassion will develop for fellow human beings, and violence in the society will wane and be completely eradicated. This terror torn earth will become loving, compassionate, and caring.
Ananda Marga ideology guides us, ”Humanity, in its all-out quest for this aesthetic science, attained spirituality. One must acknowledge this. Herein lies the excellence of aesthetic science. For this reason, I have given my whole-hearted and explicit support for nandana vijiṋána. You know that there are certain religions [Islam etc] which do not encourage aesthetic pursuits. You will notice that in those religions inertia, inferiority complexes and a sense of violence are predominant.” (2)
Some think that Islam includes those sufis who sing, dance, and play musical instruments, but that is wrong. In the Quran Sharif, songs are forbidden. And strict Islamists treat Sufis as heretics. That's why those Sufis were met with horrible genocide at the hands of those strict Muslims.

Pointing out religious loopholes

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Read any so-called religious book: one will seldom find anything resembling tolerance of the religious beliefs of others...If necessary, different views can be compared and presented in philosophical books. The philosophical and psychological loopholes in an argument may be pointed out without being disrespectful.” (3)

Take exploiters to task

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “There is a well-known story about a Zamindar from Bengal called Kalachand Roy, later Kalapahar, who was a follower of Kálii. He worshipped a stone image of Kálii with great devotion. At that time some invaders, belonging to another religion [Islam], started a campaign to destroy all Hindu temples and deities. When Kalachand’s temple was about to be destroyed, he prayed to Kálii saying, “Mother, I do not have the power to protect you, so please protect yourself.” But how can a stone idol protect itself? In due course his temple and idol were destroyed, and Kalachand lost faith in Kálii. He was converted to the religion of the invaders, and became known as Sheik Kaluddin Khan. He launched his own campaign of terror throughout Bengal and Orissa and forcibly converted people to his new religion. He disfigured deities, destroyed temples and threatened people with physical violence to convert them. Once he travelled to Kashi and set about converting a widow who also happened to be his elder sister. She refused to succumb to his threats, and scolded him mercilessly for his bad behaviour. This made him realize the error of his ways, and he abandoned his campaign.” (4) 

All religions dogmatic, but in different ways

It is true that all the religions (Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism etc) are dogmatic and carry a deep history of rampant exploitation. However, the religions are not exactly the same. On this particular point of forced conversion and immigration etc, Islam is far worse.

1. Prout in a Nutshell, Part  15, Talks on Prout, Section: Unity and Synthesis
2. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 10, Yatamána – the Stage of Perseverance
3. Human Society - 1, Moralism
4. Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to build a society founded on the ideal of Brahma

Sadguru Baba says, "In Ananda Marga the seed of a common ideal is sown from the very beginning of a child's life. At the age of five, when the child has acquired only a preliminary understanding of his or her surroundings, he or she is given the idea of Brahma [the Supreme Entity]. The entire society of Ananda Marga is thus founded on a common ideal or goal – Brahma. This foundation will never be lost like the dangers of war. Such an ideal will not disappear like the common ideal of facing the dangers of war; so the unity in a society founded on the ideal of Brahma will be everlasting." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Social Psychology

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Glandular defects lead to dogma

Due to defects in their glands some people become cruel & dogmatic.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "If there is under-secretion of the hormones of the testes glands, a youth will develop less kindness, and less hair will grow in the armpits and pubic region. If you see a man with these physical characteristics, then and there you can come to a conclusion about the extent of his kindness. Moreover, such a person will most likely support dogma. He will not have the moral strength to protest against dogma (including scriptural dogma), and he will not support a new idea." (1)

Here above Ananda Marga ideology presents the glandular reason why people succumb to dogma. That may be why they cannot follow neo-humanism.

1. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology

== Section 2: Links ==