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Monday, February 26, 2024

Humourous Baba story + 4 more

Humourous Baba story


Here is the scene: It was General Darshana, Delhi, 26 February 1984, and has been printed in Ananda Vacanamrtam part 49 (Pure), chapter 7. The Prabhat Samgiita was sung. It was song #0058, Dujane jakhan miliche takhan, which is a song about marriage. As per the custom, selected Dadas read their PS purports in Baba’s presence.

Here is the overall idea of the song:

O' human beings, when two people are being united in marriage, then you all shower them with your good wishes. Amidst their burning sorrows, amidst their garlands of joy, in their pains and pleasures, be with them always.

Our human society is indivisible, neglecting not a single family. Let us all sing and dance together. Accept everyone as your own.

With the sweet music of the earth, give this newly married couple your affectionate words and wishes. Give them sweet messages of love. Fill their lives with colour and shower them with your well wishing… (1)

Then in His special manner, Baba made everyone laugh at this Delhi DMC (Dharma Maha Cakra) with His humorous comment.

Here comes Baba's humorous comment (printed in AV-49 (Pure) ch-7)

As everyone may recall, it was quite normal for Baba to add and correct the purports read by various Dadas. This day was no different. When the Dada finished reading the Hindi purport, Baba started reciting this Sanskrit shloka about marriage.

Kanya' varayate ru'pam, ma'ta' vittam, pita' shruti,
Ba'ndhavaha hitam icchanti, mis't'a'nnam itare jana'h

While smiling, Baba then gave the following explanation:

At the time of marriage, the bride longs for a handsome groom; the mother hopes that the bride and groom become wealthy; the father hopes the groom is a talented and smart husband for his daughter; the friends desire that in spite of all of life's difficulties the newlyweds should be happy; and others in attendance hope that whatever may be, there should be the distribution of sweets.

With His wide smile, and looking across the pandal from left to right, He said: "We belong to the last group!" (2)

Hearing this, everyone started laughing.

Reflection on above story (printed in AV-49 (Pure) ch-7)

By His example, Baba is demonstrating that there should be a very sweet and cordial relation when teaching others. As the ideal Guru, and Supreme teacher, Baba always maintained a familial and loving relationship with His disciples, where there was always a perfect symmetry between discipline and humour.

As Ananda Margiis, when guiding others it is our duty to create this same balance. When we teach others we should emulate Baba's approach. We should not be too strict where there is no time for laughter. That will not achieve the desired result. Through the use of humour, talented teachers hold the interest of their students. Laughter helps bring the wandering mind back onto the topic with greater focus.

Those who fail to use any humour in their teaching style are poor teachers. Indeed, we have all seen how some professors remain aloof when they are teaching; that makes for a very poor relationship with students. In contrast, some teachers are too casual and relaxed in their teaching style. That also is not good because when the time comes to impose discipline, they cannot do it. Between the teacher and student, there should be a proper balance between discipline and humour.

The above story is not an uncommon occasion. In every discourse and darshan, this is part and parcel of His beautiful and effective teaching style. By this way, all bhaktas kept focused on the topic and enjoyed Baba's darshan. Baba would lovingly create the situation where everyone would laugh and feel joyous.


As the Parama Purusa, Taraka Brahma, and Sadguru, Baba is very humorous and loving. Irrespective of anyone's economic or social standing, all margiis feel close to Him. By this way they come close in a personal, spiritual way as well. Between God and His bhaktas there should not be any distance or complex. Every margii feels Baba to be their own, by His grace. During His each and every discourse, Baba would create certain situations wherein everyone would laugh.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Laughter gives happiness." (3)

in Him,
Shubhankar Deva

Note: The story presented in the above posting is from Ananda Vacanamrtam part 49 (Pure), chapter 7.

1. Courtesy of Prabhat Samgiita Volume 1
2. English Summary, Ananda Vacanamrtam (Pure) - 49, Conversations between Bhakta and Parama Purusa – 7, Original Hindi-English discourse, General Darshana, Delhi, 26 February 1984
3. Yoga Psychology, Questions and Answers on Psychology


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Problem of absentmindedness

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Nidrá means sleep. No one should be a slave to this habit. Tandrá means you are hearing but your mind is somewhere else.” (1)

In His above teaching, Baba contrasts and warns us about the first two of the six internal enemies: nidrá and tandrá.  

Nidrá: One should have control over their sleep (nidrá). As is the case with all vrttis, the more one sleeps, the more one will desire to sleep. So while a modest amount of sleep is essential for restoration and cellular regeneration, one should not indulge excessively in sleep. In various discourses, Baba warns us that those who indulge in sleep can never do anything great in their life. For a sadhaka, six or even four hours of sleep is sufficient, or even less. The more strict one is in Sixteen Points the less sleep they will need. 

Tandrá: This is psychic lethargy or mental drowsiness, also known as absentmindedness and / or dullness. In His above teaching, Baba points out how those who suffer from this condition can physically hear, i.e. the sound is received by the ears, but because the mind is engaged elsewhere, that person is unable to comprehend and process that sound. And in other discourses, Baba refers to tandrá as inertness. Here again, when one succumbs to this condition, they are shackled and unable to engage in any great work. The prevention and remedy of tandrá is strict adherence to Sixteen Points. By half-bath and sadhana, and other practices, one can keep the mind alert and pointed. 

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, The Social Order and Superiority and Inferiority Complexes

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Central defect of karmiis

Ananda Marga ideology says, “People of action are also not free from vanity: “I did this, I did that – I built this road when I was a minister I constructed this bridge when I was in the Public Works Department” – this is how people become mad for their little “I”. Thus we see that although action is free from lethargy, it is not altogether free from vanity.”

“Pure devotion, parábhakti, is free from both [lethargy & vanity]...Those who ask for parábhakti or shuddhá bhakti will certainly acquire the things they need also. Thus due to their devotion, the devotees are always intelligent. You should be an intelligent devotee like this.” (1) 

Note: Bhaktas know that Parama Purusa is the real Doer and they will engage in all kinds of actions knowing that it is He who has blessed them with the capacity to serve. In contrast, karmiis suffer from vanity and are quick and eager to boast about the works they did. 

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle

== Section: Important Teaching ==

What every sadhaka should know

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Every object of the world is dominated by one of the three principles – sentient, mutative, and static. Food is no exception, and according to its intrinsic nature, is divided into the same three categories."

"Sentient food: Food which produces sentient cells and is thus conducive to physical and mental well-being is sentient. Examples of sentient food are rice, wheat, barley, all kinds of pulses, fruit, milk and milk products."

"Mutative food: Food which is good for the body and may or may not be good for the mind, but certainly not harmful for the mind, is mutative."

"Static food: Food which is harmful for the mind and may or may not be good for the body is static. Onion, garlic, wine, stale and rotten food, meat of large animals such as cows and buffaloes, fish, eggs, etc., are static." (1)

1. Yoga Psychology, Food, Cells, Physical and Mental Development

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

बाबा! तुम, कृपा की टोकरी भर कर मेरे घर आए

प्रभात संगीत 3233 एसेछो आमार घरे, कृपारो पसरा हाते कोरे...


हेे परम पुरुष बाबा! तुम अपनी करुणा के साथ मेरे घर, कृपा की टोकरी भर लाये। तुम्हारा आगमन मेरे घर पर मेरी पुकार से नहीं हुआ, वह तो तुम्हारेे अनन्त प्रेम के कारण ही संभव हुआ है। हे  मेरे प्रभु ! तुमने मेरे घर आने का अपार कष्ट किया है। तुम बहुत दयालु हो। मेरी अपनी कोई योग्यता नहीं है, न ही मैं अच्छे कार्य करता हॅूं और न ही साधना ही ठीक ढंग से करता हॅूं। फिर भी गहरी चाह लिये मैं अपने हृदय से तुमको याद करता रहता हूूं, आज तुम मेरे घर आ ही गये ।

 विस्तारित आकाश  और तारे तुम्हारे दिव्य नाम का गायन कर रहे हैं, और कह रहे हैं कि तुम ही दिव्य स्वामी, दिव्य रक्षक हो, और तुम सबको मदद करते हो। बाबा! तुम हर जगह, हर समय सब पर अहैतुकी कृपा करते हो। ए परम सत्ता! तुम ही सम्पूर्ण विश्व  पर नियंत्रण करते हो। नीले आकाश  में धूमकेतु और नीहारिकाएं तुम्हारे लिये ही अपनी चमक विखेरते हैं---तुम्हारी सेवा करने के लिये, तुमको प्रसन्न करने के लिये। बाबा! आज तुम मेरे घर आये।

बाबा! मैंने जो भी जीवन में पाया हैे वह तुम्हारी ही कृपा है। मेरे पास मेरी कोई योग्यता ही नहीं है , तुमने ही कृपा कर अपनी अपार करुणा से मेरा पूरा अस्तित्व ही अपने अमाप्य प्रेम से भर दिया है। दुर्भाग्य से मैं तुम्हे  कुछ नहीं दे पाया। हे बाबा! आज मैंने तुम्हारे चरण कमलों में, अपने पूरे अस्तित्व के साथ, ताजे फूलों का गुच्छा अर्पित किया है। बाबा! आज तुम मेरे घर आये! मैं अपने आप को तुम्हारे प्रति समर्पित करता हॅूं। 

== Section 3: Links ==