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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Story of sacrifice: early days in AM + 4 more

Story of sacrifice: early days in AM


It is a well known fact that tremendous work went into building up our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. Baba was giving so many guidelines and programs and countless Ananda Margiis responded to His call and worked night and day to implement those plans. By such tireless efforts something great was able to be done.

Ananda Vanii states, "Fight for your Ideology. Be one with your Ideology. Live for your Ideology. Die for your Ideology." (Ananda Vanii #14) 

Verily, there are so many cases where margiis and Wts overcame obstacles and challenges in order to spread the name and teachings of Ananda Marga. There is a long list of courageous efforts and inspiring tales and in that way Baba’s mission spread. Ideology is the binding force and as long as Ananda Margiis were strict and dedicated, then to that degree our mission got established.

Here following is one example among many where a margii rallied against so many trials and tribulations for the sake of ideology. 

Horrors of the caste system 

Baba has recounted how India is the worst place around the globe for so-called caste discrimination. Nowhere else does this problem exist to such an extent. Various types of discrimination are present in other countries based on race, colour, gender etc. And in India, casteism is very heinous and strong. Here are more details about the matter so you may understand how horrifying it is. 

In the dogmatic Hindu society, there are four basic categories of caste: a) brahmin / vipra, b) vaeshya, c) ksattriya, d) shudra. But this is not according to the Prout social cycle. This caste system takes the terms in a completely negative manner. These differences are based on birth - not on one’s quality. Quality has no value in this Hindu dogma. 

For example, if anybody is born in the shudra community of the Hindu religion, they will be treated as an untouchable. Even today, upper caste people will scoff at marrying families of the shudra community. Even the food cooked by one so-called shudra is inedible. It is immaterial how much cleanliness has been maintained. That has nothing to do with why it is inedible.

In the society, so-called shudras are treated worse than animals. For instance, you can touch animals, but you cannot touch those persons of the shudra caste. Very conservative, dogmatic Hindu families consider their house impure if a so-called shudra is even outside the premises, what to say about inside of the house. Then the whole house will be treated as impure and must be washed by the Ganges water to purify everything.

The caste system has nothing to do with quality or merit. Suppose a person is born in the so-called shudra caste then he will be treated as an untouchable. Yet that person might have so many dharmic qualities, i.e he is sentient, doing sadhana, and following yama and niyama etc. But in the villages nobody will go to his house and sit and take food along with him. Whereas if a person is born in a brahmin family and doing all sorts of degrading activities such as eating meat and drinking alcohol, even then he is well respected. It is the duty of so-called castes like ksattriyas / vipras / vaeshyas, to touch the feet of that brahmin, morning and evening, and get his blessing.

Ananda Marga declares all humans are one

In the face of this casteism, Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha was born in 1955. Baba gave the slogan "Ma'nav Ma'nav Ek Hai", i.e. "Human Human, All Are One". The sense is that in our Ananda Marga way of life there is no scope for injustice and division. Seeing this, the dogmatic people became furious. And they held all the top posts in the  government, financial sector, and education. Everything was in the hands of these dogmatic persons. They started hating and attacking Ananda Marga Pracarka Samgha on all the fronts.

In the society, there was also untouchability and separation on the basis of food. So Baba gave the system, "Ek Chulha' Ek Chaoka' Ek Hai Ma'nav Samaj". The sense is "One Kitchen, One Stove, One Human Society". This was another point that made dogmatic persons more furious. And then dharmic fights ensued to wipe out division and injustice. So many physical clashes happened. I don't think nowadays Ananda Margiis are facing such types of physical attacks and humiliation, which in the beginning they suffered.

Excuse me, those thinking that the Jamalpur days were just peaceful days are in dreamland or naive. Innumerable incidents happened whereby Baba had to leave the pandal, and DMC could not be held because of people throwing stones, committing arson, or making bloody attacks etc. Ananda Margiis faced various types of outlandish tortures. So it is wrong to think that those days Baba was in Vraja Krsna and there was no struggle going on. All along from 1955 to '90, Baba always waged a ceaseless battle against injustice and heinous dogmas. 

The story of DN: caste differences & revolutionary marriage

Let me come to my original subject. Because of these serious so-called caste differences, the dogmatic Hindu society was balkanized. And the majority of so-called low caste people, became completely fed up with the dogma. Many of them joined other religions like Christianity and Islam, etc. Otherwise, hundreds of years ago, in India the population was nearly 100% Hindu. And Baba wanted to make one human society so destroying the caste system was highly essential. But dogmatic Hindu people were fighting against AMPS, tooth and nail. When Baba gave the revolutionary marriage system, that was more fuel to the fire.

Acarya DN jii was one of the victims of dogmatic Hindus on the point of revolutionary marriage. There is a long history and here is a glimpse of what happened. 

Ac. DN jii's daughter had a revolutionary marriage with someone from a  so-called lower caste. In response, the whole village attacked Ac. DN jii's house. And he had to leave his village home for several months and could not return. He was kicked out from his own house. In that village, there was a mud hut jagriti where Baba had planted one mango tree several years back. The villagers were so furious that they cut down that tree and wanted to destroy each and every sign of Ananda Marga from the village. They stoned the tile house, and so many hellish things happened. See how much torture DN ji faced in order follow Baba's system and guidelines. 

Our respects to those following ideology 

So those countless margiis / Wts were ready to endure huge suffering and undergo tremendous sacrifice to uphold ideology. Due to their noble efforts Ananda Marga got built up and established. Those who dedicated themselves to ideology have built up and established Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha by their service and sacrifice. 

Baba gives the following blessings, which have inspired and will inspire sadhakas eternally, to move along the path of dedication to Ananda Marga ideology. 

Ananda Vanii states, "Life represents Ideology. Life should be sacrificed for Ideology." (1) 

Ananda Vanii states, "It is action that makes a person great. Be great by your sa'dhana', by your service, by your sacrifice." (2)


This entire letter has discussed how those trying to do great works while moving on the path of dharma always face all kinds of problems. In India, the caste dogma was extremely strong. But in AMPS it was destroyed by various practical approaches like revolutionary marriages, not documenting caste, not giving post or privilege based on caste, creed, colour etc, and not creating family acaryas or Wts not on the basis of caste or class etc. In our office, there is no trace of one’s caste in our documentation or records. That is why even margiis do not ask each other about their caste because we do not recognise it or give it any importance. Whereas amongst non-margiis, this is all quite common.

The central idea is that to break the dogma of caste and untouchability, those early Ananda Margiis had to sacrifice a lot. They were mocked, harassed, beaten, and punished in various ways. In India, being an Ananda Margii was a very difficult job, especially in the villages. Other villagers shunned and even stoned them. Verily, they faced so much backlash and torture. This is the short yet stark history. To do great things, one has to struggle and overcome negative things. Dharma always gets victory; that is why we see that across the entire world that the dogmas of casteism and racism dogma are slowly collapsing. Now it is coming towards its final doom. Soon the slogan that ‘all human beings are one’ will be established before our very eyes. 

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Human society is continually striving to arrive at a synthesis through analysis, some sort of unity through diversity. The natural obstructions of small clans, narrow communal interests, geographical distances and intractable customs and usages – none of these obstacles could hinder the steady and silent movement towards a supreme goal. That is why the policy of apartheid, the vanity of racial superiority, national chauvinism or regionalism – these relative doctrines or social philosophies – could not thwart the progress of human society. The outdated ideals of nationalism are crumbling to pieces today.” 
   “The newly awakened humanity of today is anxious to herald the advent of one universal society under the vast blue sky. The noble and righteous persons of all countries, bound by fraternal ties, are eager to assert in one voice, with one mind, and in the same tune that human society is one and indivisible. In this voice of total unity and magnanimity lies the value and message of eternal humanism.” (3)

In Him, 

Horrible humiliation: keep spit pot on head

Those who are not familiar with the Hindu dogmatic system  may not like to believe all these things. But what I am telling is the hard reality and fact of present village life of India. Here I am not writing anything which is age-old historical events. All these things are still going on especially in the villages, and to some degree in the towns and cities also. In short we can say that it is still existing everywhere. Although a lot of change happened in the last fifty years. And so-called shudras have gotten more recognition.

Let me say something more about the period 50-100 years back, which is the historical background to what was the situation of so-called lower caste people in India. In those days, so-called shudras had not been given the right to walk on the road. So they had to follow a certain discipline to make others aware that those so-called low shudras are walking and non-shudras should be alert so they should not go close and become impure. Even the shadow of shudras was treated as sin. That means if anybody touched the shadow of a shudra, then they had to take a bath in the Ganges to purify themselves. 

Next I am writing what so-called shudras strictly had to follow in a slightly earlier period. While they were walking on the road going to see their friends, they had to keep one earthen pot on their head. Because, they were not allowed to spit anywhere. And cleanliness was not the reason because other so-called castes were allowed to spit anywhere. Even you will find that inside high, respected government official buildings like Patna high court, where in the corner of the court building spitting is quite common. You will see the mark of betel nuts. So those low-caste shudras had to keep an earthen pot to spit. When they wanted to spit they had to bring down the pot in their hand and spit into the pot, and then bring the pot back up, keeping the spit on top of their head. And when they reached their home, then only could they clean the pot, not anywhere else.

Why broom tied to backside of shudras

Also in that earlier period, while walking, shudras have to carry one long broom which is hanging from their back side like a monkey's tail, touching and sweeping the ground. When the person is walking, then the ground is being swept so that the mark of his foot on the soil should be erased. Because if any brahmin or other caste people touch that footprint, they will be made impure.

The torture on shudras was not limited to just this point. While they were walking on the road, they couldn't use their shoes either. And they had to put one bell which was ringing constantly, on their neck, just like many may keep on their pets. So it will constantly ring while walking, so everybody should be alerted that some low-caste person is coming. Otherwise if any other caste person is touching the shadow, they will be made impure. 

The humiliation did not stop there. The so-called upper class people hated shudras. If by mistake shudras asked for something from the higher caste, they will be beaten up. There was no end to the torture in those days. How much humiliation, how much injustice happens to one human being. The situation was so painful and unjust. It is hard to believe that just 50 - 100 years ago all these things were going on in India.

Baba has given clear-cut proof that those very negative things were going on in the Hindu dogmatic religion in the past. Please read the Ananda Marga Revolution chapter on the point of caste differentiation. Baba has told how if one harijan / shudra commits an illicit relation he will be hanged and killed. While if a brahmin commits the same crime he will only have to shave his head and be paraded through town on a donkey. 

This is the story of family Acarya Diip Narayan jii, who is from Saharsa in Northeast Bihar. He is a committed senior family acarya from the Jamalpur days. One horrific incident happened years ago when he organised his daughter's marriage according to the Ananda Marg revolutionary system.

1. Ananda Vanii #15
2. Ananda Vanii #20
3. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 1

*        *        *

The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

For mental balance

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Actually the owner of everything is Parama Puruśa, and the Supreme Doer of each and every action is that Parama Puruśa. He is the Supreme Fountain of all energies.” (1)

One should do the work all the while remember that it is not yours. It is His work; the results are for Him to manifest when He wishes. With a light mind go on doing your daily duties. One should feel this work is not theirs, nor are the results in their hand. This is the work of Parama Purusa, and so they should do it sincerely, yet without any worry or anxiety. The responsibility for the results lies with Him alone. This ideation will remove all mental tension.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, The Supreme Truth

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Just a female from Vrindaban?

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Parama Puruśa is the only real entity, the only absolute entity. The further the jiivas move towards Parama Puruśa, the more elevated their minds become. When they reach a very subtle stage of elevation, their concentrated mind-stuff speeds towards Him with the one-pointedness of an arrow. Such a mentality is called Rádhá....What is Rádhá bháva? When devotees feel in their heart of hearts that their existence is meaningless without attaining Lord, that they cannot survive a single moment without feeling His blissful presence, they have attained the stage called Rádhá. Such devotees know nothing other than árádhaná [total mental absorption” (1)

Note: Some ignorant people think that Radha is a female of Vrindaban. But that is not true. 'A-grade' bhaktas are Radha, whether they are male or female or anyone.

1. Namami Krsnasundaram, Vraja Krśńa and Sáḿkhya Philosophy (Discourse 7)

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Only story is not enough

So true so true . Well said .
That is why we were chosen by Him. We understood what BABA wanted. 
Sadhana Service Sacrifice.
Not a magic show. So let's get to work.

Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Only story is not enough

== Section 3: Links ==