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Sunday, June 12, 2022

Story: wts’ uniform + 3 more


Story: wts’ uniform


In the late 1960's when the negative conduct of certain Wts came to light and margiis saw this for the first time, then they brought the matter to Sadguru Baba.

Monks or Wts, Wholetimer workers, workers, cadres, karmiis

Then Baba lovingly replied: Why are you thinking that they are holy monks. They are Wts, wholetimer workers, workers, cadres, karmiis. Just like different military and police departments have their particular uniform, in the same way our Wts have their uniform. Because they are dedicated for the society, that is why they have a saffron uniform. Saffron means dedication.

Baba furthermore explained: To do social service, workers are needed; so these people are workers. When the society is itself degraded then we will not get thousands and thousands of very elevated souls. Yet we need thousands and thousands of Wts who will be engaged 24hrs in social service. So that is why our WT system was made.

Baba added: Just as other public departments and organisations have rules and regulations for their cadres, in the same way our cadres also have their conduct rules. And if anybody is not following those rules and instead involving in misdeeds, their conduct will be reviewed by the concerning boards. Because those tattvika, acarya, avadhuta, and purodha boards have been created to rectify and punish wholetimers - as needed. This entire system has been devised for this very purpose. It was certain that negative things were going to happen amongst our Wt ranks, but still society needed dedicated workers to serve the society. So workership and monkhood have nothing to do with each other.

In the last Baba told: If you remove this idea or false expectation from your mind that all our WTs are holy due to their dress, then all your complaints will dissipate.

After hearing this, the margiis did sastaunga pranam to Baba and came out.

Baba exposes those hypocrites hiding in saffron

Baba strongly condemns the person whose cloth is dyed and not the mind. Here in this following quote from Subhasita Samgraha Baba says:

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Nothing will result from dyeing one's clothes with saffron colour only for show. Dye yourself within.  People of some particular religious creeds think that dyeing their clothes or bodies with a particular colour is a part of spiritual Sa'dhana'. But remember that is all useless, unless you are dyed within as well."

Ananda Marga ideology states,

   "Mana na' ra'inga'ile ra'inga'ile yogi ka'par'a.

   Saffron and red do not a yogiis make
   With mind undyed he remains a fake."

"Dye your mind with His colour. Those who have not done so cannot attain Him, for this very coloration is Prema or Divine Love...  No external sign of Sa'dhuta' or virtue is  necessary.  Become sa'dhu  within. Behind the external show of virtuousness of many so-called sa'dhus exists a pharisaic state of mind. Preserve the true dignity of the word, Sa'dhu."

   "Mu'd'a mu'd'a'ye jata' v'ar'aye....

   With shaven head or matted locks
   And ashen body a Sadhu walks
   With the swaggering gait of a well-fed buffalo.
   And crude mind filled with thoughts mean and low."

"That is why I say that you must bring about a revolutionary change in the flow of your judgment and thought, and see how, after overcoming your fascination with external colour, your mind becomes tinged with His glorious colour." (1)

in Him,

Who is worthy of respect

Being a Wt, a person has more scope for sadhana, service and sacrifice, because they are dedicated for this type of life. So if they are sincere in all their conduct rules and deeply engaged in sadhana, service and sacrifice, and their overall conduct is ideal, then surely they should be given proper recognition, regard, and respect. This above letter is related with the dogma of treating someone as holy because of their dress alone. Ananda Marga aims to establish respect based on conduct. If a Wt or margii is of good conduct then accordingly they will get respect. That time has yet to come. We have to bring that era as soon as possible because that is what Baba wants.

1. Subhasita Samgraham - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour

It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:
1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).
2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 
“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”
This will be treated as the standard protocol.

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I will do everything for You

"Áloker path cháŕibo ná ámi, áloker path cháŕibo ná..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0337)


My Parama Purusa, by Your grace, I will not leave the path of sadhana, bhakti, or the path of refulgence. I will tread on the path which You have shown me. By Your mercy and guidance, I will mold myself according to Your desire and make my mind straight and simple. My thoughts, speech, and actions will be one, not three. I shall never bow down before human-shaped animals, to those sinful forces. By Your krpa, I will fight and destroy them. 

Baba, the Supreme Entity, I shall move on the straight path, the road of satya, not the ways of duplicity or hypocrisy. I shall speak the plain satya - frankly, and deeply engage in Your thought, in Your sadhana. I will not extol myself in front of anyone, nor eulogize my own existence, nor propagate my own personality on any occasion. I will never promote myself or invite acclaim. My Lord, You have taught me to propagate the glories of the Supreme. I will sing the grandeur of Parama Purusa - not anyone else - and l will refrain from praising myself.

Parama Purusa, I have come on this earth to do Your work. My Lord, Your váńiis, Your teachings are the vital force of my life. They are my prana dharma and very important for me. I will meditate on my Guru and propagate His greatness. Baba, the Parama Purusa, whether sleeping, dreaming, or when awake and conscious, by Your sweet will I shall not recite, chant, or sing anything but Your holy name...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Treating the elderly

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “A grown up man does not like that others should call him grown up. An old man does not like that others should tell him old. Do you know, why they do not like to be said so? The adults or the aged are nearing death. This means that one is drawing nearer death as one grow up and this is why one does not like to be told grown up or old. Taking this for granted regarding human psychology, you shall arrange for two or three items in the programme for the old to enjoy, so that they may think at least for a short time that they are not old, they have sufficient energy still left in them.”
   “Take pains to see that all join in the utsava. Give full opportunity to all the artists to make a display of their talents in art. Remember that taking food together is a special feature in a utsava, without which half of the pleasure of a utsava is marred.” (1)

1. Táttvika Diipiká (Dvitiiya Parva), Point #4 - Utsava

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Your neighbours, your friends, are suffering from food then

Ananda Marga ideology, “Saḿgacchadhvaḿ” “moving together” does not mean march or double march, here “moving together” means that all portions of society, all portions of the collective body, should have the spirit to move ahead. Suppose you have gathered sufficient money, and there is no dearth of food in your house, but the remaining portion of society, your neighbours, your friends, are suffering from a dearth of money, or food, or clothes. Then it means that you are not following the spirit of “saḿgacchadhvam”. “Saḿgacchadhvam” means to build a strong, well-knit society where there shall be no exploitation, no superiority complex or inferiority complex.” (1)

In all realms, Baba' teachings are crystallized points of dharma - very concise. So to properly understand any guideline or teaching, it demands a little concentration or mental thought. For example a group of fools may think that by walking together to McDonald's for a hamburger they are following samgacchadvam, since they are all "moving together". But that has nothing to do with samgacchadvam.

Here the point is that a literal interpretation of Guru's teachings will never work. Rather greater explanation is needed to get the proper picture. That is why when Baba has given the pin-pointed sutras of Ananda Sutram, then side by side He also gives a purport so that those distilled teachings, i.e. sutras, can be understood in the proper way. This should be done with each and every aspect of Sixteen Points. Because Guru's teaching is distilled and given in seed form.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Saḿgacchadhvaḿ

== Section 4: Links ==

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