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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

I am ghost + 4 more


I am a ghost


Some people due to their defective thought process think that they themselves are ghosts. With their weak mind this happens. Baba explains below.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "When a dream-object, an object of imagination, seems to be absolutely real, in such cases there is also a marked change in the personality also. Being obsessed with ghosts is a case in point. People who are obsessed with ghosts think that they have become the ghost. Being possessed by spirits is yet another case of this type: the affected persons think of themselves as a deity. Now, in order to free their minds from the thought of ghosts, one will have to induce a traumatic jolt in their bodies; one will have to create some sort of frightful circumstance that will startle them. Various methods may be used for this purpose, after which they will realize their error: that they wrongly identified themselves with their mental objects." (1)

Led astray by publishers

The question then comes, how should our Tiljala publishers have printed Baba's discourses where the ghost term appears. Essentially there are a few easy ways our Tiljala publishers could have clarified and averted this issue:

(a) Either our publishers should have inserted an editor's note at the beginning of the chapter indicating that Baba does not mean that ghosts really exist; or,

(b) Our Tiljala publishers should have put the term ghost in quotes, i.e. "ghost".

Then every reader would clearly understand that Baba does not support the existence of those, rather they are so-called ghosts. Unfortunately, those publishers did not print the discourses in that way, thus many readers are led astray, or left to wonder about the veracity / consistency of Sadguru's Baba teachings. That is the tragedy about this wrongdoing by those publishers.

The full Q & A: Do ghosts really exist

Here is Baba's full Q & A about the (non) existence of ghosts. Those who do not have the book can reference that passage below.
"Q. 56 Do ghosts really exist?"

"Ans.: – Those strange figures which we call ghosts are mainly figments of the imagination. When the mind is in a weak or vulnerable state, what was previously created in the imagination now appears to be real."

"In a dream, due to the dormant state of ka'mamaya kos'a, the thought-vibrations of manomaya kos'a appear real (this we call a dream when we wake up). When, due to extreme fear, stupefaction, crudity, or an excessive expression of any ripu or pa'sha, the ka'mamaya becomes temporarily suspended in the next higher kos'a and the imagined objects appear real. This is also the case when a person sees various gods and goddesses. Psychologically, seeing a ghost, god or goddess is the same thing; none of them actually exist."

"When hypnotized by someone, a person starts perceiving things as per the commands of the hypnotist. In this state, when the ka'mamaya is dormant a person feels that his imagined objects are real. Often, weak-minded people see ghosts, gods or goddesses of relatives. Such visions are auto- or outer-positive-hallucinations. Conversely, when people declare the absence of things which are actually present, it is called auto- or outer-negative-hallucination."

"This clarifies that those who emphatically claim that they have seen ghosts are not wrong. It is due to the illusions of the negative or positive hallucinations that they see these things."

"It is also possible for the mental ectoplasm of a strong willed person to force a body-less soul to inhabit a body according to its sam'ska'ra and thus create a ghost. The existence of that so-called ghost depends upon the person’s whims and desires. This type of ghost is not the same as the commonly known ghost. To force a soul to inhabit a body by utilizing one’s mental ectoplasm (citta) is a very bad thing and good people will not do such things simply to show someone a ghost."

"Those who think that ghosts appear periodically with the help of their own ectoplasms to fulfill their desires or to express themselves are wrong. In fact, the ghost is created out of their mental ectoplasm and does not have an independent soul. The soul of the person whose ectoplasm created the ghost is also the witnessing entity of the ghost." (2)

A complex-free mind

When one does proper sadhana, one will have a balanced mind - free from all kinds of fear and complexes.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Maintaining a balanced mind is one of the greatest virtues. There are no complexes in a balanced mind. One neither feels inferior nor superior to others; one never fears anybody nor ever gets perturbed. One maintains a mental balance." (3)

Two solutions

Sadguru Baba has given all the teachings to guide humanity onto the path of truth, including dispelling people of their unfounded fears of "ghosts". All His printed discourses by our Tiljala Publications should complement this idea - not contradict it.

Thus there are a few solutions that can easily be done to correct this matter:
(a) Insert an editor's note at the beginning of such chapters indicating that Baba has declared ghosts really do not exist and that in this particular chapter Baba is using the term in a literary way to describe local dogmas, psychic diseases, or hallucinations etc etc.

(b) Or, just put the term ghosts in quotes - i.e. "ghosts".

That will rectify the matter; then readers will not be misled or confused.

In Him,

1. A Few Problems Solved - 7, The Faculty of Knowledge – 3
2. Tattva Kaomudii - 1, Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy #56
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, The Social Order and Superiority and Inferiority Complexes

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Age of neo-humanism has come

“Nishár avasán holo, purvákáshe raunga elo, taruń aruń d́ák diye bole…” (Prabhat Samgiita #4614)


Now, in the eastern horizon the crimson colour is clearly visible. The night has passed away; the darkness has vanished. Now the rising sun is calling and telling everyone, "Unlatch the doors and windows of your house. Open the entrance way, let the light in, awaken the chamber of your soul, and shake off the dogma of groupism." Indeed the blackness has been removed. The bondage of dogma has disappeared from the mind. A divine age has come.

That which was unrecognizable and unknown in the past, due to the darkness of ignorance, has become familiar and known in the presence of effulgence. All the expressions are part of my family feeling. The birds of distant places are spreading their wings and coming near. Those who were far in the past have become close, my own. Now in the advent of this reddish dawn, the staticity has faded away and each domicile is ready; every heart is welcoming. In days bygone, humans were treating others as distant beings or aliens, but now they can see that all are their own brothers and sisters; whereas yesterday people were thinking that others are foreign - part of some outside faction. By His grace, the realisation has come that, "All are mine." The depravity of the mental realm has faded away. There remains no distinction, no dullness, no bondage. A bright yuga has arrived.

Today, every home has become unlocked and accessible; in that airy dwelling - nothing can impede the refreshing flow of neo-humanism; all have become broad-minded. Humanity is no longer plagued by the rigid outlooks of socio, geo, and religious sentiments. Their vision is expanded - no longer diseased. The rise of a universal fraternity and one cosmic family are entering into their psychic domain. Living beings understand that all are kith and kin. In the past, the intellect was used to exploit others. It was motivated by self, clan, and national interest. Now reason is guided by universal love and neo-humanism. Each and every jiiva, propelled by spiritual nectar, is concerned for the welfare of all. A resplendent epoch has been born.

The grim days of hatred and exploitation have faded away; Baba, by Your krpa, the age of neo-humanism has come..

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They standson their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

So-called justice: how innocent are convicted

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Another glaring example of the neglect of human values is the present judicial system. When arrested, people have to stand in the dock for the accused and face a trial based on evidence and the lawyers eloquence, no matter if they are guilty or not. A criminal who can afford to hire a reputable lawyer may emerge from the legal processes unscathed, whereas an innocent person of meagre financial means who is unable to appoint a good counsel, may end up in prison. If a thief is set free it is a crime, no doubt; but if an innocent person is punished it is a severe dishonour to humanity.” (1)

Note: In His above teaching Baba brings to light the tragedies that occur in society when poor people cannot get a proper attorney. Sadly, in spite of their innocence such impoverished persons get convicted of heinous crimes. On the other side of the coin, wealthy, anti-social criminals hire the more famous, reputed lawyers and are declared innocent.  That is what happens in the US, and other places. Take the case of one innocent poor black man who was unjustly found guilty in a murder case and sentenced to capital punishment. Yet, some selfless, philanthropic attorneys picked up his case and he was freed. But it took a long time, as he spent 30 years behind bars.

Exonerated after wrongful imprisonment

From the “Innocence Project” an innocent person was rescued from death row. And in total there may be thousands upon thousands of such cases.
"The Innocence Project focuses on cases in which DNA evidence is available to be tested or retested. DNA testing is possible in 5-10% of criminal cases...As of July 2017, 351 people previously convicted of serious crimes in the United States had been exonerated by DNA testing since 1989, 20 of whom had been sentenced to death. Almost all (99%) of the wrongful convictions were of males, with minority groups constituting approximately 70%.The National Registry of Exonerations lists 1,579 convicted defendants who were exonerated through DNA and non-DNA evidence from January 1, 1989 through April 12, 2015. According to a study published in 2014, more than 4% of persons overall sentenced to death from 1973 to 2004 are probably innocent." (Courtesy of Wikipedia)
So it is obvious that capital punishment is a terrible blot on human society. When handing down a verdict, no rational judge or jury can say with 100% certainty that justice was done in that particular case.

For instance, if after hanging an innocent person it was discovered he did not do wrong, then what can be done. Nothing - it is too late.  A better, more just, society will ensure that top legal support is provided to all equally, irrespective of one’s financial standing. In addition, that society will understand that setting a criminal  free is not as harmful as convicting an innocent person and sentencing them to death. When that happens, the common people lose faith in the justice system and that is the worst outcome.

That is what has happened amongst the black population in the US. In comparison to white people, innocent black people are dealt very long periods of incarceration. For example, having a single dose of heroin can lead to a 20 year prison sentence, without any option for parole etc.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Social Values and Human Cardinal Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Cure by meditation

Ananda Marga Philosophy teaches us, “Question: If the medicine or mother tincture required for homoeopathic medicine is prepared in a sentient environment which contains positive microvita, will the medicine prepared from that medium or mother tincture have more effect than ordinary medicine available in the market?”

“Answer: There is no doubt that the medicine prepared in a sentient environment by sentient people, from a medium or mother tincture which is also prepared in a sentient environment, will attract more positive microvita than ordinary medicines, so it will have a much greater effect in curing a patient.”

“If a person contracts a disease caused by negative microvita before initiation and does dhyána sincerely after initiation, the disease will not spread but be contained. However, for different types of diseases one has to follow different food restrictions and practice dhyána at specific times.”

“If a person contracts a disease caused by negative microvita after initiation, does dhyána perfectly and follows certain food restrictions, the disease will be completely cured. Dhyána attracts many positive microvita. Negative microvita can only be controlled by positive microvita. The positive microvita eat the negative microvita and this is the reason why the disease is cured. For example, if a person is suffering from jaundice, a disease caused by negative microvita, and if dhyána is practised perfectly, the disease will be cured very quickly. In the case of cancer, say stomach cancer, certain food restrictions will have to be strictly followed. When pain starts in the stomach one should sit for dhyána, but just prior to this one should take some juice from a sweet tasting, not a sour tasting fruit. After performing dhyána, one should take another drink which is different from the first drink. The patient should also avoid any food which causes gas in the stomach, such as pappad, cauliflower, cabbage, turnip, etc.” (1)

1. Microvita in a Nutshell, Questions and Answers on Microvita – Excerpt C

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Gloriously brilliant chapter will come

True Ananda Vanii-- “Just as the advent of the purple dawn is inevitable at the end of the cimmerian darkness of the inter-lunar night, exactly in the same way I know that a gloriously brilliant chapter will also come after the endless reproach and humiliation of the neglected humanity of today. Those who love humanity and those who desire the welfare of living beings should be vigorously active from this very moment, after shaking off all lethargy and sloth, so that the most auspicious hour arrives at the earliest.”  (Ananda Vanii #34)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number but Fake Ananda Vaniis do not have any number. With this formula one can easily recognize which is a true Ananda Vanii and which is fake. Obviously on January 1st 2017, to receive Baba’s blessing, use a True Ananda Vanii, not a fake one.

== Section 3: Links ==
Recent postings
Other topics of interest