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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Alert! Scary situation in AMPS + 2 more


Alert! Scary situation in AMPS


If you study carefully about the situation of AMPS and look around, then you will notice that the majority of Ananda Margiis are of older generations, with grey hair. This is a scary sign. In any household where there are mostly elderly persons and no youths, it indicates the heritage may vanish. That is happening within AMPS also.

“Gita group” is in suicide mode

“Gita group” is not creating any new Wts, so within a few decades the entire Gita group will vanish from the Earth. Whatever property they have will be transferred to their non-Margii and rarely Margii worldly relations.

AM jagrtis could be occupied by s. and hooligans

In H group, the ratio of old to new people is 50:1. In this situation, within a decade, roughly 50% of homes and jagritis will be empty and within two decades, approx 80% will be empty with no one to care for them. The old people will die, and new people are not coming. And within a few decades the properties will naturally get occupied by squatters and hooligans.

AM land could go to homeless & ruffians

The case of B group case is similar. In their meetings, the older generation is more than 80% of those in attendance. The old people will die, and new people are not coming. And, within a few decades, the properties will naturally get occupied by the homeless and ruffians. And some properties will go to the government’s hands as unclaimed property.

Useless to count them

A similar condition exists with family Margiis also across the globe. Because the number of aged margiis are is far higher, the vast majority while new people are rarely coming. In one retreat you may find a few new people, but in the subsequent retreat you will see they are no longer there-- so it is useless to count them. The situation is dire. Whatever energy Baba has given, we should utilize that energy to re-invigorate AMPS.

This is a wakeup call for all those who love the Ananda Marga lifestyle. That if they don’t do something drastic, then the AM lifestyle will die along with them. Because there are no new people following the AM teachings. But there is hope: Pracar is needed, and new people should be brought and nourished and trained etc.

Second scenario: AMPS colour is fading

Another danger in AMPS is that it may remain in the form of a namesake in some form. But its colour will be completely faded, i.e. it will lose its revolutionary qualities and plunge into dogma fully. And AMPS will have lost its purpose. And that is happening very, very quickly before our own eyes. Nowadays new and newer dogmas are being created in order to cheat common people. So-called high-post wts have lost their common sense. They are working hard to degrade AMPS into an outdated religion.

So the situation is not very good. But we should be hopeful and work hard to propagate AM teachings and create more Margiis. By this the situation will take an opposite turn toward a positive direction.

In spite of all these current happenings, I am optimistic that the situation will change. We should do our duty, and Baba will help us rescue the situation and move headlong to spread AM ideology across the planet.

In Him,

Note: The Ananda Giita group is more interested in selling home girls for marriage than making them into Wts. In this way the Giita group is planning and paving the way for their own extinction as once they themselves die there will be no new members to carry on.

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Longing for Innermost

"Prabhu toma'ri liila' tumi bojha'o..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0271)


Prabhu, Your liila is beyond my understanding; please make me comprehend it. You are hiding in the deep core of my heart, yet You do not want to be held. This is Your divine play of hide and seek.  

Parama Purusa, when I see Your sweet charming smile, and listen to Your heart-rendering, attractive flute, then my mind floats in some spiritual world. Please attract me more close and grace me by pulling me near to Your supreme nucleus. 

My Lord, my mind always thinks about You - again and again. In the absence of getting You, I suffer in the pain of Your longing. I even want to forget about You, but that is impossible - I cannot forget. Instead I go on thinking about You and tears roll down from my eyes. 

Baba, please make me understand. You are hiding in the deep core of my heart, yet You do not want to be held. Why?

== Section 3: Links ==
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