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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Why Baba made Wts + 2 more


Why Baba made Wts


Prior to 1962, in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha there was no sannyasi system. So a few family acaryas were mistakenly thinking that Ananda Marga does not appreciate monks or the sannyasi system etc. This was the opinion of some family acaryas in those early days. They were openly talking about this as well. They saw how various religions and other spiritual paths had monks, and they calculated in their own mind that the sannyasi order was not accepted in AM. So they had a negative type of feeling towards the saffron cloth. Plus general margiis were giving high regard and respect to family acaryas.

So two factors were at play here. Firstly, family acaryas were getting great respect. Second, in the working style of AMPS, up to that time Baba had not yet created the system of wholetime workers, i.e. renunciates. So some family acaryas just assumed that sannyasis will never be incorporated into AMPS in the future either.

Why some family acaryas were jealous of Wts

In 1962, Baba created the Wt system. Margiis naturally began giving a lot of respect to wholetimers. Seeing this, some family tattvikas and family acaryas felt jealous. The respect they were getting was shifted towards these new wholetimers. For this reason they did not favour the creation of Wts. They thought, "This new system of Wts is very bad because it has taken away our honour, status, and respect." That is the main reason why some family acaryas became hostile toward Wts.

We can understand that this was nothing but the play of avidya maya. Due to the veil of darkness, i.e. avidya maya, certain family acaryas could not digest Baba's new component: the wholetimer worker cadre . That is why some family acaryas were unhappy. Amongst them all, family acarya Pratapaditya of Gorakhpur was the most despondent. And he was very vocal in expressing his opinion about this so this was not some kind of secret etc. In essence, Pratapaditya and some others mistakenly thought that the creation of Wts in Ananda Marga was merely a temporary measure.

Both Wts & family persons are needed

Baba’s system is that some should dedicate themselves wholly for the cause for the upliftment of general society. And those who wish for a different path should remain as family margiis and lead a family life and serve society as well. If Baba’s system is followed properly then not only our internal 
affairs but we will be able to solve the problems of this entire universe. 
So that is the only way: namely that there should be balanced relations and coordinated cooperation 
between Wts and family persons.

If there are only monks then that will be very bad because there was a time in the history of Buddhism where they were forcing all their youths to become sannyasis. This did not work out well, as there was rampant sexual corruption. The teaching point here is that you cannot force someone to lead the life of a renunciate. It will only work out if the person is motivated from within.

The contrary is that if there are no monks at all. But then who is going to move around the planet and do pracara in all sorts of far and out-of-the-way places. Family people have their laokik relations to take care of - spouse, children, elderly parents - plus they have to manage all sorts of day-to-day affairs. So they cannot move around freely - i.e. unshackled by their various worldly commitments etc.

Wts: activated in moment’s notice

Suppose a natural disaster occurred like an earthquake, and there is an urgent need for relief. Most family people will not be able to leave their jobs and engage 100% in a faraway place to provide support to those victims. That is why there is a need to have a cadre of dedicated wholetimers who can be sent anywhere around the planet. Such Wts can provide relief in all corners of the globe - day or night - at a moment’s notice.  All the while, family people are needed to oversee and provide direction to local social service projects. Because Wts are constantly being transferred, for any local project to endure over the long haul the family margiis will have to be involved.

There are some religions who do not have renunciates; they are comprised exclusively of family people. But family members are limited in how much they can do and where they can go etc. So those religions do not have all the types of social service projects that are needed.


In our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha everything is balanced. Ours is social service organisation. In our AMPS there is a definite role for both Wts and family people. Just as a bird cannot fly with one wing, in the same way our AMPS cannot operate with just sannyasis or family persons. Both are needed. And by this way we are in the best position to do maximum pracara and render maximum social service to uplift humanity. Ananda Marga ideology is the panacea and through the collective media of both family margiis and wholetime workers, we will be able to spread Sadguru’s teachings to one and all.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Liila of Ta’raka Brahma: affection & discipline

In those early days – long before 16 Points was introduced – when DMC was 
going on then Baba used to personally check and review how margiis were 
following yama and niyama. He would point out margiis on various aspects of life 
such as not taking proper food, or taking bribes etc. And He would mock punish them also. This was going on in the presence of one 
and all. Under this pressure combined with His deep love, those margiis became very 
disciplined and strict. AMPS was known as a collection 
of staunch moralists. This was the common feeling that time.

So it is just 
His grace because in those early days margiis became extremely strict on yama and 
niyama and the reputation of Ananda Margiis was very good in the society as they were known for their strong conduct and good 
character. And all the while Baba was checking, pointing out, and mock punishing those sadhakas. Of course every bhakta understands that the liila of Baba doling out mock punishment was actually His sublime grace. In those special sessions, Baba would purify those sadhakas and remove their samskaras by the drama of scolding and mock punishment. Those recipients only felt His divine love and blessing and afterwards their mind was so pure they could easily slip into deeper dhyana, by His grace.

Hence there was no difference between the early and later days on the point 
of love and mock punishment. All along love and mock punishment were being expressed 
side by side. Whether the year was 1990 or in their early 1950s when Pranay Kumar Chatterjee was initiated, there was hardly any 
difference in this regard. It is not that in those early days Baba was only 
sweet and not mock punishing anyone. As the Supreme Sadguru Baba always mock punishes and loves.

Excessive love and affection spoils

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Nigrahánugrahe shakto gururityabhidhiyate: “One who is capable of  punishing or rewarding one’s followers is called a Guru, a true teacher”. Only one who can discipline as well as love a person, can be called a Guru. One who only punishes a person is not a Guru, and one who only loves is also not a Guru. Rather he or she is an enemy, for excessive love and affection spoils a person. Only one who does both these things is a real Guru. That is why people should be trained with both love and  punishment. Where love fails, punishment helps. Medicine is not necessarily always sweet; sometimes bitter medicines are necessary as well. Patients often refuse to swallow bitter medicines; they cry in protest. But the ideal physician will force the patient to swallow the medicine. This is the proper way.” (1)

Since the very early days Baba was showering His grace in the form of strong mock punishment, and of course all felt His 
eternal compassionate love as well.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 5, Shrávańii Púrńimá

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: News ==

Eye-opening news about betrayal by AM school teacher

      आप लोगों को विश्वास नहीं होगा जो कि मेरे साथ आनंद मार्ग जागृति हिसार हरियाणा में हुआ। दादा धर्ममित्रानंद जी के DS हिसार रहते हुए यहां जागृति का निर्माण कार्य हुआ था, उस समय के मुक्ति - प्रधान श्री हवासिंह नैन जी के अथक प्रयास से जमीन की व्यवस्था की गई और मास्टर हरपाल जी के नाम पर जमीन की रजिस्ट्री करने की सहमति हुई क्योंकि वे बहुत एक्टीव एवं विश्वसनीय मार्गी थे। सभी मार्गियों एवं नांन मार्गियों के आर्थिक सहयोग से जागृति बनीं।
    मास्टर हरपाल सपरिवार बीच वाले फ्लोर पर रहते थे , नीचे वाले फ्लोर पर meditation hall तथा मार्ग - कार्यक्रम के लिए था और सबसे ऊपर में सन्यासी दादाओ के रहने व्यवस्था थी। 
अभी कुछ दिनों पहले कमरे की मरम्मत करने के बहाने , ऊपर वाला भाग खाली करने के लिए दबाव डालने लगा, मेरे मना करने पर वह गाली-गलौज करने लगा और गला पकड़ कर खींचते हुए मारने लगा मैं बचाव के कोशिश में फर्स पर गिर पड़ा , मेरे गिरते ही उसने एक पैर पकड़ निचे सिंडी से फेंकने का प्रयास करने लगा तब तक मैंने दुसरा पैर को रेलिंग से रोकें रखा। यह आवाज सुनकर निचे से उनकी पत्नी , बड़ी बेटी और बेटा दर्शन आए और बीच-बचाव कर छुड़ाएं अन्यथा कुछ भी हो सकता था।
यह घटना होते देख, बेटे ने खींच कर नीचे ले गया  और पिता को डांट रहा था कि दादा को हाथ लगाकर गलत किया। पत्नी और बेटा ने जो हुआ उसके लिए माफी मांगी लेकिन जागृति भवन को , वे स्वयं की property मानने में सब परिवार एक साथ है। दावा करते हैं कि यह building हमारी है और हमने बनाया है। सबसे बड़ी भूल हुई कि विश्वास करके उनके नाम रजिस्ट्री किया गया। पहिले कई बार जागृति के समस्या को हल करने के लिए मीटिंग्स हुईं लेकिन मास्टर हरपाल अन्य बेतुकी मामले रखकर उलझा कर रखता था।
   मुझे धमकियां देता है कि फणीशानंद को मास्टर- युनिट में भी नहीं रहने दुंगा, और हिसार अौर हरियाणा में भी घुसने नहीं दुंगा। कितने घंमड में चुर है।एक दिन दो मार्गियों के साथ कुछ अपना ज़रुरी सामान लेने गया तो उनकी पत्नी ने मुझे रोका, कहा  कि आपकी यहां आने हिम्मत कैसे हुई, अभी कोई आदमी नहीं है, मैंने कहा अपनी जागृति में आने के लिए किस बात पर है? जवाब मिला ; यह मेरा घर है मैंने बनाया है। इसके बाद इधर आने की कोशिश भी मत करना , गेट के सामने या गली में दिखाई नहीं देना, अन्यथा बेटा को बोलकर एक मिनिट में अन्दर करा दुंगी। 
यहां के मार्गी लोग मास्टर से बात करना चाहते हैं लेकिन वह भागे फिरता है। मार्ग के साथ विश्वासघात किया गया, ऐसा किसी ने सोचा भी नहीं था। हमारे पास कोई कानूनी साक्ष्य नहीं है केवल विश्वास के। आशा करता हूं बाबा उनको सत् बुद्धि दे। बाबा कृपा हि केवलम्

आचार्य फणीशानंद अवधूत 
७४०४३ ६२०३९

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Negative effect of patriotism

Prout philosophy states, "According to PROUT, there are two types of sentiments – positive sentiments and negative sentiments. Positive sentiments are synthetic in nature. They unite society and elevate humanity, enhance collective interests and encourage progressive development. Negative sentiments are narrow in scope and divide society...Some negative sentiments include communalism, patriotism, nationalism, provincialism, lingualism, and racism." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution

== Section 3: Links ==
Recent postings
Other topics of interest