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Sunday, May 7, 2023

Story: with Baba + 5 more

Story: with Baba


At the time, I was working as an LFT in one of our Ananda Marga schools as a teacher. I had a strong desire to become a wholetimer, but had some hesitation as well.

On various occasions, by His grace, I had gotten the opportunity to see Baba. Always He told me so many things about my life: what mistakes I had made in the past, where I had been, as well as what I was feeling and thinking during specific incidents. Baba even recounted my dreams. It was quite apparent that He knew everything about me.

After being a margii for about 4 - 5 years, I began to see how Baba knew everything - not just about me, but about everybody. I used to talk with various margiis from all different areas, and they told about their personal experiences with Baba. Time and again, sadhakas from diverse lands expressed how He was aware about their every thought and dealing. Regardless with whom I spoke, always the outcome was the same: Baba knew everything about everybody. That was everyone's experience.

Talking to senior margii

One day, as I was travelling with a senior margii on the train, we had a similar discussion. And I asked him about the philosophical basis for why Baba knows everything. 

Specifically I inquired, “How does Baba know everything about everyone? How does He know everybody's thoughts and deeds?”

The margii responded that, “When you create a horse in your mind then naturally you will know everything about that horse - because it is within your mind, not outside it. Similarly, for Parama Purusa Baba, all are within His mind - this entire creation - nothing is outside His mind. So naturally He will know everything about everyone.”

Hearing this I got my answer. Human beings must assimilate external knowledge within - that is knowing. To know anything one must read, study and depend upon external knowledge. In the case of Parama Purusa, it is just the opposite. Everything is within His mind. He need not take any extra effort to know anything.

Everything is within His mind

   Ananda Marga ideology says, “How does Parama Puruśa remember so many things? Here lies the difference between human beings and the Supreme Entity; He does not learn only to forget; in fact He does not even learn – He just knows. Everything is within His mind.”
   “What is the knowing faculty? Knowing means subjectification of external objectivity, and as there is nothing outside of Him, so the question of subjectivisation does not arise at all. For Him everything is internal; He does not know things by turning the pages of books to see what is written therein. As everything is within His mind, He already knows everything. Tatra niratishayam sarvajiṋabiijam: rtambhará tatra prajiṋá: Whatever was and whatever will be in future is all known to the Supreme Cognitive faculty.” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “He is the Supreme Progenitor, all are His children. He cannot hate anybody, although He knows everything. He knows what you did, He knows what you said, He knows what you thought, because everything is within His mind. [Everything is] a Macropsychic conation.” (2)

By regular sadhana, one day every sadhaka will also reach that state.

in Him,
Praphulla Dhar

~ In-depth study ~

Without having any Intelligence Agency to inform Him

 Ananda Marga ideology says, “This Puruśa possesses infinite knowledge: He knows the inner essence of every mind of all living beings. Even the most hidden thoughts of an individual are known to Him, for the thinking power of all creatures comes from Him, and without His energy they cannot think anything, even for a single moment. Whenever human beings think something, He immediately knows it. Thinking is actually like talking within: that inner vibration of mind is immediately caught by Parama Puruśa. Not only one’s thoughts, but all the inferences you perceive – sound, touch, form, taste and smell – and whatever actions you perform, are immediately known by Him. Without vibration, no sensation can be perceived and no action can be performed; and all these vibrations are within His infinite body. Everything in this universe is vibrational, and all the vibrations first emanate from Him and finally merge in Him. Thus He comes to know of everything – and without having any Intelligence Agency to inform Him!” (3)

Whatever that rhinoceros is thinking you are hearing

    Ananda Marga ideology teaches us, “Suppose you are creating a rhinoceros in your mind and that rhinoceros is moving within your mind. Whatever that rhinoceros is doing, you are seeing. Whatever that rhinoceros is saying, you are hearing. And whatever that rhinoceros is thinking you are hearing. Whatever the rhinoceros does, there and then it is being witnessed by you. No activities, no thought waves, of that rhinoceros, are a secret for you – you know everything. And whatever is being done in the Universe is nothing but a mental creation of Parama Puruśa. Everything is within His mind. He is the Macrocosm, and everything is microcosm.”
   “So each and every man is moving within His mind. Everything is within Him, nothing is without. Whatever is being done He sees, He knows, He feels. This universe is nothing but a mental projection of that Parama Puruśa.” (4)

 Ananda Marga ideology says, “This Puruśa is all-pervasive, all-pervading – because for Him everything is internal, psychic. When the entire town of Ernakulam comes within your mind, no space remains a secret for you, you see everything. Similarly, this entire universe is within His mind; that’s why He sees everything, He knows everything. And nothing of the past, nothing of the future, is a secret for Him. There cannot be an iota of secrecy or an iota of confidentiality for Him.” (5)

About the above story

The above is the first-hand account of Ac Bhavashuddhananda Avt.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Supramundane Heritage and Supramundane Desideratum
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, The Causal Matrix
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, Puruśa
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, The Supreme Witness and the Great Thief
5. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Unit Spirit and Cosmic Spirit


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

How to be worry-free

  Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Now everywhere, in cent per cent of the cases, there is wastage of human psychic potentiality. The psychic potentialities of human beings are immense, but people do not utilize them because most of their valuable time is wasted in undesirable thoughts, in psychic extravaganza...wasted in petty or useless activities. How much time do
people really get to devote to worthwhile tasks?"
  "This psychic extravaganza should be checked either by physical approach, or psychic approach, or by spirituo-psychic approach..."
  "I have already said that the scope of rationality and rationalization should be increased more and more, and for this, unnecessary waves should be removed from the plane of physicality. From the psychic sphere also, unnecessary waves are to be removed. This will remove many burdens from the mind. 'I must not bother about petty things, because that will waste my time' - people should remember this. This removal or rather withdrawal of unnecessary and undesirable thoughts emanated from the mind will help you in rationalizing the major portion of your mental faculty, so this must also be practised." (1)

Verily, in Baba’s above guideline He he clearly sets forth some key concepts:
(a) One should think of Parama Purusa all the time - i.e. all the 24hrs;
(b) When engaged in any type of mundane work - personal, family, social etc - then one must think and ideate that it is His work.

When a person adheres to these aforementioned principles then that is proper use of one’s psychic potentiality; failure to follow these principles results in misuse of one’s psychic potentiality, i.e. extravaganza.

Next Baba guides how to treat one who suffers from this type of improper thinking or extravaganza:
(a) Firstly, one should be removed - or remove oneself - from that physical environment;
(b) Next, such negative thinking must be removed from one’s own mind;
(c) Then one must goad the mind to Parama Purusa.

In result, one will have proper sadhana and be free from worry.

1. Yoga Psychology, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Path of Ananda Marga

Ananda Marga Shabda Cayanika states, “The common people, let alone the master artists, know that sound is not emitted if the strings are loosened too much and the soft and delicate strings snap if they are tightened too much. Human life is also like this. If one practises too much austerity (in some cases, if one makes a parade of austerity), tender human sensitivities snap and break into smithereens’ the soft, delicate parts of the mind get charred and petrified. On the other hand, if life is made akin to a loose string, the nobler yearnings of life will never be fulfilled. In other words, that kind of life degenerates into the life of an animal characterized only by bathing, eating and sleeping. Hence one must never allow the string of life to be loose. But also the string of life should not be left to snap due to excessive strain. The ideal course of life is neither left-oriented nor right-oriented. This kind of life will be conspicuous by the absence of strife, mayhem or horror of the leftists and of toleration of injustices by the rightists in their loose, careless and sloppy life. It is this ideal course that will usher in a life worth yearning for a super-human existence, divinely exquisite and shining brightly on the banner of gold.” (1)

Note: In the above quote Baba is explaining how Ananda Marga is the middle path. The rule of Ananda Marga is neither the lazy way of praying to nature or idol worship like the loose path, nor is it the path of extreme penance like standing on one leg for 20 years or sitting on lit fire like avidya tantrikas. Ananda Marga is the ideal path. We follow 16 Points very strictly.

One should know that Ananda Marga is the middle path. Strictly following 16 points is the middle path. In His above teaching, Baba is referring to (a) avidya tantrikas who are very extreme in their penance and (b) idol worshippers. The middle point is Ananda Marga. Sadhakas should be very strict in 16 points. That is what is being taught in the above guideline.

1. Shabda Cayanika - 8, Invention of Various Musical Instruments

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Main obstacle to world government

Prout states, "The more time is passing by, the more the glare of casteism, provincialism, communalism and nationalism is fading away. The human beings of today must understand that in the near future they will definitely have to accept universalism. So those who seek to promote social welfare will have to mobilize all their vitality and intellect in the endeavour to establish a world organization, abandoning all plans to form communal or national organizations. They will have to engage themselves in constructive activities in a straight-forward manner, instead of resorting to duplicity and deceitfulness."

"Many people say that divergent national interests are the only impediments to the formation of a world organization, or a world government. But I say this is not the only obstacle, rather it is just a minor impediment. The main obstacle is the apprehension of local leaders that they will lose their leadership. With the establishment of a world government, the total domination which they exercise today in their respective countries, societies and nations will cease to exist." (1)

1. Problems of the Day #19

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Youths get ruined by degraded artists

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The youth of a country are attracted to artists; it is therefore the duty of society and the state to monitor these artists ideals and character. Otherwise they may exert a harmful influence on young men and women who are the future hope of society. For this reason it is essential for artists to have impeccable conduct, a healthy lifestyle and strength of character. If those whom youths respect as ideal men and women possess an ideal character, the characters of those whom they influence will no doubt also be positively  affected. In addition, ideal artists and actors who have a strong character will be able to express their artistic brilliance more sweetly and completely. Characterless, drunken or greedy artists will be considered liabilities by their fans and society." (1)

In materialistic societies, the visual and performing arts (movies, pop songs, theater, dance, drama, paintings etc) become a primary vehicle of degradation. That is because degenerated people become the stars and the youths emulate what those degrading artists do. In this way, from one generation to the next, baser values are inculcated. It is a self-perpetuating cycle of steeper and steeper decline until all art forms essentially become lewd displays. A key way to positively affect society is to harness this art and entertainment industry and goad it towards sentient pursuits. Artists should not be allowed to go against the strict moral code of yama and niyama. That is the only way to save society from a torturous fall. If degraded artists become venerated stars in society, that will surely ruin those impressionable youths and bring about the downfall of society. That is why Baba has given this strict warning: Artists must be of impeccable character.

1. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations

== Section 3: Links ==

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