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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Varieties of Wts + News: Dada's ill health + 3 more


Varieties of Wts


Amongst our Wt cadre, there are some who only follow their Wt conduct rules when in the presence of others; if no one is around to watch them, they do not adhere to the codes. So on those occasions when they are forced to abide by those conduct rules, due to pressure of circumstance, they feel suffocated because those rules are not part of their way of life.

Whereas, real Wts always strictly adhere to their Wt conduct rules - in all conditions. They think, "It is my bounden duty to please Baba and since Baba is everywhere watching then I should always follow His stated rules." In that case, their existence becomes one with those rules. It becomes their nature. Their life is smooth and natural, and they never veer from those rules - regardless of whether they are alone or with others. For them, those codes of conduct are their golden rules, i.e. their cherished way of life.

How can deficient Wts improve? Those Wts who are not strict should start thinking that these rules are for their benefit. They should try to strictly follow the conduct rules - at all times, in all circumstances. They should ask for Baba's grace and aim to be a real Wt. Sadguru Baba is grace-personified, so if those workers are sincere they will quickly realise that these rules are not a burden, but rather a meaningful tool for transforming themselves from animal life, to human life, and ultimately to life divine.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Acárańát páthayati yah sah ácáryah – “One who teaches through one’s conduct is an ácárya.” If one’s conduct is not exemplary, he or she is not an ácárya/á." (1)

Inner inspiration and self-discipline

Baba's given Wt conduct rules are a form of self-discipline. No one can possibly force anyone else to follow these rules. The desire must come from within. One must feel that, "Guru has given these rules for my welfare and by following them I will become a true avadhuta." This type of inner feeling is the key point.

For example here are a few of those rules:
  • (a) WT Conduct Rule: "No relationship should exist with worldly family." (2)
  • (b) WT Conduct Rule: "Avadhuta (WT) shall not touch food by a mean-minded person. He will also not take food in a hotel or a restaurant. Even sattvika food taken in a restaurant will be treated as tamasik." (3)
  • (c) WT Conduct Rule: "Under no circumstances should the purity of the body and mind be polluted." (4)
 And there are many more rules - all of which one should inculcate from within. If one is thinking that, “I only need follow such rules when others are around”, then they will never be able to enjoy the sweetness and richness of Wt life.

So the vital point is that the inspiration must come from within. If one feels that Baba has beautifully given all the do's and don'ts to live the life of a true sadhu / Wt, then one will readily embrace all the conduct rules. And indeed one will become a true wholetimer of Ananda Marga. But it all starts from within - with inner inspiration and self-discipline. Without that, one will not be able to follow.

Practising due to pressure of circumstance

Some Wts lack a strong urge to incorporate the Wt conduct rules into their daily life. In that case they will be living dangerously - inviting their downfall at any moment. Each and every day will be a sheer struggle. They will be prone to all kinds of baser propensities and hidden desires. And they will not follow Baba's stated guidelines. Yet, they are walking around in that uniform, i.e. saffron dress. In that case, they will have to adhere to some of the rules on certain occasions, such as during reporting or when surrounded by margiis and other workers. Those deficient Wts cannot cheat on the rules in those times. They will be pressured to follow when others are around. In that case, they will feel that those rules are a burden.

Conclusion: Inspiration must come from within

The operating factor here is cultivating the requisite desire and discipline from within to follow Baba's divine rules. This is how one inculcates all those Wt rules. This inner inspiration relates to each and every endeavour in life. Imposition from without will never drive a person to success. If one wants to an artist, a parent, a lawyer, a chef, a mechanic or anything in this world, the inspiration must come from within. Then one will easily be able to assess the situation and do the needful in order to get success.

Whenever anyone does anything due to external pressure alone then failure is certain. Because when that external pressure is in absentia, one will proceed in a different direction. So whether one's desire is to become a Wt, or a student-athlete, or a businessman, the feeling and drive must be from within.

In Him
Parama Deva

~ In-depth study ~

Great asset to society

It is important to have a strong cadre of Wts. This everyone in Ananda Marga values highly. And Baba has embedded this secret into His special guidelines and codes of conduct. In particular, Baba has graciously given this rule:

Wt Conduct Rule #32 says, "While observing the above rules (i.e. Rules for Avadhuta #1 - #31), if any contravention of a rule occurs within a year from the start of the training, then the trainee shall have to undergo training for one more year from the day of the contravention of the rules." (5)

At the same time we all know that Baba's each and every guideline provides us the perfect manner to advance on the path and embody His teachings. Those who wish to become true Wts should view the aforementioned rules.

We should all be aware that Baba's Wts rules are indeed meant to be followed. Those rules are the baseline for having a joyous and productive existence as an avadhuta. So everyone wishing to become a true Wt must cultivate the yearning and develop that inner urge, by His grace. Then one will be a grand asset to society.

Strictly adhering to Baba's stated conduct rules

Wt conduct rule says, "...The trainee shall have to undergo training for one year more from the day of the contravention of the rules." (6)

In the above conduct rule, Baba is addressing all those who yearn to be ideal workers. Baba is addressing all who have a sincere desire to live the life of a true WT. By incorporating these conduct rules into their mode of living and daily practice, aspirants will easily manage the duties and responsibilities. They will easily adjust to avadhuta life.

Indeed, such persons will truly enjoy and savour every living moment as a WT and they will discharge their duties effortlessly while their mind remains ensconced in Him. That is the great benefit of strictly adhering to Baba's stated conduct rules. There is no question of any distraction nor any frustration.

Inner urge

If one is unable to incorporate the WT conduct rules before becoming WT then they will certainly not be able to incorporate them upon becoming an avadhuta. Whereas, with the right effort one will get success. The entire application and practice of the Wt rules comes from an inner urge, not any imposed law etc. And what is that desire or inner urge? To please Guru and manifest all Baba's given codes of conduct in all spheres of life. That is the only way to become a true Wt. That inner desire is key.

Tragically, those walking around in saffron and skimping on those rules are nothing but fakes. They should stand naked in front of the mirror and seriously consider their existence. Such introspection is needed. Best is to bring all those points within the domain of one's mind and lead an ideal life. Being a Wt is a way of life; and it is based on strictly adhering to Baba's stated conduct rules.

If one is already a Wt and not following the conduct rules, then they are bound to do something wrong. They will harm themselves and / or those around them. The general assumption is that by the time one receives avadhuta diiksa, they are already well-grounded in these rules. At that point the rules are merely a reminder. Whereas when one is aiming to become a mature Wt, that is the period to implement those points and develop right living practices. Failing to follow those conduct rules will only make Wt life a waste of time. It will be torture and torment for that so-called worker, and they will be prone towards scandalous behaviours.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action
2. 32 Rules for Avadhutas / Avadhutikas, Rule no. 9
3. 32 Rules for Avadhutas / Avadhutikas, Rule no. 20
4. 32 Rules for Avadhutas / Avadhutikas, Rule no. 30
5. 32 Rules for Avadhutas / Avadhutikas, Rule no. 32
6. 32 Rules for Avadhutas / Avadhutikas, Rule no. 32

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You want to see all move together

"Álor sáyare d́heu jágáyecho, alakár sudhá jharáyecho, tumi..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0865)


O’ Parama Purusa, You have created huge tidal waves in the ocean of divine refulgence, and You are showering the nectar of the immortal world. After dispelling the dark fog of avidya and staticity, You have graciously brought the crimson dawn.

O’ Parama Purusa, those human minds burning in the three afflictions (trit’ap) - physical, psychic, and spiritual - of the past, present, and future, You have quenched and satiated their thirst for the infinite. To the those dumb, inert, crude, materialistic,human minds You have given the message of liberation and taught them a dharmic way of life. You have done everything.

O’ Parama Purusa, Baba, You want to see that all humans, animals, and plants, animate and inanimate objects move together in harmony by eliminating the distinction between each and every entity across this entire creation. For this reason, You painted the picture of a brilliant, new era, along with the emergence of proper intellect and the sublime teachings of neo-humanism. Everything You have done..

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #0865

[1] Trit’ap: three afflictions: Ananda Marga ideology states, “Human capacity is very limited – we cannot ignore this truth. Human afflictions are trifarious: physical, psychic and spiritual. The physical afflictions originate from the material world and the psychic afflictions from the unmanifest world or human mind. In some countries of the world people have abundant supplies of food and clothes, but are they happy? No, they too suffer from pains and miseries, troubles and diseases. They too mourn the loss of their nearest and dearest ones. These are psychic afflictions. Next are the spiritual afflictions. The periphery of human mind is small, and this small mind remains engrossed with limited objects. The mind must be raised above these limited objects, above the world of limited happiness, into the limitless spiritual world. Limited psychic wealth is the root cause of spiritual afflictions. The state of breaking the bondages of limitations is known as “spiritual liberation.” When that liberation is permanent it is called “salvation”.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, Artha and Paramártha

== Section 3: News ==

Sambhutyananda's ill health: ostracized by groups


Yesterday night we received news that Sambhutyananda Dada is seriously ill and there is no one to take care of him. Because Sambhutyananda Dada was expelled from Kolkata group long ago. Thereafter he did not join any group. Now Neither Kolkata group nor Ranchi group nor 3rd front is ready to take care of him.

Sambhutyananda Dada stays near "Pindra jora" (10 km from Bokaro) in a building bought and constructed by him.

​in Him

== Section 4: Important Teaching ==

Non-violence as useless as materialism

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who don’t accept this spiritual ideology will have to be kept under some social or external pressure to check the greed of usurping others’ property. Proper education will also have to be imparted. However, it should be borne in mind that merely exerting circumstantial pressure is not enough. This pressure tactic will no longer be necessary once the ideology is accepted. Those who believe in spiritual ideals, but don’t believe in the policy of exerting external pressure, in other words, the application of physical force, will find it utterly impossible to achieve their goals. In this world there are many people who pay a deaf ear to pious appeals. On such people social or other types of pressure will have to be imposed. No problem will ever be solved if one waits indefinitely for their consciousness to be awakened. Like materialism, spirituality based on non-violence will be of no benefit to humanity. The words of non-violence may sound noble, and quite appealing but, on the solid ground of reality, have no value whatsoever.” (1)

1. Tattva Kaomudii - 1, Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy, #45)

== Section 5: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest
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This email contains five sections:
1. PS #0865: You want to see all move together
2. Posting: Varieties of Wts
3. News: Sambhutyananda's ill health: ostracized by groups
4. IT: Non-violence as useless as materialism
5. Links