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Sunday, May 27, 2018

Black Jews are hated by White Jews: Israel + 3 more


Black Jews are hated by White Jews: Israel


Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Human beings will have to expand themselves so much that they will go beyond the fetters of limitations. There cannot be and should not be an inferiority or superiority complex in anybody. Those who preach individual racial superiority are committing sins. They are going against human dharma.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Tantra does not recognize any racial, genealogical, political, national or economic differences among human beings, but it does give recognition to individual Tantra only the ideal human gets the honour.” (2)

Those who adhere to racial divisions are anti-social elements

Note: According to the tenets of Ananda Marga philosophy, all humans are one - one people, one family. Those who adhere to caste and racial divisions are anti-social elements. They are the enemies of our human society. Because all are created by Parama Purusa. When the Father is one there cannot be different races and castes amongst His children. Theists who believe in Parama Purusa do not fall prey to casteism and racism. Believing in Parama Purusa and adhering to such dogmas (i.e. casteism and racism) are mutually exclusive; they cannot co-exist. If someone sticks to casteism and racism, it means their father is not Parama Purusa but someone else.

Black Jews are, harassed, and victimised by white Jews

In Israel, most are Jewish. Yet within that umbrella of Judaism there are both white Jews and black Jews. Both are Jews, yet on racial grounds, those black Jews are mistreated, harassed, and victimised by the dominant group, i.e. the white Jews. Finally, when those black or African / Ethiopian Jews were pushed to the edge and could not tolerate it any one, they waged a violent protest. Not much different from the violent protests that have erupted amongst the African American community in the US against the dominant white population. In the US, both whites and blacks are predominantly Christian. So it is not a religious divide - it is a racial divide. Just like what is unfolding nowadays in Israel. Within the Jewish community in Israel, there is a racial divide between whites and blacks.

Israel and the US are suffering from racism

While Israel and the US are suffering from racial divides, and ensuing violence, the comparable situation in India is the hatred along caste divisions. Thus the racial tensions in the west, and other regions prone to racial discrimination, are similar to the exploitation of casteism in India. But India’s situation is far better. Because lower caste people get all kinds of privileges via affirmative action policies. That is why their situation is comparatively better. They face discrimination on the religious plane, but not in the socio-politico-economic spheres.

In Him

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Universality in Race, Language, Religion and Culture
2. Discourses on Tantra - 2, Tantra and Its Effect on Society

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

On the raft of Your is’t’a mantra

"Tomár námer bheláy bhásie dilum práń...” (Prabhat Samgiita #0724)


O' Parama Purusa, I set my whole existence afloat on the raft of Your supreme name. I do not want anything from You. Desiring something from You is like death itself. I do not know what I need or what will happen tomorrow in my life. That is why it is foolishness and deadly to ask for anything; it only invites danger. Whatever I truly require, You always provide for me. I set my everything afloat on the boat of Your auspicious name.

Baba, in Your beauty, melody, and sweet love, attuning my unit rhythm with Your cosmic rhythm, I will go on singing Your song. In my heart the resonance of Your tune will lead me along. I set my whole life afloat on the raft of Your supreme name.

Baba, You applied the collyrium of absolute knowledge unto my drowsy and tired eyes. With the strength of that unique blessing, I shall bathe in the nectar of salvation. I set my all afloat on the ship of Your eternal name.

Baba, with Your beautiful rhythms, songs, tunes, melodies, attraction, and with the pull of Your infinite love, my voyage advances towards the deep core my inner self. I set my whole existence afloat on the boat of Your name, in Your prema, and Your causeless grace…

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #0724:

[1] Making Request is Deadly: In the first stanza it is expressed that in when one must have faith and surrender in His name then life sails ahead smoothly. Because a person does not know their own needs. They do not know what is food for them. So best is to never ask anything from Parama Purusa. Rather, asking Him could be utterly disastrous – even deadly. Because already He has prepared the best path possible for you. And by asking, that can change the course of life. For instance, if one female asks for a handsome spouse, then that may be granted, yet that dashing spouse may become the cause of domestic violence and make life like living hell or even suicide. And here is on real incident. One drug addict prayed and beseeched to God again and again to please grant him illicit drugs, and reluctantly God approved that request. So that addict got those drugs and after a few days he died of an overdose.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Prayer is the act of asking for a favour with earnestness. It also means a solemn petition addressed to the Supreme Being for certain benefits. One prays to God for something which one does not possess or thinks one does not possess. One asks God for these favours with the faith that He alone can bestow everything and by His mere wish all wants can be satisfied. By prayer or by begging one wants to awaken His wish so that one may be granted the things one lacks. Does not one’s attempt to rouse the wish of God to fulfil these needs, upon careful and rational thinking, appear to be a reminder to God to give one something of which God has kept one deprived? It would otherwise not be necessary to remind Him in prayer of that thing or to try to arouse His wish to give. For instance, if one is in need of money, one would, with the faith that God alone can give, pray to Him for the favour of giving one money. Does not this request show God’s fault in keeping one in want of money, when He alone can give it? God alone is blamed for it, and by praying to Him for money one is precisely pointing out to Him His partiality in not giving one the money one needed. Therefore, prayer or asking for favours from God is only pointing out to the Sole Giver His mistakes in the distribution of His favours. It only presumes lack of impartiality in Him, and that is why He is blamed for making some very rich and others very poor. Praying to God for favours is only to bring to His notice the charge of partiality levelled against Him. When prayer leads to such a conclusion, it is only ignorance to ask for favours.” (1)

1. Ánanda Márga: Elementary Philosophy, How Should Human Beings Live In This World?

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Why He comes as Taraka Brahma

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Now why does He come in contact with the quinquelemental factors? Why does He come within the jurisdictions of the temporal-spatial-personal factors, these three fundamentally-related factors?  What's the cause?  There are two reasons. One thing is, the human intellect may get satisfaction after coming in psychic contact with the Impersonal Entity, but the human heart is not satisfied with that Impersonal Entity. The human heart wants something closer, something more sentimental, something more pleasing. And that's why just to satisfy, just to give pleasure to, His progeny, He comes within the scope of these relative factors.  Parama Purus'a becomes Ta'raka Brahma. And the second reason is that in this created world, in this universe, each and every progress is a progress through clashes and cohesion.  And human beings must have sufficient intellectual stamina to move forward, fighting against all those pebbles of obstacles.  When the human intellect fails to do something new in helping society to move forward, Parama Purus'a finds no alternative but to bring Himself within the scope of the temporal-spatial-personal factors just to guide the depraved and degenerate human society." (1)

Note: In the above guideline, there are two distinct points. According to Ananda Marga philosophy, firstly, Parama Purusa comes as Taraka Brahma to satisfy the longing of His bhaktas who yearn to have a personal relationship with the Supreme Entity. Secondly, Parama Purusa has come as Taraka Brahma to wipe away the existing dogmas and hurdles give the guidelines to build up a bright, new human society.

When Parama Purusa remains as an impersonal Entity then the heart of the bhakta does not get satisfied. And when He comes in human form and teaches and guides the way to reach to Him, then He teaches sadhana also. And with that support, bhaktas reach Him.

The process of dhyana can link from form to formlessness. That is why the culmination of dhyana is the merging into formlessness - dissolving the mind.

Bhaktas always feels that Baba is residing in their heart. We see in the history of mysticism, each and every bhakta in the world felt that the Parama Purusa is with them. Bhaktas feel that Baba is living in their heart. 

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, The Coming of Táraka Brahma

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #0742: On the raft of Your is’t’a mantra
2. IT: Black Jews are hated by White Jews: Israel
3. IT: Why He comes as Taraka Brahma
4. Links