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Friday, October 27, 2023

Great thinkers + 3 more


Great thinkers


In His discourses Baba cites the names of various spiritual leaders and thinkers: Bhagavan Buddha, Bhagavan Mahaviira Jain, Bhagavan Shankaracarya, Caetanya Mahaprabhu, Tulsi, Kabir Das, Surdas, Mirabai, Ramprasad, Chandidas, Ramakrsna, Vidyapati, and Swami Vivekananda etc. Plus Baba refers to various social thinkers: Ravindranath, Subhasa Chandra Bose, Mahatma Gandhi, and Karl Marx etc. And Baba refers to numerous poets: Padmadanta, Jaya Deva, Valmiki, Rahim, Raskhan, Saraha, Rupgoswami, Krttivas, Bhusuku, Bharat Chandra, and Mr. Carl Sandburg, etc.

Whose photos putting on the wall

Some readers think that Baba has approved of that person and all their teachings so they started buying their books and putting their photos on the wall etc. And in pracara they started propagating that Ananda Marga supports all the teachings of so and so etc. However, this is the wrong approach to take. The main theme of Guru’s discourses is that He is putting forth the new and revolutionary teachings of Ananda Marga philosophy. His aim is not to highlight any particular philosopher or poet etc.

As we know, Baba has approved certain teachings from Yudhisthira like - What is the path - in order to put forth and highlight Ananda Marga philosophy - while other teachings from Yudhisthira, Baba has repudiated. So as Ananda Margiis we should not wholly embrace all of Yudhisthira's recommendations.

Shankaracaraya’s & Buddha’s teachings are a mixed bag

Similarly, with regards to Bhagavan Shankaracarya, Baba has appreciated Shankaracaraya’s guideline - bhakti is the best - because this will help readers understand that in the new and revolutionary teaching of Ananda Marga, bhakti is treated as the top most. Likewise, Baba has highlighted Bhagavan Buddha’s teaching of - 'Cakuna Samvaro Sadhu...' - so everyone will understand that Ananda Marga philosophy places great importance on controlling one’s motor and sensory organs.

Side by side, there are teachings from both Bhagavan Shankaracarya and Bhagavan Buddha which Baba has wholly rejected such as Shankaracarya’s theory of mayavada and Buddha’s nihilistic approach.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Máyáváda is full of contradictions from beginning to end. This sort of error is called pramáda in Sanskrit: error in the beginning, error in the middle and error in the end.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "[Buddha's teachings] lack charm and do not expound a good reason for living. This explains perhaps why Buddha never considered the idea of forming a society." (2)

What to do?

Keeping this in mind, Ananda Margiis should not think that we fully embrace all the doctrines of Bhagavan Shankaracarya and Bhagavan Buddha etc. Bhagavan Shankaracarya and Bhagavan Buddha etc- could not deliver a truly dharmic set of teachings for the all round progress of humanity. As Ananda Margiis, only Baba is our Polestar, and only Baba’s guidelines are 100% dogma-free and perfect for leading one on the path of salvation and building a great human society.

Conclusion: Ananda Marga ideology is unique

The whole idea is that Baba’s teachings are wholly new and unique and in order to present His revolutionary guidelines in an easily comprehensible manner, He would reference the teachings of well-known people like Yudhisthira and Shanakaracarya etc. This was all done to best teach society about the new and revolutionary teachings of Ananda Marga.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Ananda Marga is not a change merely due to the cycle of time, but a revolution – a radical change – in the true sense. Never before in the entire history of this world, or the universe, if that could be known to mortals, has a system of life embracing the economic, social, mental and spiritual spheres been correlated in a closely-knit society, as it has in Ananda Marga.” (3)

Baba  is the Sadguru and Supreme Friend who can guide us in all the spheres of life. Baba's teachings alone are our pathway.
In Him,

Yudhisthira did not follow Lord Krsna’s order

Yudhisthira was not able to pay heed to the call of dharma. For example, you know that Yudhisthira did not comply with Lord Krsna’s divine plan to say - 'Ashvatthama hata...', meaning Ashvatthama is killed. All know that Lord Krsna graciously gave the request to do like this in order to save dharma, but Yudhisthira thought otherwise. In the end, Lord Krsna was forced to adapt His program accordingly - all because Yudhisthira did not follow His order.

Taken altogether then, everybody knows that Yudhisthira was not a true guide for humanity. Yudhisthira’s teachings contained loopholes and his conduct was not always dharmic. Essentially, King Yudhisthira was a well-intentioned person who sometimes succumbed to simple morality and other dogmas. Baba points out that following simple morality (r'ta) is not good - it is not even part of yama and niyama. Rather we are to follow satya, spiritual morality.

Thus in this sequence, Baba highlights Yudhisthira in another light - in order to teach us how not to behave. And this is also a manner of propagating His divine ideology - by guiding us to adhere to spiritual morality over simple morality. There are certain dharmic codes which Yudhisthira could not follow. And in the same fashion, not all the things which Yudhisthira told are great and high. Rather, many are defective.

Sadguru Baba says, "Ananda Marga alone is dharma and all the rest are sectisms." (4)

1. Namami Krsnasundaram, Discourse 10
2. Neohumanism in a Nutshell Part 2, Pramá – 3
3. Prout in a Nutshell part 11, Ananda Marga A Revolution
4. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 1, The Call of the Supreme

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Communism: no free speech

[about communism] “By raising an iron curtain, a veil of dark ignorance, before them, they have taught people to chatter a few chosen, tutored sentences. They have confined them within a small dungeon, with its doors and windows locked – they have converted them into owls of darkness. This is the inevitable outcome of those pseudo-philosophies.” (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)

== Section: Important Teaching ==
Marriage Not For Carnal Desire But For Society Building
Ananda Marga ideology says, “Now when a man gets the chance to enjoy the physico-psychic pleasures, he doesn’t find any interest in physical pleasure, because physical pleasure is not only crude in quality, but also of very temporary nature. It lasts for a short span. On the psychic level, man is the dominating living being. He does something new, he wants to do something new, to get more psychic pleasures, and he invents so many things and engages himself in psychic pursuits. These things cannot be done by animals or even by other developed creatures, and here lies the speciality of human beings.” (1)
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Beyond Temporary Experience