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Monday, October 30, 2023

Warning: medical tests & health risks + 4 more


Warning: medical tests & health risks 


These days due to the advancement of medical technology, patients often become inclined towards having more and more diagnostic tests done. Essentially, they are exploited by certain doctors and the medical industry.

Here it should be made clear that gaining more knowledge about one's disease or condition is ok - in and of itself. But when the medical diagnosis turns into an invasive, harmful endeavour, then it is problematic and dangerous. Yet that is what is unfolding nowadays, especially in technologically advanced areas where more and more CT scans and nuclear imaging are done.

Why CT scans & nuclear imaging are dangerous 

The basic rule is that anything related with x-ray imaging - like the CT scan and nuclear imaging - are very dangerous as they bring serious consequences. That type of imaging or body scanning can cause cancer. Yet, around the globe people remain unaware of the inherent dangers of these tests. Rather, they seemingly act under the misconception that such tests will help cure them.

Yet, more doctor visits and more testing are often not the recipe for longevity. Rather, those invasive medical tests often undermine one's health and reduce one's lifespan. That is the irony. One aspect tied into all this is that many think it prestigious to have aggressive diagnosing. Because they know the common people cannot afford such tests etc. But this is a deadly way to think because those full body scans can swiftly and tragically curtail one's existence.

Here Baba highlights this truth with the following proverb.

Shatamárii bhavet vaedyah sahasramárii cikitsakah
[“If one kills a hundred people, one may qualify as a quack, but if one kills a thousand people, one can qualify to be a doctor”] (1)

So here the suggestion is to be careful about overdiagnosis and excessive testing; and, bear in mind that the most dangerous test is the CT scan or nuclear imaging. Even a single scan or nuclear imaging can cause cancer within 10 years. That cancer could have been avoided if imaging, without using radiation, had been done.

How doctors became lured by money 

The key point to keep in mind is that we are living in the culminating phase of the vaeshyan era, i.e. capitalism at its peak. In general, doctors and hospitals are business entities and follow the profit motive. So some medical professionals think more about earning money than about the well-being, or life and death, of the patient. A few may even push you up to the jaws of death to earn extra money. Surely, not every single doctor acts in this way but certainly there is an existing trend.

Another important aspect is that some doctors and medical professionals are paid commissions by drug / diagnostic companies when they recommend patients for medical screenings and tests, like CT scans and nuclear imaging. And they may even resort to fear tactics to pressure you into getting tested. This is the general trend nowadays with doctors. If you are fortunate you may get a good doctor - as there are some that are more concerned with patient's care than their own profit. But, again, this is rare nowadays. Point being that if you see a surgeon they may recommend meaningless surgery as that is the only way they earn money.

Opt for MRIs not CT scans & nuclear imaging

So please be aware, the amount of radiation from even a single x-ray is extremely harmful. Over the years, the cumulative effects of the radiation are quite dramatic on the body. So just think how harmful one CT scan and nuclear imaging are when a single CT scan exposes you to more than 70 times the radiation of an x-ray.

X-rays are dangerous for everyone: They damage the DNA and within 10 to 15 years cancer cells develop in the body. People around the globe are suffering from cancer, and one cause is x-rays. And while it is dangerous to all, it is especially ghastly for children because their tender bodies are still developing. Their cells are very sensitive and highly susceptible to cancer from radiation. In that case, CT scans and nuclear imaging are a tremendous health risk which are far more harmful than x-rays.

Everyone should be aware. Take care to avoid CT scans and nuclear imaging as far as possible - especially for children. Only if there is absolutely no other option - and without it you may die - then and only then should one get a CT scan and / or nuclear imaging. The basic approach is to steer clear from these CT scans and nuclear imaging.

We should be careful. In order to diagnose a problem which may or may not exist, why invite cancer by getting a CT scan and / or nuclear imaging, when MRI's are relatively harmless. So if you need such a diagnosis get an MRI - or go with another option like an ultrasound exam. The main aim should be to spare yourself from the harmful radiation of a CT scan and nuclear imaging.

Only in the worst case scenario, if really there is no other option, then one may get a CT scan and / or nuclear imaging. That is why it is so important to educate yourself about the dangers ahead of time. The following article appended below shows how Americans are often over-diagnosed.


These days the medical industry is a business so one should be careful. When the patient reaches the doctor to cure his ailment, he is helpless. In turn, the doctor may recommend various types of tests. But those test which have radiation should be avoided. Instead ask the doctor if there is another way to diagnose. If there is then one should follow that path. The central idea is that the patient goes to cure the illness and during diagnosis he gets irradiated and his life expectancy reduces drastically. That is the main concern. At the time of illness it is difficult to decide what to do. So prepare beforehand.

in Him,

How dying patients are manipulated 

   Ananda Marga philosophy explains, “Criminals are of many types and so are criminally-inclined doctors. As with criminals due to poverty, there is also no dearth of criminals due to instinct in the medical profession. These monsters in the form of doctors (colloquially speaking, cámár d́áktár [vile, low-class doctors]) are the scourge of society. Sometimes they behave so atrociously with helpless people – manipulating dying patients for the sake of money – that I really do not like to consider them as human beings. Such hellish creatures can be found in nearly every large or small city. Very strong measures should be taken against them with the active cooperation of society, the state and socially-concerned doctors.”
   “Once I heard about a doctor, standing by the bed of a poor, distressed patient, who said in an authoritarian way, “You must pay my fees at once. I wont listen to any excuses.” A poor relative of the patient left the house in despair, borrowed money by giving an IOU, and paid the doctors bill. I doubt whether a country can be considered civilized if the strictest reform measures are not taken against such human demons.”
  “Good and bad exist everywhere. But regrettably, among the multitudes of the “bad,” the “good” are in danger of being lost. The harshness of reality becomes glaringly apparent if we consider the medical profession as a reflection of society. On the one hand there are good doctors sincerely serving poor patients on their own initiative, and on the other hand we may observe immature young doctors proudly boasting to each other about their career prospects. Regrettable though these things may be, I do not feel that there is any reason to lose hope.” (2)

~ In-depth study ~

In some areas this happens

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “Countless complaints can be made against doctors and the medical profession. Although it would take a lot of space to list them all, let me briefly mention a few: patients have to settle for adulterated medicines unless they bribe the pharmacist; sweepers, orderlies and nurses do not take proper care of a patient’s needs unless they are tipped; a patient writhing in pain may be rebuked instead of being given medicine; if one does not call the doctor at least once for a personal consultation so that that doctor can earn some extra money, one may be unable to secure a bed on one’s next visit to the hospital; a medicine that is supposedly out of stock in the hospital can be illegally purchased in a nearby shop at an exorbitant price; without bribing the doctor a sick patient will not be admitted to the hospital; during the compulsory medical examination for a new job, all the medical staff put out their hand for a bribe; the doctor in collusion with the optician fails many people in their eye tests so that they will have to buy glasses; hospital patients are served food which is cheaper and of poorer quality than what they are entitled to; milk and fruits reserved for patients are consumed by the hospital staff; spurious drugs and injections are administered to patients. Such grievances are endless. Some are extremely serious, involving accusations of such irresponsibility that it is difficult to believe that people actually have these experiences.” (3)

Baba says, “I once saw with my own eyes a well-educated doctor snatch a bottle of medicine from the hand of a female patient who had offered twelve instead of fourteen annas for the medicine, saying, “Must I wait till you bring me the two annas from your house? When I was studying in medical college, would the college authorities have allowed me to continue studying had I paid my monthly fees in arrears?” As she was an uneducated rural woman, she could not fully understand what he was saying. But with that humiliating rejection, she had to return home weeping without the bottle of medicine. Although this incident took place a long time ago, it remains indelibly etched on my mind.” (4)

1. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
2. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
3. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
4. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations

CT Scans Boost Cancer Risks For Kids

 ~ Courtesy of NPR ~
Children who get CT scans are at slightly increased risk for brain cancer and leukemia.

CT scans create detailed images of the inside of the body. So they're great for diagnosing all sorts of medical problems — so great that their use has soared in recent years.

But the scans use a lot more radiation than standard X-rays, and evidence has been mounting that they may increase the risk for cancer.  "This is the first study that's looked at patients that had CT scans and then looked at their subsequent cancer risk."

"We found that the radiation exposure from the CT scans was associated with a subsequent increased risk of both leukemia and brain tumors," she said.
Based on the findings, researchers calculated that the amount of radiation from two or three scans of the head before age 15 would increase the risk of brain cancer threefold. It would take five to 10 head scans to triple the risk of leukemia.

There's a good chance even one CT scan poses some risk to children — as well as adults — and possibly for all sorts of cancers.

"It's the first paper that's convincingly established that radiation exposure at low doses — in this case from CT scans — is associated with an increased cancer risk to patients," he said.

Many argue that a lot of CT scans — maybe as many as half — are unnecessary. So doctors have to be much more selective about how they use them, they say.
"It's absolutely fair if your physician suggests that you or your child has a CT scan to ask that physician, 'Why?' Ask, 'Are there good medical reasons why the CT scan is justified?' " said David Brenner, another Columbia University Medical Center researcher who has long studied the safety of CT scans. Meanwhile, work is also under way to reduce the dose of radiation from each scan. (Courtesy of NPR blogs)

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

An angel’s arrival

PS Intro: This following Prabhat Samgiita can be understood in two distinct ways:
(1) The advent of Parama Purusa as Mahasambhuti in the play of His grand liila; and,
(2) this song refers to dhyana.

"Nám ná jáná máná ná máná, raḿgiin parii ese páshe…” (Prabhat Samgiita #2983)


One unknown, glowing, colourful angel came close to me. Its eyes were shining with golden effulgence. I do not know its name. Ignoring all obstacles it drew near to me showering grace. This smiling divine fairy told many things.

The angel said: “My abode is in the world of brilliant illumination, satya loka. Yet, to accomplish special work and establish dharma for the welfare of all, I move around this entire universe. All those who want and love Me have bhakti; I pull them close very close. I fulfill all their desires and give them everything.”

The angel said: “I never take any rest. I travel around continuously and fly ceaselessly without any pause. In the bond of bhakti and supreme love, I get caught by bhaktas. I float in the flow of spiritual, mystical songs.”

From the Supreme abode, one angel has come, blessed me, and told many secrets behind its advent…

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #2983:

In this song there is the allegory of an angel. The Bengali word parii literally means 'angel', but in Prabhat Samgiita the real meaning of the term parii is: Taraka Brahma.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Heaven & hell: inherently bogus concepts

Following is Baba’s comment on Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “The truth of the matter is that everyone moves according to one’s karma. To expand psychically is natural – no one is born dhármika or adhármika, righteous or unrighteous. Even after death one will not go the flaming fire of hell. “According to our philosophy there is no hell or heaven. If the Lord taught righteousness to some and not to others, that would not be fair. And if, for that reason, one got to heaven while others didn’t, would that be fair? That would also be favouritism. But this very thought, of eternal heaven or hell, is faulty. It is a defective approach. People speak like this due to ignorance and lack of proper philosophical understanding. Today’s progressive human society cannot have any respect for these ideas.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Superstitions about Death

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Which sin is worse

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Pratyava'ya is worse than pa'taka." (1)

And not just once but in numerous places He repeats the same warning.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Pratyava'ya is more reprimandable than pa'taka." (2)

Note: As we know there are two types of sin in Ananda Marga: sin of commission (pa'taka) and sin of omission (pratyava'ya). A sin of commission means committing an act that contravenes dharma. A sin of omission means not performing those dharmic deeds that should be done. Of the two, a sin of omission (pratyava'ya) is more severe. 

1. Discourses on Krsna & the Giita, “Take Refuge in Parama Puruśa with Unswerving Attention”
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Do Virtuous Deeds Day and Night – 1

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Rise of kundalinii & kiirtan

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The kulakundalinii rises upward in eight jumps or phases, so with two syllables in a siddha mantra, the kundalinii will jump four times. But a general, or publicly-given, siddha mantra will make the kulakundalinii jump eight times or in eight phases. That is why such a siddha mantra has eight syllables. So you should understand that a proper kiirtana must have eight syllables, never seven or nine syllables." (1)

Note 1: Everyone knows there are eight syllables in our Baba Nam Kevalam mantra.

Note 2: The reason why the kundalinii jumps eight times is because it moves from the muladhara cakra all the way to sahasrara cakra - passing through one cakra after another until it reaches that final point. After it reaches the Guru cakra then one final jump is made to the sahasrara cakra. In total, 8 jumps are made - one for each syllable.
1. Discourses of Krsna and the Giita, Krśńa Unparalleled