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Monday, March 18, 2019

Emotion: blind + 3 more


Emotion: blind

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


Humans are emotional, yet this tendency of sentimentality is not a great quality. It has its demerits. According to Ananda Marga philosophy, humans should be rational; the intellect should be guided by rationality. Keeping this in mind, here are some examples to consider.

Mother cow vs mother buffalo

Across India, people look upon and revere cows as mothers. There are organisations, welfare institutions, NGOs, and various plans and programs wholly dedicated to protecting the sanctity and status of cows. They associate and worship cows thinking that Lord Krsna was a cowherd. So in India, cows are held in special regard.
Side by side, other animals like buffaloes and street dogs are not given the same care; rather people abuse them. In particular, Indian street dogs are just kicked around and ill-treated. Yet, these are all animals: Cows, buffaloes, cats, horses, pigs, and street dogs etc. The rational approach would be to respect the lives of each as living beings. But due to their deep emotional attachment with cows, they regard cows as divine beings and harass and mistreat street dogs. This is the work of human emotion, not rationality.

Unfortunately, the general populace is not rational and that is why this dichotomy is occurring. If they had been rational the situation would have been different.

Blind Sentiments

Here Baba points out how those who revere cows - but not other animals like buffaloes - are caught in the net of their own hypocrisy.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "So blind were their sentiments that they refused to listen to rationality. Take the case of cows: Hindus worship cows as something holy, apparently because they give us milk. But if cows are revered as mothers for giving us milk, shouldn’t buffaloes be given a similar status? Actually, buffaloes give more milk than cows. Unfortunately, the blind religious followers refuse to listen to logic as their religious sentiment for cows has taken root deep in their minds." (1)

USA: dog vs cow

In the United States, people are enamoured with dogs. They pamper their dogs by giving them special cow meat and bones, fancy beds, toys, dog houses, and pay a lot of money for doggie massages, dog walks, and upscale therapies to keep their dog happy and well. They also spend tens of thousands of dollars on surgical procedures for their pets. Moreover, there are many laws that protect dogs from abuse and maltreatment. Yet, the US is primarily a meat-eating population. They slaughter and butcher cows on a mass-level to fill their bellies with the meat of those cows. Here again we see dichotomy; both are animals yet they are treated much differently. With their emotion, humans treat their dogs as family members; that is positive as all animals should be treated well. That same regard should be extended to cows also. That would be rational.

Unfortunately, the general populace is not rational; that is why this scene is taking place. If they had been rational the situation would have been different.
Baba's following teaching is related with both points A and B:

Ananda Marga Ideology teaches us, "If you have great compassion for the world of living creatures (this is a very good quality and is indicative of tenderness of heart, it is very positive), then you can take a firm stand for the non-killing of every creature, ábramhastamba from the elephant to the ant. In this way you can encourage and inspire your fellow human beings. But if you persuade and exert pressure on people by saying that only cows should not be killed, then you will be guilty of one-sidedness. It means there is partiality in you. Why should you invite the criticism that you do not have as much love for the buffalo and goat, as you have for cows? This is certainly not correct." (2)

In India the cows are treated well while other animals are left to suffer, whereas in the US dogs are treated lavishly while other animals are abused, tortured, and butchered. So Baba's teaching is applicable to both the US and India, as both express favouritism towards a particular animal due to their emotional attachment.
The rational approach is to respect and honour the existential value of all beings, including all animals, not just dogs or cows etc.


In day to day life, many incidents happen and numerous decisions are made based on sentiment / emotional manner. That approach is not at all laudable. Rather, it is an open invitation for inequality and dogma. In contrast, if we apply our sense of rationality then we can make heaven come on this earth.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Most of the population, however, follows their own emotions, i.e. whim. One wealthy woman even bequeathed her entire estate - i.e.  billions of dollars - to agencies caring for dogs,  She did not leave even one dollar for suffering humanity.

Majority are fools; wise always in minority

Sadguru Baba says. "Democracy is defined as “government of the people, by the people and for the people.” But in fact it is the rule of the majority. Hence democracy means “mobocracy” because the government in a democratic structure is guided by mob psychology. The majority of the society are fools; wise people are always in a minority. Thus, finally democracy is nothing but “foolocracy”." (3)

At present on this earth we do not have any better system that is why democracy is the best.

True meaning of Gopal

One name of Lord Krsna is Gopal. Commonly people think 'go' means cow an 'pal' means keeper. Thus gopal is a cowherd. But that is not the proper meaning of the term.
Ananda Marga Ideology teaches us, “One name of our Lord is Gopála. “Go” means “motor and sensory organs”, and “pála” means “the man who takes care”. In the human body, even if we have all the sensory and motor organs, we cannot function if the atman is absent, if the witnessing entity, the microcosmic or Macrocosmic spirit, is absent.”

Gopal means Lord - that which is controlling all our organs. In many discourses Baba has stated that Lord Krsna has nothing to do with cows; but dogmatic Indians believe that Lord Krsna was a cowherd. That is why those citizens pay special attention to cows, not buffaloes or other animals.

Dogma: Many Indians associate and worship cows thinking that Lord Krsna was a cowherd, but that is wrong.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, Chapter 10
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 5, Discourses on Prout, Point #5

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Your arrival 

"Tumi ele cári dik raunge bhare ut́halo, taruń tapan miśt́i hási hásalo..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0316)


Parama Purusa, with Your arrival and advent, everything  - all the directions - became inundated with resplendent colours of bhagavata dharma. The morning sun smiled sweetly; due to its beaming joy the world forgot all its agony. Because of Your coming as Mahasambhuti the whole universe is charged with spiritual vibrations.

Baba, in jubilation and delight, all became very close as everyone pulled together. It is Your grace. Today, after forgetting all sorrows, now in an exalted state bhaktas no longer feel suffering as suffering, or problems as a problem. Everything has become blissful due to Your august presence. In one tempo of spirituality, in a singular pull of the Cosmic Entity, in one song of His glory, the entire cosmos is ecstatically dancing in exultation.

O’ Cosmic Boatman, with a smile, receive the mind which is floating in the streams of divine refulgence; please bring that to the shore. With the attraction of the golden flash, today all are dancing rhythmically with exuberance, in euphoric ecstasy, in Your cadence & divine tempo.

Baba, in the past, people were drowned in misery - now with Your auspicious arrival everything has changed - only there is bliss...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Unique remedy of deafness

Note: If one deaf person arouses the feeling of bhakti listen to Sadguru’s discourses and spiritual teachings and meditates on either of His two mudrás (janusparsaha and varabhaya) then the deafness will be cured.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “If a deaf man sincerely wants to hear what the Sadguru is saying, the positive microvita radiated through these two mudrás are sure to help him – they will certainly help him....raising positive microvita from the lunar plexus to the occult plexus is called “krpá”. And raising them from the lunar plexus to the pinnacled point of human glory is called “karuńá”. Without krpá there cannot be karuńá, there cannot be any galloping jump. Raising negative microvita above the psycho-physical plexus is “rusti” or “risti”. You should always try to avoid rusti and always try to receive the glamour of krpá or karuńá.” (1)

1. Questions & Answers on Microvita, Answer #17

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Seat for sadhana

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Since the beginning of yoga practice, yogis have sat on various kinds of materials which are by nature non-conductors of heat and electricity. The yogis of olden times mostly sat on animal skins, and in many cases they also used animal skins as their outer garments. Later, for lack of animal skins, people started using blankets as ásanas [meditation seats].” (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva in the Song of Shiva

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #0316: Your arrival
2. Posting: Emotion: blind
3. IT: Unique remedy of deafness
4. Links