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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Distortion in AV-34 + 3 more


Distortion in AV-34

Fact: First yoga philosophy on this planet is Ananda Marga yoga philosophy, but TP hid the fact and spread myth, please read below

Issue: In Ananda Vacanamrtam-34 ch.18, the Tiljala publishers removed and hid the fact that the first yoga philosophy on this planet is Ananda Marga yoga philosophy, and instead propagated something else. This is one of the biggest distortions to date in AM literature.

Note: An audio file related with this Baba discourse is available on demand.


This letter examines how Tijala Publications deleted a pivotal line from Guru’s discourse and then misled readers in an entirely different direction. That is the unfortunate maneuver they did with the discourse - 'Be Free From All Complexes' - of Ananda Vacanamrtam part 34 English Edition. Specifically, Sadguru Baba revealed a unique and momentous fact about Ananda Marga philosophy, but those in Tiljala Publications were too scared to print that point - so they removed it.

The essence of Guru’s teaching: In the whole, entire history of this world, the first time the philosophy of yoga was ever propounded was by Ananda Marga. Never before in the history of humanity was the complete philosophy of yoga ever given. That is the essence of Guru’s teaching in the aforementioned discourse. It is quite amazing and extraordinary: The first time the philosophy of yoga came into being was with our Sadguru’s teaching of Ananda Marga.

But, the irony is that no one would ever know it by reading our Ananda Marga books because, tragically, that fact was never printed in the published version of the discourse. Rather those Tiljala publishers distorted the truth.

Note: An audio file related with this Baba discourse is available on demand. Details posted below.

"The yoga philosophy is only first propounded by Ananda Marga”

Here is that key example of con of Concocted Things in AV-30 Chap ...

Specifically, in His morning general darshan delivered in English on 26 September 1979 in Caracas, Venezuela, Baba clearly states:

"The yoga philosophy is only first propounded by Ananda Marga.”
Baba says this at the 1 min 18 sec mark minute of the discourse.

But when this discourse, 'Be Free From All Complexes', was printed in the book Ananda Vacanamrtam part 34 (2000 Edn), that very historical illustration removed. And verily if you check on page 79 of the book - see yellow highlight of 2nd scan appended below - you will notice how that sentence is curiously missing.

It is a terrible tragedy because this is an extremely unique and significant point. Here is Baba's historical illustration: "The yoga philosophy was first propounded by Ananda Marga.” Yet, those publishers and editors deleted it from Baba's printed book.

Here below is the actual transcription from of the opening section of the discourse.

Note: An audio file related with this Baba discourse is available on demand.

Here above is the actual transcription from of the opening section of the discourse.

How Ananda Marga yoga philosophy is first on this planet

Everybody who reads Ananda Marga books knows that Baba has given teachings in a scientific way about creation (srsti) in His books - “Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy”, “Idea and Ideology”, and “Ananda Sutram” - that have never been given before. Prior, no one - no yogi nor any saint nor any Rsi or philosopher etc - had ever explained the cycle of brahmacakra and how entities come into being in a scientific way. Nor had anyone fully given logical explanations of life, death, samskaras, and rebirth etc. The religions had come up with all sorts of fanciful and mythological concoctions, but never a comprehensive scientific philosophy. So the conclusion is that Ananda Marga philosophy is the first presentation of the philosophy of yoga on this planet.

Certainly, those Tiljala publishers were aware about these facts yet they lacked the moral courage to put in print that Ananda Marga philosophy is the first philosophy of yoga. Thus they removed it from the book.

at the divine feet  of Sadguru
Brahma Prakash

Here below is the how Tiljala Publications printed the opening section of the discourse.

Here above is the how Tiljala Publications printed the opening section of the discourse.

Note: An audio file related with this Baba discourse is available on demand.

~ In-depth study ~

~ In-depth study ~

So not only did Tiljala Publishers (TP) delete the monumental statement from the discourse, but just look how much drama they created in their footnote. Tiljala publishers thought that people would think it outlandish if it was written that Ananda Marga represents the first time the philosophy of yoga has been given. So Tiljala Publications presented the story in a different direction and diverted the undue credit to Maharishi Patanjali. Those publishers did not feel comfortable announcing to the world that their own Guru was the first to put forth the complete and comprehensive philosophy of yoga. TP did not have the requisite moral courage to say that. But somehow they felt very comfortable citing Patanjali as the first to put forth the philosophy of yoga.

The above book is printed in 2000, but even this drama was not sufficient for them so they added onto it in the 2009 version of the Electronic Edition of Baba’s books. Now look at how they updated this footnote in 2009.

Here the author goes on: “because the yoga philosophy was first propounded by…” [[The name is not clear on the tape, but from the sound of it, “Maharshi Patanjali” seems like a good possibility. Elsewhere the author has mentioned Maharshi Patanjali’s school of philosophy, popularly known as Pátaiṋjala Yoga; and yet elsewhere the author has said: “Maharshi Patanjali, the propounder of Yoga Darshana [Yoga Philosophy], was born in the village Patun in Burdwan District.” In the present discourse,]] the author goes on again: “But before him, during the time of Shiva, there was a cult, that is, a practical psychic process.” - Eds.

So to justify that Patanjali was the first propounder of yoga philosophy the Tiljala publishers even referenced the name of Patanjali’s village - Patun - as if that would prove and convince readers that what they told was accurate. But this is all wrong as Patanjali was not the first propounder of yoga philosophy. That special stature belongs to Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. Yet the Tiljala Publishers lacked the requisite devotion to publish this fact in the book. Whereas any true bhakta will have full faith that if Sadguru Baba says that Ananda Marga is the first presentation of yoga philosophy then such bhaktas will embrace that wholeheartedly. Because for them Guru’s work is everything.

At the same time, if anyone applies their rational mind, then there is no doubt that Ananda Marga philosophy is the first presentation of the philosophy of yoga. Because Baba has given teachings about creation (srsti) in His books Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy and Idea and Ideology that have been been given before. Prior, no one - no yogi nor any saint nor any religious head etc - had ever explained the cycle of brahmacakra and how entities come into being. Nor had anyone full given  lucid explanations of samskaras, life, and death etc. The religions had come up with all sorts of fanciful and mythological concoctions, but never a comprehensive philosophy. So the teachings of Ananda Marga about creation theory are entirely new and without this how could there have been a comprehensive yoga philosophy. It is not possible. Certainly, those Tiljala publishers (TP were aware about these facts yet they lacked the moral courage to put in print that Ananda Marga is the first philosophy of yoga. Instead, they removed it from the book and tried to heap all praise and glory upon Patanjali - as if they are agents of the radical Hindu party. TP tried to come up with all kinds of information & justifications to convince others of Patanjali’s greatness. And they utterly overlooked and disregarded the greatness and glory of their own Guru. Such is the standard and status of those in Tiljaja Publications.

Baba has blessed us with His supreme teachings of Ananda Marga - the first time in history that the philosophy of yoga has ever been given. We should place extra importance on the printing of Baba's books and make sure that they are 100% clear and true to what He has said.

Baba says, "The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless." (NSS p.200, Edn 1995)

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Madhur bha’va

Prabhat Samgiita introduction: To understand this song, an above average level of bhakti is needed. Just as a goldsmith cannot make any ornaments if he does not have any gold, similarly the tale between a bhakta and Parama Purusa does not arise if a person does not have any bhakti. So the requisite degree of bhakti is required to relate with this song.  With a high degree of bhakti, a sadhaka can communicate with Parama Purusa in countless ways. A sadhaka gains greater satisfaction in sharing their inner-heart feeling with Parama Purusa. By this way the bhakta is suffused with immense bliss, and in that pinnacled stage becomes one with Parama Purusa. That is the culmination of his life. That is why it is said that bhakti is the life of a bhakta. This following song reflects this such type of deep expression of bhakti.

Jyotsna' nishiithe niirave nibhrte, toma'r la'giya' rocechi ga'n,
Shon'o mor katha', bojho mor vytha', a'kulata' karo avasa'n  (Prabhat Samgiita #1155)


Parama Purusa, in Your longing, in the silence of the lonely moonlit night, I have composed songs for You, and want to sing them in Your darshan. Baba, kindly listen to my feelings, understand my pain, and extinguish my longing. Please be gracious and come.

Supreme Entity, there is only one thing I have to tell You: I love You, but why do You not come near, instead keeping Yourself distant. When You are away I cry in longing and my life becomes miserable. May this distance and unkindness end today, by Your arrival. Please give me darshan.

Baba, nt Parama Purusa, I want to make You aware of my one misery related with bhakti: I do not get You within my reach to do sastaunga pranam. Without having You directly in front of me, how can I do full prostration before You. Bandhu, when You are in front of me, then I wish to surrender my everything at Your lotus feet.

I want to offer my heart, mind, and soul - everything at Your altar...

Prabhat Samgiita addendum:

Here is another way to think about it....

If two people do not know each other, they have no reason or desire to communicate with one another. In the next stage, if two people are casual acquaintances, then they may say a few words to each other in passing. In the third stage, when two people are friends, then they will like to talk and communicate with one another on regular basis. And in the later stage, when two people are intimately connected with one another, and the love and attraction towards each other is to a heightened degree, then they feel an intense urge to communicate with one another - always. They never want to be separated or apart. For them, there is never enough time to share the feeling of their heart. Always they desire more time to go more close.

This final stage depicts the relationship between the  the devotee has with Parama Purusa in this song. The only difference is that in the mundane sphere the degree of love will one day wane. It cannot last forever at that heightened stage. It will dissipate. And it may dissipate to such a degree that a married couple may divorce one day and never speak to each other again. Whereas in the spiritual sphere, the degree of attraction continues to increase until the desire is so great that the sadhaka becomes one with Parama Purusa, by His grace. This song is of a high degree of longing and bhakti.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Without public education revolution will fail

Prout philosophy states,  “A leader of the Maethilii community in Bihar wanted to start a movement against the exploitation of the Maethilii language, so he organized a massive rally and started to lecture the people about the suppression of Maethilii. Initially, everyone listened to him attentively and supported his ideas. At the end of his address he told the masses: “We will live for Maethilii, we will die for Maethilii.” But one person amongst the crowd shouted out: “Yes, we will live for Maethilii, but why should we die for Maethilii? Rather, I choose to die in Kashi.” According to mythology, if one dies in Kashi one goes to heaven. Immediately all the people started supporting this view, and as a result the meeting was disturbed. This happened because the people were not conscious of the suppression of their mother tongue, and they followed the path of religious dogma instead. So, you should ensure that these three cardinal socio-political principles are not violated. By doing this you will safeguard the welfare of society." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Distortion in AV-34
2. PS #1155: Madhura Bha'va
3. Links