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Sunday, December 24, 2023

Story: meeting Baba on fieldwalk + 3 more


Story: meeting Baba on fieldwalk


Anadnda Marga ideology states, “When in the course of sadhana one attains the state of yatamána, then obstacles appear from all sides. Family members create obstructions. The environment creates obstructions” (1)

Shrii Umashankarji was initiated just prior to the 1970 Ananda Purnima DMC in Muzaffarpur, and he became regular and deeply involved in sadhana right away, by Baba's grace. At the same time, Umashankarji's laokik father was a very dogmatic person who was completely against Ananda Marga and sadhana.

How his father would torture him

His father would engage in various mean-minded schemes in order to harass and abuse Umashankarji when he was practicing meditation. Sometimes he would blast the radio next to his ear, other times he would throw pots of cold water on him, and one time he even dumped a big bowl of hot vegetable soup on Umashankarji while he was doing sadhana. Plus, his father would verbally accost him too - taunting and threatening him, and calling him names. He did not like that his son joined Ananda Marga, did sadhana, and had forsaken his sacred thread and hair.

In response, to escape his father's unruly wrath, Umashankarji would try and find quiet, lonely places so he could do his sadhana in peace. But always, his father would stalk him and torment him. This mistreatment took a big toll on Umashankarji. He could not take it anymore, and he was wondering how he could possibly survive in that house any longer and continue to do sadhana and remain an Ananda Margii. Umashankarji was even suffering from tortuous nightmares. His acarya told him to do more sadhana before going to sleep as that would help cure the nightmares.

One night while he was doing sadhana before sleep, his father threw an entire bucket of water on him - soaking his bedding as well. His father furthermore warned him that he must not leave the family tradition of maintaining his caste and doing idol worship. By this point, Shrii Umashankarji was feeling very frustrated and depressed. He did not want to give up Ananda Marga sadhana and he was facing a lot of opposition. He could not bear it any longer. Umashankarji felt he had no other recourse than to go and tell Baba. He had a strong desire to recount to Baba all the treacherous things that his laokik father was doing.

Unusual way he met Baba on fieldwalk

Shortly thereafter, it was announced that Baba would be coming to Muzaffarpur for DMC. Umashankarji planned to tell Baba everything. As soon as Baba arrived, Umashankarji approached one of Baba's bodyguards and expressed his desire to go on fieldwalk with Baba. The security chief told him that he must get permission from PA Dada, then he would be able to accompany Baba on fieldwalk, otherwise not. When Umashankarji inquired with PA, then PA told him, "No, already there are so many requests. You will have to go in the future - not now."

At that point, Umashankarji was feeling desperate. He knew he had to do something. After making various inquiries, he found out where Baba would be going for His fieldwalk. It was a remote area far away from the DMC grounds. Umashankarji had to take a bus and travel on foot to get there. Once he got to the location, he stood in the field and waited for Baba to arrive.

After some time, Baba embarked on His fieldwalk, along with His entourage - i.e. a few margiis and security personnel. They had walked for a while when off in the distance, they saw a lone figure - standing there with folded-hands. Baba asked PA Dada who was out there in the field. PA called for the person to come closer. As the lone figure got nearer, Baba said, "Oh, Umashankar, it is you - what is the problem?"

Umashankarji replied, "Baba, You know everything. I have a big problem: Remaining an Ananda Margii, doing sadhana, and staying in my house is impossible. My laokik father is harassing me - it is too much. You have to do something. I want that he should be removed from this world."

Baba scolded Umashankar, "Shame, shame, why are you thinking like this. Never think or wish ill upon others.”

Immediately, Umashankarji realised his mistake and repented.

Baba continued, “Tell your father that if he continues to torment you then you will leave the house and live in an Ananda Marga jagrti. Then your father will not harass you anymore. If still he continues to harass you, then do not worry. As a margii, you must not think ill of your father."

At that point, Shrii Umashankar felt very peaceful, by Baba's grace, and from that moment forward, he did not harbour any ill will towards his laokik father.

I will leave & live in Ananda Marga ashram

When Umashankarji returned home from DMC, he approached his father. With a clear voice and benevolent heart, he said, "If you continue to harass me while I am doing meditation, then I have no option but to leave this house and go live in an Ananda Marga ashram. This is my Guru's mandate."

Umashankarji had full faith in Baba on this matter. His father thought he was bluffing and that Umashankarji would never leave.

His father yelled, "Go anywhere you like, but do not do sadhana in my house. If I see you doing meditation there will be trouble. You must leave Ananda Marga and follow our family traditions. Then you can stay, otherwise go where you wish."

Hearing his father's harsh reply, Umashankarji still held hope in his heart that his father might be rectified. However, his father continued to harass and abuse the innocent and spiritually-minded Umashankarji. The very next Sunday, 7 days later, Shrii Umashankar's father died of a massive heart-attack. He could not mend his ways so nature did not spare him.

What we can learn from this story

1st Teaching: As a sadhaka, as an Ananda Margii, one should never think of harming or hurting others. Baba never wants us to think in such an ugly and depraved manner. Asking Parama Purusa to harm others is static bhakti or aparabhakti.

2nd Teaching: If you are involved in dharmic work and someone continually disturbs and harasses you, then nature will not tolerate it. And that is what happened with Umashankar’s father. He had to face the wrath of prakrti for his misdeeds and gross transgressions of bhagavad dharma.

3rd Teaching: If you are adhering to that path of dharma, then do not be intimidated or cowed down by any type of harassment or abuse.

Bound to be destroyed

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Whatever humans do in consistence with the dictates of dharma will ensure their well-being, their victory, their prosperity. And whoever goes against these ingrained human characteristics, against these dharma-orientated characteristics, will be doomed to destruction. For human beings, ideation on Parama Puruśa is a dharmic injunction. By divine decree everyone has the right to live in the world with dignity. If anyone creates any obstacle against this dharma-oriented system, if they oppose it, they are bound to be destroyed.” (2)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “You have learnt a well-ordered system of meditation and other spiritual practices based on dharma. If any individuals or groups, however powerful they may be, try to suppress you or even succeed in suppressing you, they are bound to be destroyed. History has witnessed many such a downfall in the past. No one has ever been victorious or will ever be victorious by opposing dharma. March ahead with your own strength, march with firm steps and your head held high. Always remember that when dharma is with you, whoever will oppose you will be razed to the ground – their destruction is a must.” (3)


When following dharma then there is no need to wish ill upon your enemies. They will be raised to dust automatically. And that is exactly what happened with Umashankar’s father. He was viciously harassing his son and in the end he met his demise. In this way, Umashankar’s path of forward movement was made clear.

Sastaunga Pranam to Baba,

Why yatamana

When a sadhaka comes on the path of sadhana then in the first stage serious obstacles come from the outside - i.e. from friends, relatives, father, mother, neighbours, the external world etc. That beginning stage is yatamana; so Umashankar was in the stage of yatamana. When one proceeds ahead, those external obstacles accept their defeat and run away. Then one’s parents etc do not create problems. In the second stage, vyatireka, internal problems come - various vrttis (i.e. psychi propensities) of the mind harass sadhakas. Then those mental inclinations also get defeated. In the third stage, ekendriya, the sadhaka gains mental powers and is enticed; and he misuses those powers. Then in the final stage, vashiikára, there are no obstacles. This is an extremely short summary of the various stages of sadhana.

Shrii Umashankar of Muzaffarpur was a very senior and respected margii. All along, Umashankarji was an extremely dedicated margii. Even during emergency when others were hiding, he was quite active and vocal, carrying the banner of Ananda Marga. And he continued to be vigilant in following Ananda Marga ideals and participating in Ananda Marga social life. Many know of his bhaktial heart and dharmic spirit. He always wanted to please Baba, so in spite of his obesity Umashankarji would dance tandava in front of everyone to make Baba laugh. Many may recall this jovial scene.

Related teachings

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Yatamána: The microcosm wants to move forward. There are so many obstacles, so many mundane bondages, both external and internal. As you know, these internal bondages are known as ripus [enemies] and the external fetters are known as páshas [bondages]. One will have to look forward, [fighting] these internal and external bondages. [All those bondages on] the unit cognition are of baser nature. When a microcosm wants to move a step forward, so many inimical entities assemble and try to defeat that microcosm. So sádhaná requires a sort of fight, rather it is a fight, against all the [degenerating agencies]. In this first stage, the microcosm tries its best to fight against these internal and external enemies and tries to move forward. This stage is known as yatamána.” (4)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Devotees have no malice against anybody. Why should there be malice against anybody? While a great spiritualist was eating cooked rice, a hungry dog came and sat on his lap. The dog, too, started eating with him. When both were eating together an intellectual came and said, `Fie, fie, the dog is a filthy animal and yet you are eating with him from the same plate. What kind of person are you? You are untouchable'. The devotee replied, `I am Vis'n'u, this dog is Vis'n'u. Why then do you laugh at me? The whole universe is pervaded by Vis'n'u. Your abuses and praises are all the same to me. I love flowers and thorns equally.' Only a devotee can speak like this."  (5)

Ananda Vanii states, '"All the beings of this universe are the kith and kin of one another. No one is despicable. All are equally respectable and entitled to equal love and affection..." (6)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Even if one does not harm anyone physically, but simply thinks of harming someone, sam'ska'ras will still be created. Whatever feelings one may have for a person, good or bad, will certainly cause a reaction.  That reaction will remain in potential form in the subtle mental sphere until the opportune time arrives for its expression. This is why wise people look upon this universe with an attitude of equanimity and pray for the welfare of all. Sarvesa'm maungalam ka'unks'e. People who fail to do this will have to suffer endlessly for their mean-mindedness." (7)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Ours is a universal family. Each and every entity -- living and non-living, moving and non-moving -- helps others in maintaining not only their equilibrium, but also the equipoise of the entire universe, not only of this small planet Earth. We are to move together with all." (8)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "In static bhakti, the bhakta says, “O my Lord, I am your bhakta. Mr. Y is my enemy. Please destroy Him.” In the case of static bhakti, the bhakta doesn't want to be with the Lord. The bhakta wants something bad or harsh done to his or her enemy. That is bhakti of the worst type. As it was not the person's longing to become one with the Father, that person never will become united with the Father. And also, the Supreme Father is the Supreme Father of the enemy also. So He may or may not kill that enemy. Static bhakti is no bhakti." (9)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “What is static bhakti? You say: “O Lord, O Náráyańa, Mr. X is my enemy. Please kill him.” [laughter] It will not be possible for a man to get Náráyańa by this type of bhakti. Why? His longing was to kill Mr. X and not to get Náráyańa. So Náráyańa may or may not grant his request, may or may not kill Mr. X, but because his desire was not to get Náráyańa, it is sure that he won't get Náráyańa." (10)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "According to the degree of their bhakti human beings decide what to ask from Parama Puruśa. If their bhakti is motivated by too much selfishness, what will they ask? They will say internally to Parama Puruśa, “Well, Mr. So-and-so is harassing me, my tenant refuses to vacate my house, and Mr. Such-and-such is my sworn enemy; so, O Lord, please let them go to hell. Finish them off for good.” Now, if one prays in this way, “O Lord, Mr. So-and-so is my sworn enemy, so please let him go to hell,” the Lord will have to act intelligently, because that man's enemy will also say, “O Náráyańa, let my enemy go to hell.” So Náráyańa will be in a fix. Whom should He protect, whom should He please? He has to handle both sides." (11)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Those who curtail other people's rights oppose the divine providential law, thus inviting trouble for themselves." (12)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "There are three classifications within aparábhakti. When a so-called bhakta (aparábhakti means they are not devotees, they are so-called devotees) says, “O Parama Puruśa, I am Your bhakta,” and then says, “X is my enemy. Please kill him, please kill him!” this type of bhakti is called támasika bhakti. Actually it is not bhakti. When someone says, “O Parama Puruśa, I am Your bhakta, but You know, I am not getting any employment, please arrange for my employment,” he is not trying to harm anybody, but he wants physical development or physical elevation, his [physical] betterment. His bhakti, his so-called bhakti, is known as rájasika bhakti. And that is also aparábhakti, and aparábhakti is not bhakti. And suppose someone says, “O Parama Puruśa, I am Your bhakta, and You know, I want mukti, I want mukti,” and Parama Puruśa asks, “O my boy, why do you want mukti?” “Oh, I don't find any charm in this world, because I lost my digestive power. Either give me back my digestive power or give me mukti.” This is sáttvikii bhakti. Actually sáttvikii bhakti is not bhakti; aparábhakti is not at all bhakti." (13)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, Vyatireka – the Stage of Control
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, Opposition to Dharma Will Certainly Invite Destruction
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, Opposition to Dharma Will Certainly Invite Destruction
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, The Phases of Human Approach
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, Devotion – the Only Path
6. Ananda Vanii #58
7. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, The Science of Action
8. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Cult, Inference and Propensity
9. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, The God of Human Beings
10. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 34, I Will Not Discourage Jiṋánam
11. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, “Ye Yathá Máḿ Prapadyante”
12. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, You Are Not Helpless
13. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, Bhakti, Mukti and Parama Puruśa


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are deeply & blissfully busy

“Maneri gahane tumi ácho, ácho prabhu sadá jege ácho…” (Prabhata Samgiita #4380)


My Prabhu, You remain always in the depths of my mind – and never leave me. By Your grace, I am never alone. You are always awake, regardless of the time and date. You go on working day and night, beyond time, without ever getting tired or stopping. Whatever You want to do, You go on doing ceaselessly without rest.

Baba, this whole animate and inanimate universe is Your playing ball. You are the ever-present, beginningless and endless, non-decaying, eternal Entity. You are ever divinely vibrated, always smiling in Your magnificent flow like the kimshuk flower and want that those under the spell of slumber of the six enemies and the eight bondages should awaken from their infatuation and inertia. You are deeply and blissfully busy in Your cosmic liila.

Baba, Parama Purusa, although they do not have means but You are the Goal of all; everyone wants You. Every jiiva keeps You in their heart always. That is why they are always trying to come close to You by their virtuous deeds, shravan, manan, nididhyasana, and dhyana. Only those who are blessed are able to realise You, and have Your darshan and proximity. You dance and express Yourself in the mirror of Your ma’ya’ amidst the mountains and the ocean, and from dwellings to the wilderness, hills, and flower gardens.

Baba, You are krpa-personified; I surrender at Your holy feet...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Throwing those burkas and veils aside

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “A handful of unprincipled, power-hungry men propagated these [religious] doctrines in order to paralyse women’s reasoning, and to inflate men’s vanity. This doctrine is against nature and we have only to look out into this wide world to find numerous proofs against it. Can anybody drape a burka over a tigress? Is there anyone with enough courage to do it? Can anyone dictate to a tigress, “You cannot cross this boundary,” or “You cannot take part in games and sports, for this is prohibited to women”? Those who propagated these doctrines were not only unprincipled, they were also well aware of the inherent loopholes in their arguments. That is why they did not propagate their ideas directly in their own name. On the contrary, they propagated all those ideas in the name of God. They proclaimed them as the gospels of God; no one shall dispute it; one has to accept it without a murmur. When women will develop a sense of self-respect and be like other spirited creatures, they will cast aside the burkas and veils of servitude. They will then be enabled to expand their role in serving society in a balanced and consolidated way.” (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika-9, from “Kaomára”

== Section 3: Links ==