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Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Stories & samskara theory + 4 more

Stories & samskara theory


In the three stories appended below, Baba reveals the past life, status of mind, and rebirth of one famous Indian political leader.

Due to bad deed: reborn as a lower being

In the cycle of brahmacakra, the starting point of pratisaincara denotes when living beings proceed slowly from plant life to animal life and finally to human life.

Once one attains the human frame they have free will. If with their free will they goad their mind in a positive direction, they will become more and more subtle, refined. They will progress on the path of spirituality. And if they exercise their free will in the opposite degrading direction, then they will degenerate and be reborn as a lower being.

As shown below, in the first story, the person had passed through the stages of plant and animal life and finally got human life. Then after perhaps his first human life or so, he was reborn as a monk. But at that point, the strong desire came in his mind to rule over others. So this person's dominant desire was not towards spirituality or God realization, and when one does not yearn for knowing the Supreme, one cannot get Him. Rather his longing was for power and prestige. In that case, moksa was not a possibility. He would have to be reborn so his samskara for power could get exhausted. In that way, he took rebirth and became a political leader of India.

In that position, he indulged in all kinds of negative actions and misused his power. He lost all his good qualities and degenerated terribly. Upon his death, prakrti assigned him the body of a wild Indian street dog. So he went directly from being a political leader to animal life.

When he finished his life as a dog, then maybe he was reborn as a monkey or as a normal human being. This is the way the cycle of samskaras plays out. Everyone undergoes the reactions of their past actions.

Indeed, what transpired with this particular politician was not a rare event. Rather this is a most common scenario. This type of scenario happens in most cases. And his mind leaned in that direction, so he remained under the bondage of prakrti. To overcome the grasp of prakrti is not easy; sadhana and His cosmic grace are needed - otherwise it is impossible. That is why Baba warns us that without twice daily meditation, one will "throw oneself into the tortures of animal life for crores of years."

When misuse of free will then

Here we have to keep in mind that this political leader's case is typical, not uncommon. People gradually get human life; some do good deeds and become inclined towards spirituality; and they become veritable sadhakas - either as a family person or a monk. But if during that phase they have other worldly longings, then in their next life prakrti fulfills that longing.

In that case, they are granted power, post, money, name or fame etc, and invariably they misuse their status and pass their days, in committing  injustices, harming innocent people. Thereafter, they get terribly degenerated - as happened with this political leader.

Actually, truly speaking, he was fortunate in that he only fell to the level of a dog, which is a fairly developed being. Many demonic rulers, upon their death, get transformed into stones, sticks, or some virus, bug or worm. From that status, it takes thousands and millions of years to come back again in human life. Even then, after getting human life it is not sure that one will utilise the time properly. Greedy capitalists are reborn as pieces of gold or paper dollar notes. All in all, it is a very horrifying situation. In that case, it takes an extremely long time to again get human life, crores and crores of years.

Now we can understand how gracious Baba is and how much Baba has blessed us by making it very easy to cross this ocean of bhava, i.e. bundle of samskaras. By practicing sadhana twice daily, one is going to get mukti - liberation. That is His expressed guarantee to all sadhakas of the Marga.

Those not regular in sadhana should start doing from this very moment. One should not miss this special opportunity. Death can knock on your door anytime - then it will be too late. If you are doing sadhana regularly then liberation is guaranteed.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Immediately undergo reaction of same intensity

Ananda Marga ideology, “As long as one has a physical body, one cannot be free from action. Thus spiritual aspirants must be ever-vigilant to ensure that new reactive momenta do not enter their vásanábháńda. Through proper Cosmic ideation (Brahmacarya), sádhakas can keep their vásanábhánd́a filled with the ideation of Consciousness. They may have to undergo their past saḿskáras, but because they constantly ideate on the Supreme, no new bundle of saḿskáras will be created. Moreover their old saḿskáras will be exhausted more quickly.” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology, “Human beings undergo reactions according to the nature of their original actions. If someone harms a sick person, a saint, a person who has taken shelter with someone, or a honest person, he or she will immediately undergo a reaction of the same intensity. This is because sick, infirm and saintly people never obstruct the original actions of wrongdoers. Whatever the original actions of a person may be, good or bad, reactive momenta are bound to be created. Until all these potential reactions are expressed, liberation or salvation is impossible.” (2)

Learn more about life, death, & samskara

Those who come are one day going to die. All then are curious to know what happens after death. Those who do not know, please read Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy and Idea and Ideology. In those books you can learn more about life, death, samskara, and rebirth.

Write us to learn the name of this leader

For obvious reasons, we have not named the political leader in the below account. By reading, you may have figured out who it is. However, if you are not sure, or are curious, or want confirmation, then write us and we will let you know.

These following stories, recounted by family acarya Dasarathji of Jamalpur, hold great educative value for every sadhaka as they give tremendous insight into how the samskara theory works and how one can attain the supreme rank.

Here following is Dasarathji's first story...

Story #1: What was he in previous birth

"One day while holding darshan, Baba called me forward and directed me to see the past life of one political leader of the Indian independence movement. With Baba's blessing, I began to describe what I saw."

"In a very mountainous region there is one tree, and seated beneath the tree is a monk doing meditation. The monk is clothed only in a laungota."

"Baba then instructed me to look into the mental plate of that monk and describe what I saw."

I recounted, "He has a strong, dominant desire to rule others."

Reflection: By this demonstration recounted by respected Ac Dasarathji, it is clear that in his previous life this political leader was a sadhaka who had a burning desire to get power. In result, instead of getting moksa, that monk was reborn in human form and given a high post during the Indian independence movement.

Here following is Dasarathji's next story...

Story #2: A comparison with Subhash

"In a second demonstration, Baba compared the life of this same political leader with that of Subhash Chandra Bose. The year was 1962, just after China invaded and captured part of India."

"Baba called upon me and instructed me to go and see what the political leader was doing. Immediately, within a flash, I could see exactly what was going on."

"That political leader was in his residence, feeling troubled and humiliated by China's attack. He was in a state of extreme psychic turmoil and drinking alcohol heavily in his room."

"Then Baba instructed me to go and see what Subhash was doing. I reported that Subhash was performing meditation in a Himalayan cave."

"Baba inquired if I saw anything else. I replied that there are many skulls around."

Reflection: By this above demonstration, recounted by Ac Dasarathji, anyone can easily understand the contrasting states of mind of these two leaders. The first was sunk in woe drinking alcohol, while the second was a great tantrika doing sadhana.

For those who may not know, at one time both this political leader and Subhash were working together in the same party for India's freedom. But due to ideological differences, Subhash was pushed away. It was quite natural then for Baba to compare the progression and transformation of these two leaders.

Here following is Dasarathji's third story…

Story #3: Rebirth as a dog

"Some years later, Baba performed a third demonstration. Baba instructed me to go and see what happened to that political leader after he died."

"I saw in my mind's eye that he had been reborn as a dog and was now living a dog's life."

"Such is the shocking plight of the once Indian independence leader."

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life, The Science of Action
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life, The Science of Action


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Your enchanting tune

"A'mi ga'n geye ja'i, mor kon sampa'da na'i..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3610)

Baba, by Your grace, I am singing the song for You. I do not have anything, quality or value other than this - nor any capital or virtues. Just I am completely dependent upon Your karuna' and krpa'. My future is entirely in Your hand. Whether You allow me to remain close or push me away, it is up to You. But this much I know, that I am Yours. It is Your mercy. I go on repeating Your name.

Baba, You have given me an intense urge and the gift of voice which I am using for chanting Your glory. You have blessed with me a heart that is full of yearning, love, and the sweet nectar of prema for You. Having all these things, again and again I beseech You and surrender my whole existence at Your lotus feet. I am singing this spiritual song to express my feeling. Please grace me and keep me along with You.

Baba, I am a tiny atom within You and a dust particle at Your lotus feet. You remain eternally in that Gokul state of consciousness and continue playing Your sweet, melodious flute incessantly. I hear Your enchanting tune in the depths of my heart, and by the pull of the infinite I am drawn beyond all limitations. It is Your grace...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

When people are fired & not given new job

   According to Prout philosophy, "For the all-round welfare of human beings, society needs to follow some fundamental socio-political principles. Without the firm foundation of such principles, disunity, injustice and exploitation will flourish."
   "First people should not be retrenched from their livelihood unless alternative employment has been arranged for them."
   "Let us discuss what happens when people lose their livelihood. Take the example of rickshaw pullers in India. The work of rickshaw pullers is exhausting and poorly paid, but if it is declared illegal, many rickshaw pullers will become unemployed and their lives will become more miserable. Those who cannot find alternative employment will either die of starvation or become criminals in an effort to survive. In either case, society will be adversely affected. So, before this occupation is prohibited, rickshaw pullers should be provided with suitable alternative employment." (1)

Note 1: In failing to follow this important point, nowadays some countries are facing a whirlpool of criminal activity. One example is the situation in Iraq and the formation of ISIS / ISIL. When Saddam Hussein was in power and ruling over Iraq then he employed a huge army. When the US deposed of Saddam Hussein and dismantled the entire army, they imposed the order that those soldiers must not be given any work. Without a guaranteed job, those soldiers formed themselves into the terrorist, fighting brigade known as ISIS / ISIL that is currently wreaking havoc throughout the region. ISIS / ISIL is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths of innocent people and wanton destruction throughout the land. And the root cause is that Hussein's fighting forces lost their jobs without any guarantee of other employment.

Note 2: Here it should be understood that the term retrenchment means losing one's job. The worker has been dismissed, fired, or let go whereby they no longer have a job. The term retrenchment is commonly used in Australia and South Africa. People from other regions may not be familiar with this usage of the term. 

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to utilize others

Prout philosophy says, “The method of utilization should vary in accordance with the changes in time, space and person, and the utilization should be of a progressive nature. Take a particular example. Suppose a physically strong person serves the society as a rickshaw puller or a market porter. As the rickshaw may become outdated some day, the method of utilizing their physical strength should vary. If a person is intellectually developed but has the same physical strength as others, their intellectual potentiality should be utilized. Thus the process of utilization will not be the same for all people. Better methods of utilization should be continually developed, but the process of utilization should be progressive in nature.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

बाबा, तुम मेरे गीत में स्पन्दन के साथ आये हो

प्रभात संगीत 3304 (तुमि) गाने एशेछो, प्राने छोवॉ दाव...


हे परमपुरुष! अपनी अहैतुकी कृपा से तुम मेरे गीत में स्पन्दन के साथ आये हो। तुम अपनी मधुर कृपा से मेरे मन में आये हो। मैं प्रभात संगीत गा रहा था। तुम्हारा आनन्ददायी आगमन मेरे पूरे अस्तित्व को उद्वेलित कर गया। अब कृपया मेरे व्याकुल  हृदय को अपना मधुर स्पर्श देकर पूर्ण करो। कृपा कर मुस्काते हुये मेरे अधिक निकट आओ, और स्वयं अपनी आभा से मेरे मन के प्रति कोने को प्रकाशित करो। हे  मेरे परमप्रिय! कृपा कर मेरे ध्यान में, और अधिक निकट आकर कृतार्थ करो।

बाबा, तुम कितने आकर्षक और प्यारे हो , पूरा दिन तुम्हारेे बारे में सोचते और चिंतन करते बीत गया, और अब साॅंध्यकालीन आकाश  चमक रहा है, मेरे सभी चैबीस घंटे तुम्हारे मधुर प्रवाह में घूम रहे हैं। बाबा! जब तुम मेरे पास आये ही हो, तो मेरे साथ ही हमेशा  रहो, और मुझे अपना बना लो...।

हे प्रभु ! तुम प्रेमस्वरूप हो, इस चमकती शाम को तुम्हारा शुभागमन मेरे पूरे अस्तित्व को पुलकित कर रहा है, यह संध्या-काल हमेशा बना रहे । तुम्हारा यह आगमन हमेशा  के लिये बना रहे। हे परम पुरुष! मेरी भक्ति भावनाओं और आकूति स्मृतियों को अपने सुर-लय में अन्तहीन रूपसे तैराओ।

 बाबा! तुम्हारा यहाँ मेरे पास आये हो। तुम्हें सब कुछ समर्पण। 

== Section 3: Links ==