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Saturday, April 7, 2018

Quandary? + 2 more




On some key issues a few get confused. Some think that certain points have been approved of by Baba, while others firmly maintain that such issues have not been approved. There are many instances where two parties hold diametrically opposing perspectives on what they feel Baba supports. This is the type of confusion that some are bringing to the table. For this reason it is worth taking a closer look into this topic by referencing Baba's direct guidelines. That is the best way to proceed.

How to know His perspective

First, here below Baba very clearly and conclusively guides us about the proven and tested ways to understand His divine viewpoint. By applying His below measuring rod, any sadhaka can easily understand Baba's stance on any issue. Here then is Baba's given method.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Generally there are three ways to ascertain the views of great personalities: first, by what they said; secondly, by what they did, even though they may not have said anything; and thirdly, even though they may not have said or done anything, by what they did not say - one way or the other - on a particular issue." (1)

According to Sadguru Baba's above guideline we can easily ascertain His perspective and views in certain key ways:
1. By studying His discourses;
2. By following His practical example, by His action;

Naturally, we should understand Guru's perspective, adhere to His teaching, and follow His example / direction. Then we will be in position to properly resolve any points of contention regarding what Baba supports and what He does not support. By this way one can save oneself from committing sin and falling prey to self-ruination.


Here again then is that first parameter for determining Baba's guideline on any particular issue: By studying His discourses. What Baba has said refers first and foremost to His discourses - i.e. His books. So His recorded and printed teachings of Ananda Marga ideology are the first way by which to understand His perspective. What He says in His books we should certainly do and follow. This is how to adhere to the path of dharma and save oneself from committing sin and falling prey to self-ruination.

The second method of knowing His viewpoint is by seeing His action: What Baba has done in His day to day life - by following His practical example, by His action. Baba's sterling example stands as one perfect way to live a dharmic life. He has graciously come to show one and all how to lead a glorious existence. His actions demonstrate this. Here below Baba guides us that by His various actions like performing sadhana regularly, He is guiding sadhakas how they are to lead their life.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “He [Mahsambuti] needs no sadhana, but just to set an example to others, He performs sadhana with the masses." (2)

Here then - as a basic rule - we should certainly follow Sadguru’s guidelines from His discourses and adhere to His example and do what He has done. By this way one may avert sinful dealings and refrain from degrading oneself.

at His lotus feet,
Hari Sharan

~ In-depth study ~

How Baba opposes mahaprayan dogma

The issue of the mahaprayan dogma has two distinct sides. Some are in favour and some are opposed. Some say Baba appreciates the annual commemoration of His so-called departure that He is gone, while others hold that Baba is eternally present as the Cosmic Entity Parama Purusa and thus He opposes the MPD dogma. We should therefore analyse this issue according to Baba's practical example, i.e. His actions. Then we can know what His perspective is on this issue of "mahaprayan dogma." We begin with findings related with the second step or second parameter: By His action, i.e. following His practical example.

As we all know, each year Baba guides us to announce and celebrate the birth of the second Mahasambhuti, Lord Krsna. On that glorious day - Janma's't'amii - Baba would announce general darshan. After bringing recognition to the day, Baba would invariably take some time to talk about the life of Lord Krsna, His dharmic teachings or scenes from the Bhagavad Giita. And Baba would often grace those present with varabhaya mudra.

No MPD of Lord Krsna

For instance, all-knowing Baba is certainly aware of the day the second Mahasambhuti Lord Krsna left this earth. Yet by His example Baba carefully guides us not to place importance on the exact day, time, or place of Lord Krsna's physical departure. Baba guides us that we should not give value to this occasion in any way - neither as a day of observance nor as a day of celebration. Clearly He has taught us - by His example - not to organise the MPD of Lord Krsna. Because Sadguru Baba does not support the idea of the eternal Taraka Brahma Krsna having an MPD date. As Baba’s disciples, we should pay heed to His blemishless example and represent His ideals by our own conduct.

I personally have attended so many janmastami programs with Baba; this was always a day that was announced and celebrated. As His disciples then, always the birthday of Lord Krsna is to be honoured. But in Baba’s presence there was never any such MPD program for Lord Krsna. The so-called annual death day of Lord Krsna was never announced or observed.

By Baba's above actions - i.e. by the second parameter for determining Guru's perspective - by following His practical example, by His action, it is clear that He does not approve of the observance of the so-called departure day of the 3rd Mahasambhuti Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. Rather He opposes this MPD dogma. Those who celebrate so-called mahaprayan dogma are going against Baba's wishes. No one should do this great sin and invite their self-destruction.

Abide by His teachings; follow in His footsteps

It is a divine fact and irrefutable truth that when Taraka Brahma takes advent and manifests Himself as Mahasambhuti on this dusty earth then He puts forth one great example for all to follow. This is well understood by each and every Ananda Margii - by every sadhaka. All feel in their heart and mind that Baba is that Divine One - the embodiment of dharma - whose each and every thought, word, and deed guides us perfectly along the path of Supreme Benevolence. By His divine grace and by following Him in each and every way, all human beings will reach that blissful and divine stance.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Parama Purusa is a ship, nay a very big ship. Getting on it, devotees will sit and cross the cosmic cycle comfortably." (3)

Through the medium of Shrii Shrii Anandamúrti jii

So again, the first step of Baba's 3-point system for determining His perspective is what He has said.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings – That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidyá (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamúrtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty." (4)

By this first parameter, "by what [Sadguru] said", it is quite evident that Ananda Marga ideology does not support the narrow notion that Parama Purusa Baba is a limited entity who has gone away. Rather He is that Eternal Divine Entity that remains with us always. Thus by checking with what He has said, it is clear that Baba does not support mahaprayan.

But Tiljala issues a press release every year announcing how the death day of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti should be observed. Yet according to Baba's above stated parameters and measuring rods, the annual MPD program (mahaprayan divas) dogma is completely bogus.

1. Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Dvaetaváda (Discourse 18)
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, Our Concept of Táraka Brahma
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, “Máyámetáḿ Taranti Te” - 2 / The Nectar Beyond Máyá
4. Caryacarya - 2, Sadhanam Point #1a

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are hiding within Your creation

"Moder dhará rúpe peyeche,tomár rúper sáje..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0324)

Note: Only those bhaktas who feel a devotional vibration in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.


O' Supreme Entity, this world has become beautiful because of Your infinite charm. That is why I behold You everywhere - in all Your variations. When I look at any expression then I see that You are there. You are manifesting Yourself in that form. O' Parama Purusa, You are presenting Your grandeur in the rupa of all these entities - animate and inanimate. You are One but Your disseminations are many. You show Yourself in innumerable shapes. You are hiding within Your creation.

O' Divine One, You are present everywhere - in all the flows. Nothing is outside Your mental arena; everything is within the purview of Your mind. That is why nothing is ever lost. Baba, I am in Your domain and I do according to Your desire. This entire universe is in Your mental vision and I am one part of that. I am working according to Your wish. Because all is Your thought projection.

O' Supreme Being, O' Baba, You are present in each mental conception. Whatever human beings think is known to You since You are the Witnessing Entity of that very psychic process. You are extremely vast: all are encapsulated within You. You are so small: You are present in everyone's mental arena. You are smaller than the smallest and bigger than the biggest. Even by mistake I do not think that besides You anything else exists. You are the totality.

O' Prabhu, I always think that You are the quintessence, it is Your grace...

~ Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #0324 ~

Note 1: Here is a portion of RU address of 28 May 1983 wherein He is giving this same type of idea as has been demonstrated in the above song.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Neohumanism includes within its scope not only human beings and animate creatures, such as plants and animals, but all inanimate entities as well, for the scope of Neohumanism extends down to the smallest particles of sub-atomic matter...Why should the love and affection of developed human minds be restricted to human beings only? Why should it not include all living beings, including plant life? This is the new explanation of humanism - neohumanism - for within neohumanism the entire animate world is included...And that golden day is sure to come when that perfect stage of structure, that is, unit existence in the intra-atomic world, will be reached, when human intuition will realize that the essence in the sub-atomic world is pure Consciousness." (1)

Note 2: Materialists think that everything comes from matter while Ananda Marga philosophy states that everything comes from Brahma. This then is the fundamental difference between the static world view of materialism and our spiritual outlook. Needless to say, our spiritual perspective changes the whole view of this universe as well as our relation with it. Materialists think that the world is for their  self-satisfaction only whereas in Ananda Marga we think that we have come to this world to serve others since all are the expression of Parama Purusa.

More about Prabhat Samgiita #324: This is a neo-humanistic song given on 10 March 1983. This same theme was evident in the RU address and DMC discourse of 28 and 29 May, respectively. In both those discourses, this same type of idea was given but in greater detail. In that RU address, the idea was that everything is the expression of Parama Purusa, and that Parama Purusa is expressing Himself throughout this manifested universe.

1. Neo-Humanism in a Nutshell - 1

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This email contains three sections:
1. PS #0324: You are hiding within Your creation
2. Posting: Quandary?
3. Links