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Thursday, April 20, 2023

Bad tradition + 3 more

Bad tradition


In the prehistoric era humans were living on hilltops, and there were fights to capture the women / females from neighbouring hillocks to make them slaves and / or marry them. The victorious party would tie-up, arrest, and put iron bangles on those defeated girls. And in extreme cases the victors would insert a ring in the nose and ear of those captured women.

But unfortunately, at present, this nose to ear chain is being imposed by the cosmetic and jewelry industries. Emotional girls buy into this and wear those uncomfortable nose to ear chains. Ironically, animals are forced and bound in this way as they do not like it, but they have no option. Whereas females have the option, but some women are brainwashed by the fashion industry and wear the nose to ear chain willingly. And if you ask them if they like it, they say this was their choice.

Females willingly choose animal bondage

There are two photos below. In the lower photo, the cow’s master inserted a rope into the cow’s nose and then that rope is tied around the cow’s neck. From there, it is secured into a peg in the ground. This prevents the animal from escaping. By this way the cow is controlled by its owner / master.

And in the upper photo, the girl is in a more precarious position than the animal. Because, in her case, the chain is hooked from the nostril to the earlobe - these are both very sensitive and tender areas that are prone to being torn off. But unfortunately the girl chose this herself; whereas the animals were forced into it.

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To insert a rope in an animal’s nose that animal must be tied down and forced, but females willingly accept it. That is the tragedy.

Indian marriages & western clubs

These nose chains are worn by some women throughout the globe. In India, where it is a tradition, wearing nose chains is more commonly seen at marriage ceremonies etc. While in the west, pseudo-culture pop stars wear them to draw attention and make a fashion statement at gala events etc. Whatever the scenario, some women around the globe have tragically fallen into this unhealthy, degrading, and harmful dogma.


Sadguru Baba’s below teaching strikes at the root cause of this issue, i.e. the defective mentality behind this dogma. 

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “Even the intellect is in bondage and one has lost the power and capacity to think independently. Such an intellect can be likened to a bird used to soaring high in the open sky but which is suddenly confined to a tiny cage. If one opens the door of the cage the bird will think, “I am quite comfortable here. Why should I risk flying in the vast blue sky? After all, I get all the water and bird seed I want inside my little cage.” (1)

And this same dogma / complex has occurred with women. If you ask them, they will say they like wearing this nose to ear chain. Sadly, they do not know they've been brainwashed, indoctrinated, and exploited by companies of the fashion industry. So we have to educate our sisters.

In Him,
Smt Liila’

Please see below. The cow’s master inserted a rope into the cow’s nose and then that rope is tied around the cow’s neck. From there, it is secured into a peg in the ground. This prevents the animal from escaping. By this way the cow is controlled by its owner / master.

And in the below photo on the right, the girl is in a more precarious position than the animal. Because in her case, the chain is hooked from the nostril to the earlobe - these are both very sensitive and tender areas that are prone to bearing torn off. But unfortunately the girl chose this herself; whereas the animals were forced into it.

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, Yatamána – 2

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Why sitting under the tree in winter

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Feeling of dislike takes place through the word jhanjhan. The wife of a certain gentleman that I knew was quite ill-mannered. One winter evening I saw this gentleman sitting quietly at the foot of a tree. I asked him: “Why are you sitting under this tree on a winter evening? You’ll freeze.” He replied: “You know, my young friend, if I go in the house I’ll hear only khankhan jhanhan. It’s a lot more peaceful out here.” (1)

1. Varńa Vijiṋána, Disc: 19

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

When pigs become leaders sin abounds

Ananda Marga ideology states, “If there is a dearth of intellectual pabulum and the intellectual standard of the people is not high, they can take “dos” to be “don’ts” and vice versa. Take for example, a communal riot where a little innocent boy is killed, and when the person who encourages the riot becomes the people’s leader. Where the intellectual standard of the people is low, people commit blunders – prompted by such leaders they become beasts. Those backward countries which have less socio-politico-economic consciousness in the people tend to have more immorality. In such countries the leaders misguide the people in order to collect votes. I call such leaders “political satans” or “political pigs” Such pigs become leaders only when the intellectual standard of the common people is low. In a country with shortages of physical and intellectual pabula, people ultimately become beasts and commit sins and crimes. To murder a person during a riot is both a crime and a sin. In political clashes innocent people are killed. This is also a crime as well as a sin. So, to summarize, when physical and intellectual pabula are lacking, people become beasts and commit sins and crimes. Among the three reasons for sin, this is the first and primary one. It is prevalent everywhere in the world although it is less evident in a few of the more affluent countries.” (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, The Three Causes of Sin

== Section 4: Links ==

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