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Sunday, July 15, 2018

Distortion in Ánanda Sútram + 3 more


Distortion in Ánanda Sútram


Ánanda Sútram was not originally given by Sadguru Baba in Bengali. Yet many naive people are confused about this.

Sútra given in Saḿskrta

Here are some important points about how Ánanda Sútram was given. As Ananda Margiis, this is something we should all be aware about as Ananda Sutram stands as our philosophical treatise. In the very early days of AMPS, Bábá graciously delivered the sutras that comprise Ánanda Sútram. He dictated each sútra in Saḿskrta (Sanskrit), and then side by side He gave the purport of each sútra in Bengali. These two components are the source material for all other language editions of Ánanda Sútram.

Over the years, some have wrongly proclaimed that Ánanda Sútram is originally from Bengali - but upon a more careful review we can rationally understand that Ánanda Sútram is a Saḿskrta (Sanskrit) text.

Sútra is main item

In its entirety, there are 85 sútras in Ánanda Sútram and each one of those sútras has been given in Saḿskrta; and that is what Ánanda Sútram is: The Saḿskrta sútras. With a keen eye, we can understand that Ánanda Sútram is Saḿskrta. Because the main component of Ánanda Sútram is the sútras - and those sútras have been given in Saḿskrta. Plus the title itself is Saḿskrta (Sanskrit).

In the past, various rśis (rishis) also wrote Saḿskrta sútras - such as Patanjali's Yoga Sútras etc; but those rśis did not put forth any purport. Years later, scholars wrote their own purports of the various sútras given by those rśis of old; but those purports were not accurate. They did not properly depict what those old rśis wanted to convey in their original sútras. In result, so many aspirants  and students were led astray by these faulty purports.

Why purport was needed

To prevent such problems from ever happening with Ánanda Sútram, Bábá Himself has graciously given both the sútra and the purport. This has left no scope for others to misinterpret His given sútras. The point being Ánanda Sútram is the original 85 sútras - and those are all Saḿskrta. And Bábá has given the explanation of those sútras in Bangla (Bengali).

Uninformed people and also some interest groups repeat again and again that Ánanda Sútram is Bengali, but they just have their own agenda. They are not concerned with the truth. By loudly stating again and again - "Ánanda Sútram is Bengali" - they hope to convince and befool others. But this is nothing but their tactic of Bengalization, i.e. placing Bengali on top at the expense of other languages.

Conclusion: it is a Saḿskrta text

By all this, every Ananda Margii can readily understand that Ánanda Sútram is a Saḿskrta text. Ánanda Sútram is Saḿskrta because Ánanda Sútram refers to the sútras, not the purports. And all the sútras have been given by Sadguru Baba in Saḿskrta (Sanskrit). And the title of the book is also Saḿskrta. It is only because the Saḿskrta language does not have its own script that the sútras were written in Shriiharśa (Bengali) script. The conclusion is that Ánanda Sútram is originally a Saḿskrta text.

in Him,
Gopal Roy Choudhary     

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

How negative samadhi is destructive

   Ananda Marga philosophy says, "By the way you should know that samádhi does not only occur as a result of a certain realization; other samádhis can occur on indriyas or the five fundamental factors. When the mind is focused on a particular object and becomes intensely concentrated it is called samádhi. According to spiritual science the samádhi attained when the entire mind is pin-pointed on Parama Puruśa is called prajiṋá samádhi."
   "When a sádhaka focuses his or her mind on the solid factor (solid is one of the five fundamental factors) and thinks “I am the earth” he or she attains kśitibhaetik samádhi, losing all practical intelligence in the process. Those who constantly think about rupees or dollars attain a kind of samádhi, too, for they become completely identified with their crude object of attraction. If such people incur heavy losses due to the collapse of their business or bank, they will die an instant death, for the pillars on which their life was built crumbled beneath them. So, once they lost their wealth, they lost their lives too." (1)

Story of my own cousin

Note: Tragically, my own cousin experienced this type of negative samadhi. During the economic downturn in 2009, he became very worried about his finances. He had an inheritance of 20 million dollars and he thought he was going to lose it all. He experienced a very strange, deep, dark depression and feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.

Finally, his mind just stopped - and he sat there frozen - completely fixated on the prospect of losing all his money. He sat in a comatose state completely engrossed in thoughts about losing money - everything else in his mind vanished. It was just money, money, money. He skipped his food, ignored natural call, and sat in one spot all day long for almost 1 week. He did not die, but he came very close to death. When at last he emerged from this state, he was totally unaware about what had happened. It was as if he had been in a vacuum.

Baba's warning is that mundane things like money or wealth should never be one's object of ideation. Worldly things are by definition transient. They slip away. And when that happens, people become shocked, even negative samadhi. This becomes very serious for those who were very attached with those objects. They will fall into a state of terrible misery, and perhaps even death.

Best is to goad and point the mind to Parama Purusa. Because if one is fixated on the mundane and prone to that negative type of samadhi then one may remain depressed or even resort to suicide…

In Him

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell, Ekendriya – 7

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Libertine life

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Just as the living world is divided into two categories – those who live in groups and those who live alone – similarly regarding family life, all creatures are divided into two broad classes: creatures with family ties (for example, elephants, lions and pigeons) and those without any family ties (for instance, tigers, dogs, cats, goats, etc.).” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “At the beginning of evolution, humans used to lead libertine lives without any consideration for family obligations, but they gradually developed a family instinct. However, that family instinct was no different from that of the elephants, lions, pigeons, etc. Due to this inborn instinct, males and females arrived at a loose but workable compromise regarding family life. But in that there was no sense of responsibility born out of a developed conscience; rather, due to their loose relationships with each other, one person used to desert another and go anywhere he or she liked. The number of such libertines was very high, and they used to disturb the peace and harmony of the so-called family members and become the cause of many serious quarrels.” (2)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc 9: Shivokti - 3
2. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc 9: Shivokti - 3

== Section 3: Links ==

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1. Posting: Distortion in Ánanda Sútram
2. IT: How negative samadhi is destructive

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