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Monday, July 16, 2018

Islam: humiliation to women + 2 more


Islam: humiliation to women


Ananda Marga philosophy says, “The social and religious rights of women were curtailed in numerous ways so that they would be kept forever in thrall to the men. They were even forbidden walking in the open space under the open sky. Covered in burkas and veils, they were reduced to the status of caged birds living on seeds and water. It was decreed that they were not entitled to their ancestral property. The girls were given much less than the boys. It was categorically declared that they were not entitled to mukti or mokśa; that women go to heaven, it’s true, but the men get all sorts of privileges there that women cannot get. These rubbish ideas have died out due to various circumstances. In some places they are in the process of extinction, and in other places they are totally extinct.” (1)

Caged birds living on seeds and water

The below scene is a gathering of females and they are not allowed to show their face. Seeing this inhumane condition, Sadguru Baba is graphically opposing this dogma. Please pay attention to the chain which they are holding in their right hand. Because their face is fully covered, they can’t see very clearly what is around them. So going from point A to point B, they may lose the path and go astray. To avoid this catastrophe, this system is there. So, when they are going from point A to point B, and if on the way there may be a crowd, then one male member leads the group, and the females all follow behind holding onto the rope. You might have seen, in rural areas when farmers want to take a group of cattle from point A to point B, they chain all those animals, like this. Especially they do this, when there are crops on both sides of the road. In that way this below scene is very inhuman and ghastly. In Islam, females are treated like animals. And this is the proof. Baba opposes such types of cruelty. And these types of torture of women, are a blot on human society.

The following photo description appears above the photo as well; if you have already read it you may skip this para. 

The above scene is a gathering of females and they are not allowed to show their face. Seeing this inhuman condition, Sadguru Baba is graphically opposing this dogma. Please pay attention to the chain which they are holding in their right hand. Because their face is fully covered, they can’t see very clearly what is around them. So going from point A to point B, they may lose the path and go astray. To avoid this catastrophe, this rope system is there. So, when they are going from point A to point B, and if on the way there may be a crowd, then one male member leads the group, and the females all follow behind holding onto the rope. You might have seen, in rural areas when farmers want to take a group of cattle from point A to point B, they chain all those animals, like this. Especially they do this, when there are crops on both sides of the road. In that way this above scene is very inhuman and ghastly. In Islam, females are treated like animals. And this is the proof. Baba opposes such types of cruelty. And these types of torture of women, are a blot on human society.

How the burka came in India

   Ananda Marga Ideology states, “There was a time in India when the ruling class would kidnap women. The burka was introduced throughout northern India, where this particular ruling class had undisputed authority, so that those wicked men could not see the women’s faces.”
   “At that time dogma pervaded not just a few, but all aspects of life. Dogma in the psychic realm thwarts human progress. Dogma has long been rampant in our society, and wherever there is dogma, there cannot be proper conduct, or the development of rational intellect, or the thought of genuine sacrifice.” (2)

This above teaching is related with Muslim rulers, those who invaded the country from the Middle East, and occupied a large section of India. In the above teaching, Baba is indirectly talking about those Muslim rulers. They were forcibly abducting girls, so non-Muslim people also started using veils, to save themselves from barbaric attack and kidnapping by their own Islamic kings.

In His above teaching, Baba is talking about scenes like the one portrayed in the above photo. Many may not understand what is meant by a veil. But here you can see what a veil really is. The entire head is covered - as is the rest of their body - and if you look carefully you will notice a small screen in front of the eyes. This allows them to see in a very contrived and limited manner. The field of vision is just barely enough to walk and move around. But nobody can see from the outside in.

This is extremely suffocating - the flow of air is stifled making it even difficult to breathe. That is why it is non-hygienic as one is breathing the same air, even when outdoors.

The worst thing is that this rule of wearing a veil is mostly imposed in the Middle East amidst searing temperatures in the hot desert sun. Plus it is used in parts of Africa, and throughout northern India where in the past Islamic rule was enforced by the sword. These are hot climate areas and that makes it more terrible. To cover the body from head to toe in such extreme heat is nothing but hell in the name of religion.

Those wearing such veils were indoctrinated into this lifestyle since their birth. So they become habituated with it and some do not even want to leave this dogma.

Zamil Ahmad

About Islamic cruelty 

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Humanity, in its all-out quest for this aesthetic science, attained spirituality. One must acknowledge this. Herein lies the excellence of aesthetic science. For this reason, I have given my whole-hearted and explicit support for nandana vijiṋána. You know that there are certain religions which do not encourage aesthetic pursuits. You will notice that in those religions inertia, inferiority complexes and a sense of violence are predominant.” (3)

1. Shabda Cayanika-10, “Kramalaya”
2. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 15 , ‘Fight Against All Dogmas – Excerpt D
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, Yatamána – the Stage of Perseverance

*            *            *
The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.
== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Humans beings free or chained
From Ananda Marga philosophy in a Nutshell--
"Q. 24 – Is the freedom that human beings possess absolute or is it something like “Dominion Status”?"
"Ans.: – You cannot call it absolute freedom. The reason is that humans are dependent on the grace of Parama Puruśa each and every moment of their lives. All their activities, whether noble or ignoble, are confined to a limited sphere. Absolute freedom is impossible without the unification of unit consciousness with Cosmic Consciousness." (1)
1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell -3, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Excerpt B, #24

== Section 3: Links ==
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