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Friday, August 10, 2018

Power of sadhana + 5 more


Power of sadhana


One day Bábá asked me to sing a song. I sang one of Tagore’s songs - কোন আলোতে প্রাণের প্রদীপ জ্বালিয়ে তুমি ধরায়ে আসো. Then Bábá asked us if there was anybody who cannot concentrate in meditation. I said, “Baba, I cannot concentrate in pujá.” Bábá said, “No, no. You just sang a song so let it be someone else’s turn.”

Then Baba said to me, “Ok, you come here.” He asked me to sit in His lap and recite my Ista mantra. Then Bábá asked one avadhuta to come and sit in front of me and Baba told that avadhuta to say something in a very loud voice. The avadhuta began shouting “Bábá’, ‘Bábá.”

Then Bábá put His hand on my neck and asked me to say “Stop” to the avadhuta who was shouting. When I did that, immediately the avadhuta stopped talking out loud, though the avadhuta was trying his best to continue shouting. Bábá then explained to us, “With proper sádhaná you will the blessing of Parama Puruśa and then whatever you command will happen.”

Comment: In this above story Baba is guiding those how some are skeptical about sadhana and feel that closing the eyes is a waste of time. Such persons do not believe that meditation has any value - rather they feel it is better to work with the hand - not the mind. This demo was given in front of both bhaktas and skeptics, and afterwards everyone understood. When a margii did sadhana he gained the power to choke another’s voice. Those present saw that doing sadhana generated power. Although in same demonstration session Sadguru Baba also warned us that occult powers are like the dust by the side of the road. They have no value. As one progresses on the spiritual path, occult powers may come, but one should not long for occult powers - rather one should long only for Parama Purusa. It is a very simple equation. Why not get the Entity who controls all those occult powers. Then He will always provide you with what is needed.

So practicing sadhana is not a waste of time. When one is mentally reciting their Ista mantra the mind becomes strong and whatever you desire will be fulfilled. After this demonstration, those skeptical about sadhana became very sincere as they took Baba’s teaching very seriously.

In Him
Asim Sanyal

(Typed by Bhakti)

Warning about plagiary

It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against this type of plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) The individual who steals gets degenerated and it sets a bad example in the social sphere.

3) It impedes social progress as others will not be inclined to pursue new and original work as they think that others will just steal it.

4) It breeds a society of lethargic people who will always wait for others to create something new. It is just like those who are lazy in the kitchen do not cook - just they wait for others to prepare food and then they steal it away.

5) Countless stories of devotees need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves.

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Bhakti of great bhakta

"Eso priya, eso priya, eso priya he varańiiya, diner sakáshe..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4461)


O' Parama Purusa, O’ my Dear, adorable One, please come before me in the daytime - in my moments of happiness and joy. By Your grace, my eyes shower tears for You day and night - all the 24hrs in bhakti. I long for You each and every second. I want to realise You in this life itself - not after death.

O’ Parama Purusa, my most revered, kindly bring Yourself before me amidst the beautiful, sweet full-moon. I am requesting Your to enter in my mind - in that spiritually intoxicating, honey-percolating, ecstatic ambience. Arrive in the divine land of song, dance, tune, and melody. O’ my Dearest we will be together forever there.

Parama Purusa, Baba, lift me up from dungeon of staticity and establish me in mahabhava forever; and, make me forget everything by Your heart-satiating smile, and grace me so I may be fully ensconced in Brahma bhava. I surrender and offer my mind unto You. Please accept it. O’ my most Near, I am asking for You to come to me with Your most captivating and heart-pouring smile...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Behind the dark veil

Ananda Marga philosophy: "Question – Why is everything in the communist countries done under the dark veil of the iron curtain?"

"Answer – Because they are conscious of the inherent defects and loopholes in their system and they do not want the world to know what they are doing." (1)

Note: A similar thing is going on in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha these days. To hide their hypocrisy group leaders do like this.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Questions and Answers [on Society] – 4, Question #12

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

पेड़ों के फूलों की मुस्कान से मधुरस के झरने बह रहे हैं।

प्रभात संगीत 0133 : तुम्हारे शुभ जन्म दिवस का भव्य अवसर


हे मेरे परमपुरुष! तुम्हारे दिव्य जन्मदिन के शुभ अवसर पर ऊषाकाल की लालिमा प्रत्येक क्षण नये नये रूपमें दिखाई देती है। हे परमपुरुष! तुम्हारे शुभ जन्मदिन का यह भव्य अवसर है।

आज आकाश  और वायु अमृत छलक रहा  है, आनन्द के आप्लावन से मदहोषश मेरा हृदय किसी अज्ञात स्वर्गिक स्थान की ओर तैरने लगता है। आज तुम्हें पाने के आनन्द के लय पर चिंतन करते हुए, मेरा मन मधुर स्मृतियों में भर जाता है। हे परमपुरुष! बाबा, आज तुम्हारे शुभ जन्मदिन का यह भव्य अवसर है।

आज नीले आकाश में और मंद समीर में पक्षियों का गान जारी है। पेड़ों के फूलों की मुस्कान से मधुरस के झरने बह रहे हैं। इन सबके माध्यम से मैंने तुम्हें अपने हृदय के अंदर पा लिया है, यह तुम्हारी

कृपा है , यह तृम्हारी कृपा है। हे परमपुरुष! हे बाबा! यह आनन्दपूर्णिमा तुम्हारा शुभ जन्म दिवस है, मैं तुम्हारे चरण कमलों में समर्पित हॅूं। (1)

1. Trans: Dr. T.R.S.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why true sadhakas are rare

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Suppose there is a virtuous discussion going on somewhere. If you invite two hundred people to this discussion, you will find that only sixty invitees have turned up, at the most. Out of these participants about ten or twelve people at most listen with patience and devotion to the talks; and out of these listeners, only some properly understand the subject discussed. Then again, out of this small group that has understood, only a very few may retain in their minds what they have understood. Lastly, only one or two persons of this last group may practice in their daily lives what they have learnt and understood. This is only due to the clash between vidyá and avidyá in the mind, and in this clash the triumph of avidyá or the extroversive force means running from the introversive bent of vidyá. It is because of the saḿskaras of animality that the introversive momentum is rare in the average human mind. The sensuous desires of avidyá continue to infiltrate into every thought process. Such a situation continues for a long time in a sádhakas life.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Shreya & Preya

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Harming vs. helping the child

An important submission. Well written well done.
I too did not make the effort inspire my boy. He is a great 44 year old man and my best friend  now but no sadhana .
I made a BIG mistake.
The sister makes a spot-on valid point below. If our children aren't practicing their sadhana in their early middle and late youth..they will not somehow magically begin when they are adults.
Those of you who are being lax...take heed please.
For your children's spiritual progress is at stake. This is the most important duty and responsibility of a Mother and a Father.
Keep in mind what BABA said..first sadhana becomes a habit and then that habit becomes your nature. By example..your nature can become your children's and generations to come natures.

Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Harming vs. helping the child