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Thursday, August 9, 2018

Clown Dhruva: lazy sadhana


Clown Dhruva: lazy sadhana


Acarya Diary guides us that if one’s spine is bent then the kundalini will not be able to rise up. And that is what needs to happen in sadhana. The kundalinii resides in the muladhara cakra at the base of the spine. And when doing mantra japa, then the kundalini awakens. And if mantra japa continues then kundalini rises towards the sahasrara cakra.

But if one's spine is bent or curved, as shown in the below photo, then the pathway of the kundalinii is blocked and sadhana becomes useless. Sadly, the below person (so-called family acarya Dhruva (i.e. Clark Forden) of NY sector) is setting a poor example by hardly even trying to sit properly in sadhana. His spine is quite bent.

~ Below is Lazy Clark Forden in Sadhana ~

~ Above is Lazy Clark Forden in Sadhana ~

Baba’s directive is to sit with an erect spine preferably in padmasana. Those who want their sadhana to be fruitful should sit properly. Not only that, if someone near you is not sitting properly then their existential vibration will hurt you as well. Sincere sadhakas should watch in dharmacakra and if someone is obviously sleeping or sitting with a bent spine, then that person should be awakened and they should sit erect. Because posture is the most fundamental aspect of doing sadhana properly, as per Caryacarya. The central idea is that first and foremost one should sit in the proper posture for sadhana and then try to do the various steps.

#1: In the Senior Acarya Diary chapter on Iishvara pranidhana, section - “shuddhis”, Baba is describing that when sitting in meditation (padmasana, siddhasana, viirasana) one must keep the back straight so that the kundalini can the passage to rise upward from muladhara to sahasrara.
#2: Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "They should be taught to sit in padmásana [lotus posture], but instead of interlocking the fingers, they may rest one palm upon the other; and keep the spine erect.." (Caryacarya-1, The Process of Initiation)
#3: Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Tailless apes can be taught sádhaná after some effort. The tailed bipeds will not be able to do sádhaná like the tailless bipeds because the backbone of the tailed bipeds, containing the controlling points of the five fundamental factors, does not come in one line. The controlling points fall on a curved line, hence they cannot perform sádhaná properly.” (Yoga Psychology, The Human Body Is a Biological Machine)
#4: Ananda Marga philosophy states,” Mono-sided, straight or erect beings can perform sádhaná very well because all the five controlling points of the fundamental factors fall on a straight line....You see how fortunate you are to have a human biological structure. You have got a human frame. Humans should be obliged to Supreme Consciousness for this favour.” (Yoga Psychology, The Human Body Is a Biological Machine)
#5: Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The one who has followed the straight path of the sus'umna' canal upwards becomes one with Parama Purus'a." (Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Vishiśt́ádvaetaváda (Discourse 16))
#6: Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Ujure uju cháŕi ná leo re báḿka. The word “uju” in Saḿskrta is derived from the Saḿskrta word “rju”. “Rju” means straight. The meaning of this line is “don’t accept the crooked path rejecting the straight one”. That is, just proceed along the path of “suśumná” not along the path of “id́á” and “piuṋgalá”.” (Ananda Marga Karma Yoga in a Nutshell, “Kurvanneveha Karmmáńi”)

In Him,
Michael Jensen