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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Upcoming sadistic occasion + 3 more

Upcoming sadistic occasion


There is a tradition in some countries like the US to perform pranks or practical jokes on April Fools Day. The only motive is to startle and harass the next person by conveying horrifying, concocted news to them. In turn, the prankster derives sadistic pleasure by seeing the traumatic reaction that news has caused the other party.

In the human mind there are fifty main vrttis. And these fifty vrttis fall in two categories: positive and negative. And amongst the negative vrttis, some are extremely bad. And one of those very extremely bad and negative ones is the sadistic mentality. To harass and mentally torture others by making pranks is the work of a sadistic mentality. Those who indulge in this and enjoy seeing others suffer are demons in human form. Ananda Margiis are sadhus. They feel other’s suffering as their own. So they cannot create problems for others. Rather they want to solve people’s problems. It is absolutely unthinkable for them to play a prank on someone.

“The police are impounding your vehicle”

Here below it is shown how this venomous propensity takes form to harass others:

#1: Mark walks up to Jason and says, “Hey, you own that black vehicle that is parked behind the building - right?” Then Jason replies in the affirmative, and Mark responds, “Well, you better do something quick because right now the police are impounding your vehicle.”

#2: Or they say, “I am very sorry to inform you that your son was found unconscious in the bottom of the swimming pool and he is now in the hospital.”

#3: Or they say, “There was a company recall on the food that you just ate. I am sorry I did not tell you earlier. It was announced all over the radio. People are dying of food contamination from this product.”

As an April Fools joke or prank, people say all sorts of untrue, outrageous things to others. In turn, the victim, or recipient of those outlandish claims, becomes unnerved and worried. And, with their heart beating fast, they become overwhelmed by anxiety and fear. And then the joker - upon seeing that their prank was successful - will cry out, “April Fools!!”

And not just on April Fools Day, but at various times people perform such types of pranks on others. Most often they do it with their close people, i.e. those who completely trust them. Because a prank works best when the person has implicit faith and trust in you. Such pranks are naively looked upon as being funny, or mischievous etc. The reality is that all these types of pranks are very harmful as they undermine a person’s trust. They erode that most basic human quality that is needed to form a bond between two people.

Punched by thugs on a dark night

For instance, Johnny was pulling pranks on his bosom buddy Kenny over and over again, until Kenny finally lost all trust on Johnny. And then look what happened when these following incidents transpired:

(A) One night when Johnny was cycling home from work, thieves attacked Johnny and punched him in the stomach numerous times and left him by the roadside. Johnny was keen to go home and see his bosom buddy Kenny and recount to him the horrors that he (Johnny) had been through. With the hope and expectation of finding solace and a sympathetic ear, Johnny speedily arrived home. Johnny was anxious to see Kenny and called out to him and they sat down together. With full feeling, Johnny conveyed to Kenny all that had happened and how terrible it was. And Johnny requested Kenny to accompany him to the police station to file a report. But, alas, Kenny did not believe one word of what Johnny said. All because Kenny thought this was yet another of Johnny's pranks.

(B) After a few months, on the first of February, Kenny lost his wallet and asked Johnny about its whereabouts. Johnny replied that he had no idea where Kenny’s wallet was. Kenny did not believe Johnny. Rather, Kenny was quite frustrated and irritated with Johnny's response. And the dominant thought in Kenny's mind was that, "Johnny hid my wallet somewhere." Kenny figured that this was yet another one of Johnny's useless and foolish pranks. Since that day their friendship dissolved and they moved apart.

What is the operating factor? In the past Johnny did many pranks to Kenny and in result Kenny lost all trust in Johnny. And that distrust divided them and made them suspicious of each other. Such is the deleterious effect of pranks.


This sadistic propensity has no positive quality. Verily it is painful and bad from beginning to end. It harms others and ultimately creates suspicion and distrust amongst people. And one day, if some serious incident really does happen, then people think that the next person is joking. Just like the boy who always cried wolf and then when the wolf really came nobody believed him. So these types of pranks are very bad and one should never do them.

In Him,
(Tom Edwards)

These types of pranks fall within the realm of avidya tantra as their sole intent is to cause harm to others.

~ In-depth study ~

Our Ananda Marga is focused on building a bright, new human society. And for that, maximum trust between people is indispensable. And trust is built and maintained in all kinds of small and big ways. It takes time to build trust, yet it can be shaken and destroyed with pranks.

These days materialism has come to the forefront, and with that people have become highly suspicious with one another. All trust has been lost as people will do and say anything to get ahead of others on the point of material wealth and prestige etc. Even neighbors may not trust one another. Such is the ill effect of materialism. The very basic building block of humanity is lost.

As Ananda Margiis, we are to be lighthouses for a life based on human unity - where people have inherent trust in their fellow human beings. And for that we have to develop ourselves in ourselves in all sorts of ways, and especially through sadhana and service. And we have to conduct ourselves in all kinds of ways that engender trust. And that means refraining from and not supporting any type of prank or practical joke.

Sadguru Baba says that dharma must even be reflected in our humour.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “When the tendency towards acquisition in the physical world is extremely strong, people’s tendency to assimilate spiritual or intellectual things is usually noticeably weaker...Separated by the iron walls of suspicion, people cannot trust each other. The present-day materialism has brought humanity to this predicament. Its consequences are dreadful.” (1)

Ananda Marga Vanii states, “People have great expectations from their fellow human beings. In order to fulfil those expectations, go on working without the least respite. Remember that a healthy human society, free from exploitation, hatred and malice, must be built. In this great task, the blessings of Parama Puruśa are sure to be with you.” (2)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva’s Teachings – 1 (continued) (Discourse 10)
2. Ananda Vanii #35

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Together forever

"Eso priya, eso priya, eso priya he varańiiya, diner sakáshe..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4461)


O’ Parama Purusa, my dear, adorable One, please come before me in the daytime - in my moments of happiness and joy. By Your grace, my eyes shower tears for You day and night - all the 24hrs in bhakti. I long for You each and every second. I want to realise You in this life itself - not after death.

O’ Parama Purusa, my most revered, kindly bring Yourself before me amidst the beautiful, sweet full-moon. I am requesting You to enter in my heart - in that spiritually intoxicating, honey-percolating, ecstatic ambience. Arrive in the divine land of song, dance, tune, and melody. My Dearest we will be together forever there.

O’ Parama Purusa, Baba, lift me up from the dungeon of staticity and establish me in maha bhava forever; and, make me forget everything by Your heart-satiating smile, and grace me so I may be fully ensconced in Brahma bhava. I surrender and offer my mind unto You. Please accept it. My most Near, I am asking You to come to me with Your most captivating and heart-pouring smile...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Shockingly dangerous people

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The vanity expressed by the so-called civilized human beings of today is extremely dangerous. These people hide the cruder propensities of the mind under the cloak of sweet words and decent behaviour. They are more harmful to the well-being of the human race than the so-called uncivilized humans, because they are hypocrites. The defects of the uncivilized humans pale into insignificance before their abominable hypocrisy. The uncivilized humans of the past may have killed twelve people at most in the battles they fought with bows, arrows, sticks and spears, but the so-called civilized human beings of today kill millions of unarmed, innocent people indiscriminately with their dreadful and lethal weapons. Human society of today is being exploited by the so-called civilized people. Such people should not make themselves look ridiculous by claiming otherwise.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Struggle and Progress

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Prout against capital punishment

Prout philosophy states, “You know that nothing is perfect in this universe of relativity. So it is quite natural that the judicial system of the world, whether in the past, present or future, can never be perfect. Therefore nobody should be given capital punishment on the basis of this imperfect system.”
“Each and every individual, whether they are a criminal or not, can claim a chance to rectify their conduct from the society. So in PROUT’s legal structure everybody should get ample scope for rectifying their character and conduct. If a person is condemned to capital punishment, he or she won’t get such scope, so PROUT denounces this sort of punishment.”
“But in very special cases, where a person has become a demon and is going against the collective interest and there is no chance of rectification, circumstances may arise which warrant capital punishment. For example, during war this exception may sometimes be permissible. But generally we should not support this punishment on principle. Punishment should be appropriate to the offense.” (1)
1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Who is aware of their intellectual limitations

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Undeveloped human beings consider themselves to be very intelligent and thus at every step they invite innumerable obstacles in the material world. Later on, after climbing some rungs up the ladder of evolution, they realize form the core of their hearts the hollowness of their psychic capabilities. It is the natural rule of the universe that those who possess immense knowledge are quite conscious of their intellectual limitations, whereas people with superficial knowledge think just the opposite. The genuine way of learning for seekers of knowledge is to consider always that they know nothing.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 10, The Cardinal Spirit of Action and the Supreme Stance of Devotion

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

ৰার-ৰার ভাবলে
“মন্ত্র জিনিসটা আসলে হচ্ছে কি ? আমি উপায় না পেয়ে, ইংরেজিতে মন্ত্রের জন্য incantation শব্দটা ব্যবহার করেছি | কারণ যদি মূল ৰাংলা ব্যবহার করতাম, তাহলে মন্ত্র-শব্দটাই ব্যবহার করতাম | কারণ, ইংরেজি incantation শব্দটা ঠিক মন্ত্রের প্রতিভু নয় | ইংরেজিতে বা Roman-এ আমি ঠিক উপযুক্ত শব্দ কোনও খুঁজে পাইনি | Incantation শব্দটা হচ্ছে এমন কোনও একটা জিনিস যা মানুষ ৰার-ৰার ব্যবহার করে | এর ৰেশি কিছু ৰলা যায় না | কিন্তু সংস্কৃত বা ৰাংলা মন্ত্র শব্দটার মানে ৰলা হচ্ছে-- “মননাৎ তারয়েৎ যস্তু সঃ মন্ত্রঃ পরিকীর্ত্তিতঃ” | যাকে মনন করলে অর্থাৎ ৰার-ৰার ভাবলে, মানুষ ত্রাণের রাস্তা পেয়ে যায়, তাই  হ'ল মন্ত্র |” (1)

1. Morning General Darshan, 14 Nov 1979, Silchar, W.B

== Section 3: Links ==